View Full Version : [IC] Your lot in life - a D&D5 game of random characters

2018-01-15, 08:02 AM
Everfroth is the furtherst city on the northeast corner of the Arllis continent.

This is a city of halflings founded by a guild of brewers. Against all odds, the halflings of Everfroth have built a thriving city, with a strong economy based on the production and trade of ale. And the ale of Everfroth is truly fantastic, the envy of any dwarf!

But dispite all the ale, the cheerful perspective on life shared by all halflings is getting on your nerve.
“Wassa-len, milord, Wassa-len, milady!” If you hear this Halfling hail one more time, you might throw one of these half-sized rufians off a cliff. It means “happiness be with you”, a common greeting in the Halfling culture. And they refer to every stranger as milord or milady, no matter their origin, which gets annoying quite fast.

It is the spring, but for Everfroth spring means the rainy season. It rains every day, the entire day. You have been in this city for a week, and are yet to see the sun.

Which begs the question: What has brought you to this place?

You’ve booked passage in a ship from the south, or hopped on the bag of a wagon returning to carry barrels of ale southward, because the mayor of Everfroth has issued a call for heroes. The city is in need of competent adventurers and the prospect of earning gold or simply fighting against forces of evil has lured you into this remote corner of the world.

The mayor is an old Halfling woman named Annabel Synth. She is reputed wise and fair. But she was out of town when you arrived and you have been waiting for your audience with her.

And so, you find yourself with nothing to do, waiting in the half-barrel tavern, located at the also named half-barrel square, in the center of Everfroth, just a few feet from the mayor’s manor.


The half-barrel square:

A group of Goliath is sitting at a makeshift table outside the half-barrel tavern. On close inspection, the “table” is actually a large wagon turned upside down. It was put outside because these particular individuals are too tall and too large to fit inside.
There’s three of them. They all have shaved heads, tribal tattoos on their faces and wear the identical long cloaks made out of white feathers. They eat and drink in complete silence, out in the rain.
The Halfling of the city who are usually cheerful and friendly are actively avoiding the three goliath.

Across the market square, a young human artist is trying to sell paintings to the passerby, but the locals don’t seem too thrilled with the wares.


The adventurers:

You have all seen each other around town. (it's quite easy to spot out-of-towners here. Even Ondria who is a halfling doesn't really blend in, for she comes of a different sub-race).

How do you occupy your time while waiting for the mayor?

Do you mingle with the locals?

Do you seek the company of other adventurers introducing yourself?

Or do you brood by your loneself squeezed in a corner stool of the half-barrel tavern?

2018-01-15, 09:41 AM
For entire morning, Aelar aimlessly strolled across city streets unconsciously noting locations of shops, guilds... Merchant Guild... perhaps he should swallow his pride and get another credit. Another debt to pay... Another wassa-len.
Aelar already hated this town.
Noisy petty locals. Terrible roads. Senile mayors. Trading opportunities which he gonna miss because... Not now Aelar, not now. And rain: heavy, depressing, clingy and irritating as average halfling, permeated by smell of bloody barley and cheap booze.

Suddenly young elf found himself at square market. For third time. Bloody hell, why he constantly returns to this place? Matter of habit? After all he didn't even had anything to sale or buy. Or...
For a time, he watched someone who caught his attention: human who tried to sell some daubs or... paintings? Aelar silently sighed, straightening shoulders and with wide friendly smile on his lips finally approached artist.

2018-01-15, 10:13 AM
Bogdana is waiting patiently in the half barrel inn, taking a seat at one of the tables. Mingling was never her strong point, so she instead decided to order a drink and sit down with a book instead. The drink she asked for is oddly not any of the well renown brews at all though, it is simply a cup of water. The elite royal guard had more than a couple of paladins among their ranks, so it was only natural that she began to pick up some of their habits. She is currently studying the shamnic rituals and rites of the local Goliath tribes, preparing for the circumstances that she might be brought into conflict or forced to negotiate with them. It’s not that she is distrustful of them, quite the contrary actually as such Druidic tribes are usually very helpful in apprehending rogue wizards, it is just that she always tries to be ready for dangerous circumstances and having a run in with them seems like the most likely occurrence.

Bogdana actually is not that frustrated by everyone calling her milady so much. She is a noble after all, so she probably spent her developing years being called that by almost everyone. Of course, that decreased in frequency after she joined the guard and started talking to the other members, but she was still accustomed to it. It would be hard to actually notice her as a noble though with her current appearance and bearing though. She is more likely to be mistaken for a hunter than the daughter of a wealthy military general at this point.

In her younger years she probably would be a bit more brooding, but she sees no point in doing that now that she has spent over 25 years now in similar situations. Although Bogdana is not really talking at that much, she is not exactly sitting in the darkest corner of the room persay trying to make herself seem edgier than she really is. If anyone decides to interact with her than she willl speak with them, but Bogdana will otherwise remain silent.

2018-01-15, 12:24 PM
Ija is curious about the three goliaths. They seem to be a taciturn sort, but she'll see if they're receptive to visitors. So, she approaches them, asking May I join you?

2018-01-15, 02:41 PM
Rorshak currently inside of the Tavern, drinking a cheap ale he can only describe as swill. He's been in this "happy happy joy joy" city for too long waiting for this mayor, he's ready to make some money.
Looking around the bar he sees many of the generic halflings getting drunk at tables, but no one catches his eye more than the Human who is towers above the halflings and even himself. He's curious if she wandered into town for the same reasons as himself.
He begins to scan the tavern once more, checking to make sure it's all clear to sneak off, as he's very eager to get some better tasting beer but he definitely doesn't plan on paying for expensive beer. Perhaps if he could procure a second drink (1 for himself as well), this woman would be very willing to talk with him.

Ok so i wasn't sure how you wanted to do rolling, either below or IC posts or on the ooc thread. SO yes my plan is to Stealth around the bar, get 2 glasses, fill them up with fairly expensive ale, then slip on over to the table Bogdana is sitting. This is all considering I ACTUALLY roll good enough to sneak and don't get caught behind the bar haha.
So either way, here's a stealth check for you. [roll0]

2018-01-15, 06:53 PM
Rorshak currently inside of the Tavern, drinking a cheap ale he can only describe as swill. He's been in this "happy happy joy joy" city for too long waiting for this mayor, he's ready to make some money.
Looking around the bar he sees many of the generic halflings getting drunk at tables, but no one catches his eye more than the Human who is towers above the halflings and even himself. He's curious if she wandered into town for the same reasons as himself.
He begins to scan the tavern once more, checking to make sure it's all clear to sneak off, as he's very eager to get some better tasting beer but he definitely doesn't plan on paying for expensive beer. Perhaps if he could procure a second drink (1 for himself as well), this woman would be very willing to talk with him.

Ok so i wasn't sure how you wanted to do rolling, either below or IC posts or on the ooc thread. SO yes my plan is to Stealth around the bar, get 2 glasses, fill them up with fairly expensive ale, then slip on over to the table Bogdana is sitting. This is all considering I ACTUALLY roll good enough to sneak and don't get caught behind the bar haha.
So either way, here's a stealth check for you. [roll0]

I am going to assume that Rorshak succeeded in stealing the drinks, otherwise we can retcon Bogdana's following actions

Bogdana, noticing the dwarf sit down at the table next to her, wordlessly places a sheaf of paper in the book she was reading before closing it and putting it off to the side of the table. Her first impulse tells her to discreetly draw her dagger out and hide it in her hand just in case, but she resists the urge to do so. Sizing up the dwarf she believes that if it really comes down to violence he could probably take him down with fisticuffs if needed (its not like she would know that Rorshak could transform into a bear) and does not need to resort to traumatizing the syrupy halflings in the tavern. She really has no reason to distrust the dwarf, but 25 years of experience have always taught her to take precautions. When the dwarf offers her some beer she shakes her head at the gesture "No thank you, I do not really drink". She slowly taps her fingers against the wood board in a pensive manner before continuing. "Hello. Is there something you needed from me?" Her words seem polite, but they are said in a deadpan monotone. She knows very little about this dwarf, so she decides to reserve judgement for him and instead give him the typical formal greeting which is neither aggressive nor friendly. The only sign of Bogdana's emotions are the slothful tapping of the table, indicating a noticeable but negligible sense of annoyance.

2018-01-15, 07:22 PM
Ondria sits sullenly near the side of the tavern, nursing a mug of ale that she sips out of occasionally, watching her glaringly cheerful kin scurry about like rats and reflecting on how she got here. Her years as a scout were supposed to strengthen her, but instead they left her with broken spirits and a weak body unable to handle spirits. Then the military said they didn't want her anymore, and now she's in this dump practically begging for something to do. Oh well...

2018-01-15, 11:03 PM
Rorshak takes a seat across from Bogdana, "Ah fair enough, more for me then I suppose."
He takes large gulps of the ale and tries to cover up a slight burp.
"I don't normally do this, but are you new around here?"
It almost sounds like this random dwarf is trying to hit on you until he pipes up again between chugs of ale, "Possibly come into town about a proposition? I've been waitin' awhile for this dangfangled mayor to pop back into town. I'm itching for some work." and it becomes crystal clear that this dwarf is all about business.

2018-01-15, 11:34 PM
Rorshak takes a seat across from Bogdana, "Ah fair enough, more for me then I suppose."
He takes large gulps of the ale and tries to cover up a slight burp.
"I don't normally do this, but are you new around here?"
It almost sounds like this random dwarf is trying to hit on you until he pipes up again between chugs of ale, "Possibly come into town about a proposition? I've been waitin' awhile for this dangfangled mayor to pop back into town. I'm itching for some work." and it becomes crystal clear that this dwarf is all about business.

Bogdana continues drumming her fingers on the table as her brow furrows. His vagueness of the question indicates that the dwarf is more than a little suspicious. "What do you mean by a proposition? What exactly is it that you me to do?". She gains the compulsion to grab the hilt of her sheathed dagger, but once again keeps her hands on the table. He has not done anything hostile yet, but this is causing her hyper-paranoia to flare up. This seems quite out of the ordinary.

2018-01-16, 12:30 AM
"Well, not quite sure what the job will entail. Heard 'bout the mayor looking fer some adventurers, if I remember correctly. Been waitin' to see what it's all about, might make some coin if the deal seems good."

He finishes the second drink faster than the first, seemingly in a hurry. He sets the mug down, gets out of his seat, and turns to the woman once more before walking away and out the bar, "See you around maybe."

After leaving the tavern, Rorshak heads to the mayor's office nearby to find an assistant who could give him some more info on what time the mayor's arrival will be.

2018-01-16, 07:36 AM

While strolling through the city, Aelar keeps hearing some of the Halflings complaining.

“I hear the earthquake to the east was pretty bad”
“the mayor is hiding it from us”
“now the monsters will rise and those darned Goliath people will invade our city again”

Finally at the market square, Aelar approaches the artist stand.
The man appears to be human, but there is something a bit different about him. With green eyes and very dark skin, the artist wears plain travelling clothes and offers a variety of paintings and other small baubles such as sculptures, necklaces and even tiny flasks of perfume. Nothing Aelar could afford.

The artist sizes you up and says with a hint of disdain “Greetings, elf. Please don’t break anything you can’t afford. I don’t suppose you’d want your picture painted.” A sudden spark of light brightens the man’s eyes and he adds “But since you’re here, perhaps you could… No no no, nevermind that. It would be too dangerous.”

And then a loud commotion is heard from the city gates: a small group of halfling guards come galloping in giant goats splashing mud all around! One of them is carrying an unconscious elderly halfling woman. “Is that the mayor..? Is she hurt?” you hear people exclaim from the square. The guards march onto the mayor manor and disappear inside.

“I better go." Says the artist. "The guards are not too fond of me.” The man quickly folds up his stand and puts away his wares, leaving the square in a hurry. He turns back and tosses you a small rose sculpted out of bone. “If you need a job, come find me at the rose room. They’ll let you in.”

Bogdana, Rorshak and Ondria:

From inside the half-barrel tavern, before the dwarf turns to leave, you hear a loud commotion outside.

If you peek out one of the windows, you’ll see a small group of halfling guards come galloping in giant goats splashing mud all around! One of them is carrying an unconscious elderly halfling woman. “Is that the mayor..? Is she hurt?” you hear people exclaim from the square. The guards march onto the mayor manor and disappear inside.


“Greetings human” The tallest of them mumbles at you. They appear tired from travelling. “My name is Orth and this is my clan. Well at least what’s left of us…” They all have their heads down in sorrow.

They pour you some tea and offer you soup. Other than that, they keep quiet and dismissive of any questions.

And then a loud commotion is heard from the city gates: a small group of halfling guards come galloping in giant goats splashing mud all around! One of them is carrying an unconscious elderly halfling woman. “Is that the mayor..? Is she hurt?” you hear people exclaim from the square. The guards march onto the mayor manor and disappear inside.

