View Full Version : Pathfinder The alchemist's debauchery.

2018-01-11, 06:01 PM
Greetings members of the playground!

I've been stalking the forums un-named and now come out for a bit of creative fun with you fine people!

I'm in need of some idea for the following setting:

I'm preparing a Promethean Alchemist for a RP heavy game. The DM's quite clear about this, combat will be rare. With the DM's approval, every player has the choice to be part of the low, middle and high class. She'll be the descendant of a long line of magic savvy inventors, which sadly ends with her. Unlike her father and grandfather, she's no sorcerer or wizard, but rather a science oriented inventor. She lives in the family manor with her mother (who drinks away her sorrow at the loss of her husband). Although the family inventions still bring in some gold, incomes are getting slim. The alchemist can still enjoy a few pleasures of the high life but she need to be creative to supply her experiments.

As a way to start her inventing streak, she creates her first piece of art : her humonculus companion. In a magic heavy setting were constructs are quite rare, she challenges herself with the idea of creating a construct that would blend in with society, live emotions and eventually evolve on it's own. Being a bit narcissistic (high charisma and intellect, low wisdom), she literally creates a living copy of herself, a twin if you will. With the help of some makeup (high disguise skill) and a bit of teaching, she transforms the humonculus in a living, feeling and surprisingly loving friend.

At some point, the humonculus finds interest in the city watch. As she seems interested in joining, the alchemist follows. So during the day the humonculus does her best to be part of society while the alchemist follows and takes notes and at night, it's back to the manor to have some fun. While a scientist at hearth, the alchemist has a penchant for debauchery. The DM introduced the drawback trait:

Whenever you spend a day without gaining reward or treasure (at least 10 or more gold pieces) or spending an hour on entertainment or pleasure, attempt a DC 20 Fortitude save at the end of that day. If you fail, you begin the next day fatigued. This fatigue lasts 4 hours, or until you receive a reward or sufficient entertainment or pleasure.

So now, the interesting part, I need ideas of wacky experiments you would have with your humonculus if you were the alchemist. With the idea that the humonculus can be affected by the Polypurpose Panacea extract, means there's opportunities to be had! Other than to get freaky under the covers, she needs ideas to tests and teach her creation. With a long list at my disposal, some random visits to my character's mansion could end up with a clueless character interrupting a different ongoing experiment each time. I've already had a few ideas come to mind to get the ball rolling:

- With the use of the panacea, have the humonculus paint while under the effect either on her own, with the alchemist or on the alchemist (using bodypaint crafted with scraps). To test her creativity and how it's affected by the panacea.
- Strap a vegetable or fruit to the alchemist's forehead and challenge the humonculus to bite it off without touching it with her hands. To test her reflexes and give the alchemist a bloody good cardio workout. It could help test the humonculus's synthetic organs.

Imagine a random character stopping by and having the alchemist open the front door painted from head to toe or with a half eaten cucumber strapped on her head.

2018-01-11, 06:55 PM
The brewkeeper (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/prestige-classes/other-paizo/a-b/brewkeeper/) prestige class would be very fitting for such a character.

Also, abuse the crap out of the extract tears to wine (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/t/tears-to-wine/)Get drunk AND smart.

2018-01-12, 06:09 AM
Wouldn't levels in the brewkeeper prestige class halt the evolution of my homunculus?

And tears to wine, I keep hearing the name of that spell at the table but never stopped to check the effects of the spell other than to change any liquid into alcohol. I have to admit, that little bonus to intel and wisdom checks is a real seller!

2018-01-12, 10:09 AM
Ahh yeah you are right. You could boon companion for up to 4 levels in another class.

When you do the math, tears to wine becomes outright insane. It is one cubic foot per 2 levels, and a cubic foot is 7.5 gallons. This translates into a virtually unlimited supply of alcohol, and wine is generally stronger than ale. Now you throw in some polypurpose panacea hallucination with your smart drunk juice, and you can rage ad infinitum for the rest of your life. You can also sell your magical booze to fund further experiments.Buy a bag of holding ASAP to store your hooch.

You will probably want to craft alchemical stuff, namely alchemist kindness so you are never hungover either. At 1 gp, you can make 3 for 1 gold.

If you have seen the show Westworld, it deals a lot with lifelike creations, and would be good inspiration for your character in making your Homonculus very lifelike. If you have not, I highly suggest it. You could even make it an exact duplicate of yourself and be in two places at once(once it can speak of course).