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2018-01-18, 12:01 PM
The message arrived in the night, a dripping messenger on a tired horse delivering the sealed parchment to the house in Praha. The master of the house, recently executed by the Avenguard Empire for a plot against the throne, was, unfortunately, unable to receive him. His left hand, though, took the message and broke the seal, quickly scanning the contents.

To the Great Master of the House,

As we have often corresponded, you will forgive my brevity. Your interests in the Elsir Vale are threatened. Travelers have reported tribes of goblins and hobgoblins banding together, raiding the roads. I believe they have come under the control of a single warlord. I need not emphasize to you how dangerous this could be. If passage through the Vale is interrupted, your trade interests in the Vale and (more importantly) in Zharahd will be greatly hindered. I know of the dealings you have with Padh Hara, and as I have an interest in the profit that brings the Vale, I believe we have mutual interests. Please come to the Vale to meet with me. If you cannot come yourself, send someone you trust.

Yours truly,

Lord Jarmaath of Brindol
The final goblin fell with a clank of steel and a spurt of blood. Atun cleaned his kukri on the goblin's pants, then began rummaging through its gear. Griashnak frowned nearby and made his way to the table, where some parchments had been laid out. One of them showed a crude map of a place called the Witchwood. Text at the bottom, though difficult to make out, stated that the long-abandoned Vraath Keep had a secret vault, as yet undiscovered, that may have great riches.

The two of them made their way back to town, contemplating the map. As they were traveling, they met Barawed, who, having worked with them in the past, told them of the message from Lord Jarmaath. The three of them, together, began to make their way towards the Elsir Vale.
Darkness. Death. Undeath. Darkness. Death. Undeath.

Astrid bolted upright in bed, the dream fading but the feeling of unquiet still remaining. Something was happening in the Elsir Vale. Something ominous. A red claw, a black banner. Goblins and hobgoblins in the mountains. And Cruryn, god of evil dragons! He is planning something.

As she began to fix herself a warm drink and think on this dream, a knock came at her door. She opened it to find Barawed, Atun, and Griashnak at her door. They, too, were heading to the Vale, and they wished her to join them. Without comment, she began preparing her things to depart.
Redmond put the finishing touches on his project and sat back in satisfaction. A job well done, indeed. He'd been working for some time in this large village on the very border of Avenguard lands. Things seem to break out here far more often than they should, on the edges of the civilized world.

Stepping outside, the first thing he noticed were the four others marching down the main street, coming straight for him. He knew them, well, as he had done work for them in the past. Thoughts kept to himself, he approached to see what they wished of him.

The five of you find yourselves now nearing the Vale, slightly less than a day's march from the small town of Drellin's Ferry, which is considered by most to be the official entrance into the Vale. The woods around you are quiet. This is not the Witchwood, that haunted forest - that is still a day's ride north - but the woods do have a haunted feel about them. Still, it is morning, and the sun shines bright overhead. Beyond the trees, you can just make out the tops of the Wyrmsmoke Mountains, a small range to the north, and the larger Zharahd Mountains to the East, beyond the Vale. The march from southern Avenguard has been long but relatively uneventful, but you cannot shake the feeling that things are about to get much more exciting.

2018-01-18, 12:19 PM

The pale, dragon blooded human brow furrows and she frowns. She rolls her Baoding balls, a pair of iron balls she uses to excercise her hands for somatic components and relieve stress, in her hand, harshly grinding them against each other.

The dream disturbed her. It reminded her off of stories her illustrious parents would tell back in Justland. “Oh, I had a vision of what I had to do,” they would say. She had no interest in it personally. She had done her best to distance herself from that life as best she could, traveling to Avenguard to get away from them physically, and learning darker magics and refusing to cooperate with efforts to categorize and track her.

She snaps her wings in frustration, the wing generate causing her long, silver hair to flutter. One way or another, her blood was calling to her. She knew little of her draconic heritage. She appreciated the advantages, of course, as her claws and wings were powerful assets for a mercenary, but she left her parents before they could explain that aspect of her past.

2018-01-18, 06:59 PM

Reaching down, he quickly covers the remains of the campfire with dirt, packing it down to ensure it wont linger. The small gust coming from Astrid's frustration enveloping him in dust. Shrugging, he stands up and pats a bit of it off before reaching over to grab the bundle of remaining firewood and stick, hefting it over one shoulder with ease.

“We shouldn't dawdle here, if you all want to make it to the ferry in a timely manner. We have made good time so far, it would be a waste to wait here too long.”

2018-01-18, 08:04 PM
"You guys, uh, plan to, uh, get moving?" says Barawed, tossing a wink at Astrid. "We have things to kill and places to pillage!"

Barawed leaps to her feet and her whip dagger over her shoulder.

2018-01-18, 08:12 PM

Astrid looks at Grishnak suddenly, exhaling sharply. She considers apologizing, but judges against it. After all, she was a hardcore mercenary. People tremble at her presence. Nothing tells her what to do, especially not herself, no matter how painful that twinge of guilt is. Nope, nobody.

She concentrates on her hand excercise, this time focusing on keeping the spheres from touching as she rotates them. "I'm not here for blood nor trinkets. You should be focusing more on my payment," she says aloofly. She plays it cool, because that's what people want to see. She's a cool customer, and nobody will think otherwise.

2018-01-19, 10:47 AM
Redmond shouts "Yes!" As a gout of flame goes up to the sky. When he notices the others staring at him, his skin seems to pulse an even brighter red. It was his version of blushing. He tells the others "New improved version of The common Wand. 20% cheaper and much faster to make. This one shoots fire!" He notices that he is blabbering and shuts up. After getting his excitement under control he says "Does anyone know how much longer till we reach our destination?"

2018-01-19, 12:01 PM
Atun finishes his daily meditation. “Yes, it is best if we are off. We have places to go and wealth to gain!”

2018-01-19, 12:17 PM
The whisper gnome stops staring at Griashnak's casual show of strength and Redmond's flames to favor Atun with a dark grin, "And things to kill,
don't forget that!"

She turns and begins walking, "Redmond! It'll take us longer if we sit around!"

2018-01-19, 09:28 PM

Griashnak starts to walk down the path as well, his ponderous gait matching that of the gnome.

"A few hours by galloping horse,
a bit less than half a day if you ran, longer if you don't. Never if we don't start." and after a few moments of silence, "I'm sure there will be a least a not so bright beast along the way to sate you combat needs, if not sustenance before we make it to the ferry.

2018-01-20, 11:04 AM
You walk for some time, continuing down the road towards the east as you near Elsir Vale and Drellin's Ferry. The woods grow denser as you near the southern border of the Witchwood, and animals are plentiful. Two rabbits serve as a midday meal, along with whatever rations or goods you have brought along. As afternoon begins to wane, the road crests a small rise and descends into a small depression. What looks like some abandoned structure, possibly an old farmhouse, stands off to one side of the road, only partially visible through the thick woods. The town of Drellin's Ferry is only a few miles ahead of you.

Anytime you are traveling or in combat, please post spot and listen checks in an OOC spoiler at the bottom of your post. If you could also add basic combat information (AC, HP, Saves, spells expended, etc), I'd appreciate it. The latter isn't required; it just makes my job a bit easier. Oh, and roll spot/listen checks, please.

In other notes, we're on the map and in rounds. You may, if you want, roll initiative, though I don't require you to act in initiative order.

2018-01-20, 11:21 AM
Something feels... off. Be on your guard.

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]

AC 20
HP 36/36
Fort +5
Ref +9
Will +6
Ki 7/7 remaining

2018-01-20, 11:32 AM
Barawed idly pops her whip dagger at the plants on the side of the road as they walk. "You getting a feeling there, Aton?"

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 64

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

2018-01-20, 01:21 PM

Keeping pace with the others, "Rabbits may not be the most satisfactory use of your skills, but I wouldn't expect their friends to catch up to us just yet. Although, a hoard of them would make for quite the scene,
a wave of fuzz rolling over the hills."

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Init [roll2]

AC 20, 17 Flatfooted, 12 touch
HP 76 (destroyed at 0)
Speed 40
Fort +4
Ref +4
Will +5

And to be all official like, rolling for the pact with Buer, tn 20 [roll3]

2018-01-20, 03:03 PM

“Shut up then, fools! I’m trying to hear them...” Astrid growls. Calling hem fools was 100% necessary. Who would question her now? No one.

Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]
Init [roll2]

HP 47/47
AC 19 Touch 12 Flat 17 (uncanny dodge also applies)
Saves f +6 R +7 W +5

2018-01-20, 11:11 PM
Redmond eyes scan the area around them. He was eager for a chance to try out his new invention.

[roll0]: Initiative
[roll1]: Spot
[roll2]: Listen

2018-01-22, 12:57 PM
The air seems to still as you approach the small hollow. The slight breeze dies away, and the dust it had kicked up settles back to the earth. Ahead, the farmhouse seems suspiciously empty, and the trees seem to press in on either side.

Check your PMs for additional information.

2018-01-22, 01:14 PM
"Hey guys!" Barawed whispers urgently, "You aren't going to believe this!"

She stands very still in the middle of the road, "We've been flanked by ambushers!"
Yeah, at full volume.

2018-01-22, 01:15 PM
(whispered, but nonchalantly) “There are... things... hiding in the bushes. I saw a flash of light from a reflective shield or piece of armor, and I heard whispering.

Listen: [roll0]
Spot: [roll1]
I’d like to make a Bluff check to act like I haven’t heard or seen anything to try to surprise whatever’s hiding in the bushes. Bluff: [roll2]

HP 44/44 (I’d miscalculated earlier)
AC 20, Touch 20, Flat-Footed 15
Fort: +5
Ref: +9
Will: +6
Ki 7/7

2018-01-22, 04:22 PM

Astrid sighs. “You’re an idiot,” she mutters as she puts away her Baoding Balls. She beings an incantantion to summon a Skeletal Owlbear using Summon Undead II.

Casting Summon Undead II

HP 47/47
AC 19 Touch 12 Flat 17 (uncanny dodge also applies)
Saves f +6 R +7 W +5
Slots 0: 6/6 1: 8/8 2: 4/5

2018-01-22, 04:30 PM
"Idiot? I just ruined an otherwise solid ambush attempt on us..." pouts the slighted Barawed.

2018-01-22, 04:43 PM

Astrid stands proudly as she continue to cast her spell. “Well, suppose you didn’t yell that you saw the ambush, which we all noticed, then I would have had time to finish this.” She smirks. Barawed is hardcore, but frankly needs to develop some chill-factor. Not like Astrid. Nope, she is made of cool.

2018-01-22, 04:53 PM
"I kept our targets off you last time. And I can do it again!" She gestures at the brush, "Plus, now they have to rethink how they are going to come at us. I bet we are more prepared than they are now!"

2018-01-22, 04:58 PM

“If I remember correctly, you got yourself stabbed quite a bit.” Astrid groans. “And they’re still set up for an ambush and I haven’t gotten to do any prep work. They’re just as ready as every... fool!” She adds the last part, making sure to keep her edge. Still, it was nice of Barawed to let herself to get stabbed all those time, but we won’t admit it verbally, only in the compulsive narration she does in her head.

2018-01-22, 05:07 PM
"Well sure I got stabbed. I expect to get hurt in any fight I'm in. Who doesn't? How else are you supposed to know you've been in a fight if you don't get hurt? Now if these guys would be so kind as to come on out so we can get to their apology at the end... Like that last guy. Remember when he said sorry for his friends?
I enjoyed slitting his throat!"

2018-01-22, 08:47 PM

At the sudden outburst from his companion about ambushes and not being prepaired, stabbings, lack of sleep, poor life choices, he decides that Action is required.

So, with a fluid motion, he raises and then swiftly lowers his greatclub to annihilate a small bush near by. The bush, being flat-rooted, had no idea this was coming.

"Neither you, nor your rabbit friends will catch me off guard. I shall not be a victum of the fuzzy hoard, one might even call it,
The Fluffining!"

Looking around, very nonchalant, he picks the bundle of wood back up, pretending that nothing happened.

Sorry, I've been joking about that term for the rabbits all weekend and had to post it somehow. :smalltongue:

2018-01-22, 09:17 PM
As Atun tries to act innocent, he gets so caught up in his act that he doesn’t notice a stone in the path, and he trips and falls, scratching himself with his kukri (he takes 1 slashing damage). He stands up and brushes the dust off of his clothes, and he turns away from the group so they don’t see his red, embarrassed face.

2018-01-22, 09:32 PM
Redmond takes out his wand "Can I blast em? Where are they? All I see are birds. Am I supposed to blast the birds?"

2018-01-23, 10:50 AM
Their ambush clearly having been spotted - if Barawed's yelling hadn't made that clear, Atun's attempts at convincing them otherwise certainly did the trick - the creatures burst from the woods. They were burly, covered in chainmail, and the parts that did show were covered in red-orange skin. Yellow eyes peered from beneath steel helms, and battle cries flowed between yellow teeth. "Bitva na nas! Zabicie niaslušnych!"

The creatures were on them in moments. Six of them at least, pouring from the woods, most raising longbows and firing. One, charging Atun, swung his blade in an attempt to cut down the foremost of the adventurers.

Charge on Atun: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] Crit Confirm [roll2]

Bow attacks at Atun:
Attack 1: [roll3] Damage [roll4] Crit Confirm [roll5]
Attack 2: [roll6] Damage [roll7] Crit Confirm [roll8]
Attack 3: [roll9] Damage [roll10] Crit Confirm [roll11]

Bow attacks on Barrawed:
Attack 1: [roll12] Damage [roll13] Crit Confirm [roll14]
Attack 2: [roll15] Damage [roll16] Crit Confirm [roll17]

Feel free to RP your own damage. That's 2 damage to Atun and 9 to Barrawed.

Enjoy the combat. There shouldn't be any environmental penalties or bonuses at this point. I will let you know if that changes.

2018-01-23, 11:03 AM
"Blam! Rainbows make a Blam sound right?"
I use my wand of Prismatic spray on them CL 1.

2018-01-23, 11:18 AM
Barawed yelps when the first arrow sinks into her thigh. She yells back at the creature that shot her, "That hurt! Don't worry, I'll return the favor! HA!"

And with that remark she turns to the thing attacking Atun, "You! Get off my friend!"

Full Attack

First Attack
Lawful, Evil, Magic, +2
To Hit [roll0]
To Hurt [roll1]
To Crit [roll2]

Second Attack
Lawful, Evil, Magic, +2
To Hit [roll3]
To Hurt [roll4]
To Crit [roll5]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

2018-01-23, 12:34 PM
“Ha! You will regret this day, monsters!” Seeing the one next to him hurt already, he decides to go for the archers. “You won’t see me coming.”

Spend a Ki point to go invisible for 1 round, charge, and Full Attack (from Pounce). I will enter Whirling Frenzy to gain another attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll3]

Attack: [roll4]
Crit confirm: [roll5]
Damage: [roll6]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll7]

Attack: [roll8]
Crit confirm: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll11]

Because of Lightning Mace+Adaptive Kukri, I get another attack whenever I threaten a crit. Here’s a few backup rolls for if that happens (I threaten on 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20).
Attack: [roll12]
Crit confirm: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll15]

Attack: [roll16]
Crit confirm: [roll17]
Damage: [roll18]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll19]

Attack: [roll20]
Crit confirm: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll23]

Attack: [roll24]
Crit confirm: [roll25]
Damage: [roll26]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll27]

Attack: [roll28]
Crit confirm: [roll29]
Damage: [roll30]
Sneak Attack+Sudden Strike: [roll31]

HP: 42/44
AC 20, Touch 20, Flat-Footed 15
Fort +5
Ref +9
Will +6
Rage: 4/5 rounds left
Ki: 6/7 remaining

2018-01-23, 01:20 PM

“Time for some suffering...” Astrid says as she finishes her first spell, summoning a massive skeletal beast, which scream silently at her foes. What is screaming, is the air around her. Suddenly, it grows cold as her claws hiss and she leaps at her foes.

Activating Fear Aura. DC 17 will or be shaken to enemies within 5 feet.
Casting parching Touch

Attack 1 Touch
Damage [roll1] + [roll2] skirmish sonic
DC 16 fort or be dehydrates (basically fatigued) and take 1 con damage

Attack 2, Claw (as swift)
Damage [roll4] + [roll5] sonic skirmish
Probably Procs Parching touch as well so...
[roll6] Dessication, DC 16 fort or fatigue and con...

Dunno if they’re flat footed or not so I didn’t roll my sneak attack

HP 47/47
AC 19 Touch 12 Flat 17 (uncanny dodge also applies) +1 Skirmish
Saves f +6 R +7 W +5
Slots 0: 6/6 1: 7/8 2: 4/5

2018-01-23, 02:07 PM
The Owl Bear Skeleton Minion Warrior Flanker

The owlbear moves into position, distracting the foe of its pallid master. It strike with a claw!

Damage [roll1]

Also I get a sneak attack because I was flanking for a mighty [roll2] Sonic Damage

2018-01-23, 07:19 PM

The normal repetitive thumping of his movement speeds up for a moment as the stony figure moves past Atun and brings down his tree sized greatclub upon the orange target. At the very least, this moment will forever be on that orange brain.

Doing some nonlethal damage here, if all goes well.
Moved up 40ft, smacking the adjacent dude.
Confirm?[roll1] for x2

2018-01-24, 09:47 AM
Blood sprays as creature after creature falls to the adventurers attacks. Barrawed's whip dagger takes one in the throat. Atun obliterates two with his charge. Griashnak cracks the skull of another, who falls unconscious at his feet. Astrid's owlbear, combined with her attacks, leave another gutted and gasping his last breaths.

The final ambusher, eyes wide with fright, takes off running down the road, shouting a cry as he does. "Braty, rychtavać! My sutyknulisia z mocnym supiernikam!"

Withdraw action on the last enemy.

2018-01-24, 10:45 AM
“Oh no you don’t! If you won’t get back here, I’ll come over there!”

Go invisible as a swift action and charge. Three attacks.
Attack: [roll0]
Crit confirm: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Crit confirm: [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Crit confirm: [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Extras for Lightning Mace:
Attack: [roll9]
Crit confirm: [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Crit confirm: [roll13]
Damage: [roll14]

Attack: [roll15]
Crit confirm: [roll16]
Damage: [roll17]

Attack: [roll18]
Crit confirm: [roll19]
Damage: [roll20]

Attack: [roll21]
Crit confirm: [roll22]
Damage: [roll23]

HP: 42/44
AC 20, Touch 20, Flat-Footed 15
Fort +5
Ref +9
Will +6
Rage: 3/5 rounds left
Ki: 5/7 remaining

2018-01-24, 10:48 AM
Use however many are applicable, in order from top to bottom.

2018-01-25, 12:59 PM
Atun's attack leaves him far out in front of the rest of the group, but it doesn't seem to matter as he drops his target. The forest goes silent once more. That farmhouse still peeks through the trees to the south, and the road continues on ahead of you, taking a bend to the southeast just beyond the path leading to the farmhouse.

So far so good. You may not be out of the woods yet, though...

2018-01-25, 02:37 PM
"That was both fast and easy!" giggles Barawed. "Think there might be more?"

She peeks ahead at the farmhouse, "Hey! Think there's more in the farmhouse? Who wants to check with me?"

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

2018-01-25, 03:11 PM

Astrid licks the blood of off her claws. “It’s not part of the mission, is it? So I guess my answer is ‘depends on how much your paying me.’”

2018-01-25, 03:27 PM
"That was both fast and easy!" giggles Barawed. "Think there might be more?"

She peeks ahead at the farmhouse, "Hey! Think there's more in the farmhouse? Who wants to check with me?"

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

“That was fun! I’ll come with.”

Spot: [roll0]
Listen: [roll1]
HP: 42/44
AC 20, Touch 20, Flat-Footed 15
Fort +5
Ref +9
Will +6
Rage: 3/5 rounds left
Ki: 5/7 remaining

2018-01-25, 10:40 PM

Taking a moment to tie it's feet to the opposite hands of the orange creature, he sling it over his back while continuing down the path.

"I'm not sure how you typically negotiate rates, is it just by body count? Some times they go by specific body parts,
but that's normally when there is some intrinsic value from them. Humanoid hides typically don't have that much use in open markets.
Although, other body parts could. Depends on the cultural or alchemical properties."

2018-01-26, 12:32 PM

"Currency only," Astrid says, frowning. "I won't always have the time to barter and trade my way though life. I am a professional, not some flea-bitten merchant. Nope, Astrid Ornmiirik is a mercenary. Her time is to be spent for her own amusement or fighting for pay." She crosses her arms. She is so badass. "As for my rates, a diversion from an ongoing will cost the rate and half again, as well as a surcharge up front if it's an investigation. As long as my employer doesn't know what I'll be up against, I reserve the right to earn something, and to retreat if they haven't hired enough work from me. If I do succeed, further payment will be extracted." Of course, this means she's unlikely to be hired for investigations, which carry an unknown amount of personal risk. The pricing structure is quite good for keeping her comfortable with her work.

2018-01-26, 05:08 PM

Taking a moment to tie it's feet to the opposite hands of the orange creature, he sling it over his back while continuing down the path.

"I'm not sure how you typically negotiate rates, is it just by body count? Some times they go by specific body parts,
but that's normally when there is some intrinsic value from them. Humanoid hides typically don't have that much use in open markets.
Although, other body parts could. Depends on the cultural or alchemical properties."

Redmond agrees with them "just take their heads and internal organs and wrap it in their skins. We can sell the organs to te butcher and the skin makes a fine cloak. Some nobles like skull mugs And cups."

2018-01-26, 05:28 PM
Barawed pauses long enough to take a good look at her friends.

"Woah... Sometimes I forget how dark you guys can be... This, guys, this is why you all have a special place in my little black heart."

"Can we do a group hug?"

2018-01-27, 11:36 AM
As you move towards the farmhouse, the woods seem unnaturally quiet. Ahead, you can hear the slight rustle of leaves, indicating something moving. Nothing else stirs, though, and you can see no sign of whatever made the noise.

2018-01-27, 01:37 PM
Barawed perks up at the quiet rustle. "Let's hold off on that hug, I thought I heard something."

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

2018-01-27, 06:54 PM

Pondering out-loud as he trudges forward through the tree line to the farmhouse. "Isn't that how you folks typically make those odd dishes, like sausage? Its not enough to just kill them, you have to mix it all up and then cook them. It always seemed like so many extra steps."

Single move forward.

AC 20, 17 Flatfooted, 12 touch
HP 76 (destroyed at 0)
Speed 40
Fort +4
Ref +4
Will +5

And to be all official like, rolling for the pact with Buer, tn 20 = 15 = influnenced

2018-01-27, 07:53 PM

Astrid pokes Barawed on shoulder and whispers, “we’ll discuss my rates afterwards.” She continues to inform Griashnak. “I normally can’t stand sausage. A lot of regional ones have disgusting products mixed in with the meat. It makes it a convenient traveling food, but I really can only stomach the all-beef ones. I know some giants are big enough to carry whole sheep or goats with them for food. It’s somewhat akin to that.”

2018-01-29, 08:16 AM
I prefer a nice Piece of Burnt mutton. Sausage is good though. Especially the one they sell by the Lizardfolks alley. Strange that they always had it, even during times of Famine,"
Redmond twirls his wand of Scorching Ray. No weak Color Spray this time.

2018-01-29, 05:48 PM
As Griashnak steps forward, howls come from the woods in front of him. More of the creatures dart forward, waving swords and shields and preparing to attack. With them is another of the creatures, this one wearing heavy armor and carrying a mace. Others move to cut off the large construct from the rest of the group.

From behind comes a howl, as from a dog, and a reddish-black beast darts from the forest towards Redmond. Another of the creatures breaks cover and charges at Griashnak.

Roll initiative. Monsters act at 13 initiative, so anyone who rolls higher than a 13 may act in this round.

2018-01-29, 11:00 PM
“The mace guy looks important! Let’s take him out. If you would so kindly move, Griashnak...”

Go invisible, charge, and attack.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
SA+SS: [roll2]

Attack: [roll3]
Damage: [roll4]
SA+SS: [roll5]

Attack: [roll6]
Damage: [roll7]
SA+SS: [roll8]

Extra attacks from Lightning Mace (where applicable):
Attack: [roll9]
Damage: [roll10]
SA+SS: [roll11]

Attack: [roll12]
Damage: [roll13]
SA+SS: [roll14]

Attack: [roll15]
Damage: [roll16]
SA+SS: [roll17]

Attack: [roll18]
Damage: [roll19]
SA+SS: [roll20]

Attack: [roll21]
Damage: [roll22]
SA+SS: [roll23]

Spot: [roll24]
Listen: [roll25]
HP: 42/44
AC 20, Touch 20, Flat-Footed 15
Fort +5
Ref +9
Will +6
Rage: 2/5 rounds left
Ki: 4/7 remaining

2018-01-29, 11:02 PM





2018-01-30, 08:35 AM
"More of these fools? And dogs,

Listen [roll0]
Spot [roll1]

Initiative [roll2]
AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

2018-01-30, 08:46 AM
Barawed steps back and lashes out at the target directly south of her with her whip dagger.

To Hit [roll0]
To Hurt [roll1]
To Confirm [roll2]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

2018-01-30, 08:55 AM
“I want their Skulls!”
Redmond stops twirling his wand of Scorching ray and brings out a wand That seems to Be made of ice. He does a quick flourish with it and then lets a bolt of ice free from the tip.

I use my wand of Ice Knife. It’s a ranged touch.
[roll0]: attack
[roll1]: If hit

If I miss then
[roll2] AoE


2018-01-31, 10:26 AM
Astrid Casts Ray of Enfeeblement on the bigger, tougher enemy.

attack [roll0] versus touch
[roll1] str penalty

2018-02-03, 05:00 PM
The mace-wielding, shield carrying creature is struck by three of Atun's blows, but it doesn't fall. Blood spurts from its wounds, and it seems to sag as Astrid's spell hits it, but it roars something out and pushes forward to attack. The creature south of Barrawed, down and bleeding out, dies to her sudden whip-dagger strike. The dog charging Redmond yelps at the sudden spear of cold rammed into it, but it charges forward nonetheless.

The dog charging Redmond acts first, stopping short and breathing a cone of [roll0] out at the artificer, attempting to roast him. ((DC 13 Reflex save for 1/2 damage)). Further south, most of the creatures attack Atun. The mace wielding creature strikes first, calling out a prayer of some sort and reaching out to [roll1] Atun. ((Touch attack - If successful, Atun takes [roll2] Dexterity Damage)). The dog [roll3] at Atun, teeth [roll4] and breath [roll5] his skin. The nearby warrior steps forward and takes a [roll6] at Atun as well, sword aiming to [roll7] flesh. Another warrior moves to cut Griashnak and Atun off from behind, while another moves up the road towards Barrawed.

Out of the woods three more warriors appear. Two are carrying longswords and shields, while the third carries a battleaxe and shortsword. The last charges towards Atun, sword and axe [roll8] in [roll9] and [roll10]. ((If the Concentration check beats Atun's AC, Atun is flat-footed and the attack does an additional [roll11] damage)).

Nearby, another warrior advances towards Griashnak, sword [roll12] for his [roll13].

2018-02-03, 07:00 PM

Advancing with purpose, a might swing, Griashnak brings his greatclub down on the one praying, as the regular troops can be dealt with in turn.

5 ft step closer. Attack on the figure with the red cloak, using his reach to do so.

To confirm if needed, x2 damage. [roll2]

AC 20, 17 Flatfooted, 12 touch
HP 76 (destroyed at 0)
Speed 40
Fort +4
Ref +4
Will +5

And to be all official like, rolling for the pact with Buer, tn 20 = 15 = influnenced

2018-02-04, 03:06 AM
Another Knife at the dog!

[roll0] Attack
[roll1] Dmg Hit
[roll2] Dmg Miss
[roll4] Reflex

As a fire Genasi am I immune to fire?

2018-02-04, 11:05 AM
"Bah ha ha! It's a monster suicide pact! I want to help!" She laughs as she advances down the path targeting the poor sod now immediately east of her.

To Hit [roll0]
To Hurt [roll1]
To Confirm [roll2]

AC 20 (touch 16, flat footed 15)
HP 55

Pearl of Black Doubt

Readied Maneuvers:
Wall of Blades
Moment of Perfect Mind
Emerald Razor
Mountain Hammer

2018-02-06, 11:13 AM
Astrid moves to aa flanking position!

Feat Aura DC 17 will or Shaken
Astrid Casts Parching Touch

Attack one touch
[roll0] dessication + [roll1] sonic
Fort DC 16 or dehydrated

Swift claw!
[roll2] + [roll3]sonic
Parching Touch... uh... touch
[roll4] dessication
Fort DC16 or dehydrated

2018-02-06, 11:14 AM
[roll0] Parching Touch

[roll1] Claw

2018-02-13, 04:59 PM
The goblinoid creature falls to Griashnak's blow. Astrid's attacks slice and dessicate the new attacker, but he manages to stay on his feet. Barrawed's attack hits the dying creature and ends its life. Redmond's ice knife slams through the dog, but it doesn't fall.

The goblinoids move to surround Griashnak, the one to the north risking an attack to do so. They attack, each swinging in concert with the others to attempt to bring the big stony creature down. Northern attacker (ignore if the AoO drops him - he has 13 HP): [roll0] Damage [roll1] Crit [roll2]
Eastern Attacker [roll3] Damage [roll4] Crit [roll5]
Southern Attacker (at -2 if the northern attacker is dropped by the AoO) [roll6] Damage [roll7] Crit [roll8]

The hound and the other goblinoid in the south attack Atun, the dog biting and the goblinoid swinging axe and sword. Dog Attack [roll9] Damage [roll10] plus [roll11] Crit [roll12]
Goblinoid Axe [roll13] Damage [roll14] Crit [roll15]
Goblinoid Sword [roll16] Damage [roll17] Crit [roll18]

The final goblinoid moves up the road towards Barrawed, intending to keep her from quickly joining the fight to the south.

The dog near Redmond leaps forward, biting at the artificer. Dog Attack [roll19] Damage [roll20] plus [roll21] Crit [roll22]