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2018-01-15, 09:20 PM
Blooded Warrior

Description:A Blooded Warrior has very little interaction with teammates, and are meant to focus on themselves or on their opponents. so they are supposed to be able to fight alone, but teammates just improve their odds. They mainly focus on amassing Blood Points through the consumption of blood and they start combat at a slow pace. However, while they are fueled by blood, they become a force to be reckoned with.

Attribute: Strength and constitution enhance a Blooded warriors abilities in combat

Alignment:Usually non-good. Blooded warriors are usually considered Evil because they are prone to drinking the blood of their victims, but there are a few who still turn out good.

Starting gold: 4d6x10gp (140gp)

Starting age:

Health:Hp D10


Blood Pool, Blood of steel

Shielded Veins

Harvest, Transfusion

Taste for Blood, Shielded Veins(+3)

Blood of steel(two-handed), Engorged fighting

Blooded Blade(reach)

Reinforced Blood(dr/1)

Blood Rush, Shielded Veins(+4)

Blood letting

Draw Forth Essence, Reinforced Blood(dr/2)


Viral Weapon, Shielded Veins(+5)

Bloodlust, Reinforced Blood(dr/3)

Bloodbath, Draw Forth Essence(5)

Blooded Blade(+reach)

Reinforced Blood(dr/4), Shielded Veins(+6)

Pathogen rebound, Draw Forth Essence(6)

Viral Weapon(size)

Reinforced Blood(dr/5)

Blooded Soul, Shielded Veins(+7), Draw Forth Essence(7)

Class Skills: (4+int)
Appraise (Int), bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Disguise (Cha), Handle animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (religion), perception (Wis), stealth (Dex), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense motive (Wis), Swim (Str), Use magic device (Cha).

Main class features:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
A Blooded Warrior is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as light and medium armor

Blood Pool: At first level the Blooded Warrior uses the life energy in their own blood as well as in others to power their abilities. The Blooded Warrior's blood pool may contain a maximum of [Level + Con mod] blood points at one time. These points are renewed to full after a full nights rest or may be renewed whenever a Blooded Warrior uses one of his class abilities and heals, at a rate of 1 blood point per hp healed. At the end of a round where a blooded warrior damages an opponent with one of their class abilities or a weapon created from their Blood of steel ability they may regain a Blood point to their pool.

Blood of steel: At first level a blooded warrior has the ability to take the very blood in their body and pull it out of their form, condensing and hardening it to the likes of steel. By expending 1 point from their blood pool, and a move action, they may create a one handed weapon that they are proficient with. Starting at level 5 a Blooded warrior may spend 2 points and create a two-handed weapon that they are proficient with, as well as this ability may be activated as a swift action and lasts for one minute per class level.

As the Blooded Warrior learns how to control the blood in their body, they learn how to empower their Blood of steel with greater ability. At level 4 the Blooded Warrior may spend an additional Blood point to add a +1 enchantment bonus or add a 1 bleed to their Blood of steel weapon. Every 4 levels afters the Blooded Warrior may continue to spend an additional Blood point to add an additional +1 enchantment or additional point of bleed.

Shielded Veins: Starting at level 2, the Blooded Warrior learns how they can use their powers over their own blood to keep themselves safe. By expending a blood point from their reserve as a swift action they may focus harden specific places on their body to help deflect incoming attacks. This ability lasts for 1 round+con modifier, giving you a +2 shield bonus to AC. The shield remains active until hit, in which it is then expended, but may reactivate it the next round. This shield bonus increases for every 4 levels of blooded warrior they possess. (A max of +7 at level 20)

Harvest:Starting at level 3 a Blooded Warrior may spur the blood on their weapon to enrage into a frenzy. By spending 3 points from their blood pool they may make a single attack as a standard action. This attack deals an additional 2 point of bonus damage per level of Blooded Warrior they possess. If this attack hits the Blooded warrior also heal for this bonus damage.

Transfusion: Starting at level 3, The Blooded Warrior calls forth the lifeblood from his Victims and uses it to rejuvenate himself. By spending 1 point/target from their blood pool, a blooded warrior may make a ranged or melee touch attack targeting an equal number of people as blood points expended. If the attack succeeds they are dealt 1 point of damage per level. The Blooded Warrior healing an amount of hp equal to half the damage dealt in total. This ability has a range of 25ft+5ft/2 levels.

