View Full Version : Creating your own skeleton monster?

2018-01-13, 05:32 AM
I'm not a 100% sure if this is the right location since my memory is kinda hazy.But, I remember playing a table top game (Gamers help me) and it was either Dnd or Pathfinder. What I remember clearly is there was a feat and/or a spell that together allowed you to create your own skeleton.

Now when i say create I don't mean raise X Hd per level monster. I mean just as if you wanted a 4 armed skeleton you can have it! but first you need to find 2 corpses (or make them yourself) and then create the body. Now the more fancier the body i.e arm/legs/built in Armor etc. the more corpses you needed to operate/create the finished project.

Now the big issue is I cant find it for 3.5 or pathfinder. ive looked into the core and the expanded and I'm not sure if i some how ran into a 3rd party book by mistake way back when so I was hoping if I tossed my Hat in (figuratively since i hate hats) Someone may have ran into it or read about it while looking up necromancer Feats or spells etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated if any is available


2018-01-13, 05:54 AM
This sounds like the kind of thing you'd find in a necromancy-specific 3rd-party book.

2018-01-13, 02:06 PM
This sounds like the kind of thing you'd find in a necromancy-specific 3rd-party book.

Damn. I was hopping i was over looking some book by accident. : ( Much sadness. There goes my 4 armed skeleton minion idea. lol.

Thanks for the input.

2018-01-13, 02:30 PM
Damn. I was hopping i was over looking some book by accident. : ( Much sadness. There goes my 4 armed skeleton minion idea. lol.

Thanks for the input.

find an existing race with 4 arms and kill one and turn it into a skeleton? sounds easier than making one from scratch.

2018-01-13, 02:33 PM
find an existing race with 4 arms and kill one and turn it into a skeleton? sounds easier than making one from scratch.

Doesn't that depend on how common four-armed people are in the game world? I mean, even if you're allowing everything from D&D or Pathfinder, there aren't all that many four-armed races.

2018-01-13, 03:51 PM
Doesn't that depend on how common four-armed people are in the game world? I mean, even if you're allowing everything from D&D or Pathfinder, there aren't all that many four-armed races.

I'm suddenly imagining a necromancer in a pith helmet going with a party into a secluded jungle or rain forest, hoping to find the mysterious Girallon for just this purpose.

2018-01-13, 04:48 PM
Thri-Kreen seem like they'd be easier to find and kill.

2018-01-13, 04:55 PM
Thri-Kreen seem like they'd be easier to find and kill.

Do the Thri-Kreen... have skeletons?

Are exo-skeletons good enough?

2018-01-13, 05:09 PM
Exoskeletons are still considered skeletons for most porpoises

2018-01-13, 05:32 PM
Pathfinder Necrocraft (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Necrocraft) has you covered.

2018-01-13, 08:25 PM
Pathfinder Necrocraft (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Necrocraft) has you covered.

Alternatively, Libris Mortis does have the Graft Flesh feat for 3.5e (basically boils down to a craft item feat for limbs).

Maybe not quite as expansive as Necrocraft (which sounds awesome), but it allows for modification of existing undead.

2018-01-13, 11:49 PM
Pathfinder Necrocraft (http://www.archivesofnethys.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Necrocraft) has you covered.

That looks like what i was thinking about! Thank you man!

not 100% what i was thinking it was but it is what i was trying to remember more or less. Derp brain

2018-01-14, 09:48 AM
That looks like what i was thinking about! Thank you man!

not 100% what i was thinking it was but it is what i was trying to remember more or less. Derp brain

You are very welcome. In my extended sig there's a linked Pathfinder Undead Options thread with a post about the failings of the Necrocraft process and how they could be patched as well.

If you plan to use them I highly recommend giving it a read through.