View Full Version : Rules Q&A Monster with class levels: Satyr Bard

2018-01-16, 01:50 PM
Hi all!

I'd like to create a Satyr Bard as an NPC for my players. I thought 3 levels should be fine.
My question is, the manual says that:

"A spellcasting class is an associated class for a creature that already has the ability to cast spells as a character of the class in question, since the monster’s levels in the spellcasting class stack with its innate spellcasting ability"

however the Satyr, in his base form, can't spellcast, so I suppose he will cast as a Bard 3, right?
But he also have some bardic features as the special attack "Pipes" which is treated as a 10th caster level ability, this one, with three bard levels, will function as a 13th caster level ability?
Last question: the save DC is Charisma-based and starts with DC 13 (the Satyr of the manual as Charisma 13) how is this calculated? How will it be calculated with 3 bard levels?

Thanks a lot

2018-01-16, 02:05 PM
I can answer one question for you:

The vast majority of monster abilities are calculated as follows:

10+1/2 their hit dice+relevant stat mod.

So, the DC would increase by 1.5 (for 3 Bard Hit Dice) and then whatever their Charisma mod changes to.

2018-01-16, 02:12 PM
I can answer one question for you:

The vast majority of monster abilities are calculated as follows:

10+1/2 their hit dice+relevant stat mod.

So, the DC would increase by 1.5 (for 3 Bard Hit Dice) and then whatever their Charisma mod changes to.

Oh thank you so much! That was one of the biggest problems I had.

Hope someone will solve the other two too.

2018-01-16, 02:42 PM
The satyr will indeed cast as a 3rd-level bard. The Caster Level for its Pipes will not change.

Hope that helps!

2018-01-16, 02:56 PM
The Caster Level for its Pipes will not change.

Hope that helps!

That helps a lot, actually. Do you have any references for this? So that I'll assure myself of this.

2018-01-16, 05:31 PM
That helps a lot, actually. Do you have any references for this? So that I'll assure myself of this.

For creatures with spell-like abilities, a designated caster level defines how difficult it is to dispel their spell-like effects and to define any level-dependent variables (such as range and duration) the abilities might have. The creature’s caster level never affects which spell-like abilities the creature has; sometimes the given caster level is lower than the level a spellcasting character would need to cast the spell of the same name. If no caster level is specified, the caster level is equal to the creature’s Hit Dice.

The caster level is given and doesn't change by taking class levels.

If you wanted to increase it, you could take the Practiced Magic, from the Shackled City hardcover book.

2018-01-16, 07:26 PM
Keep in mind that giving a monster PC class levels (anything aside from commoner, expert, warrior, adept and aristocrat) automatically comes with the added benefit of gaining the elite array (15,14,13,12,10,8). Calculate the monster's racial adjustments (twice it's modifier, so for example a satyr's cha of 13 has a modifier of +1, so it's racial adjustment is +2), and add that onto the creature's scores. Keep in mind also, that at every 4 HD it gets a single ability bonus to a score of it's choosing. This is relevant here, because a satyr has 5HD, plus 3HD from bard makes it 8HD, so it should get a point to boost. I would recommend putting 15 into cha, +2 racial, and +1 from 8HD, for a total of 18 cha all up.

2018-01-17, 05:41 AM
Keep in mind that giving a monster PC class levels (anything aside from commoner, expert, warrior, adept and aristocrat) automatically comes with the added benefit of gaining the elite array (15,14,13,12,10,8). Calculate the monster's racial adjustments (twice it's modifier, so for example a satyr's cha of 13 has a modifier of +1, so it's racial adjustment is +2), and add that onto the creature's scores. Keep in mind also, that at every 4 HD it gets a single ability bonus to a score of it's choosing. This is relevant here, because a satyr has 5HD, plus 3HD from bard makes it 8HD, so it should get a point to boost. I would recommend putting 15 into cha, +2 racial, and +1 from 8HD, for a total of 18 cha all up.

Yeah, I know this.

That's what I've come with so far:

Satyr Bard3
Medium Fey
Hit Dice: 5d8+3d6+16 [8 total HD] (45 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Head butt +2 melee (1d6-1) or shortbow +3 ranged
Full Attack: Head butt +3 melee (1d6-1) and dagger +3 melee
(1d4/19–20); or shortbow +6 ranged (1d6/×3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pipes (DC 18)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron, low-light
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18
Feats: AlertnessB
1° HD: ?
3° HD: ?
6° HD: ?
Spells per day: 0° (3), 1° (2); Spells known: 0° (6), 1° (3)

ECL: 3 (class) +2 (racial modifier) + 5 (racial HD) = 10

2018-01-17, 10:56 AM
Yeah, I know this.

That's what I've come with so far:

Satyr Bard3
Medium Fey
Hit Dice: 5d8+3d6+16 [8 total HD] (45 hp)
Initiative: +2
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares)
Armor Class: 16 (+2 Dex, +4 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +4/+4
Attack: Head butt +2 melee (1d6-1) or shortbow +3 ranged
Full Attack: Head butt +3 melee (1d6-1) and dagger +3 melee
(1d4/19–20); or shortbow +6 ranged (1d6/×3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Pipes (DC 18)
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 5/cold iron, low-light
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +7
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 15, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 18
Feats: AlertnessB
1° HD: ?
3° HD: ?
6° HD: ?
Spells per day: 0° (3), 1° (2); Spells known: 0° (6), 1° (3)

ECL: 3 (class) +2 (racial modifier) + 5 (racial HD) = 10

Looks good, but don't forget the three feats you should have at this level. Also, skill points still need to be assigned.