View Full Version : Life on the Wall IC

2018-01-19, 02:21 AM
We begin in a once small town rapidly expanding to accommodate the armies it is preparing to pass through. As you arrive you see that the town is in the process of over doubling in size with half the town under some form of construction. Your various parties are all heading to separate inns, but you will all be meeting at the largest of the newly built sake houses later in the evening for a fine dinner.

Moto Khulan, you are actually invited to stay in your cousins household which has also been opened to Kuni Shigekazu, and Moshibaru Henso as the crowded town has left reduced space for the Crab regulars for the wall to find lodgings.

Asahina Kiyoshi, your smaller group has been shuffled off to the side into a much smaller inn which you are sharing with several ronin and minor clan members. Suzume Yoshi, you are also here with two other members of your clan who are visiting the wall. You are the only one staying full time.

Shosuro Masao and Yorimoto Odashi, in a very awkward mix up it appears that the two inns your groups had planned to stay at have grown so close together as to essentially only be one inn with two owners who are fiercely competitive. While mostly the two inns are still separate from each other the common areas of both have been combined together making for an awkward lunch.

Old Overholt
2018-01-19, 09:39 AM
Suzume Yoshi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1448050)

Suzume Yoshi and his fellow Sparrows have gathered about a small table in the common area of the inn they share with Asahina Kiyoshi and several other nameless samurai/ronin. The Sparrow congregation is certainly noteworthy given the clan's minor numbers and all of them are relatively young. True to rumors and stereotypes about the Sparrow Clan, the trio is boisterous and laughing, enjoying one another's company as they share a small bottle of sake between them. The bottle has seen better days judging by its outer appearance, something that does not coincide with the attire the samurai have donned. Each Sparrow is dressed in a traditional kimono without any ornate trimmings or trappings - simple, but refined. Yoshi's kimono is charcoal grey with one-inch dark red cuffs and matching piping about the edges of the Kimono. A dark black sash is tied about his midsection.

One of the Sparrows is engaged is some fantastical story that clearly has the other two engaged and humored. Holding his hands out wide and puffing out his cheeks, the Sparrow imitates some bloated beast or person waddling forward, causing the other two men to chuckle. The Sparrow stops and the exhales out quickly, his lips flubbing while his hands shoot upward into the air, causing Yoshi and his compatriot to laugh even louder. After sharing a good laugh, they each take a sip of their sake or finish their drink completely.

The two Sparrows joining Yoshi then proceed to rise from their seated position, mumbling something to their friend. Yoshi nods his head with a smile, acknowledging whatever it is they tell him, before they excuse themselves. The duo head away from the common area of the inn, most likely going to clean up after their journey. This leaves Yoshi seat on the ground at the table looking quite content. Letting out a pleased sigh, he shakes his head as he watches the two Sparrows disappear from sight before his eyes go back to scanning the common area. He hums softly to himself as he takes in the unfamiliar surroundings - a slow, melodic, and pleasant tune.

2018-01-19, 01:42 PM
Yoritomo Odashi is late to lunch, having been diverted by a passing flirtation with a pretty young Kaiu maiden he met the night before. He is still stretching and covertly stifling a yawn as he strolls into the common area the two inns share.

When he learned he was to be sent to the Wall, Odashi was initially excited. Every Clan in Rokugan joining forces in one grand army to drive off the forces of theThere are nearly Festering Pit? It had sounded like a grand adventure, one where he might have the chance to strike down goblins by the score and slay a fearsome oni. It sounded like an opportunity.

The reality, however, has been markedly dull. By Odashi's reckoning there are nearly as many courtiers in attendance as bushi, if not more. Instead of battle, the meeting of clans has been marked by endless introductions, pleasantries, tea ceremonies, and more of the seemingly infinite niceties of Rokugani social customs.

In short, Yoritomo Odashi has found himself pitted against the one enemy he never expected to encounter on this expedition: boredom.

His companions are of little help; the Tsuruchi he travels with are taciturn and dour, and the few other Mantis bushi seem annoyed by his presence. Odashi has fought off the ennui as best he can, practicing his martial kata almost religiously and seeking out whatever diversion he can find.

Last night he was struck by a desire to examine Crab weapon styles, hoping to try his hand at the use of the signature tetsubo. In the armory Odashi ran into the Kaiu maiden with whom he spent a most enjoyable evening. Romantic encounters are the most entertaining pastime to be had in this overcrowded village, it seems, but Odashi is already growing restless again.

A quick look about the large central space of the inn shows the Mantis and Scorpion sitting on either side, neither group quite meeting with the other. Ordering a bottle of sake, Odashi seats himself at the table nearest to the Scorpion and sets out three cups beside his own; a clear invitation to come and have a drink with the young bushi.

2018-01-19, 02:04 PM
Shosuro Masao sits at a table in the joint common area, in front of a pyramid of empty teacups. He listens to the two inn owners snipe at each other. Every so often he throws in a question - "Debts?" "Missing vegetable?" - that pricks one of the owners to explain their barbs at the other in more detail. He doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the Mantis delegation. But then, he doesn't seem to be paying much attention to the owners. Whenever one of them looks to him for agreement, he just sips his tea.

When Odashi sits down, Masao doesn't glance in his direction at first. He waits for the innkeepers to reach a uncomfortable silence, then excuses himself to switch tables.

"Hello, Mantis-san. I presume I wouldn't be depriving you of sake if I had some?"

2018-01-19, 02:16 PM
Asahina Kiyoshi held back a smirk and a scoff when he saw the inn where they would be accommodated.

They were the smallest "delegation" from a Great Clan assigned here, but no doubt his traveling companions would be incensed at the the perceived insult from the Crab.

He's spend enough time among the courtiers in Shizuka Toshi to know this was an intentional snub, and a clever one at that. The Crane could never express dissatisfaction with such accommodations with a group their size.

Seeing a Sparrow samurai completed the arrangement. The Crane have always had the closest relationship with the Sparrow and the Crab could use proximity to the minor clan as a backhanded compliment.

For his part Kiyoshi did not much mind. Jukami Mura was in the Asahina province known colloquially among the other clans as "the armpit of the Crane" so almost anywhere else in the Empire could make a case for being superior.

Kiyoshi's Doji companion would no doubt see to the accommodations in a huff, so Kiyoshi elected to have a look around at the samurai currently present. He would meet with the Sparrow soon but for now cast a wary eye upon the ronin present, looking for anyone that resembled his mark.

2018-01-19, 02:17 PM
“On the contrary ,” Odashi answers, pouring a cup for Masao. “I set out these extra cups in hope that someone might deprive me of one of them. Drinking alone is tedious, and I’m afraid my traveling companions are grown weary of my company. So I hoped I might share a meal with someone a bit more...interesting. I have the honor to be Yoritomo Odashi. Or the ignominy, depending on who you ask.”

2018-01-19, 05:13 PM
He raises an eyebrow, but restrains himself from jumping on the opening. "I'm Shosuro Masao, happy to meet you. You sound like you've come for the fighting.

2018-01-19, 05:23 PM
“That’s what I was told,” Odashi smiles wanly. “Little did I know that our foe was to be the most dreaded of all the forces of the Pit: the fearsome Oni no Tedium.”

2018-01-19, 08:27 PM
Odashi and Maso are startled to hear a light ringing peal of laughter from another member of the Scorpion delegation who had been approaching them. The startlingly elegant woman seats herself at the table adjusting her daisho before leaning over and reaching for one of the empty cups. "An elegant description Mantis san. I am Shosuro Kaname, surely even the bravest Mantis must fear attempting to bridge the gap between such sheer chasms as this. Or the most foolish.

Suzume Yoshi, as you take in the sights and sounds an older samurai ronin settles into one of your chairs. "If you would excuse me sparrow-sama I would share the table with you. That is quite the charming song you were humming."He is clearly an older man, but despite his somewhat unkempt ronin demeanor he clearly has made his best efforts to maintain a clean and proper appearance. Most unsettling however is what appears to be a clear refusal to cover the wound where his left eye once was. Instead deep and unsettling scar crosses the gnarled remains of a scared eyelid giving hits of an empty socket.

