View Full Version : (L5R - The Spoils of War) 1st Form: Sitting Sonkyu

2018-01-15, 09:39 PM
"Before crossing swords, we sit. We sit sonkyu to know each other. To gain serenity. To savour a moment's silence amid the tumult and chaos of life. Sankyu is respect."
-Standard lesson, Kakita Dueling Academy

"War is deception. The best liar wins."
-Matsu Kohei

The road to Samnyaku began on a river. The road to power began with a hasty flight from danger. The road to fame and glory began with ignominious stealth.

With the skies behind them still alight with the fire of the theatre, Tenjin's men, under his command, lead the boat down the narrow winding river with a skill and a care born of years of training and practice.

Tenjin moved from one end of the boat to the other, hissing orders as he went and in his wake silent shadows rushed to do his bidding.

One of the crew, a tall, painfully thin samurai-ko whose face was a mask of scars lead Kayuga to the covered cabin at one end of the boat. Several other crew members (including Ghoro-me) carried the unconscious Otomo with them.

They entered the cabin, revealing a small, oblong room with two stools and a narrow cot. A young woman sat on one of the stools, bearing the mon of the Kitsune Clan, and token of office stating her to be some kind of magistrate.

Otomo was placed on the cot. And the crew departed. Ghoro stated his intention to stand guard outside the door and to come if needed.


When Tenjin got going, he moved with a speed and precision and purpose much belied by his sometimes slovenly and indulgent appearance. After swearing allegiance to Tenjin, Misako's next 48 hours was an absolute whirlwind of activity. Packing. Preparing. Saying goodbye to friends and family reading maps and scrolls in the vain attempt to learn where they were going or what they might be doing. Every adult she'd ever known stopped by at some point to offer advice or counsel or sympathy or congratulations.

No one really seemed to know which one it should be. And so they were all delivered as if they were a question.

Tenjn was little help. The space of time he set aside to recruit her (if indeed that's what it was) was apparently all the time he had to spare. He had meetings all day and night. Sent reams of messages to people across the empire. He haggled with merchants over the price of supplies and seemingly cashed in every favour he'd ever earned (or ever will earn) with her father for food and weapons.

The only assistance he afforded her was the service of one his crew, a samurai-ko named Yoritomo-me Hatta, a tall woman who was painfully, painfully thin. Her face was a mask of poorly healed scars (as her were arms and legs, although she typically covered them). Her voice was harsh and grating, as though she were talking through sawdust, but her manner was both familiar and kind. She was not available often, and was not able (or willing) to tell Misako much about where they were going, but she was very helpful in offering advice about what she should take (bow, yes, many shoes no). And she told Misako stories of her time on the seas and the rivers.

And then, seemingly all at once, everything came together and they were off. First on his large sailing vessel and then on a smaller one as they moved into Scorpion lands and into smaller, narrower rivers.

They were on the river no more than two days, his entire crew rowing against the current (and with no small help from Tenjin himself, who was able to convince the Air and Water Kami to perform feats she'd never seen before), and then in the dead of night they stopped.

Tenjin bade her wait in the cabin. And to not leave the boat. And he was gone for an hour. Two. Three. And then the tumult of return, the skies alight with fire. The winds strong and chilled. A sudden squall of rain. The kami in an absolute uproar.

And then the doors opened and in came two Scorpion. One looking almost dead and on the cot bleeding. And the other half naked, soaked through, and looking like she might want to join the man on the bed in death.

Welcome to the game! So here you two are. You have a space of time to talk before the next bit happens. So this is now "Now", "In-Game." So you're only in control of yourself, make roles for anything that you need rolling for. And whatever happens is binding.

Let me know if you have any questions.

2018-01-16, 07:51 AM
Kitsune Misako (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UdMiuz9bVHXecsMtXMSmMONDS4EkfbrnypLfDQ9s-E/edit?usp=sharing)

Misako snapped back to attention when the strangers arrived, no one had asked her to do anything, but they did not appear to be
Slipping out of her outermost Kimono she draped it over the woman's shoulders. "Please, let me examine him and tend yourself. You will do your companion no good if you are sick with chills." her piece said, she otherwise works as quietly as she can, waiting for the other woman to speak, if she wishes.

She draws her knife and cuts open the scorpion's clothing, examining the wound for any sign of infection or other complication. When satisfied she calls out to the Kami, hoping to keep their attention while agitated by the storm.

Medicine (4k3) [roll0] (result=30)
Path to Inner Peace (4k2) [roll1] (result=18)

2018-01-16, 10:46 AM
Shosuro Kaguya

Kaguya makes no acknowledgement of Misako's words, but she does not try to rebuff the offer of her Kimono and to be honest it is nice to have something dry even if it won't stay that way for long once it hits her skin and hair. She feels exhausted but she also takes up a seat next to the cot and takes one of Otomo's hands. Trying to rub a little warmth back into it.

"You see? Things like this are why I dislike surprises. We could have had a nice evening in instead..." she says softly. She looks up at Misako as if noticing her now for the first time despite the fact that she is wearing part of her kimono. "Forgive me, Kitsune-sama, I am in no fit state to be seen by anyone. Least of all a magistrate. But I would remain with my husband if you allow it."

