View Full Version : Important: starting levels for players

2018-01-15, 04:35 PM
Hello all. Please identify the following
1. how many players in your group
2. How many times your group has created starting characters for campaigns
3. What level do you mostly use as starting level. 1,2,3,10, 20.
4. Do you prefer developing your character over the level progression
5. Do you not prefer developing a character and just play.

2018-01-15, 04:45 PM
Um. Why is this "important," and what do you mean by "How many times your group has created starting characters for campaigns " (I mean, about once per campaign?), and "developing your character over the level progression " verses "Do you not prefer developing a character and just play?"

Waterdeep Merch
2018-01-15, 04:53 PM
1. 6 on average. As low as 3, as high as 7, barring some special circumstances.
2. Almost every campaign we do is its own thing, so I guess everyone always makes new characters for each campaign. Only one player ever recycles character builds.
3. Level 1 nine times out of ten. The tenth, we start at level 5. Never any higher than that.
4. I always do. I come up with a couple ideas for how I'd like to progress my character, depending on what the campaign favors and what the party needs.
5. Do you mean backstory and roleplaying? I haven't played a character yet that didn't have a short story to their name. I can appreciate the mentality of playing a blank slate and making of the world what you will, but I like to anchor myself a bit first. I'm not a strong enough improv actor to make it work the other way.

2018-01-15, 05:21 PM
1. how many players in your group
4 + DM

2. How many times your group has created starting characters for campaigns
We make characters for each campaign.

3. What level do you mostly use as starting level. 1,2,3,10, 20.
Started at 1 for a while, now we start at 3 (unless we have compelling 1st level adventures to play).

4. Do you prefer developing your character over the level progression
I have no idea what this means.

5. Do you not prefer developing a character and just play.
"developing a character" and "playing" are the same thing so I can't pick one without the other.

2018-01-15, 05:33 PM
1. How many in your group
2. How many campaigns have you played with a starting character. Example 5 different starting characters
3 what’s the starting level fir your characters. Example Do you start at lvl 1 or 5 or 15
4. Do you prefer character development during the campaign
5. Do you just play a character and don’t care about background

Full example
1. 8 people
2. 3 campaigns with 3 starting characters
3. Lvl 3 seems to be the main starting lvl.
4. Prefer to develop the character over time
5. Played a lvl 10 start up character. Just played the character since I felt I had no real time investment on development

2018-01-15, 06:04 PM
1. 5 + DM
2. 3 campaigns with 3 starting characters (one each)
3. Lvl 3 seems to be the main starting lvl. We consider youth Lv1, Finished apprenticeship when reaching 3rd.
4. Character starts with a roughly defined history, but the adventure molds motivations and evolves the world view. Also as the world's details become more concrete, so grows the specificity of the history/backstory.
5. I wouldn't say I care much about the character background, but I always have one in mind. I am more focused on creating the best possible story with my co-creators.

2018-01-15, 06:44 PM
4. Do you prefer character development during the campaign

I still don't know what this means. This sounds like you're asking me if I play D&D.

5. Do you just play a character and don’t care about background

We use backgrounds. They're a core component of 5e. I think it's important to put care into choosing them like race and class.

2018-01-15, 06:56 PM
Hello all. Please identify the following
1. how many players in your group
2. How many times your group has created starting characters for campaigns
3. What level do you mostly use as starting level. 1,2,3,10, 20.
4. Do you prefer developing your character over the level progression
5. Do you not prefer developing a character and just play.

1. Six
2. Four campaigns, each with new characters. About half a dozen one-shots also with unique characters
3. Level 3 or 5
4. I prefer to have a plan in mind and change it as the game progresses
5. I like building characters as well as playing them