View Full Version : An Echo, Resounding Tracking Tool

Magic Myrmidon
2018-01-17, 07:26 PM
Hey everyone!

To get right to the point, I made a tracking tool for An Echo, Resounding. Quite a bit of it auto updates, and I feel like it can go a looooong way towards making it way easier to do Domain Turns.

Grey sections require no input from the user and auto update. Many of the sections have drop down menus that update as you add Domains and locations. And some are columns provided just for convenience, like adding notes.

One should probably start by naming your domains in the Domain Tracker, then naming your locations in the location tracker, filling in the details on that sheet from left to right. The Asset Tracker should be filled in with drop down menus of your locations and domains by the time you get there. Also, flipping the "in use?" column to yes or no should automatically update the Domain's stats and upkeep, too.

Let me know what you think!


Here's a blank version on Google Sheets:


And here is a version with some incomplete info for my updated campaign to show what the sheet might be like after it's been used a bit:


And finally, here's a link to download the original excel files I made before uploading to Google Sheets: