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2018-01-17, 12:46 AM
Nazier looks down at the news pamphlet in his hand. It seems that tensions are rising between the kingdom of Basil to the north and the Sandoran Empire to the south, and many are speculating that war may break out before long. Once forming the single country of Serdio, the two nations had split during a civil war and have been at an uneasy peace for the past 15 years; the threat of war always looms on the horizon, however, and both sides are on constantly on edge.

This latest news is unfamiliar to Nazier, however. He had spent the last few months searching for answers to his father's disappearance years ago, when he was just a child. Some unknown creature had attacked his family's hometown of Renek, in the distant land of Mille Seseau, and his father had stayed behind to fight while his mother fled with Nazier and his younger sister Emily. They had returned the following day to find the city a smoldering ruin, with no other survivors in sight and no sign of his father, save for the red jewel that the man had always kept with him. To this day, Nazier still carries the jewel, and the answers to what had happened that night continue to elude him.

Nazier recognizes the roads he has been traveling, and knows that the village of Seles is within a day's travel from here. The small settlement in Basil had become his family's new home ever since they had fled Renek, and he's positive that everyone will be glad at his return.

2018-01-17, 01:13 AM
Nazier sighs and puts the news pamphlet in his pocket. He finishes his prayer for the day and begins the ritual to recall his companion from the other world.

"Oh Heart's Edge, your shining glow inspires the blades of all who stand under Iomedae's banner. My Lady, Who fights on in the glorious capital of Celestia, please hear my call. Grace this humble servant with your blessing, that I might use Your aid to bring an end to this conflict and save my people from their suffering and despair. ...Now, cross the barrier and appear before me! Let my voice be your guide! In the name of Pentagast, I call upon you to fulfill your oath...Open, Gate of the Heavenly Sword! Trinia, come serve me!"

2018-01-17, 01:58 AM
A shimmering golden circle of Celestial runes appears on the ground before him as he recites the summoning incantation. The runes spread to the center, before forming chains of light that rise up to form a humanoid shape. The figure gradually takes a more solid form, until the light bursts outward and fades, revealing an angelic woman standing where the circle's center had just been. "I am here to serve, my master."

2018-01-17, 02:21 AM
Nazier relaxes. "Good morning, Trinia. Glad to see you're doing well again today."

He points to the distance. "We're heading to Seles today. Should be a pretty easy trip, but war does strange things to people. There could be people without food or water, or those who are recovering from a disease on the road. We need to be ready to provide aid or defend ourselves if necessary."

He sets off on the road with her.

2018-01-17, 02:40 AM
"I've never understood why humans throw their lives away for war. What comes of it when the forces of chaos and evil are profiting from the misery of mortals?"

2018-01-17, 02:43 AM
"For a lot of people, war is good money. You get paid, people appreciate you. They give you food while you serve, you sleep in a warm bed. If you have to fight, you're the one doing it. No one's fighting on your behalf. I guess it makes everyone feel like they have more control over their own destinies, if that makes sense."

He glances over at the angel. She looks almost completely like a true angelic being, save for the strange rune across her forehead that indicates her status as a summoned creature. "In any case, Emily is probably pretty worried. I was out of town a lot longer than I thought I would be. Running into that strange wolf pack didn't help things. I'm starting to wonder if whatever's gotten into the people has affected the animals as well? Everyone just seems so...on edge, lately."

2018-01-17, 02:49 AM
She nods slowly. "So war is a job to some people, then?"

Trinia looks up at his comment on the wolves. "Perhaps. I have heard from others in Celestia that dark forces are stirring, they may be at the heart of this."

2018-01-17, 02:53 AM
"Dark forces stirring..." Nazier frowns and touches his holy symbol for a moment, before sighing. "Well, I have faith that if I need to intervene, Iomedae will guide me. For now, we should focus on what is ahead of us."

He continues down the road, keeping an eye out.


2018-01-17, 10:19 AM
As they walk down the road, Nazier hears something coming up the road behind them. It sounds like a group of horses galloping toward them.

2018-01-17, 10:23 AM
Nazier pauses and reaches out. He takes Trinia's hand and gently leads her off the road. He stands there, waiting for the carriage to approach so he can see who is traveling on this road.

2018-01-17, 03:13 PM
The horses turn out to be a group of soldiers; Nazier recognizes that they're dressed in Sandoran uniforms. They race by, not noticing the two of them hiding in the bushes.

2018-01-17, 03:18 PM
Nazier rises out of the bushes. "This is bad! Those soldiers might be heading for Seles! Trinia, we're going to follow them. Maybe we can find some way to impede their progress."

He starts walking quickly after the soldiers, keeping a good distance but not letting them out of his sight.

2018-01-17, 04:56 PM
The soldiers keep riding, soon disappearing around a fork in the road. The path they took seems to be leading away from Seles.

2018-01-17, 05:04 PM
Nazier watches them go with a frown. "I don't like this...but for now, I should let this go. I dislike the war, but I am not a soldier. I have no army of my own by which to stop those men. So I will let Basil defend herself, and return to my home instead."

He takes the other path in the fork and resumes his journey towards Seles.

2018-01-17, 05:10 PM
The pair of them get moving, but after a couple hours Nazier hears the sound of horses up ahead.

2018-01-17, 05:13 PM
Nazier rests one hand on his sword and draws closer to the sound. "The roads are quite busy today, it seems."

2018-01-17, 05:23 PM
Soon, a pair of Sandoran solders comes riding down the road, coming from the direction of Seles.

2018-01-17, 05:47 PM
Nazier narrows his eyes and steps in their path. "Halt. These are Basil lands. You trespass in a time of war, soldiers. You will state your business."

Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-01-17, 06:04 PM
The soldiers glate at him. "What's it to you, boy? Are you a dog of Basil?"

2018-01-17, 06:16 PM
Nazier draws his sword. "No. But I am a dog of Seles. Now, answer my question, or meet your maker!"

2018-01-17, 06:28 PM
The men scoff and raise their spears. Before they can take action, though, something massive comes barreling through the trees, its footsteps making the ground shake.

2018-01-17, 06:29 PM
Nazier grumbles and turns to face the new threat. "Trinia, with me! I am sick and tired of all these surprises today!"

2018-01-17, 09:21 PM
The soldiers' horses let out panicked shrieks and bolt past Nazier, ignoring their riders' command to stop. Trinia raises her arms, ready to fight the approaching creature.
This thing is Gargantuan sized, by the way

2018-01-17, 09:39 PM
Nazier stares at the creature in awe. "What...no..." He points to Seles. "Trinia! Move! We have to warn everyone!"

2018-01-17, 09:49 PM
The eidolon nods and turns to run with Nazier. The two of them run as fast as they can, but their flight isn't an easy one; the creature repeatedly knocks over trees to slow them down and try to crush them, not slowing down for an instant.

The pursuit brings them to a bend in the road that maneuvers around a tall cliff. As Nazier and Trinia sprint past the cliff face rising up to their right, a streak of blackness emerges from the bushes, grabbing them and dragging them across the road into the dense foliage.

2018-01-17, 09:51 PM
Nazier leaps to his feet and raises his shield, standing in front of Trinia. "What was that? Who are you!" he demands, looking for the source of the strange black blur.

2018-01-17, 09:56 PM
The blur turns out to be a woman with long black hair. She puts a hand over Nazier's and Trinia's mouths. "Quiet... if you don't want to die."

The creature that had been pursuing them approaches, but stops in its tracks. It looks around with a savage growl, before turning around and lumbering back the way they'd come from.

2018-01-17, 10:12 PM
Nazier waits for the creature to pass and then he stands up and brushes himself off. "I am not sure who you are, but thank you for your help, stranger. My name is Nazier Pentagast, and this is my companion, Trinia. Please, allow me to offer you a place to stay in Seles as gratitude for your assistance. It's not the most luxurious of accommodations, but you will have a roof over your head and a hot meal." He smiles.

2018-01-17, 10:17 PM
"My name is Rose." When Nazier offers her a place to stay, she frowns. "Seles, you said? I'm not sure what led them to think a Dragon was necessary for such a small town, but-"

2018-01-17, 10:23 PM
Nazier blinks. "Uh...'dragon'? That looked like a giant insect to me."

He shakes his head. "Regardless, it's nice to meet you, Rose. Please, follow me."

They can walk and talk, Nazier reasons. He's really worried about his home and his friends at this point.

2018-01-17, 10:29 PM
Rose shakes her head. "Trust me. There won't be anything left by this point." She leaves, walking the opposite direction down the road.

Trinia looks at Nazier. "Master, we should hurry to Seles. If what that woman says is true, your home may need you."

2018-01-17, 10:30 PM
Nazier's eyes widen. Nothing...left?

"Emily...? Shana?" He turns and dashes down the road towards Seles. Please be okay...please be okay...they have to be okay!

2018-01-17, 10:34 PM
They come to the top of the hill overlooking Seles, emerging from the forest... and immediately see smoke rising from the village. Something has hit Seles hard.

2018-01-17, 10:37 PM
Nazier jumps down the hill to charge at the smoking remains, looking for any survivors.

2018-01-17, 10:54 PM
Nazier and Trinia slide down the hill toward the village. They don't see any signs of survivors at first, but they come across a pair of Sandoran soldiers standing over a wounded man.

The man coughs up blood as he speaks to the soldiers. "You didn't get enough killing?!"

One of the soldiers laughs and raises his sword. "Haha! It may be enough if I kill you."

2018-01-17, 11:11 PM
Nazier walks up behind the Sandoran soldier and cuts him down.

Attack: [roll0]/[roll1]

2018-01-17, 11:30 PM
Nazier's attack strikes the soldier down where he stands. The remaining soldier turns around and swings at him.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2018-01-17, 11:32 PM
Nazier blocks the attack and calls Trinia over to him. The two of them flank the remaining soldier.

Trinia: [roll0]/[roll1]


2018-01-17, 11:34 PM
The man crumples from Trinia's attack.

2018-01-17, 11:37 PM
Nazier sheathes his weapon and bends down to lift the Seles man to his feet. "Are you alright? What happened here?" he asks.

2018-01-17, 11:38 PM
The man tries to stand, but he falls against Nazier. Up close, the paladin can see that the man's been critically injured. "Imperial Sandora... attacked us. I never... thought they'd come... to such an outlying... area."

2018-01-17, 11:44 PM
Nazier calls upon the strength of the divine to restore some vitality to the man.

Will Lay on Hands up to twice, and see if that helps the man.

[roll0], [roll1]

"Trinia, can you look around for any other survivors? I need to go home."

He leaves the angel alone for now, knowing that their bond will weaken if he strays too far, but it looks like any enemies worth fighting left a long time ago.

Nazier returns to his house, or what's left of it.

2018-01-18, 12:35 AM
With Nazier's help, the man is able to stand on his own again.

Nazier finds his home partially intact. One of the walls is crumbling and the roof has burned away, but the structure seems to be fairly solid otherwise. As he approaches, a mass of water flies out one of the windows, nearly hitting him in the face. "Stay back! If you take another step I'll- Nazier? Nazier, is that you?!" His younger sister pokes her head out the window, staring at him.

2018-01-18, 12:40 AM
Nazier runs up to Emily and embraces her. "Oh...I was so worried about you. I'm glad you're doing alright."

He smiles and ruffles her hair gently. "A woman that I passed on the road told me Seles had been attacked by a dragon...the Imperials did this? What happened, Emily? Tell me everything."

He's a bit worried that Shana isn't with her, but for now he needs more information.

2018-01-18, 12:47 AM
Emily breaks down crying in his arm, her tears of relief at seeing him again dripping down his chestplate. She tells Nazier about a squad of Sandoran soldiers coming in the middle of the night in full force, setting homes ablaze and running people down in the streets while a massive creature matching the description of the one that had attacked him on the road tore through the buildings. Oddly, the soldiers only took one prisoner... Shana.

2018-01-18, 12:53 AM
Nazier's ears perk up. He sighs and stands up. "Emily...I'm sorry. But I can't stay home and take care of you yet. I need to make sure our family is together. All of us. Wait."

He pauses and turns back to Emily. "If they only took one prisoner, and that was Shana, then...where is Mother?" he asks, suddenly feeling a pit growing in his stomach.

2018-01-18, 12:59 AM
Emily nods and wipes her eyes. "She's in here with me. We gathered up who we could to treat their injuries."

2018-01-18, 01:07 AM
Nazier enters what is left of the house to find his mother.

2018-01-18, 01:10 AM
His mother is bandaging someone's wounds when Nazier comes inside. She has a few cuts on her arm and cheek, but it appears that most of the blood on her is from the people she's been helping. More than anything, she looks exhausted.

2018-01-18, 01:16 AM
Nazier hugs his mother closely. "Mother....I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have left town. I should have stayed here, I knew the Sandorans were crazy, but I..."

Tears well up in his eyes. So many people...so many people he knew, gone. For what? What the hell did these people want? Shana?