2018-01-16, 02:38 PM
Kitsune Misako (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UdMiuz9bVHXecsMtXMSmMONDS4EkfbrnypLfDQ9s-E/edit?usp=sharing)

Misako nods, she's not entirely comfortable having her work watched, after all she'd never performed healing on a human before, but the theory was mostly the same... "I would not worry about appearances with me Scorpion-san. But please, the last thing your husband needs is to recover only to find his wife at death's door, because she would not keep herself warm." Misako tries her best to adopt the admonishing tone of her teachers, without getting too distracted from the task at hand.

2018-01-17, 01:06 AM
Shosuro Kaguya

Kaguya considers the admonishment. She might give Misako's words more weight if she was not equally certain that her stumbling around Tenjin's ship aimless and un-escorted, looking for a place to rest, would just just see her underfoot and in the way.

"I am certainly no Tenjin, but I am not so fragile as to expire from a little rain Kitsune-sama. Until someone comes to collect me, I will resolve not to distract you. Besides it is better out of the rain."

2018-01-18, 09:44 AM
Kitsune Misako (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UdMiuz9bVHXecsMtXMSmMONDS4EkfbrnypLfDQ9s-E/edit?usp=sharing)

Misako tries to stay quiet and work, but her curiosity gets too much of her, "Were you recruited by Tenjin-sama, or are you merely here for your husband?" she asks tentatively.

2018-01-18, 12:52 PM
Shosuro Kaguya

"Recruited, I suppose. Though I cannot say how much of this he took into account." she replies. "For one I am not sure he intended to bring my husband, this was something I asked of him. He said he had come to see me specifically however so I must assume bringing me with him was his intention from the beginning."

She cannot think of Tenjin's motives being completely altruistic. He had wanted something from her, and saving her life from a scorpion plot had proven a most effective means of getting it. While she could see Tenjin as the sort of man who rescued young poets on a whim, she had also seen how thoroughly cunning he was.

"I am sorry, I have not even given you my name." she bows her head, remaining sitting, "I am Shosuro Kaguya. I am honored to meet you."

2018-01-18, 03:01 PM
Kitsune Misako (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UdMiuz9bVHXecsMtXMSmMONDS4EkfbrnypLfDQ9s-E/edit?usp=sharing)

Misako nods, "Kitsune Misako, it will be an honour to serve alongside you. I think I've done all I can, we trust in his strength and the spirits will now."

2018-01-24, 10:40 PM
Misako sees right away that the skin around the arrow wound on the young Scorpion is puffy and red with an ugly green tinge. It was her guess that the arrow was poisoned. Already his breathing became labored and sweat broke out across his forehead and neck and chest, despite the cold.

Calling upon the kami brought visible relief to his face and reduced some of the anger from the wound. But not all. His brow evened out and he fell into a deeper sleep.

The boat wove and rocked violently, both back to front and side to side, as it was piloted down the swift, winding river. The sudden sound of rain on the roof filled the small chamber with noise. Tenjin's voice cold be heard outside calling orders, pitched to be heard over the rain but low enough to maintain secrecy.

The door opened and the squat shape of Ghoro filled the door. Behind him they could see the sky thick with the blackest of clouds. The wind was howling. The rain was picking up. What they could see of the shore sped by with nauseating speed.

"Honoured guests," Ghoro said as he let himself in, "May I enter? Is the honoured Scorpion-sama well? Will he live? Are you both okay? Can I get you anything? I'm afraid this was not the welcome Lord Tenjin had planned."

Misako: you THINK he'll live. But it's not 100%.

2018-01-24, 11:00 PM
Shosuro Kaguya

"No I imagine it was not." It's hard to tell if she is joking, the delivery is so flat, but she seems well disposed to Ghoro when she looks up at him. "I am curious about where the evening will be spent. And if I might spend it in dry clothing."

She doesn't know if Tenjin would have anticipated a need for clean clothing or not. He had anticipated an escape, and probably grime from the tunnels and soot from the fire, but the rain was a tossup. And it was not the dirt that bothered her, but she was beginning to feel the wet a little now as the adrenaline gradually began to fade. Bathing would have to wait until they landed somewhere, she was going to need so many baths to cleanse herself of this night.

2018-01-25, 03:33 AM
Kitsune Misako (https://docs.google.com/document/d/10UdMiuz9bVHXecsMtXMSmMONDS4EkfbrnypLfDQ9s-E/edit?usp=sharing)

Misako raised an eyebrow, poison? she tried calling upon a balm she'd used before, when unsure how safe berries were to eat. It may not do much good with the poison already in his system, but it surely couldn't hurt.

Jurojin's Balm (6k3) [roll0] (spares [roll1]) (difficulty 5 -result 12)

She looks up at Ghoro and nods agreement for his entry

"I think he will live, but there is poison in the wound, I cannot say how far it has spread through his body. I will continue to tend him as best I am able, though I have done all I can for now" she steps away from him giving Kaguya more space to be close to her husband.