The group of Goliath gets up and prepares to leave. “The guards won’t allow us to stay here. The Halflings think we’re cannibals. We are going south of here.”

Before leaving, one of them turns and says “If I were you, I’d leave this town as fast as I could. The monsters are coming.”

2018-01-16, 11:15 AM
Aelar was never good at all this physical things, so when the artist thrown something at him elf wasn't able to caught it. Instead little sculpture avoided his slow left arm, bounced off his chest and fell right into puddle.
Young elf leans, fishes out item from puddle and with help of nifty magic trick (Prestidigitation; If fails cleans it with sleeve. That cleans sleeve with same cantrip) cleans it from mud than thoroughly inspects bauble for a few moments before hiding it in belt pouch. Aelar casts thoughtful glance in direction of retreating artist for last time than heads to mayor's manor to ask people (preferably guards) few questions about what exactly going on.

INT roll to recall if Aelar read, heard or met anything like that sculpture before; especially details about what organizations could use sculptures like this as their symbols.

2018-01-16, 11:27 AM
Bogdana is going to stand up and walk outside of the tavern, slinging her pack onto her back as she strides out. Instead of doing the obvious and running towards the mayor’s manor, she is going to look in the direction that the guards and mayor came from, attempting to see if she can see an aggressor in the distance. Can she an invading tribe or monster horde in the distance?

In case I needed to roll for anything, here are there rolls.

Perception: [roll0]
Investigation: [roll1]

2018-01-16, 01:08 PM
I'm sorry, Ija says to the goliaths. I've heard of your people-maybe not your clan, but from what I know of your race, you a re a strong people. I'll understand if you don't want to stay and fight what destroyed your tribe-but could you tell me what you know of it? Knowledge is power, and power might help save innocent lives in this case.

2018-01-16, 02:01 PM
Upon seeing, who he can only assume is the mayor, being carried into the manor, Rorshak hatches a better plan than 'just asking nicely' and attempts to sneak into the mayor's manor. He tries his best to follow the guards without getting too close for comfort so he may eaves drop on any conversations trying to take place in the adjacent rooms.

And a perception check just to make sure I'm hearing everything I'm able to.

2018-01-16, 07:59 PM
riding goats! ha, that's awesome.

The mayor? Oh, this can't be good... Ondria hops down and heads outside, leaving her mug half-full in the corner. As she looks towards the manor, she notes a couple other strange folk - a dwarf that seems intent on sneaking in and an elf - heading in that direction, while a human stands outside the tavern looking the other way. Perhaps they're here for the same thing? Addressing the human (Bogdana), she asks: "Are you here to see the mayor too? Seems like something bad is going on..."

2018-01-16, 08:26 PM
riding goats! ha, that's awesome.

The mayor? Oh, this can't be good... Ondria hops down and heads outside, leaving her mug half-full in the corner. As she looks towards the manor, she notes a couple other strange folk - a dwarf that seems intent on sneaking in and an elf - heading in that direction, while a human stands outside the tavern looking the other way. Perhaps they're here for the same thing? Addressing the human (Bogdana), she asks: "Are you here to see the mayor too? Seems like something bad is going on..."

Bogdana remains intent on watching the horizon but still addresses the halfling “Yes, I did indeed come here to look for work from the mayor. And it does indeed look like something bad is going on. Keep your eyes open, we might be under attack”. Eventually she turns her eyes towards the halfling and something clicks in her mind. She seems familiar somehow. Have they met before? Perhaps she saw the halfling (Ondria) in a military camp or something along Those lines. The halfling might have been a former soldier she worked alongside on a specific mission “Excuse me, but have we met before? You seem familiar to me? Have you happened to have any encounters with the royal guard?”

2018-01-16, 08:34 PM
"Royal guard? I was a scout in the military for a while, did a few missions with them." She shrugs. "Don't recognize you though, sorry. Name's Ondria; perhaps that may help?" The halfling scans for danger instinctively as she talks, while also looking back towards the mayor's manor for any sign of activity there.

2018-01-16, 08:41 PM
"Royal guard? I was a scout in the military for a while, did a few missions with them." She shrugs. "Don't recognize you though, sorry. Name's Ondria; perhaps that may help?" The halfling scans for danger instinctively as she talks, while also looking back towards the mayor's manor for any sign of activity there.