2018-01-19, 08:46 PM
“My sensei once told me the only difference between a brave leap and a foolish one is where you land,” Odashi quips, flashing her his most winning grin as he fills her cup. “A pleasure, Kaname-san. May I ask what brings such a lovely figure as yourself to the Wall?”

2018-01-20, 01:24 PM
"Thank you, Hida Xiulan, for the refreshment" Henso nods respectfully to her as he finishes a fine cup of tea, the last portion of a lovely midday meal. He is quite contented, as much by the food and hospitality as by the delightful conversation they have been enjoying in the modest yet elegant sitting room. Privately he hopes that the usual philosophical musings between Shigekazu and himself have not bored his hostess. Yet if the former Unicorn were disinterested by the conversation then she hid it quite well, Kami bless her.

He looks down at his tea for a moment. The lull in the conversation has unfortunately allowed concerning thoughts to return to his mind concerning the danger the scorpion delegation might present to his new life. His gratitude for Xiulan's hospitality bounds up anew as he considers how relatively safe he feels here away from the crowded inns of the town, where anyone might recognize him.

"And another glad thank you, for allowing us to stay in your lovely home. In a town overrun with strangers and travelers, it is a pleasure to be welcomed into a sanctuary of domestic peace."

2018-01-20, 02:25 PM
Asahina Kiyoshi sees the Sparrow samurai leaving the table. He had hopes to meet them all together, but one would suffice for now. It wouldn't hurt to begin familiarizing himself with the ronin in the area.

He approached the table with Suzume Yoshi and the ronin. He was still in travel gear. He wore a grey kimono with blue trim, more appropriate to a Crab but far more suited to the work of a magistrate in a city like Jukami Mura.

"Excuse me, samurai-sama. Would you mind if I share your table for a few minutes while our accommodations are seen to? I am Asahina Kiyoshi. We have just recently arrived from the Crane lands and I could stand to rest my feet a moment"

2018-01-20, 04:24 PM
"Indeed, I must also offer many thanks." the Kuni says with a bow to his host. It lacks grace, but is certainly sincere. "I cannot begin to imagine how things must be over at the inns. The filled rooms have likely only served to make the owners even more competitive, if that is even possible." he says with a small chuckle.

2018-01-20, 05:49 PM
Henso smiles slightly, but warmly at Shigekazu's joke. "This is true. Honest competition can elevate both participants and unlock hidden potential, but I'm afraid the local inn owners lack the requisite courtesy for this kind of competition. I hope the various clan delegates don't take after our local innkeepers."

2018-01-20, 05:53 PM
When Kaname grabs Odashi's attention, Masao stifles a smile. He pours himself a glass of sake and drinks while surreptitiously watching the Mantis bushi's expression.

2018-01-21, 11:06 AM
Odashi and Masao

Calmly sipping at her sake Kaname takes a moment before replying,"Why Yorimoto-san you may ask any question you please, although that is a boring one. Honor and Duty compel me to, although I do hope to find Glory at some point as we are here."

Hida Xiulan's household.

Hida Xiulan hides a polite giggle, "Its actually a sad story, before our small village only had one fairly large and successful inn and sake house run by a single family for five generations, a mighty oak at the center of our town. However as the town grew the head of the family decided to only expand a little bit." Xiulan pauses for dramatic effect here to pour more tea,

"The various children and grandchildren convinced they knew better began to split away building their own inns, and every time one opened up he made it bigger then the last. Of course the others couldn't stand for that and began to expand. Now the first two have actually grown to the point they share a common room, although they maintain separate staffs, two trees grown so close together that for either to pull away would be death. The rest are spread all over the town quite haphazardly, almost as if blown by the wind."

She sits back down and asks a final question. "I do wonder though, students of philosophy that you are, who is the wiser. The saplings rushing to fill new space or the deep rooted oak holding its long held ground."

2018-01-21, 01:29 PM
“Why then, I must beg your deepest apologies,” Odashi smiles, undeterred, “for boring is the one thing I aspire never to be. I fear the malaise of this place has dulled my charm. A more interesting question, then: what do you like to do for your amusement, other than toying with hapless Mantis bushi?”

2018-01-21, 10:22 PM
Henso smiles at the question, pleased as much with her participation as with the question itself. After a moment of consideration he says. "Neither is wise. A sapling that never ceases to grow will overextend itself and die, the oak that never grows will become sick and die. The wise tree is the one that stands firm through the winter and flourishes in the spring, expanding and diminishing in its season. Wiser still is the one who realizes that the sapling and the oak are the same tree in different times. This is the lesson that the innkeeper and his family forgot; that the father and his sons are the same people in different times."

Old Overholt
2018-01-22, 08:30 AM
Suzume Yoshi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1448050)

Seeing the old man approach the table, Yoshi has enough time to take him so as not to be completely startled by his presence. His humming stops as the man draws within earshot, the Sparrow samurai now left to simply look up at the older ronin and give him a polite, welcoming smile. When the request is made, Yoshi nods his head slowly without removing his eyes from the older man's face. With a slow, sweeping gesture from his left hand, he offers the man a seat at the table. "Not at all," Yoshi responds. "Please," he then insists. "The melody was 'composed' by my younger sister quite early in her life," Yoshi adds - a bit of mirth put behind the word composed - as the man makes himself comfortable at the table.

Once the older ronin sits, Yoshi appears ready to open his mouth and ask the man a question, but the approach and arrival Asahina Kiyoshi gives him pause. Quite similar to the ronin, Kiyoshi is greeted with a smile and a nod of the head. Using his right hand to gesture to a spot at the table, Yoshi responds, "Please, sit..." Now glancing between the nameless ronin and Asahina Kiyoshi, Yoshi remarks in good spirited fashion, "It seems I am quite the popular individual - I will ask my companions to leave me more often." Eyes now focusing on Kiyoshi, Yoshi places his right hand over his heart and adds, "I am Suzume Yoshi, Asahina-sama - at your service." Now his eyes drift towards the ronin. "I was just about to inquire of our guest here his name..." Yoshi's right eyebrow quirks upward on his face in a an inquisitive and perhaps amusing fashion.

2018-01-22, 10:04 PM
The dueling Inns

Suzume pauses, finishing her sake cup rather slowly as she ponders the question, "Well, if you find a hapless Mantis bushi do please let me know. In general however I am quite the dedicated student of go."

Hida Xiulans household

Xiulan smiles at the answer, "Ah, a most unusual answer for a Crab Samurai. Kuni-san. Would you care to weigh in?"

The smallest inn.

The older ronin seats himself oddly, stepping over the back of the chair seemingly to avoid stressing his back. "Many thanks Sparrow-san, the song is quite impressive. It speaks to the truth that beautiful can grow among all clans great and small." As Asahina Kyoshi arrives he gives a polite bow to both of you, bowing slightly deeper to Suzume, "I am Yamada Jiro."

2018-01-22, 10:36 PM
”Really?” Odashi leans forward, grinning. ”I do not fancy myself a great tactician, but last Winter Court I bested the son of the Akodo daimyo at Go.”

Admittedly, the contest in question was not actually Go, but broadly speaking the statement is true.

2018-01-23, 05:15 AM
Shigekazu gives a thoughtful pause, considering his response. "Wisdom is not found in simply creating anew or enduring. Instead, it is important to consider the circumstances of each. The sapling that starts it's growth in the depths of winter is doomed to failure, just as the mighty oak is doomed in the path of a fire. Knowing when to start anew, and when to endure, that takes true wisdom. Certainly, in some situations, it is even possible to create and endure simultaneously. If the innkeepers were to work together, for example, they would not have to compete against one another and could pool resources to endure difficult times." He gives a single nod at the end of his answer seemingly satisfied.

2018-01-23, 09:01 AM
Masao's eyebrows raise at Odashi's claim. "Extraordinary, Yoritomo-san. What did you do, play him on a boat?"

2018-01-23, 11:45 AM
Henso smiles a bit at the similarity between he and Shigekazu's answers. He muses that their study of philosophy and bushido has taught them both a portion of that very wisdom the question asks of the trees. For a moment he sits in gratitude to have made such wise friends among the his adopted Clan. Then, coming unbidden to his mind, Henso hears the words of his father saying, "Bushido is a cage for the mind. Those who can only think behind Akodo's bars will never innovate, never surprise you. Such men are predictable, repetitive. You can take two men who bow to bushido, two men from different families, different Clans, different worlds, and you can know just as surely as if they were the same man how they will react to any challenge. That predictability is our armor, innovation is our sword."

Henso casually covers his mouth with his hand as he shifts into what he hopes looks like a thoughtful position. He feels his spirits suddenly drop off as his father's words come to him. Despite his best efforts the false teachings of his youth are still a part of him.

2018-01-23, 01:00 PM
“Difficult to play Go on a ship. The pieces tend to slide around.”Odashi sips his sake and decides the full tale will be more amusing than continuing to feign competence at a game. “It happened that the Akodo went on a tirade regarding the holiness of the katana: that no proper samurai should neglect its use, and that those who trained in lesser weapons were inherently inferior warriors. Given that he was within sight of the great statue of Yoritomo holding his kama, I took it as an insult to my clan and family.
“So I remarked within Akodo-san’s hearing that a samurai who trained only in one weapon would be worse than useless once deprived of it. He took the proffered bait and challenged me to name a worthier weapon. I asserted that the best weapon for a true samurai was whatever happened to be within his reach. Akodo-san took insult, and challenged me to a duel to first blood: his sword against whatever weapon I chose.
“We met in the garden of Kyuden Gotei the next morning. Akodo-san wore his swords. I was unarmed. In those gardens there is an old stone table where courtiers play Go to pass the time. When he struck at me I put the table between us. I dodged his second strike and broke his nose with a Go stone, winning the duel.”

2018-01-23, 01:12 PM
Kiyoshi noted the slight snub from Yamada Jiro, though in truth he was intrigued more than insulted. He might expect such conduct from an insolent ronin youth, but the average ronin would never make it to this man's age without showing proper deference to a Great Clan samurai. And his name? Who was this ronin?

Given his status as yoriki, Kiyoshi may have been justified in simply nodding to the ronin, even being in foreign lands. He was Crane, however, and would be expected to be the height of courtesy while representing them. He bowed to each of the samurai in turn and equally deep to each.

"Well met to you both. Suzume Yoshi-san,
I believe I saw you and your fellows arrive here shortly before we did, is that correct? How about you Yamada Jiro-san? Have you been in the area for some time? I hear the fighting along the wall has drawn a great number of wave men to the Crab lands. I hear more show up every day"

Kiyoshi takes his seat at the table as he finishes speaking. Though his taking a seat is a pretense to initiate conversation, he also relishes the opportunity to rest after the journey.

Old Overholt
2018-01-23, 01:35 PM
Suzume Yoshi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1448050)

"That is correct," Suzume Yoshi says as he proceeds to fill a cup of sake for both men - the Crane and ronin. "Just two hours or so ago. My 'brothers' wished to retire for a while. I saw no need... and still do not." From the looks of him, Yoshi could stand to at least run a wet cloth over his face and wash his hands - the burden of travel clearly marked across his brow, face, and fingers. The cups he used have been on the table since the men arrived so it is safe to presume his fellow Sparrows had sipped from them previously. A cup is then placed shortly out in front of each man at the same time before Yoshi then sets the bottle in the center of the table, equadistant from the two of them. Leaning back, he rests his hands on his knees as he looks from Kiyoshi to Jiro, an expectant look of curiosity in his eyes as he awaits the ronin's response.

2018-01-24, 12:02 AM
The dueling Inns

Suzume's eyes go quite wide at the anecdote, "That was you? I had assumed that story was just that, a story."

