View Full Version : 3rd Ed Bone Ship animating

2018-01-17, 12:00 PM
So in my Savage Tide game, one of my players is playing a Dread Necromancer and has become enamored with the idea of a Bone Ship http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/bone-ship/. However, the creature is (besides being pathfinder and therefore needing a once over with the adaptation eye) significantly more powerful than a Devourer, the undead option Greater Create Undead gives to CL 20 casters

With no options directly available and with the bone ship being far above even the most powerful pre-epic necromancer's skill to create, should I allow my player access to it (perhaps with an Epic Spell later on in the game) or should I instead encourage the player to buy a Bone Skiff http://www.d20pfsrd.com/equipment/vehicles/water-vehicles/bone-skiff/, which rather than a creature is a vehicle with creature-like abilities and then look towards bridging the gap between the skiff and ship with magic items and vehicular upgrades?

As it stands, the differences if I do go that path are:

-Ship is one size category bigger (likely not important)
-Ship has a way to self-heal (much more effectively than the standard undead healing in Libris Mortis, also likely not important due to at-will negative energy touch of Dread Necromancer)
-Ship as a creature is able to act independently (likely going to be an expensive option)
-Ship has ranged attacks (4 cannons and a once per 1d4 rounds combined attack) versus the skiffs 6 melee attacks
-Ship has a 1/minute circle of death (unlimited number of times per day?) which sounds like a fairly easy to price magic item at least
-Ship has an area around it that shakens and staggers enemies (VERY likely to be a gamebreaker)

As it stands, the number of encounters the bone ship or an upgraded bone skiff would actually affect at the end of the campaign in Savage Tide is minimal, as the ship has little ability to get onto land where the majority of harder encounters are. It would trivialize the sea-based encounters and travel time random encounters though

2018-01-17, 02:04 PM
A compromise would be to allow the skiff and to give the dread necro the opportunity to research a 4th-6th level spell to transmute that skiff into the boneship for 1d4 + caster level/4 rounds. Make it a concentration spell if it's cast from a lower level slot.

Another option is to simply allow it. Make the ship like an animal cohort requiring caster level checks as a substitute for animal handling checks. It seems like a really fun party resource to explore. If the party invests in the ship and it becomes a type of common resource for them, you might have some epic adventuring opportunities.

Epic adventure scenes include:

A coastline heist of an important artifact with a retinue of dragonriding wharf-defense force giving chase to the ship. Who doesn't want the opportunity to be on the team directing the undead ship to unleash a volley of cannonballs at some red dragons? Whaa??? the dragonriders are wearing drogue wings and hanggliding in pursuit as the dragons go down, using crazy lighting javelins or inconvenient wands??

Hit those players with a gargantuan reverse gravity living spell or two! being ridden by some divine cleric of the ooze domain.

StormGiant were-spermwhales anyone? Demand giantsquid tribute!

A straight up ghost ship full of incorporeal undead getting into a fire fight using screaming souls entrapped in skulls as negative level cannonballs. Heck yeah. They demand the ship itself as their new vessel. Fight necro with necro.

The quest for planar sails. Take a ride on the astral and deal with some githyanki pirates, deranged astral worshippers of tenebrous, or maybe a squadron of desperate modrons attempting to build a bridge to the prime material plane for an "invasion of order!" Maybe the macguffin is somewhere in the river styx. Spec out some styxuloths that specialize in grappling PCs and dragging them into the amnesiac waters.

Send a plucky group of sneaky acolytes with huge ranks in knowledge (religion) to secretly exorcise the ship! It's like only a DC 20-25 roll. You probably want to some cool meat shields to help them out.

Afflict the ship with some sort of terminal positoxin. The ship wants to go on one last adventure before it finally un-dies. What was the original purpose of the boneship? What a coincidence, it's to sink the vessel of whatever the BBEG/BBGG is in vessel on vessel combat. The BBEG or BBGG should have like a zaratan or a soarwhale with a stupid template on it. Like the positive energy plane template.

2018-01-18, 02:32 PM
How do you use create greater undead on a ship? Well the ship must first have been alive of course! Have him create the ship out of livewood (ECS) Awaken the ship, kill the ship, then animate the ship. Make the whole ordeal a quest all on it's own. If the group really wants to do it then let them, just make it hard. It will help them feel accomplished afterwards.

Quarian Rex
2018-01-18, 04:04 PM
Remember that the Bone Ship is not really a necromancers minion so much as a BBEG of the sea. Trying to provide all of that may not be quite appropriate. But you can do quite a bit to come up with something interesting. Just start with a basis of animating a whale (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/cetacean/whale/) (or a bigger whale (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/animals/cetacean/cetacean-blue-whale/)). If you want to make it cool just make it as a Necrocraft (https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/undead/necrocraft/) to trick it out all fancy-like. Desecrate looks like it works with Necrocraft as well so you can make a Colossal one at 9th level. Make some of the natural attacks ranged (using the Necrocrafts CP) and bump the range to be greater than its body length and you pretty much have what you're looking for. If you want more options you can even look at Arte Mortis (http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/127072/Arte-Mortis) which basically takes the Necrocraft rules and runs with it.

Hope this helps.

2018-01-19, 10:17 AM
The Necrocraft might be exactly what my player is wanting, thank you!

Mostly their concern is a big undead monster they themselves animate (to gain the improvements their class adds) and that's what this provides