His hands clutch at his mother's shirt, this time not in sorrow but in rage. They could have Shana over his dead body!

2018-01-18, 01:30 AM
His mother hugs him back, holding him close. "Don't say that, Nazier. This was something you had to do, nobody could have predicted the Sandorans would actually come after us like this."

2018-01-18, 01:32 AM
"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't leave when so many people need my help, but Shana..." He looks back to the door, and his mother can already see that he's got his heart set on leaving.

2018-01-18, 01:35 AM
"Nazier..." She touches his shoulder. "Please. You don't even know where she's been taken."

2018-01-18, 01:39 AM
Nazier hesitates. "You're right. I don't. ...But I know someone who might have an idea."

That woman, Rose. She knew the city was destroyed. She must know where the Sandorans are heading.

Still...he looks over at Trinia. The two of them have been traveling for a while now. It might be better to rest while they have a nice bed to do so.

"I...I'll go after them in the morning," he decides.

2018-01-18, 01:44 AM
His mother nods. "I know I can't talk you out of leaving, but it's good that you're at least taking the time to gather your thoughts. You won't do Shana any good if you run yourself ragged in the process." She points to a small cot. "We don't have much right now, but make yourself at home, Nazier. I'm sure you and your friend are exhausted from-"

"There are more soldiers coming!" Emily turns back to Nazier. "It looks like there's an officer with them, too!"

2018-01-18, 01:48 AM
Nazier stands up. "Everyone else, stay here. I can take care of this. Trinia, we're going."

He walks into the open air, scanning the area before his eyes settle on the party that Emily spotted. He goes out to meet them, putting as much distance between the group and his home as possible.

2018-01-18, 01:55 AM
Trinia nods and follows him out, and Emily comes out soon after.

There are two soldiers ahead, as well as a man in dark armor and a red cloak.

2018-01-18, 01:56 AM
Nazier draws his sword and shield and wields both as he approaches. "Begone. This city is under the protection of Iomedae now. Until it is rebuilt, no one from outside the village may enter. Especially not the soldiers who destroyed it."

2018-01-18, 02:58 AM
The armored man in the group laughs. "What are you on about, boy? You really think that you can stand against us?"

2018-01-18, 03:03 AM
Instead of answering, Nazier charges into battle! He strikes the armored man with a blow of holy power!

Swift action to Smite Evil on the armored guy.
Charge attack: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3], ignores all damage reduction

2018-01-18, 03:10 AM
The man crumples to the ground, unconscious. Upon seeng their leader fall so easily, the other two soldiers flee in terror.

2018-01-18, 03:11 AM
Nazier frowns and sheathes his weapon. He disarms the warrior and searches his body, then ties him down with some stuff from the village that hasn't been destroyed. He uses a single charge of his blessing to revive the man.

Lay on Hands: [roll0]

2018-01-18, 10:02 AM
The soldier has little of value on him aside from his armor and sword, but Nazier does find a folded sheet of parchment in his pocket. It appears to be orders to launch an attack on Seles, and to capture a young woman; the woman's description matches Shana's perfectly. The name "Freugel" is signed at the bottom.

Nazier's healing brings the man back to consciousness.

2018-01-18, 10:07 AM
Nazier frowns. "My goddess forbids me to abuse any who have been captured or taken prisoner. However, you will tell me where you took this woman that you were ordered to capture, or I will return your blade to you and slay you in combat."

2018-01-18, 10:19 AM
The man smirks. "Don't worry about her. She must be receiving the courtesies of Hellena Prison by now."

Nazier has heard of the place before. Hellena is located on the southern coast of Serdio, and the hellish place is feared across the nation for its cruel treatment of its prisoners and the fact that those who are brought in never make it out alive.

2018-01-18, 10:22 AM
Nazier frowns. He leads the man outside the city and unties him. "You have no weapons and armor. Even a man as cruel as you is no threat in this state. Go back to your company, or go home. Do not bother Seles again."

He returns with Trinia to his home.

2018-01-18, 10:29 AM
The man leaves. Emily stares at Nazier. "You're just letting him go? After what they did to Seles?!"

2018-01-18, 10:32 AM
"Killing him won't change what he did," Nazier replies. "I stopped him from doing any further harm, and I found out how to rescue someone he harmed in the process. That's the best I can do."

2018-01-18, 10:44 AM
Emily scowls, but doesn't say anything else. "...So you're going after Shana?"

2018-01-18, 10:45 AM
"First thing in the morning, yes. Trinia and I will save her, don't worry." He smiles. "I wasn't here for her...or for you. But I'll protect you both from now on. I promise."

2018-01-18, 11:07 AM
Emily nods. "And I'll protect you, Nazier. Even if it means going to Hellena, I've got your back."

2018-01-18, 11:09 AM
Nazier raises an eyebrow. "What? If you come with me, what will happen to the village?" he asks.

He's not opposed to her joining him, he just wants to know if she's planned ahead of time.

2018-01-18, 11:23 AM
"I overheard some of the soldiers talking about being recalled back to Sandora. They probably won't be coming back through here. Plus, now we're on alert in case they try anything else."

2018-01-18, 11:25 AM
Nazier nods. "Okay, then. In that case, I'll be happy to have you along." He smiles and pets her head.

"Trinia, I believe you and Emily have only met once before. This is my little sister. Emily, be nice to her, she doesn't understand a lot about humans yet."

2018-01-18, 11:45 AM
Emily smiles and holds out her hand. "Nice to see you again, Trinia."

Trinia stares at the girl's hand for a moment before slowly reaching out with one of her own. "It's nice to see you as well, Emily."

2018-01-18, 11:47 AM
Nazier heads back to his home. He turns to Trinia and smiles. "I know that, normally, I dismiss you once everyone is safe and sound, but I think you'll have fun if you stick around tonight. Just try and relax, talk to people! You might realize that you have more in common with them than you think."

He gets started on cooking dinner, keeping an ear open for his mother in case she needs help treating any injuries.

2018-01-18, 11:56 AM
Trinia nods and sits down, observing as Nazier and his family tend to the place.

2018-01-18, 11:59 AM
Nazier smiles and sets down a pot of hot chili. "Soup's on!" he calls, and stands there serving a helping to everyone who comes forward. Once all of the injured people who can walk have been served, Nazier walks around to the more seriously injured and carefully spoon feeds a bit of chili to each one of them. He encourages those who don't want to eat to at least try a bite, but steps back respectfully if they insist.

After all of that's done, Nazier hands a bowl to Emily and to his mother, then sits down next to Trinia and passes a bowl to her before starting on his own.

2018-01-18, 12:05 PM
Trinia looks down at the bowl as the others are eating. "What is this, Master?"

2018-01-18, 12:12 PM
"Trinia, don't call me 'Master'," Nazier says, setting his bowl down. "Though you serve me, you do so willingly, and you are able to change your mind and abandon me at any time. In this world, 'master' is a term used to refer to a permanent, unwilling bonda-"

His face turns red. "- service!" he quickly corrects himself. "A-anyway, if people hear you calling me that, they'll get the wrong idea...especially with that collar around your neck."

Nazier picks his bowl back up. "This is chili. It's a mixture of beans, ground beef, and tomatoes. I put a little cheese in there as well to add some flavor. You just eat it. Like..." he scoops up a bit and pops it into his mouth. "this! Just open your mouth and say, 'ah'."

2018-01-18, 12:52 PM
Trinia nods slowly and opens her mouth. "Aaaah."

2018-01-18, 12:54 PM
Nazier blinks and then scoops up some of her chili into his spoon and feeds it to her. "There you go. Now you can just chew...you'll taste the food with your tongue. Then you swallow it."

2018-01-18, 01:36 PM
Trimia chews and swallows the spoonful of chili. "It tastes spicy."

2018-01-18, 01:51 PM
Nazier smiles and lets her eat. He dismisses her and heads to bed.

In the morning, Nazier summons his eidolon, grabs his little sister, and heads off to Hellena.

2018-01-18, 03:25 PM
As they walk, Emily turns to Nazier. "So, where did you disappear to? Mom wouldn't tell me."

2018-01-18, 03:35 PM
Nazier puts his hands behind his head. "I was in the Miandar Peninsula. I was looking for new information about what happened to Dad."

He pulls the crystal sphere out of his pocket. "Lothos," he whispers, and the strange glowing light emerges. Nazier shows the crystal's light to Emily. "I'm not sure what this is for, or why Dad had it, but I figured out that it's not just some weird jewelry, at least."

He puts the sphere away. "We had to leave rather abruptly..." he gives Trinia the evil eye. "Someone got angry because a girl said she wanted to 'take me out', and put that innocent person through a brick wall."

2018-01-18, 03:41 PM
The eidolon blushes. "I thought she was threatening to harm you! How was I supposed to know that she meant she wanted to get intimate with you?!"

2018-01-18, 04:07 PM
"In any case, our trip back was relatively quiet...save for the strange woman we freed from an amber shell in the Quest Mountains. Still, I was only gone for a year. I can't believe how mature you've become Emily."

2018-01-18, 05:37 PM
She crosses her arms. "I was mature before you left, Nazier!"

2018-01-18, 05:42 PM
"Mature enough to whine about how mature you were?" he teases.

"But.. to think Shana went and turned eighteen while I was gone...I wonder what she's been thinking about her future?"

2018-01-18, 08:38 PM
She punches him on the arm. "She's been thinking about you, you doofus."

2018-01-18, 08:45 PM
"Me?" Nazier asks. He tilts his head. "Oh. I guess she was worried about me. She should be thinking about herself...unless she wants to end up like you, twenty years old and still not married..."

He shakes his head and continues onward.

2018-01-18, 09:02 PM
"What's that supposed to mean?"

2018-01-18, 09:13 PM
"Nothing. I just hope that you are going to find someone you care about and be happy." He smiles at her.

Nazier pauses. He's chastising Emily about her future, but what about his? His father isn't here anymore, so he has to be the one setting the example for his little sister. But Nazier is off chasing ghosts and running around with weapons drawn, instead of having kids and taking on an apprenticeship like a responsible adult. If Nazier hadn't been slacking off so much, he could easily be an alchemist, or a scribe by now.

As he walks on the road, his mind switches from the playful attitude towards the real problem at hand and how he can deal with it. Those dragons from earlier...they may still be in the area. And that woman, Rose...He grips his sword.

2018-01-18, 10:17 PM
Emily walks in silence for a while, but as night approaches she finally speaks up again. "Please tell me you have a plan for getting into Hellena."

2018-01-18, 10:18 PM
"Sure, I have a plan. I'm going to find a window and break it."

2018-01-18, 10:19 PM
"But... but what about all the guards? What about the warden?!"

2018-01-18, 10:22 PM
"All I have to do is find Shana and get her out. As long as they don't see me...or hear me...or notice she's gone...or notice the window is broken...then I should be just fine."

2018-01-18, 10:25 PM
"...So as long as they're blind, dead, and stupid?"

2018-01-18, 10:26 PM
"Well, what plan would you have?" Nazriel replies in frustration.

2018-01-18, 10:47 PM
"We should try to sneak in quietly. Maybe there's a garbage chute or something we can climb in through."

2018-01-18, 10:50 PM
"That doesn't sound much better. We still leave ourselves open to be captured or cornered inside," Nazier points out.

2018-01-18, 10:56 PM
Emily sighs. "I guess you're right..."

"Perhaps we should delay making any concrete plans until we've seen the prison?"

2018-01-18, 11:00 PM
"Trinia is right. For all we know, Shana isn't even inside Hellena yet."

He settles in for the night.

2018-01-18, 11:04 PM
Emily and Trinia settle in for the night as well.

Early the next morning, Nazier is woken up by the sound of a horse-drawn cart passing by.

2018-01-18, 11:19 PM
Nazier yawns and sits up, looking lazily at the cart.

2018-01-18, 11:27 PM
A fair-sized wagon is passing by, drawn by two horses. A short, portly man sits on the wagon. Judging by his clothes, it seems he's a traveling merchant.

2018-01-18, 11:31 PM
Nazier stands up. "Good morning, serah! Where might you be headed today?" he asks politely.

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2018-01-18, 11:43 PM
The merchant stops his cart and looks up. "Huh? Oh... I'm on my way to Hellena Prison. Not a pleasant job, but the warden pays well for the supply shipments."

2018-01-18, 11:46 PM
"Supply shipments, you say? Hmm...would you mind allowing me and my companions to stash ourselves inside one of these shipments? Our friend has been unlawfully imprisoned and we seek to rescue her."

2018-01-18, 11:54 PM
The merchant stares at him. "Are you mad? They'd kill us all if you were discovered!"

2018-01-18, 11:57 PM
"But they'll kill her if we don't go at all!" Nazier counters emphatically.

2018-01-19, 12:01 AM
Nazier's response makes the merchant hesitate. "...You do realize that this is one of the most feared locations in Serdio, yes?"

2018-01-19, 12:03 AM
"Serah, with all due respect, there is a woman with wings, four arms, and a penchant for strangling flirtatious women behind me. My idea of 'fear' is a little skewed."

2018-01-19, 12:06 AM
He sighs. "...I must be out of my mind. Go on, get in. I won't stick around to help you escape, though. If you take too long, I'm going to leave without you."

2018-01-19, 12:12 AM
Nazier wakes up the two girls and they all hide in the cargo. He holds his breath as they begin the trek. Will this work?

2018-01-19, 01:38 AM
The merchant helps them hide among the crates and bags in the back before continuing down the road. He stops as they come to the top of a hill overlooking the shore, allowing them a view of the prison in the distance. He offers them one more chance to change their minds, and continues when they decline.

The cart approaches on the long, narrow bridge leading over the water to the prison, until it comes to a small guard post. The guards do a cursory inspection of the wagon and, failing to find the stowaways, have the drawbridge lowered to let the merchant inside. He's directed to take the wagon into a storage room to unload his cargo, and the merchant signals that the guards have left once they're alone.

2018-01-19, 01:46 AM
Nazier hops out and searches the storage room for a spare uniform. If he can find one, he takes off his armor and dons it.

Disguise: [roll0]

2018-01-19, 01:50 AM
Nazier doesn't find any uniforms in the storage room; this appears to be mainly food and water, with a few medical supplies scattered about.

2018-01-19, 01:52 AM
Nazier sighs. So much for that plan. "Alright. Emily, stay very close to me. There are a lot of bad people in this place, both in the cells and out. I don't want you getting touched by any of these degenerate men."

He heads out into the hall to look for Shanta.

2018-01-19, 01:55 AM
"Alright." They emerge into the hall, which leads to the left and right.

2018-01-19, 02:02 AM
Nazier decides to head to the right for now. He'll swing back the other way if he can't find anything.

2018-01-19, 10:39 AM
As they head down the hall to the right, the left wall suddenly ends, revealing a large chasm that extends far above and below. It seems that the prison was originally a naturally-occurring spire of stone that had been hollowed out by its original inhabitants.

At the far end of the hallway is a lift of some sort.

2018-01-19, 12:24 PM
Nazier doubles back and heads to the left.

2018-01-19, 04:21 PM
The other hall goes forward a short distance before turning back toward the left. Nazier looks around the corner and sees that it opens out into a courtyard just inside the drawbridge and gate of the prison. Several guards are patrolling here.

2018-01-19, 04:23 PM
Nazier creeps around for a moment, looking for a roster or some other written text that might show where new inmates are being placed.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-01-19, 04:54 PM
He doesn't find any paperwork. Finding something like that would probably require searching a guardhouse rather than a courtyard.

2018-01-19, 05:03 PM
Nazier sighs and heads back towards the lift at the end of the hall. Time to explore elsewhere.

2018-01-19, 05:08 PM
They head to the lift. A lever set into the lift's side is set to its bottom setting, with three others above it.

"Maybe she's up on a higher level?"

2018-01-19, 05:11 PM
Nazier nods and pulls the lever, moving up to the third floor to search it.

2018-01-19, 07:28 PM
The lift takes them up to the prison's third floor, where they see a pair of guards walking past. The guards haven't noticed them yet.

2018-01-19, 07:41 PM
Nazier instructs Trinia to command the men to tell them where Shana is.

Trinia's Intimidate: [roll0]

2018-01-20, 02:17 AM
The guards aren't intimidated at all, and they charge!
Vs Trinia: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

Vs Nazier: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Vs Trina: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]

2018-01-20, 02:30 AM
Trinia is a bit injured, but it's nothing serious. She and Nazier pile on to a single guard.

Trinia (vs dude who hit her): [roll0]/[roll1]


Nazier: [roll8]/[roll9]

2018-01-20, 12:05 PM
Trinia and Nazier bring down one of the guards. One of the two remaining guards continues attacking, while the other turns to run. Emily summons a slick of water under his feet, causing him to slip and fall.
Vs Nazier: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

2018-01-20, 04:06 PM
Nazier winces and stabs the guy on the ground.

Attack (+4 because he's prone): [roll0]/[roll1]

Trinia attacks the other guard.



2018-01-20, 04:25 PM
Nazier's attack misses. Emily fires a blast of water at the guard fighting Trinia.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

The guard by Nazier stands up, leaving himself open to attack, while the other continues stabbing at Trinia with his spear.
Hit: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

2018-01-20, 04:39 PM
Nazier attacks the guard standing up, then stabs him again.



2018-01-20, 05:18 PM
Nazier wounds the man, but he's still up. Trinia and Emily keep attacking the guard engaged with the angel.
Hit 1: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
Hit 2: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Hit: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]

Trinia brings down the guard, and Emily's attack sends the man beside Nazier flying into the wall, unconscious.
Guard 1 vs Trinia:
Hit: [roll12]/[roll13]
Damage: [roll14]/[roll15]

Guard 2 vs Nazier:
Hit: [roll16]/[roll17]
Damage: [roll18]/[roll19]

2018-01-20, 05:24 PM
Nazier grabs the unconscious man and heals him.


When he opens his eyes, Nazier pushes him up against the wall. "The woman that was brought here from Seles. Where is she?"

2018-01-20, 05:25 PM
The man glares and spits in Nazier's face. "I'm not telling you anything."

2018-01-20, 05:30 PM
Nazier chuckles. "You don't fear me. That's good. You have no reason to. But...what if I were to, say, pick one of these cells, and open the door? Throw you inside with one of the men you've been guarding? Or several? Do you really think that you'll like what happens next?"

2018-01-20, 05:32 PM
He scoffs. "Those sniveling cowards won't lift a finger. I don't think you understand what kind of place Hellena is. Everyone brought here either ends up a broken shell, or food for the warden's pet!"

2018-01-20, 05:38 PM
"Well, damn. I guess I'm going to need to turn around for a moment."

Nazier turns his gaze towards Trinia, facing away from the man. "I just hope my lovely little sister, who would never hurt a fly, doesn't take advantage of my momentary distraction to inflict some unspeakable pain upon you until you tell us where her best friend is. That would be the last thing I would want to happen right now."

2018-01-20, 05:41 PM
The man laughs even as Emily conjures an orb of water, ready to attack. "You think I'm afraid of any of you? No, the only one who can intimidate the guards of Hellena Prison is the warden himself."

2018-01-20, 05:48 PM
Nazier sighs and kills the man with his sword, before moving on to try and look for Shana's cell on this floor on his own.

2018-01-20, 06:17 PM
The three of them go head onward. Their search is interrupted by a shout from up ahead, as well as the sounds of people fighting.

2018-01-20, 06:34 PM
Nazier raises his eyebrows and draws a weapon. What's going on? He rushes forward, ready to deal with the problem.

2018-01-20, 06:40 PM
They arrive just in time to see a pair of Basil soldiers being thrown over the railing into the chasm below. The trio find a small group of prison guards fighting a man with a spear, who's also clad in armor. He seems to be giving the prison guards a hard time despite being outnumbered.

2018-01-20, 06:42 PM
Nazier quickly rushes to join him. "I've got your back. Let's take these chumps down!" he says.

2018-01-21, 03:06 AM
The spearman nods and stabs one of the guards through the throat. Three more come charging down the hall; it's a five-on-four fight!

2018-01-21, 03:40 AM
Nazier steps in the way and raises his shield. He attacks the nearest guard with full force.


Trinia pauses and waits for the enemy to draw closer. She punishes them with her four armed counterstrike.

Trinia is going to hold her action until someone enters her range, then take a full round attack after that person's turn.



2018-01-21, 04:29 AM
Trinia finishes off one of the guards. The spearman moves to finish off the guard fighting Nazier, and Emily launches a water blast at one of the approaching men.
Glave: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
Glaive off-hand: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Emily: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]

Emily and the spearman take out the guards on Nazier and Trinia. The guards pile in on them!
Guard 1: Attacking Nazier
Hit: [roll12]/[roll13]
Damage: [roll14]/[roll15]
Guard 2: Attacking Trinia
Hit: [roll16]/[roll17]
Damage: [roll18]/[roll19]
Guard 3: Attacking spearman
Hit: [roll20]/[roll21]
Damage: [roll22]/[roll23]
Guard 4: Attacking Emily
Hit: [roll24]/[roll25]
Damage: [roll26]/[roll27]

2018-01-21, 04:32 AM
Nazier's eyes flare with anger as he cuts down the man who dared to touch his sister.


Trinia attacks the other guard.


2018-01-21, 04:38 AM
Emily steps back to attack again, while the spearman goes for the guard on Nazier.
Glave: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
Glaive off-hand: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Emily: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]

The guard on Trinia goes down, but the remaining guard continues attacking.

Guard 3: Attacking Trinia
Hit: [roll12]/[roll13]
Damage: [roll14]/[roll15]
Guard 4: Attacking Nazier
Hit: [roll16]/[roll17]
Damage: [roll18]/[roll19]

2018-01-21, 04:41 AM
Nazier and Trinia both deflect the incoming attacks and retaliate.

Nazier: [roll0]/[roll1]

Trinia: [roll4]/[roll5]


2018-01-21, 04:43 AM
Trinia beats the last guard into the ground, ending the fight.

2018-01-21, 04:48 AM
Nazier lowers his weapon and turns to the spearman. "That's the last of them...are you hurt?"

2018-01-21, 12:59 PM
The man shakes his head, despite having a rather deep wound from one of the guards' attacks. "A bit, but I'll manage."

"Here." Emily conjures a glowing mass of water around each of her hands and presses it to the wound.
Heals for [roll0]

2018-01-21, 03:23 PM
"So, what brings a Basil soldier to a prison like this?"

2018-01-21, 03:34 PM
"We were captured by Sandoran soldiers on our way back to Bale. They brought us here, but me and my companions managed to break out of our cells." He looks toward the railing that the other two soldiers had been thrown over. "I'll have to deliver news of their deaths now as well, it seems..."

2018-01-21, 03:51 PM
Nazier lowers his eyes in silence for a moment. Once he's given the man a second to mourn, he extends a hand. "Nazier Pentagast. This is my sister, Emily Pentagast. And the woman with four arms is Trinia."

2018-01-21, 06:38 PM
"Lavitz Slambert, head of Basil's First Knighthood." He shakes Nazier's hand. "What brings you to Hellena Prison?"

2018-01-21, 07:05 PM
Nazier frowns. "Some Sandoran dogs raided my home town, destroyed it, and then kidnapped a close friend and brought her here. I can assure you, she has done nothing wrong. I am here to release her."

2018-01-21, 08:13 PM
"The same could be said for most of the poor souls dragged into this place. Can you tell me who she is?"

2018-01-21, 08:21 PM
"Her name is Shana."

2018-01-21, 08:42 PM
"Shana... Sorry, but the name doesn't sound familiar."

2018-01-21, 08:45 PM
"I see. Well, the lift works for us. You can take it down to the first floor and escape before anyone notices you're gone."

2018-01-21, 08:47 PM
"Actually, I think I'll help you search for your friend. She's important to you, isn't she? And I owe you for saving my hide, not to mention that getting out of here isn't going to be an easy task."

2018-01-21, 09:03 PM
Nazier pauses and then smiles and nods. "...Thank you. Then, let us continue up to the fourth floor. Perhaps we will find her there."

2018-01-21, 09:44 PM
Lavitz nods, and they head back to the lift. "Do you know why they would have brought her here?"

2018-01-21, 09:49 PM
"Not a clue. I've been away for over a year. Came back to my home burning down because of a bunch of dragons. Also there's a girl who was being weird."

2018-01-21, 09:52 PM
"A 'girl who was being weird'?"

2018-01-21, 09:54 PM
"Yes. She said her name was Rose. Then she left my home to burn and my people to suffer after going out of her way to save me. I can't decide if she's a good person or a bad person."

2018-01-21, 11:07 PM
"Well, for now we should worry about your friend and getting us all out of here alive. We can address the issue of Rose if and when we encounter her."

The lift takes them up to a walkway leading to two towers. The one to their left is open, while the door at the base of the other is closed.

2018-01-21, 11:23 PM
Nazier heads to the left tower to explore it.

2018-01-21, 11:30 PM
The tower seems to be a guard station, and he can see a small group of guards drinking and playing cards on the level below. They haven't noticed the group yet, but if they go down the stairs they're sure to be spotted.

2018-01-22, 12:08 AM
Nazier looks over at Emily. "Do you have any way to sneak past them?"

2018-01-22, 12:10 AM
She shakes her head. "I can hit one, maybe two of them before they can react, but I don't have a way to hide us."

2018-01-22, 12:45 AM
"Do that, then. While you do, we'll get closer so we can charge after your attack."

2018-01-22, 12:53 AM
Emily nods and creeps down one set of stairs as the others move down the other set. She launches a water blast at one of the guards.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
Sneak Attack: [roll4]
The guard is knocked out of his chair, falling to the floor in a heap.

