View Full Version : Ordered Chaos Feat equivalents

2018-01-15, 08:36 AM
I kind of like the Ordered Chaos feat from Fiendish Codex I as it explicitly allows you to qualify for things requiring opposing alignments. That said, however, are there equivalent feats for other alignments in other books? Something tells me 'no', but ya know...

And, while on the topic: why does this feat not come up more often when qualifying for things? While it would not allow Lawful barbarians (As they require non-lawful, rather than chaotic) - it could allow LG Warlocks for example.

2018-01-15, 08:52 AM
I don’t know of any others, but there might be something in Dragon.

I think it doesn’t come up more often because it’s surprisingly hard to qualify for. Requiring a base Will save of +4 (IIRC) makes it basically impossible to get before your level 6 feat slot unless you’re doing heavy dipping, which is less common among classes with high Will (which tend to be casters or caster-like) than among classes with other high saves. So you can have your LG Warlock, but you’ve gotta have enough other classes to qualify for Ordered Chaos first, and then you’ve gotta devote a relatively high-priority feat slot to it.

I’ve used it before in at least one Iron Chef build, but for practical purposes it’s usually a lot of work compared to just being Chaotic or asking your GM to ease up on the alignment prereqs. (It has other benefits than just meeting Chaotic prereqs, but that’s the topic at hand.)

2018-01-15, 09:22 AM
I'd have to re-check when I get home, but it seems to me most theurgic builds would at least qualify.
May have to compile alignment requirements into my PrC excel sheet...

2018-01-15, 09:38 AM
You can start as a chaotic warlock.
Then fall toward law.
Then take ordered chaos and you have a single classed lawful warlock.
Do not forget that changing alignments is actually possible in dnd 3.5

2018-01-15, 09:40 AM
The closest things I can think of are the feat Heretic of the Faith and the hellbred's Evil Exception.