Bogdana nods silently. "Ondria... the name is not ringing any bells. It does not really matter though I suppose. I apologize, i forgot to introduce myself, my name is Bogdana. It is nice to meet you. It looks like the mayor is going to need our help a little earlier than she expected. If it comes down to it, do you think you can handle yourself in a fight? It looks like it might come down to that." She puts her head back towards the horizon, scanning for threats once again.

2018-01-16, 09:52 PM
The Rose Room is a secret guild hall for heroes and adventurers.

It’s supposed to be very exclusive and impossible to enter without an invitation. You’ve never actually met anyone who has been to the Rose Room and you doubted it even existed.. unitl now. Well, maybe you still have your doubts.

Legend says the tavern doesn’t exist in one particular location, but is instead at its own pocket plane. The only way to find it is to spend a spell slot to activate the rose key and cross a strange door that will materialize wherever you are.

Fighting is strictly prohibited inside the rose room, but it often happens anyways.

Aelar gains 1 inspiration point.

Surely they are fleeing from combat, but whatever they are retreating from didn’t launch in pursuit, meaning the horizon offers no threats.

You notice the riding goats drinking from the street puddles. These animals are usually very well treated, so for them to be drinking dirty water, they must have been riding non-stop for a few days.

You imagine the mayor is stable, but hurt in a way that they had to hurry back.

“Do you take us for cowards, you puny human??” The leader lashes at Ija, misinterpreting her kind words. “Easy, easy, chief Orth, the woman means no offense.” another Goliath intercedes.

“Hmm!! You’re right… I apologize” says Orth. The tall tribe leader explains: “What got to us.. cannot be fought with strength. Our weapons and blows were useless. Our brothers dropped like flies.”

As the goliath speaks, a few Halfling guards start looking distrustful, sizing up the visitors. Ija overhears their whispers “Only three of them this time? Easy kills. Let’s end those ink-head freaks!”

(there’s obviously some bad blood between Halflings and Goliath)

“We really need to go, chief Orth”

“Right.” He replies and turns to Ija “I’m sorry I can’t answer all your questions, young paladin. We have wronged these Halflings in the past. They were kind enough to tolerate us this long. Our fate lies elsewhere.”

“Best of luck to you.” They all say and with that, they depart.

Rorshak approaches the manor gates stealthily, but is surprised by two guards on patrol!

“Wassa-len, milord! I’ve seen you around town before. I trust your pockets are lined with your own possessions this morning. Should we check them?”

the other guard interrupt “Forget about small misdemeanors, the mayor needs help!" He turns to Rorshak "Are you one of the heroes our mayor called out for? Please gather your allies, come with us!”

The first guard looks displeased.

"You better be one of them heroes. And you better have brought your allies with you! Otherwise you'll be spending the night in jail, milord... Again!"

He doesn't believe you're an adventurer and he thinks you're just up to no good again. He thinks the second guard is being too naïve.

2018-01-17, 03:50 AM
Bogdana nods silently. "Ondria... the name is not ringing any bells. It does not really matter though I suppose. I apologize, i forgot to introduce myself, my name is Bogdana. It is nice to meet you. It looks like the mayor is going to need our help a little earlier than she expected. If it comes down to it, do you think you can handle yourself in a fight? It looks like it might come down to that." She puts her head back towards the horizon, scanning for threats once again.

"Well met, Bogdana", Ondria replies. "Fight? Oh, I can do that, yes." The halfling doesn't see anything on the horizon - whatever had hurt the mayor, if it was a thing, seems to not have followed. "Perhaps we should go find out what's going on with the mayor, to see exactly what we'll be fighting?"

2018-01-17, 10:43 AM
"Well met, Bogdana", Ondria replies. "Fight? Oh, I can do that, yes." The halfling doesn't see anything on the horizon - whatever had hurt the mayor, if it was a thing, seems to not have followed. "Perhaps we should go find out what's going on with the mayor, to see exactly what we'll be fighting?"

Bogdana silently nods. "We probably should not talk directly to the mayor, she looks a little impaired at the moment. Maybe one of the guards would be more willing to talk though. Let us wait until they actually bring the mayor to the medicine man though. We would not want to get in the way of them while they are trying to find her a medic."