Taste for Blood: Starting at level 4, the Blooded Warrior develops a taste and a sense for blood that makes him able to sense the very scent of it for miles as well as discern different "Flavors" of blood. Sensing blood spurs a frenzy in the Blooded Warrior making chasing his victims much easier. While under the influence of Taste for Blood they gain the scent ability against any wounded or dying creature at twice the normal distance. The Blooded Warrior may also mark a specific Target as a swift action. The Blooded Warrior acts as if under the Deathwatch spell when tracking the marked targets. Now able to double their movement speed when tracking a marked target that is Wounded or Dying.

Engorged fighting: Starting at level 5, by spending an additional 2 blood points when using their Blood of steel ability, the weapon may become a size category larger. By spending an additional 5 points the weapon may become two size category larger.

Blooded Blade: Starting at level 6, the first time a Blooded Warrior deals damage to an enemy in an encounter, their blood clings to their weapon, making it deadlier then before. After dealing lethal damage with their Blood of steel ability, their chosen weapon gains a +5ft reach. At level 15 this reach may be extended to +10ft instead of +5ft

Reinforced Blood: Starting at 7th level, as long as a Blooded warrior retains at least 1 Blood Point in their reserve they gain a Dr of 1/-. As their blood becomes more magical in nature it becomes thicker and stronger in nature. At 10th level and every 3 levels after the Dr increases by 1. To a max of Dr 5/- at level 19.

Blood Rush: Starting at level 8 a Blooded warrior has a near supernatural control over the blood in their body, able to control the movement within them supernaturally. As a swift action, and expending a point from their blood pool they may make a move action for free. Also, you can manipulate the blood themselves mentally. able to use this move at half their base land speed while paralyzed or immobile.

Blood letting:Starting at level 9 a Blooded Warrior may wound themselves to draw power from the flow of their blood, as a movement action they may inflict themselves with 2d6 points of bleed damage. Gaining power from the flowing blood equal to 1 blood point for every 5 points of bleed damage they receive.

Draw Forth Essence: Starting at level 10 the Blooded Warrior may touch a creature's flesh and cause the blood beneath it to obey their painful bidding. When making a melee touch attack or hitting with a weapon made by their Blood of Steel ability, a player may draw forth spears of blood that burst from the victim. When using this ability as a standard action and hitting, the Blooded Warrior may summon up to 4 spears, (at the cost of 1 Blood point each) each dealing 1d8+con modifier points of damage. This damage bypasses all DR. A blooded Warrior may summon an additional spear at level 14 and every 3 levels afterwards.

Transfusion: Starting at level 11, The Blooded Warrior calls forth the lifeblood from his Victims and uses it to rejuvenate himself. By spending 1 point/target from their blood pool, a blooded warrior may make a ranged or melee touch attack targeting an equal number of people as blood points expended. If the attack succeeds they are dealt 1 point of damage per level. The Blooded Warrior healing an amount of hp equal to half the damage dealt in total. This ability has a range of 25ft+5ft/2 levels.

Viral Weapon: Starting at level 12, when a Blooded Warrior uses their Blood of Steel ability, their blood becomes aggressive towards any other living creature. Whenever they hit a target their weapon deals an additional +1d6 bleed damage as leftover blood begins to attack them from the inside. This damage stacks with any bleed damage the Blood of steel may currently do. At level 18 the Blood of steel weapon of a Blooded warrior now clings with their opponents blood with every swing, ripping large chunks of them away that seem far more then a normal attack would do. Their weapon is treated as a size category Larger for Damage calculations.

Bloodlust: Starting at level 13, the Blooded Warrior is thrown into a minor frenzy at the sight of blood, hitting those already damaged harder and more than usual. When attacking a living enemy that has already been damaged, the Blooded Warrior gains +1 to hit and damage against it for every 3 points of bleed damage they possess.

Bloodbath: Starting at level 14 When a Blooded Warrior successfully grapples an opponent that is bleeding, they may expend 3 blood points to have the grappled creature becomes engulfed in a large mass of their own blood. The Target is then suspended in the air where they were grappled, acting as if pinned until they succeed beat a fortitude save equal 10+ 1/2 their Blooded warrior level +con modifier at the end of their turn. While a Target is pinned in such a way they take a commutative 1d6 bleed damage every round.

