View Full Version : Pathfinder Frozen spells - playground, hook me up!

2018-01-13, 12:21 PM
First of all, if my PCs are reading this - get out.

Alright, playground, I need some advice for an upcoming battle.

Background: My PCs have spent the better part of 3 sessions hunting down a tuning fork, attuned to what they call the "Quasi-Elemental plane of Ice" so they can get in, get an artifact that was hidden there, and get out via Plane Shift.

Of course, it's going to be guarded by minions of the BBEG. However, thats not important. What's important is that in this plane, it's so ridiculously cold that raw emotions and spells without the cold descriptor freeze in place, and sure enough, there are several of these frozen emotions and spells around the artifact. Of course, the ensuing battle/curiosity might break the ice incasing them and release the spells/emotions to affect the players.

What I need from you is ideas for emotion spells and effects that can be released. I'm trying to think of emotions that might accompany creatures and beings who, coming to this plane unprepared realize that their fate is to die here. They underestimated the plane and its severity. So, please respect the theme and idea here in your suggestions.

Relevant information:

When the Planeshift effects ends, you are disoriented. The sights are so white and bright that making out the details of your surroundings are very difficult. You have been deposited on snow – before you ice and snowdrifts, tower into the sky. And you lose sight of them, because the whiteness of the drifts, matches perfectly the whiteness of the air above you.
You are cold. The frost almost seems sentient, as standing still causes it to crawl up your legs, and sap the heat from you. You’ve almost no sensation left in your fingers. Frostbite is quickly setting in.
The smell here is strange, strange in that there is no scent. Just pureness so frigid that it hurts to breathe.
As an outsider to this plane, you know two things instinctively. The first is that remaining here for too long means that death is inevitable, and the second is that anything that lives here must be extremely strong to survive.
You see several medium sized statues made of what looks to be crystal around you. Directly ahead of you and behind the crystal statues lies a pedestal of some glittering metal incased in rime

Immunity to Ice is negated, and the cold deals 20 points of cold damage per minute. All players not previously planar adapted are exhausted.
Spells without the cold descriptor fall harmlessly to the ground.
Planar adaptation negates these effects, but does not relieve the exhaustion if PA is cast after entering the plane.

“This statue seems to be a raw emotion frozen in time and space – pure terror” Dealing 15 pts of damage to this ice statue releases “Weird” on the nearest PC, spreading to others as the spell. Touching the statue, instead casts Phantasmal Killer on only the PC touching it.

You create a phantasmal image of the most fearsome creature imaginable (in this case, a slow death caused by your own stupidity - underestimating the plane's level of cold and not being prepared) to the subject simply by forming the fears of the subject’s subconscious mind into something that its conscious mind can visualize: this most horrible beast. Only the spell’s subject can see the phantasmal killer. You see only a vague shape. The target first gets a Will save DC28 to recognize the image as unreal. If that save fails, the phantasm touches the subject, and the subject must succeed on a Fortitude save DC28 or die from fear. Even if the Fortitude save is successful, the subject takes 3d6 points of damage, is stunned for 1 round and takes 1d4 str damage.
If the subject of a phantasmal killer attack succeeds in disbelieving and possesses telepathy or is wearing a helm of telepathy, the beast can be turned away.

So, I need several of these. They can be similar to haunts in effect or spells, it doesn't matter. I just need a few of these to litter the battlefield.

FYI, my PCs are level 18 and geared with above average WBL.

Have fun playground, and thanks!

2018-01-13, 02:07 PM
Monster Manual III has a Living Spell creature template which can be applied to spells - a kind of ooze created from magical energy that was unable to dissipate, and instead coalesced into a sentient creature. Each attack from the Living Spell applies the normal effect of the spell that the creature was created from to its target. Rather than simply applying the spell's effect on the party after they break the ice, you might instead release the spell as an actual creature for them to deal with.

As for emotions...

Good Hope

Crushing Grief
Love's Lament

Mindless Rage (Treated as though cast by the nearest creature)