Hida Xiulans household

Xiulan is clearly still pondering your answers as she finishes the last of her tea. "Now that was an answer I would expect of one raised among the Kuni family. I immagine that most everyone from my clan would have sided with the children. To move aggressively and push against ones limits is very much the way of the Unicorn."

The smallest inn.

When asked the question Jiro gets a wistful look on his face. "I have only arrived recently. I had hopped to travel to the wall before now, however it seems the winds that guide the waves that guide the fate of such men as me had other places in mind. Now I fear the tides for the ship I was meeting left before I could get here. Still, with hope I may set sail before long."

It is at this point that all of you begin to hear music playing in the streets as it approaches time for one night festival to begin. Any preparations that would need to be made before the early dinner with the Governor you have been invited to would best be made now. As already you see various samurai and lower classes about in the streets.

2018-01-24, 12:05 AM
Masao nods along to Odashi's story, looking credulous and impressed. "Such a small weapon to break a nose with! I am sure the Crab will admire your resourcefulness. The Mantis are rich, they know, and they pride themselves on making do with little. I find it is helpful to defy expectations. But not too much! No trust if you're not a little like what they expect." The Scorpion adjusts his mask, then takes a bite of food.

2018-01-24, 06:18 AM
”You are too kind, my friends,” Odashi says with a smile and a little bow. ”An interesting thought, Masao-san. I am afraid that if anything I am too much as I am expected to be. And you? Everyone says the Scorpion are villains, but I find the two of you to be most excellent companions.”

As the music filters in from outside, Odashi perks up. ”Ah! It seems the time for the governor’s dinner approaches. Will you accompany me to his estate? You are easily the most interesting samurai I have met here, and it will make a good impression to see those of different Clans sharing camaraderie.”

2018-01-24, 10:49 PM
"You have told us what your clan would answer, but you have not yet answered the question for yourself, Hida Xiulan. I would know what wisdom you have to share on the topic." He holds out his hands as if inviting her response. He hesitates then for just a moment. "Unless of course we have kept you too long. I for one am prepared for this evenings festivities, but I believe time grows short if you have your own preparations to make."

2018-01-25, 12:44 AM
"Gladly, Odashi-san." Masao tosses down the rest of his sake, bows to both innkeepers (at once, so they can't argue over whom he bowed to first), and gets ready to leave. He looks to the rest of the Scorpion delegation to make sure he has permission, then to the Mantis delegation to check if they're ready as well.

2018-01-25, 03:29 AM
Shigekazu accepts the former Unicorn's reply with a smile and a short bow of his head.

"I admit, I am curious about your answer as well. Though, I would not presume to be a burden if our time is short."

2018-01-28, 01:02 PM
Kiyoshi was taken aback slightly at the ronin's sudden bout of wistfulness. A ronin warrior-poet perhaps?

He turned in his seat to face the door at the commotion outside.

"You will have to excuse me, I am expected at the new sake house soon and must finish settling into our accommodations. I hope that we have the opportunity to converse more later"

Kiyoshi rises and bows to the two samurai. He returns to their room to change into a more evening appropriate kimono in the traditional Crane colors.

Old Overholt
2018-01-29, 02:25 PM
Suzume Yoshi (https://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=1448050)

Suzume Yoshi bows his head to Kiyoshi as he begins to excuse himself, the Sparrow offering the Crane a respectful acknowledgement of his departure with a smile. "Of course. I'm certain the Fortunes will encourage another encounter," Yoshi says before turning his attention back to the ronin. He looks as if he's about to say something, but the music and movement from outside draw his attention away for a moment or two. His mouth slightly ajar, Yoshi is finally able to put his focus back on Jiro. He lowers his head a touch, a bit embarrassed by the distraction, but is able to look back upon the other man with the infectious smile of his. "Excuse me... my mind is being pulled in multiple directions. I should be going soon myself, but if you don't mind the intrusion..." Yoshi's eyes narrow as his inquisitive nature takes over. "Why are you departing so soon if you had hoped to visit The Wall of all places? The Kami are certainly mysterious in their ways, but... it seems like quite the way to come for such an ambitious endeavor, only to leave without seeing it through..."