2018-01-22, 12:55 AM
Nazier rushes from the darkness and attacks one of the guards, along with Trinia.



2018-01-22, 01:14 AM
Lavitz charges in and attacks with his glaive as Emily fires at them again.
Lavitz: /[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

Emily: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

The guards are on their feet now, and they retaliate!
Guard 1 vs Nazier: [roll]]1d20+6/
Damage: [roll9]/[roll10]

Guard 2 vs Trinia: [roll]]1d20+6/
Damage: [roll12]/[roll13]

Guard 3 vs Lavitz: [roll]]1d20+6/[roll14]
Damage: [roll15]/[roll16]

2018-01-22, 01:21 AM
The two warriors clash angrily.




2018-01-22, 01:23 AM
Trinia and Nazier successfully defeat two of the remaining guards, and Lavitz stabs the last one through the chest.

2018-01-22, 01:26 AM
The group takes a moment to catch their breath, before proceeding on into the tower unhindered.

2018-01-22, 01:32 AM
The tower doesn't go anywhere except up to a set of barracks that are currently empty. Perhaps they might find something of use here, though?

2018-01-22, 01:33 AM
The group spreads out to search the area for useful tools or information.

Perception: [roll0]

2018-01-22, 01:40 AM
Between the four of them, they manage to find a few useful things. In addition to a stash of rations, they find 1,500 gold, a set of keys, and a prisoner roster. the roster lists Shana in the tower that they'd passed on the way to the guard station, and has her marked as a high priority prisoner.

2018-01-22, 08:32 AM
"What is this? Why?" Nazier asks, confused. He refuses to believe Shana actually committed a crime, so why is she marked so high priority?

He heads to the second tower. It was closed before, but now with his set of keys he can open the door and head inside.

2018-01-22, 08:52 AM
One of the keys opens the tower door. Time to start searching for Shana!

2018-01-22, 12:50 PM
"Shana? Shana!" Nazier calls, searching through each cell for her.

2018-01-22, 02:22 PM
"Nazier? Nazier, is that you?!"

He hears the voice coming from around a bend in the hall... a bend that five soldiers come around to investigate the source of the noise they'd just heard.

2018-01-22, 02:49 PM
Nazier glares. "Get out of my way!"

He strikes through the crowd.

2018-01-22, 04:55 PM
Trinia and Nazier catch the first guard between their attacks and take him out before he can react. Lavitz runs in and stabs at a second guard, while Emily tries to take out another.
Lavitz: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]

Emily: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Emily takes one of the guards out. The remaining guards attack!
Guard 1 vs Nazier: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]
Guard 2 vs Trinia: [roll12]/[roll13]
Damage: [roll14]/[roll15]
Guard 3 vs Lavitz: [roll16]/[roll17]
Damage: [roll18]/[roll19]
Guard 4 vs Lavitz: [roll20]/[roll21]
Damage: [roll22]/[roll23]

2018-01-22, 05:08 PM
Nazier gasps as the struggles of the day finally catch up to his guardian. He calls her back so he can protect her.

Trinia, 5' step away to Nazier.

Nazier - Lay on Hands: [roll0]

2018-01-22, 05:27 PM
Lavitz and Emily keep attacking the guards as Nazier heals the eidolon.
Lavitz: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
Hit: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Emily: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]

Another guard falls to Lavitz's glaive. The remaining guards continue attacking the party.
Guard 1 vs Nazier: [roll12]/[roll13]
Damage: [roll14]/[roll15]
Guard 2 vs Trinia: [roll16]/[roll17]
Damage: [roll18]/[roll19]
Guard 3 vs Lavitz: [roll20]/[roll21]
Damage: [roll22]/[roll23]

2018-01-22, 05:44 PM
Nazier frowns and attacks the guard who hit him.


Swift to Lay on Hands self: [roll4]

2018-01-22, 05:52 PM
The frantic assault continues. "We're coming, Shana!"
Lavitz: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage: [roll2]/[roll3]
Hit: [roll4]/[roll5]
Damage: [roll6]/[roll7]

Emily: [roll8]/[roll9]
Damage: [roll10]/[roll11]

The two remaining guards are cut down by the group's efforts. There's nothing standing between them and Shana now!

2018-01-22, 06:08 PM
Nazier heads to the holding area and searches for Shana's cell.

2018-01-22, 07:19 PM
He finds the cell where Shana is being held. "Nazier, it really is you!"

2018-01-22, 10:40 PM
Nazier opens her cell and embraces Shana. He examines her shoulders, neck, arms, legs and chest carefully. "Are you alright? They didn't hurt you, did they?"

2018-01-22, 10:56 PM
Shana shakes her head. She has a few bumps and bruises, and her clothes are a bit dirty, but aside from that Shana appears unharmed. "I... never thought this is how we'd run into each other again..."

2018-01-22, 11:33 PM
Nazier chuckles. "It's okay. I'm here now, and that's all that matters."

He steps back to let Emily hug Shana, before raising his sword. "Let's collect Shana's belongings from the guard tower and head back to the cart."

2018-01-22, 11:59 PM
Shana looks up at him. "I didn't have anything with me when they attacked Seles."

2018-01-23, 12:00 AM
"I see. Then, let us retreat. Everyone, make your way back to the lift."

2018-01-23, 12:51 AM
They nod and start heading back toward the lift. As they start taking it back down, however, they see another lift coming up from below, with some guards that appear to be ready for a fight.

"Damn. It looks like they found the bodies of the other guards."

2018-01-23, 12:56 AM
"It's fine. We ride down, they ride up, they won't catch us."

2018-01-23, 01:04 AM
"True, but now they'll be expecting us down below."

"Well, the stables didn't look too far from where we came up. Maybe we can grab some horses and just ride out of here?"

2018-01-23, 01:37 AM
Nazier agrees with Emily. They ride down the lift and rush towards the stables.

2018-01-23, 02:04 AM
They run to the stables... only to find someone waiting there for them.
The obese man is flanked by two guards wielding dual-bladed swords. He cackles upon seeing the group. "Well, well! If it isn't the knight from Basil and the young fool acting like a prince!"

2018-01-23, 02:23 AM
Nazier points his blade at the strange man. "You have one chance here. Stand down. You are outnumbered, and I have the power of the gods to aid me."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2018-01-23, 08:56 AM
The man laughs. "The gods answer no prayers in Hellena, boy."

Trinia looks back at Lavitz. "Is this the head warden?"

The knight nods. "His name is Fruegel. He's so bad that the people of his own country are terrified of him."

Emily steps forward. "You attacked Seles, didn't you? Why did you have Shana taken away?!"