2018-01-17, 01:05 PM
Rose Room, Rose Room, huh. Rumors and fairy tales comes to be true? Aelar found that curious and quite dangerous (who could say what a maniac or lunatic will wait him there), and that could be just a hoax still elf was going to try magic of Bone Rose until the end of the day. As for now, it was a time to have a pleasant conversation with servants of law.
Aelar smiling casually approaches three halfli... no it two halflings and... dwarf? Not local. Another lone adventurer, sketchy too and in trouble... according to guards. "Doesn't matter", elf mutters to himself after a moment of confusion. "Wassa-len, honorable halflings! And you", exclaims Aelar and adds a dwarven word what means "Stranger". Elf's light accent clearly points at place of origin: Talssen. It problematic to keep friendly smile and talk during such nasty weather but he still manages to ask guards, "I ponder on few questions what only you can answer... Oh, where is my manners, Aelar, Aelar Moongem, 'hero' and adventurer. And you are...?"
When halflings introduces (or refuse to) themselves, he will try to find out if they know anything about what happened with mayor, about incident itself and who knows if they aren't.
If Aelar get same answer as Rorshak:
He turns head to Rorshak and asks,
"Mhm... or as dwarven folk says..., [Dwarven]First come, First served. First to discuss contract and get extra. You in?
If Yes.
Elf tone changes to much more serious while he nods at barely familiar dwarf, "My shy friend here is right... You see, most important members of our group are already here. Alas rest are little busy with your city famous ale - truly a magnificent beverage I shall admit - and will be late. What a shame. But I assure you: two of us are all you and your mayor needs right now.".
If no or utterly failed to impress guards with all this silly words
Elf shrugs, than says aloud, "Well, than I will return soon with rest of 'my team'" and moves away.

Persuade roll to influence guards to reveal information about mayor incident.
Deception roll

2018-01-17, 01:16 PM
"Wassa-len, good sir! But no, It's all about the legitimate business today I can assure you. Please this could be so much easier if you can give me an assessment of the mayor's condition. How did this all happen? Quickly and I may still have time to find the others the mayor sent for." Rorshak can only hope that this disgruntled guard can see through his criminal behavior and realize he's telling the truth; and is truly concerned for the mayor's condition (even if it's only because he probably won't be getting paid anytime soon)

*If (and when) this fails, Roshak turns his head to the Elf that has made his way up to him*
"Ah, Aelar? Another adventurer? Yes I believe you look like you could handle yourself." He says in a monotone voice.
"Totally in.", Roshak quickly adds to Aelar in [Dwarven]

*When the deception ultimately fails*
"Yes. my new Elven comrade, I believe we should try to find the others around town." He turns back to the Halflings, "They shouldn't be too far from here, give us a brief moment"

Rorshak is sure this guard isn't going to believe him even if he did tell the truth, so he is going to try a deception check just to try and make both of them believe it's the truth. [roll0]

EDIT:Weeelllllll......That would be a Natural 1 GM.......do with it as you will i guess HAHAHAHA :eek:

2018-01-17, 08:13 PM
Ija sighs, and wishes them good luck in their travels. As they go, she keeps a careful eye on the halflings, making sure none of them start trouble with the big folk.

2018-01-18, 04:15 PM
One of the city guards approaches the two of you: "Wassa-len, lightfeet cousin."

"...Howdy, human."

"I’m sorry to bother you, but our mayor ordered us to gather all adventurers in town. Would you kindly follow me into the manor? Your abilities are needed!"

The less aggressive of the guards says: "Come with us, the two of you. Our mayor wants to see all the adventurers in town. Will you accept to meet with her?"

The other guard clearly dislikes the dwarf. “I’ll be keeping my eye on you. No stealing inside the manor!”

The Halfling guards approach Ija and say: “Excuse us, milady. Our mayor is in very poor condition and she has ordered us to bring every adventurer in town to meet her. Will you kindly follow us into the manor?"

*Don't feel obligated to go with the guards! You can decline and find other quests more in your taste.

You are lead through the manor gates into a well kept garden where you meet mayor Annabel Synth. She is resting on a bed, surrounded by advisors, guards, healers and concerned relatives.

The flag of Everfroth, a brown field with a mug of frothing ale, waves above the manor.

The mayor appears much older than she is. Her skin is completely wrinkled and she looks frail and withered, as if something has leeched her life energy out of her body.

“Hello, adventurers.. Thank you for coming to our aid.” She speaks in a weakened voice.

She tells a frightening tale about a group of fanatic cultists trying to wake an ancient evil god. Their profane rituals have caused an earthquake in a village to the east of here, unearthing terrible monsters. She was touched by one of the creatures and it drained the life out of her.

“There’s an ancient temple in the vale of winds… There you’ll find the Soothing Flute… If you manage to retrieve this magical item… and play the windsong, the evil monsters will be sent back to the terrible abyss they climbed out of and the harm caused by the cultists will be undone..”

“This is the only hope to our city… If you succeed in this quest, the city of Everfroth will provide a sizeable reward.”

Will you accept the quest given by the dying halfling lady?

Don’t feel obligated to accept! You can find other quests more to your taste.

(Nobody knows the location of the vale of winds, it is a mythical location that very few people have ever been to. It is said that the vale is the doorway between the material plane and the elemental plane of air)

2018-01-18, 05:13 PM
Bogdana will come with the guards

Bogdana responds rather stoicly. Stopping things like this is her job after all. So you were attacked by a cult towards an ancient evil god who is summoning terrible monsters? We need more details before we march in to stop them. The cult to what god exactly? How many cultists where there? Do they seem to know any magic? How well equipped are they? How long ago did they summon these monsters? Where exactly is the rift? Do you know why they are doing this? How exactly did they cause this? What makes you think the cultists and their god are evil? What monsters are they summoning? Are they golems, elementals, fey, fiends or undead, or are they not something you can identify? We need to know our enemy before we go blindingly charging in." She seems to be much more concerned with gaining as much information as possible than actually showing signs of remorse for the mayor's traumatic experience.

2018-01-18, 07:53 PM
Hm? Oh, of course, Ija replies. Just give me a moment-I want to make sure those fellows make it out safely.

Once the goliaths have left her field of vision, she turns to follow the guards.

Do you know anything about how to find the vale? Ija asks. I'll do all I can to make sure the city is safe-but I can't just go searching blindly. That won't help anyone.

What, if any, checks could I make to check my memory for info?

2018-01-18, 08:51 PM
“No.. Don’t confront the cultists… Find the magic flute.. Play the Windsong… It will banish the monsters” says the frail woman. She is barely conscious.

The Vale of Winds is a mythical place and the Soothwind flute is part of an old legend. The Halfling woman could be delusional from her wounds. There’s no guarantee it even exists. This has fool’s errand written all over it.

(Arcana, History, Nature or Religion checks can be made to see if your character has any knowledge of this.)

2018-01-18, 09:18 PM
Ondria follows the guards as well to meet the mayor, but she seems barely alive and incoherent. "Vale of Winds? Never heard of it before. Have you?" she asks the other gathered adventurers and guards and anyone else around to listen.

2018-01-19, 12:10 AM
Rorshak also follows the guards, sticking to the disgruntled guard's side just to be a pest. Pretending to be all buddy buddy with him now.

Once the mayor is done speaking, Rorshak interjects "Earthquakes? What vile cultists think they can just harm the earth all willy-nilly?! And just for some monsters and an old god? But this does seem highly sketchy, even for me."

Roshak does seem slightly distressed but remains stoic. "Don't believe I've ever heard of such a thing as the vale of the winds." He says to the rest of the adventurers.

He turns to his new "best friend guard" and whispers "So is she okay in the head? Obviously she's hurt, but she's not making much sense. Your loving mayor wants us to go on a wild goose chase?"

He then turns back to the mayor, "I digress, I would be happy to try and help, if the coin is as good as you say ma'am."

Rorshak still seems highly suspicious of the whole excursion so he'll take it a little bit at a time, see where this road may lead him, only for the sole fact that these so called cultists could be interfering with nature just to summon some creepy god that could ultimately only want to see the world crumble.

2018-01-19, 07:58 AM
Aelar followed guards to mayor's place. Inside was warm and cozy, what was a welcome change after being in rain for entire morning. Young elf only didn't appreciated all this mud on the floor. Still it wasn't his problem. His problem was feelings what a true merchant shall avoid as fire: pity, sympathy and desire to help.
Elf checks mayor's skin paleness, severity of breathing condition, any visible external wounds, etc. with his superior elven eyesight and tries to draw conclusion about mayor's condition upon this information*. If able he will try to ask healers a question or two about her current condition.

Upon hearing Ondria's question, Aelar quietly shares his knowledge about Vale of Winds* with her, only stopping for a moment to add his question on top of stoic woman's ones, "And how large is reward you mentioned before? After all what is may appear big for halfling may be much smaller for the elf no offense intended, ma'am.";

*Already rolled at OOC thread.

