View Full Version : Optimization Statting Tsu

2018-01-11, 09:30 PM
This lovely lady:

https://orig00.deviantart.net/12f2/f/2016/208/7/a/tsuyu_asui___boku_no_hero_academia_by_shukeiart_by _shukei20-dablpv7.jpg

From My Hero Academia.

How would one stat her? The main things I'm looking for is the tongue and jumping.

2018-01-12, 02:32 AM
The Chameleon creature template gives you a 10 foot tongue which can deliver touch spells. It does no damage but since you can apparently flex it and stuff depending on DM you can treat it as a extra arm which while it can't smack it can grab and lift. It also gives you a climb speed and we have seen her stick to walls so that covers most of the abilities in one template.

The template is a +1

The only thing I know to make stupidly high jump checks would be the Leap quality some creatures have.. But if your fine being more Toad then human you could be a anthropomorphic animal. Which uses the anthropomorphic template from savage species.

OR if you somehow can swing it so you don't look like a mantis you could be a Thrii Kreen which is a race from Expanded psionics. But then you deal with two racial hit die and two LA unless you give up your psionics then it becomes a La+1 class..

So yeah filling the tongue and climb speed is easy.. The jumping is the harder part.

2018-01-12, 07:42 AM
So yeah filling the tongue and climb speed is easy.. The jumping is the harder part.
Maybe a Grig (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/sprite.htm) ? +8 racial bonus on Jump checks, but a Tiny Fey with +3 LA

2018-01-12, 08:46 AM
The Chameleon creature template gives you a 10 foot tongue which can deliver touch spells. It does no damage but since you can apparently flex it and stuff depending on DM you can treat it as a extra arm which while it can't smack it can grab and lift. It also gives you a climb speed and we have seen her stick to walls so that covers most of the abilities in one template.

The template is a +1

The only thing I know to make stupidly high jump checks would be the Leap quality some creatures have.. But if your fine being more Toad then human you could be a anthropomorphic animal. Which uses the anthropomorphic template from savage species.Chameleon Creature takes care of "camouflage" and "sticking to walls" aspects, but it's tongue is weak - nowhere near the Tsu's level

And I'm pretty sure Tsu should be afflicted lycanthrope
Killer Frog (Dungeon #126) got Improved Grab with the tongue, Swallow Whole, swim speed, and Hold Breath
Monstrous Frog (Dungeon #82) got Leap - up to 60' horizontally or up to 15' vertically, count as Charge
Can we have them both?
Dunno what's to do with Tsu's poison - Dire Toad is way too deadly (1d6/1d6 Con)

2018-01-12, 08:47 AM
If PF is allowed you could try to refluff either the "Prehensile Hair" Hex of a witch or go directly and refluff a white haired witch for the tongue.

edit: other option would be a monks "attack with a body part" combined with enough reach bonuses^^

2018-01-12, 11:59 AM
There's a demonic graft in Fiend Folio that reduces your speed but grants a +30 to jump checks. I believe it's called springing leg.

2018-01-16, 01:15 PM
Chameleon Creature takes care of "camouflage" and "sticking to walls" aspects, but it's tongue is weak - nowhere near the Tsu's level

And I'm pretty sure Tsu should be afflicted lycanthrope
Killer Frog (Dungeon #126) got Improved Grab with the tongue, Swallow Whole, swim speed, and Hold Breath
Monstrous Frog (Dungeon #82) got Leap - up to 60' horizontally or up to 15' vertically, count as Charge
Can we have them both?
Dunno what's to do with Tsu's poison - Dire Toad is way too deadly (1d6/1d6 Con)

I'd say killer frog + chameleon template, but unfortunately lycanthropes don't keep the animal's special attacks in hybrid form, so no improved grab, swallow whole or tongue. I'd maybe use a ninja 5/monk 2/ninja spy 3 for lots of jumping goodness and some hard-hitting kicks and cameo (invisibility). Ninja spy's acrobatics + ninja's great leap + killer frog's racial +8 to jump and max ranks in jump easily let you hit 40+ DC, so you can leap like nobody's business.
Not sure what to do about the poison though. Isn't that more of an acid attack anyway?

2018-01-16, 01:52 PM
I'd say killer frog + chameleon template, but unfortunately lycanthropes don't keep the animal's special attacks in hybrid form, so no improved grab, swallow whole or tongue.Black Blood Hunter 3 :smallwink: