View Full Version : How would you make a Monk/Cleric Multi-Class?

2018-01-18, 10:13 PM
I recently had an idea for an interesting character I’d like to attempt to make in D&D. The idea was for a boxer/warrior Cleric/Child of Zeus.

I was trying to figure out how to make them, since the character was actually inspired by one of my Dark Souls 2 characters. Who I’d like to create and expand upon in D&D.

In DS2 he’s a simple cleric who wields dual caestus and lighting miracles or healing spells.

I figure that the most elegant way to go about this in D&D would be to make the character a Monk/Cleric of Zeus. The reason for this is because of the synergy they should have with one of their core stats being Wisdom, and I went with a cleric of Zeus because Zeus is the God of Sky and Lighting which works perfectly if you’d like to implement any kind of lighting spells into your cleric’s load out.

The character would most likely be meant for an Epic level Campaign starting at level 20 and going up as far as we can. The character should be agile and nimble, but hit hard and fast, bobbing and weaving out of danger. With spells on hand as a bit of secondary or additional support. Lastly he doesn’t need to be a Demi-God or Grandchild of Zeus, but if possible I’d like to try it out as a racial bonus or template, because it could lend to some interesting story interactions in-game.

So, any suggestions my dudes, dudettes, and duders?

2018-01-18, 10:31 PM
DMM: Persistent buffing Cleric with a Monk's Belt (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#beltMonks).

2018-01-18, 10:51 PM
Sacred Fist?

2018-01-18, 11:26 PM
Sacred Fist?

Sacred Fist! (No question mark needed), either the prestige class in 3.5 (Complete Divine) or the Warpriest archetype for Pathfinder.

2018-01-19, 01:59 PM
Sacred Fist could work really well, as a Prestige Class instead of taking Cleric.

2018-01-19, 02:13 PM
Note that Sacred Fist requires your DM approving the difference between test and table.

2018-01-20, 09:41 AM
DMM: Persistent buffing Cleric with a Monk's Belt (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#beltMonks).

And if you don’t want to use an item to get the monk stuff, really just take improved unarmed strike and superior unarmed strike.

Round it off with smiting spell.

Take spontaneous domain casting and choose storm domain.

This would be TASTY in gestalt if you could take cleric//crusader

2018-01-20, 10:59 AM
You could also possibly take a couple of level dip into Stormlord from Shipwrack (I believe, no access to my books right now).

Focus on Dex/Wis and take Weapon Finess (Unarmed Strike) to cut down on some of the MADness as well.

2018-01-20, 01:57 PM
take Weapon Finess

Intuitive Attack (BoED) replaces Str with Wis to hit, rather than Dex. Exalted shouldn't be a huge deal for a good Cleric.

2018-01-20, 03:44 PM
Intuitive Attack (BoED) replaces Str with Wis to hit, rather than Dex. Exalted shouldn't be a huge deal for a good Cleric.

Yes, but Dex also has the side benefits of increasing Inititative, AC and Reflex saves. Also not being Exalted gives you a little lee-way as a player to have your character make some "grey" moral decisions without risk of losing benefits of Feats.

2018-01-20, 04:25 PM
Yes, but Dex also has the side benefits of increasing Inititative, AC and Reflex saves. Also not being Exalted gives you a little lee-way as a player to have your character make some "grey" moral decisions without risk of losing benefits of Feats.

Dex benefits: Reflex saves, Initiative, and AC.

Wis benefits: Will saves, Bonus Spells per Day, Spell DCs, highest castable spell level, AC (with Monk level or Monk's Belt).

Worth noting, an Illumian could determine Bonus Spells per Day with Dexterity. They also get +caster level capped by HD, which can help make up for a monk dip. Wis still determines the highest level spells which can be cast, though. It's fantastic for E6 gishes, though.

2018-01-20, 04:45 PM
Dex benefits: Reflex saves, Initiative, and AC.

Wis benefits: Will saves, Bonus Spells per Day, Spell DCs, highest castable spell level, AC (with Monk level or Monk's Belt).

Worth noting, an Illumian could determine Bonus Spells per Day with Dexterity. They also get +caster level capped by HD, which can help make up for a monk dip. Wis still determines the highest level spells which can be cast, though. It's fantastic for E6 gishes, though.

That's why I orginally said for the OP to focus on Wis AND Dex. Of couse you should boost your Wis as high as you can for a Cleric. But in the same vein, as a Cleric who's going to be wading into battle with no armour on, then the benefits of having a good Dex isn't something you can overlook.

What I was suggesting with Weapon Finess would help reduce the MADness of the character (removing Str as a primary stat). What you suggested basically renders the character SAD (which isn't bad, better in some ways), but also sticking them with a hefty roleplay restriction.

Depending on how close the OP is going to be sticking to the dogma of Zeus and if they're wanting to emulate their patron in the mortal realm, well... Let's just say that Zeus did and decreed lot of things that would be very heavy in the "very dark grey" area of morality, which if the character came anywhere close to doing they'd instantly lose the benefit of Intuitive Strike, leaving them in a far worse position than if they didn't have to worry about being a Exemplar of Good.

2018-01-20, 05:05 PM
I recently had an idea for an interesting character I’d like to attempt to make in D&D. The idea was for a boxer/warrior Cleric/Child of Zeus.

I was trying to figure out how to make them, since the character was actually inspired by one of my Dark Souls 2 characters. Who I’d like to create and expand upon in D&D.

In DS2 he’s a simple cleric who wields dual caestus and lighting miracles or healing spells.

I figure that the most elegant way to go about this in D&D would be to make the character a Monk/Cleric of Zeus. The reason for this is because of the synergy they should have with one of their core stats being Wisdom, and I went with a cleric of Zeus because Zeus is the God of Sky and Lighting which works perfectly if you’d like to implement any kind of lighting spells into your cleric’s load out.

The character would most likely be meant for an Epic level Campaign starting at level 20 and going up as far as we can. The character should be agile and nimble, but hit hard and fast, bobbing and weaving out of danger. With spells on hand as a bit of secondary or additional support. Lastly he doesn’t need to be a Demi-God or Grandchild of Zeus, but if possible I’d like to try it out as a racial bonus or template, because it could lend to some interesting story interactions in-game.

So, any suggestions my dudes, dudettes, and duders?
Which God you choose depends on what setting you're playing in. For the Forgotten Realms(my prefered setting) I'd suggest Stronmaus from the Giant Pantheon.

Stronmaus: God of Sun, Sky, Weather, Joy, and Cloud Giants. Neutral Good(with Chaotic Good tendencies).