"No, I merely gave the order. Emperor Doel said to just bring that girl back, but never mentioned why. The order was so trivial that I added the new one of annihilating Seles!"

2018-01-23, 04:04 PM
Nazier draws his sword. "You were bored? Well then. Allow me to entertain you in my city's stead."

He marks the warden for death, then steps forward and slices into him.

Swift action: Smite Evil
Attack: [roll0]/[roll1]

2018-01-23, 04:17 PM
Nazier's attack connects, and the warden grunts in pain. "Kill them, but don't harm the girl!"

He attacks Nazier with his greatclub.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage:[roll2] [roll3]

The two other guards move to fight Lavitz and Emily.

2018-01-23, 04:19 PM
Nazier stabs the man again and Trinia flies up behind to finish him off.



2018-01-23, 04:32 PM
Fruegel is wounded, but still up. He strikes at Nazier again.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage:[roll2] [roll3]

2018-01-23, 04:39 PM
Nazier evades and begins the beatdown.




2018-01-23, 04:58 PM
The warden avoids their attacks and turns his attention to Trinia.
Hit: [roll0]/[roll1]
Damage:[roll2] [roll3]

2018-01-23, 04:59 PM
Trinia gasps in pain. She withdraws.

Nazier grimaces. "Your fight is right here!" he yells.


2018-01-23, 05:04 PM
Nazier's sword cuts into Fruegel, and the man falls back as his two minions fall to Emloly and Lavitz. "You think this is over?! Fools! You'll never escape the wrath of Hellena and Emperor Doel!" He pulls out a whistle and blows it; moments later, guards start pouring into the courtyard. If they don't flee now, they'll surely be overrun!

2018-01-23, 05:06 PM
With little choice left, Nazier breaks the bond between himself and his eidolon for now. The mark on his forehead disappears as Trinia is sucked back into her home plane. He's never done that without telling her 'good-bye' before.

Nazier turns and runs away, carrying Shanta in his arms and encouraging Emily to move as fast as her legs can carry her.

2018-01-23, 05:17 PM
Lavitz and Emily get a few horses free of their stalls and climb on, and Shana climbs onto one with Nazier. They flee over the bridge away from the prison, even as the archers overhead open fire on them.

"Nazier, we can't go back to Seles. They'll follow us and kill everybody!"

"We'll head due north, then, toward Bale. We should be safe there, and it'll draw them away from Seles."

2018-01-23, 05:18 PM
Nazier gets Shana onto the front of the horse and straps his shield to his back. It catches several arrows that would have otherwise killed Shana easily as they ride away.

"I see no other option. To Bale, then. Quickly!"

2018-01-23, 05:26 PM
They flee north for several hours, until they're forced to stop for the horses. Lavitz frowns, but starts walking away from his mount with a noticeable limp; an arrow had caught him in the leg during their escape. "Maybe we should leave the horses behind and cut through Limestone Cave. It'll be a shorter trip and we can lose them in the caverns."

2018-01-23, 05:28 PM

Nazier dismounts as well and gently helps Shana off. "We have three injured party members, including one on another plane. We rest here for the night. We all need the sleep. I'll take the first watch, no one will surprise us."

2018-01-23, 06:08 PM
"You're not worried about them catching up to us?"

2018-01-23, 06:09 PM
Nazier shakes his head. "They won't sneak up on us, at least. If I see them approaching from the distance, I can get you all up and we can flee then. If they're even willing to chase us this far."

2018-01-23, 06:12 PM
"Alright." As Emily starts setting things up for the night, Shana starts tending to Lavitz's injured leg.

2018-01-23, 06:14 PM
Nazier sits down and starts preparing dinner for everyone. He's relieved to have rescued his friend in time, but he's worried about his mother and his village. What will they do without him there to protect them? And why is Shana being hunted by these people?

2018-01-23, 06:18 PM
Lavitz sees the look on his face. "Don't worry. Fruegel is a monster, but he's pragmatic. He won't put his resources toward attacking your home unless he has reason to believe we've gone there."

2018-01-23, 06:23 PM
"Yeah...Hey, Shana? What have you been up to, since I left?"

2018-01-23, 06:50 PM
"I've been learning how to treat wounds and shoot a bow. I thought about going with you the next time you left home."

2018-01-23, 06:52 PM
" That's it? You haven't done anything to piss off the Sandorans?"

2018-01-23, 07:34 PM
"No. None of us have done anything to them."

2018-01-23, 07:39 PM
"Then why did they want to take you prisoner?"

Nazier frowns and thinks.

2018-01-23, 07:54 PM
"I don't know..."

2018-01-23, 08:31 PM
Nazier finishes cooking and sets a plate in front of everyone.

"So, tell me more about yourself." he says to Lavitz.

2018-01-23, 09:00 PM
"I've lived in Bale for my whole life. Ever since I was a child I wanted to be a knight like my father Servi."

2018-01-23, 09:09 PM
"A knight, huh? What's the difference between a knight and a soldier?" Nazier asks.

2018-01-23, 09:55 PM
"Soldiers are entirely part of their country's military. Knights work with the military as well, but we also strive to protect our countrymen and enforce order at all times, not just during wars."

2018-01-23, 09:56 PM
"I see. Well, I hope that you'll be able to return safely to your family after all of this is over."

2018-01-23, 09:58 PM
"I feel the same way. As much as I love serving my country, I hate making my mother worry over my well-being."

2018-01-23, 11:05 PM
Nazier chuckles and shakes Lavitz's hand before sitting next to Shana. "Shana, I'm sorry for taking you away from home. I promise, I won't let anyone hurt you again. Just stay away from these fights, and once the heat has died down, we'll all go back to Seles together."

2018-01-24, 04:52 AM
Shana nods. "I'll do what I can to help out until then. I don't want to be a burden on everyone."

2018-01-24, 11:01 AM
"Good. Alright everyone. Get some sleep. Emily, I'll wake you up in a few hours to take the second watch."

2018-01-24, 11:24 AM
The night passes without incident, and everybody is up and ready to go by dawn.

2018-01-24, 04:17 PM
"Great! We didn't need to travel through the cave at all. Back on the road then. Let's hurry to Bale!"

2018-01-24, 08:09 PM
They make their way north, but as they near the mountain pass that will take them to Bale, they spot a group of soldiers on the road setting up a barricade.

"Dammit... they must've sent men ahead to try blocking our escape."

2018-01-24, 11:12 PM
"Alright. Let's pause here."

Nazier kneels down and begins his prayer to call his eidolon back to this world.