2018-01-19, 11:24 AM
“That does not answer any of my questions! You for yourself say that these cultists awakened an evil god and summoned monsters, so why can’t you give us more details? You seems to have saw it first hand. If you don’t think we have a chance with a fight against the cult, than we need more information, not less! Why can’t we fight them? Why are they so unbeatable? What are these monsters you speak of? We aren’t going to chase after some phantasmal to fulfill your delusions! Explain to us the situation!”

After that she turns to the guards while awaiting for the answer.
“Do you all truly know nothing of this matter? Your mayor got nearly killed by something, did any of you see who or what did that?”

Me as a person is not actually nearly this angry at the mayor, quite the contrary really, I feel very worried for her. Bogdana would respond with frustration before sympathy though.

2018-01-19, 03:13 PM
The weakened Halfling woman faints from her wounds, failing to answer Bogdana’s questions.

The few surviving guards are not able to offer much more information. “It was all very sudden, no one had seen these cultists before and when we heard of them it was but too late.” Says one guard.

They can pin-point on a map the location of the earthquake, to the west.

“Our mayor had a vision of it and we went hastily to investigate. But we were caught in an ambush. I didn’t even see any of the enemies. We were just being slaughtered out there.” Another guard adds.

They don’t seem to be withholding information, they simply don’t have it. With the mayor unconscious and in need of rest, you are led out of the manor. If you accept the quest, the guards wish you luck on your journey.

map of the world (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10Id1och1gZNfI3HBS4yXo9iLjeK07AQ9c8lA-wpw-LI/edit#gid=0)

Your current location: Y2 – Everfroth.

Places to go:

U2 – investigate the earthquake location for clues the guards could have missed. This is dangerously close to the Hobgoblin city of Umgrummund.

W4 – travel to Danradis, considered a city of knowledge, where one of the scholars at their library might have relevant information.

You’ve traded spell components with an Aaracokra once, a member of the bird-people of the south. The bird-folk had with him a particularly interesting set of floating stones and when you inquired more he only replied: “The vale of winds is filled with wonderful things”.

Add another location to travel to:

P-18, CheekBone Nest, home of the bird-folk Aaracokra, who have a natural bond to the elemental plane of air.

Map symbols:

_ _ _ (roads) You take 5 days to travel through roads.

...... (trails) It takes 10 days to travel trough trails.

Empty squares are wilderness and it takes 15 days to travel through.

(wavy symbol in the water): there’s a maritime route and you can book passage on a ship. Travel by ship takes 1 day per square.

2018-01-19, 07:52 PM
"So we're looking for a mythical place that we don't even know exists, and a mythical artifact within that we also don't even know exists? Great..."

2018-01-19, 08:55 PM
"So we're looking for a mythical place that we don't even know exists, and a mythical artifact within that we also don't even know exists? Great..."

We're doing a great deed. Great deeds don't come easy, Ija says.

2018-01-19, 11:33 PM
"I wouldn't be able live with myself (well no I would hehe) If i didn't at least try to investigate. Umm what say you all? Seems to me the best choice is to take a short trip to the near city of Danradis. We can possibly find what information we seek. A week by boat, two by road."

He starts to head outside of the manor and wait for the other adventurers to see what they may have in mind. He definitely seems like the type that could just take off without a minutes notice but for some reason he seems like this may pay off in the end.

2018-01-20, 07:36 AM
“Great deed?” Bogdana scoffs at Ija “hate to break this too you, but playing some “pretty” music from a probably non-existent flute to banish off an army of demons isn’t going to do anyone any good. It is probably best if we address this though. Or pass the problem to people that are better equipped. Rorshak seemed to be on to something, oddly enough, Why don’t we to take the road to Danradis and make sure they are informed about this matter? From the sounds of it, we can’t handle that monstrous army alone, we need more help. And where there are scholars there are typically wizards. Wizards that can banish things, create storms and chuck boulders with their mind. It’s best if we let a better equipped force handle this, because even in the off chance that the flute were to be real, I doubt we would have enough time to play it before we were slaughtered by these things. Does that sound fair”

2018-01-20, 03:36 PM
Responding to the dwarf, Ondria says, "Sure. If we're actually going to be doing this, I guess it'd be best to get as much information as we can get." Ondria isn't used to this kind of scouting, but she's sure it'll be useful, one way or another.