Pathogen Rebound: Starting at level 17 a Blooded Warrior may focus themselves to force the Blood of others to become dangerous and erratic. By expending 15 points from their blood pool and performing a full-round action, the Blooded Warrior begins to force the blood of their enemies within 60ft and line of sight to rebel against them. Blood begins to pour from their eyes and ears. All enemies take 1d6pts of damage for every 2 levels of Blooded Warrior they possess, in addition they are blinded, deafened, and cannot speak for one round afterwards. A Fortitude save equal to 10+1/2 level+con modifier to take half damage and negate being blinded and deafened. A Blooded Warrior may spend more Blood points to further wound their enemies. For every 2 additional points spent the Blooded Warrior deals an additional damage per dice.

Blooded Soul: Starting at level 20, the very essence of blood obeys and serves the Blooded Warrior. Any point of bleed damage the Blooded warrior takes heals instead of wounds. Any Bleed damage they have is instead considered to be a fast heal equal to the damage. All Bleed damage stopping as soon as they are at full health.

2018-01-15, 10:50 PM
Finished the work in progress and now play testing.

2018-01-19, 09:23 PM
First, a small formatting note, it would be very helpful for reviewers (and readers in general) to put the level that abilities are acquired in all of the abilities, currently they are only in some of them.

Now that that bit is done, down to brass tacks. The weapon firming ability is cool and all, but it will never gain enchantment, and will never overcome any unusual damage reduction. Since so many abilities hinge on using that weapon, I would recommend giving it a progression, a la monk or Kenai. Either that or have them bleed onto a weapon to make it blood-bonded to them, that way they can just use regular treasure and wbl.

Bloodletting and Transfusion come way too late, they should be level 1 recovery methods for the Blood Pool, as it is you have no recovery method for the first two levels, and the ability to fill your pool with your own and enemy blood (albeit indirectly by healing yourself so that you can hurt yourself more etc.) Seems pretty baseline to me. Some ofbthe early abilites are sorta exoensive, they can shift diwb to make room pretty easily.

Some of the other abilities seem slightly misplaced or complicated enough to really be more than one ability, but since you are playtesting, those should come out easier than most other problems.

Love the idea, makes me think of the Abyss Watchers :3

2018-01-21, 02:54 PM
First, a small formatting note, it would be very helpful for reviewers (and readers in general) to put the level that abilities are acquired in all of the abilities, currently they are only in some of them.

Now that that bit is done, down to brass tacks. The weapon firming ability is cool and all, but it will never gain enchantment, and will never overcome any unusual damage reduction. Since so many abilities hinge on using that weapon, I would recommend giving it a progression, a la monk or Kenai. Either that or have them bleed onto a weapon to make it blood-bonded to them, that way they can just use regular treasure and wbl.

Bloodletting and Transfusion come way too late, they should be level 1 recovery methods for the Blood Pool, as it is you have no recovery method for the first two levels, and the ability to fill your pool with your own and enemy blood (albeit indirectly by healing yourself so that you can hurt yourself more etc.) Seems pretty baseline to me. Some ofbthe early abilites are sorta exoensive, they can shift diwb to make room pretty easily.

Some of the other abilities seem slightly misplaced or complicated enough to really be more than one ability, but since you are playtesting, those should come out easier than most other problems.

Love the idea, makes me think of the Abyss Watchers :3

I Fixed the Formatting so it should be easier to read and tell which ability goes where.
I was a little bit worried about giving too easy a way to regain blood points but after some minor testing I saw that by giving the Blooded Warrior the ability to regain only through their own abilities, it made a combat round much more engaging. Point spending is high but but as long as their is constant combat, they are able to continue to go.

I moved Transfusion up in levels to be able to get a good way of perhaps gaining minor heals from a short distance and blood point gain, and it was a much better scaling ability then that of Bloodletting.

Then lastly something i completely forgot to do was add the progressive enchantment bonus to the Blood of steel weapon. I wanted to make the class revolve around deciding how to use this weapon as well as deciding when to not use it for the case of abilities. The weapon is rather powerful, especially scaling down the levels so I didn't add a way for it to bypass Dr. However with some of its abilities such as the Transfusion ability for low levels and the Draw Forth Essence, it gives them still an option while in battle.