View Full Version : AMEN XV: Up to Eleven Days a Week

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2007-09-04, 11:34 AM
"And shool?" CP then goes on to say that sleep is needed, even by the most deprved oplayer of the most depraved charcter to ever exist on the internet or on any medium. "Except soap operas naturally. They are the filth that even AMEN won't touch with a standard issue ten foot barge pole."
"And I agree."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-04, 11:39 AM
School hasn't been a problem for me, I mean, back in the glory days of AMEN and Random Banter, I was on this site more at school than at home. I'm 1337 haxors. Now that I have a laptop with internal Wi-Fi, only my 1 45 minute class a day will prevent me from posting. Which means fairly little, since I'm known to go into lurk mode randomly.

2007-09-04, 11:43 AM
School hasn't been a problem for me, I mean, back in the glory days of AMEN and Random Banter, I was on this site more at school than at home. I'm 1337 haxors. Now that I have a laptop with internal Wi-Fi, only my 1 45 minute class a day will prevent me from posting. Which means fairly little, since I'm known to go into lurk mode randomly.

"My player wishes Rexs' player to know that she isn't actually computer literate so she'll need a lot of that explained to her."
"And why Regina? For the love of God, why?"

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-04, 11:47 AM
I took computer classes and manipulated teachers. I manipulated my CAD teacher by showing him that I already know everything from playing around on my brother's computer when he took the class, My study class had a teacher that knew me, and when the Library stopped us from going to the site((Much to their grief, I always had tricks up my sleeve.)), I just used her computer, and in Comp. Sci. I was teaching the teachers how to use flash from what I learned from them and the internet.

And Regina was born of my fetishes. Probably explains her nature....

2007-09-04, 11:55 AM
"Oh, that makes sense. Although Regina is creepy, and if she's your fetishes; well, nasty."
"Note to self: Never invite RexP to a party. Ever."
"So what's the class you can't lurk here for then? I could maybe lurk in one of my lessons, it's only an hour long and once a week. Impossible in my other lessons; not that I want to lurk during them."

Curly decides to emphasise presents adressed to AMENites with Big Freakin' Neon Signs That Flash and could possibly cause seizures.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-04, 12:00 PM
Regina's um... Ambitions, Rex's Psychosis, and a Manipulative Mind enough to control pretty much any teacher, principal, ect. I'm am Evil to the core.

I actually haven't started Collage yet, but the classes are short and I don't have too many. I have a four day weekend. Every weekend. The biggest day will be Wednesday, but that depends upon whether I can get online during C++ or whether the teacher is a hard ass.

2007-09-04, 12:05 PM
"I have a two day weekend; every weekend. My shortest dy is Wednesday. I can leave at 2pm. And get home in time for my volunteer work. My longest day getting to college, classes and back is every other day. 12 hours. Although, I do get free time. The classes are long, but what I'm taking is fun. Except for the aforementioned hour long class. Stupid government."

"I'm begging now. Can someone else please distract the players from college and education related talk or we'll all end up in school. Again."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-04, 12:06 PM
"O! Yeah, I'm taking over narrating myself!" *Stabs and kills Rex's Player*

2007-09-04, 12:17 PM
"I'd rather not kill my player. Too much hassle." Instead she..."When did you get out of L-Space?"
"Dunno. Plot forgetfullness."
"It was never a plot. Just something for you to do. Like robo-clowns reated by Magto after his player watched Madness."
"That was funny."

A clown is created and waits for Saurous to come online. When he does the clown will try to hug him and give him a balloon animal.

2007-09-04, 03:37 PM
Saurous and Maur walk in, with Saurous manipulating various bead-like objects in the air in front of him into various ritualistic shapes. As the clown hugs him, the beads fall to the floor with various clanking noises. The necromancer twitches, and Maur backs away from him.

"Oh, crap."

Saurous then practically explodes in black flames, obliterating anything within five feet of him.

2007-09-04, 03:43 PM
"Your father really doesn't like clowns. Then again, who can blame him. Dolls and puppets are incredibly freaky too Especially the larger dolls with the flippy open eyes and voices; and any puppet with strings." Curly twitches slightly as she says this.
"So, since your father's occupied freaking out; what were those beads for?"

The clown turns into a crispy shdow of himself, he still lives; kind of, just long enough to give Saur a pink balloon bunny rabbit. Then he crumbles into dust and little pieces of charcoal.

2007-09-04, 03:45 PM
Maur sighs, and walks over to the scorched portion of the floor. Saurous is standing there, frozen with an annoyed look on his face. The little blackguard begins picking up the beads on the floor.

"He was just showing me some symbols and stuffed used for rituals and spells and stuff."

Lord Magtok
2007-09-04, 03:46 PM
Magtok comes back online, and lies down on the couch in front of the TV.

*Yawn* Today, my player's mother randomly decided that his room needed to be painted. I'll probably be around less than usual. Darn parents...

2007-09-04, 03:48 PM
"The clown ruined father-son time then. Or was it strictly academic?" she walks over to Saur and taps him on the shoulder. "Are you OK? You've been attacked by a lot of clowns lately."

"Heh heh. 'Little blackguard'. Have you ben reduced in stature? Or are you really young."

Hearing Magtok moan about his player she says "So, I've been ordered to clean up all of my shared room with my sister for a long time. I stil don't see why she shouldn't help. And painting isn't that hard. I painted a room in a day once. Not includng moving things in and out."

2007-09-04, 03:57 PM
As Saur breaks out into flame, Korias sits on the half-ruined sofa and munches on some kettle korn. Create Water Korias raises a hand filled with sugary popcorn and a galon of water drops onto Saur's head, cooling the singed ground.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-04, 03:57 PM
Magtok comes back online, and lies down on the couch in front of the TV.

*Yawn* Today, my player's mother randomly decided that his room needed to be painted. I'll probably be around less than usual. Darn parents...

That is terribly random.

So very very random.

This cannot be a coincidence.

It's a sign of the apocalypse! :smalleek:

Vespe hides under a cardboard box marked "Falout sheltur."

2007-09-04, 03:57 PM
"The clown ruined father-son time then. Or was it strictly academic?" she walks over to Saur and taps him on the shoulder. "Are you OK? You've been attacked by a lot of clowns lately."

"Heh heh. 'Little blackguard'. Have you ben reduced in stature? Or are you really young."

"Uh, no? I'm twelve, so I'm 'little' compared to most blackguards."

Saurous "unfreezes" and looks over at Curly.

"Yes, I'm fi- HOLY S***!"

Saurous falls backwards onto the floor, as a malicious-looking clown with bright red hair and a bunch of balloons in one hand walks into the room. He loses his malicious look suddenly, and walks over to Curly and Saurous.

"Hi! I'm Pennywise, the Dancing Clown! Would you like a balloon?"


The necromancer scrambles backwards from Pennywise, for some reason he seems far more frightened of this clown than the others.

2007-09-04, 04:07 PM
Gladly, Saur. Harm! Korias gets up from his popcorn and pats the clown on the shoulder, sending ripples of deadly energy through the carnie. Returning to his seat, he continues to munch on the popcorn.

Wait, Twelve? How'd you become a blackguard at 12? Korias eyes the little blackguard following Sauros. Usualy, you dont see Blackguards below the age of 18.

2007-09-04, 04:13 PM
"Well, that's only if you consider it in elf years. I would be in my ninties or eighties in human years.

And even then, that's only how I am mentally and physically."

Pennywise twitches violently from the Harm spell, but doesn't die or seem to be hurt that badly. His head twists violently to Korias, a pair of fangs protruding from his mouth.

"That wasn't very nice."

"Have you ever read Steven King's It?"

2007-09-04, 04:57 PM
No, I'm not a fan. More of an H.P. Lovecraft man myself. Korias calmly stands up and wipes his hands together. Damn Carnies. Walking over to the mutant clown, he pulls out a glove. I challenge thee to a duel of honor! as Korias whips the glove across the Clown's face.

2007-09-04, 04:58 PM
Pennywise suddenly slices Korias across the face with one of his now-clawed hands. He then suddenly changes form, shifting into whatever it is Korias fears. Just, pick a fear and we can continue.

2007-09-04, 05:02 PM
Hey Saurous, could I borrow happiness? after arguing with this one idiot, I need to let off some steam. Just a warning, it might take him a day or so to recoup, and easily longer than what regina did to him.

2007-09-04, 05:06 PM
Truth be told, I've always feared you, Sauros. Being the head of AMEN and all, you have the power of the universe behind you. [/Sarcasm]
In all reality, Tribal witchdoctors scare me. That, and Cujo (The dog with rabies).

Korias winces as the claws drag along his face, but nothing a simple healing spell cant fix. But his eyes go from "Annoyed" to "Utter Fear" when he sees the Tribal Shaman from 10 years ago infront of him. No! Get away from me, you sadistic psycho! I'm telling you, your not taking my liver, damnit! Korias rushes up to one of the support columns while casting spider climb on himself, and rushes up the pillar to where the clown cant reach him.

2007-09-04, 05:18 PM
A strange be-tentacled man walks in on the chaos.

"Hey guys! I'm back from my vacation!"

2007-09-04, 05:18 PM
Saurous, now noticing the It is no longer a clown, rushes towards it. He raises one hand above his head to attack It, but the creature turns back into Pennywise, and slashes Saurous across the chest with a claw. The necromancer spirals backwards, hitting the floor hard.

It then turns back into the witchdoctor, and slowly makes it's way towards the pillar. It digs one clawed hand into the pillar, and pulls itself up. It begins crawling up the stone with spider-like precision after Korias.

2007-09-04, 05:28 PM
Korias jumps back down from his perch and rushes away from It. Grabbing Lucid Archon, Korias throws the tentacled man at the Witch Doctor.Distract it so I can escape! I'll repay you later!

2007-09-04, 05:34 PM
Umm... Who is this guy in the clerical robes?

2007-09-04, 05:38 PM


"Some welcome..."
"Hey, how bad can a lowly human be? Coward, I'll just..."

The Witchdoctor shudders for a second and shifts again, into a most dreadful form, a form so terrifying, it sets Lucid's seven valved heart into an arrhythmic fit, the horrible form of a japanese school girl.


Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-04, 05:39 PM
He's one of the many members who posted a bit, then left. I guess he's back.

2007-09-04, 05:41 PM
It leaps down from it's perch, and gives chase. It still appears as a witchdoctor to Korias, but appears as a horrific-looking schoolgirl to Lucid. It stabs it's claws into Lucid's stomach, and rips out a few organs.


It then continues chasing after Korias.

2007-09-04, 05:41 PM
How odd. Well, he seens interesting, at least.

2007-09-04, 05:42 PM
...wow is the only thing detrevni can muster after he reapered when dp got out of school as he looks over the situation in front of him. he turns to the nearest window and jumps out shoving his sword in the wall to stand on

2007-09-04, 05:45 PM
Lucid slumps to the floor, bleeding.

"Now I remember why I needed a vacation."

2007-09-04, 05:56 PM
after peeking in the widow he sees that what he thought was a clown is now a smal pile of dirt o, is that a chalenge,says detrevni as he hops in the window and begins slashing at the dirt but to his terrer the more he dug the bigger the pile grew NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! he screams as he colapses in a pile of self pity

2007-09-04, 05:57 PM
Korias sees the witchdoctor gaining on him, before he resorts to running to Magtok's room. Hiding amongst the controllers and games, he waits to activate one of the many traps that hide amidst the fun things. Like Magtok's personal Big Daddy.

Goblin Music
2007-09-04, 06:00 PM
what are you doing?

2007-09-04, 06:44 PM
The It comes to a stop at the door to Magtok's room, and slowly makes his way inside. The creature knocks a pit of robotic equipment off a table, and slowly and quietly moves around the room, searching for Korias.

2007-09-04, 06:56 PM
Korias jumps out from his hiding place, holding a Box for Bioshock. With a wicked smile on his face, he opens the box. Triggering one of the traps that Magtok hides in his room, Korias leaps out the door as a hole in the ceiling appears. Soon after, A large Big Daddy appears and smashes It. Korias is already halfway across the base by now, hiding behind Curly.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-04, 06:59 PM
Vespe teleports in, grabs Korias, engulfs his hand in lightning, then shoves it into Korias' face and fries him to death.

2007-09-04, 07:03 PM
Vespe teleports in, grabs Korias, engulfs his hand in lightning, then shoves it into Korias' face and fries him to death.

I've just been Bioshock'd! :smallbiggrin:

A Korias Clone appears out of one of the doors Magtok clones usualy come out of. If Magtok can do it, so can I! Korias then resumes hiding behind Curly.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-04, 07:06 PM
Hearing Magtok moan about his player she says "So, I've been ordered to clean up all of my shared room with my sister for a long time. I stil don't see why she shouldn't help. And painting isn't that hard. I painted a room in a day once. Not includng moving things in and out."

No, you don't understand. My player isn't painting the room. He's being kicked out of it and has to room with his annoying little brothers. *shudders.*

And I have no big daddy.

2007-09-04, 07:08 PM
It stumbles backwards, the mask on it's Witch doctor face cracking. The monster the disappears in a puff of red smoke, becoming SP.

"Well, that was fun. I got to scare Korias and Saurous, and ripped out Lucid's stomach."

He then uses the Hyptnotize Big Daddy Plasmid on the Protector, mostly to get it out of the way.

Meanwhile, Saurous regains consciousness, and sighs.

"Ugh, stupid clown monster..."

Raiser Blade
2007-09-04, 07:19 PM
The Big Daddy takes of his helmet and it turns out to be trogdor.

"Haha had you guy's going for a minute their."

*TUrns toward sauros

"Prepare to be burninated"

*Burninates sauros

2007-09-04, 07:20 PM
And I have no big daddy.

It was delivered in your Absence, and I borrowed your cloning machine as well, if you dont mind. Korias then turns to Raiser_B1ade, Or it was just him hiding in the Big-Daddy suit.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-04, 07:24 PM
It was delivered in your Absence, and I borrowed your cloning machine as well, if you dont mind. Korias then turns to Raiser_B1ade, Or it was just him hiding in the Big-Daddy suit.


Oh, and welcome back, Lucid Archon. The tiny little corner of my mind that remembered you also happened to miss you.

2007-09-04, 07:26 PM
Sauros is burninated, whoever he is.

Saurous walks over to SP as he exits Magtok's room.

"You are a very frustrating pubescent boy, you do know that, right?"

"I know."

2007-09-04, 08:19 PM

Oh, and welcome back, Lucid Archon. The tiny little corner of my mind that remembered you also happened to miss you.

"Don't be such a robo-sissy, I was only gone for a few days."

Lord Magtok
2007-09-04, 08:26 PM
Magtok shrugs.

It was at least three threads. And a month or two. Or four. Don't really remember that well.

A few giant robots clearly ripped off from some Japanese show approach Lucid.

Call me a sissy again, and your tentacle will be shoved so far into you that they come out your mouth. Twice.

2007-09-04, 08:40 PM
"What? Don't be ridiculous, I was only on the elemental plane of time for three...."

Lucid absentmindedly disintegrates the GundoMechGels with a motion.

Goblin Music
2007-09-04, 08:44 PM
GM splits Trogdor in half you n00b GM's sword turns in to the Oblivion Keyblade and he vanishes

Lord Magtok
2007-09-04, 08:45 PM
There's an elemental plane of time? Neat.

Fus.Weapon 1337
2007-09-04, 10:39 PM
You didn't know about the elemental plane of time?

Is something wrong with you?

2007-09-04, 10:51 PM
Well, the problem is. I think it is just "The Plane of Time" I hardly think it is elemental. But yes, it exists. And time in that place flows like an eternal sandstorm that knows no end and no beggining, erratic, coming and going at the blink of an eye.

Great, he's got poetic now.

2007-09-04, 11:12 PM
"Well, if you want to get picky, it's actually called the Temporal Energy Plane, but I don't think you want me to get picky, child."

Lucid flicks a tentacle across Draken's face, suggestively.

2007-09-05, 06:10 AM
Korias grabs one of Lucid's tentacles and yanks. Seeing as its staying in its position, he now knows that its real. Returning to his seat, he munches on some more popcorn till the bowl is filled. Damn. I'll be out for some food. You guys want anything from the Baron Fat Belly?

Goblin Music
2007-09-05, 09:31 AM
GM exits his room why not check the endless pantry?

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 10:40 AM
Korias grabs one of Lucid's tentacles and yanks. Seeing as its staying in its position, he now knows that its real. Returning to his seat, he munches on some more popcorn till the bowl is filled. Damn. I'll be out for some food. You guys want anything from the Baron Fat Belly?

Get me some Salmon Souffle, if they have any left. Or one of those things that doesn't make you ill.

2007-09-05, 12:22 PM
"Or some Screaming Sundaes.Screaming ice-cream; a wonderful dessert."
"Actually Stargazy pie is a wonderful meal, I've had it myself. Delicious."

Goblin Music
2007-09-05, 12:44 PM
GM rolls his eyes, places a small robot on the floor, and starts reading Small Gods

2007-09-05, 12:59 PM
"Small Gods isn't that good a book. I prefer a Night Watch book or maybe a Witches one. Or a Death book. They're always good." Curly begins to read Making Money (not out yet) while CP reads Reaper Man.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 01:06 PM
Magtok glances at Curly's new avatar.

Neat avvie. Now you finally don't look like Sabine.

2007-09-05, 01:10 PM
Lucid scratches his head in puzzlement.
"I know I'm not one to talk, but don't books open the other way?"

2007-09-05, 01:11 PM
"When have I ever looked like Sabine? And is that necessarily a bad thing? Oh, and thanks Magtok." She then pins this list up on the wall somewhere:

List of things AMENites hate:
Bunnies (Magtok; why?)
Clowns (Saur; why?)
Puppets (pretty much any sane or insane person)
Dolls (pretty much any sane or insane person)
Land-Sharks (Cassie and Magtok (I think))
To be ascertained

"You have a little brother MP, or is it Brian? And you share with him now. I'd say something about it but I share with a little sister so..." CP then shrugs.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 01:16 PM
Brian pops up.

Two little brothers. And one little sister. They're all incredibly annoying. And they don't sleep. They just talk and yell and run around and yell some more at 2am, while I'm desperately pleading for them to shut up and go to bed, from an uncomfortable sleeping bag placed on the floor, right in the path of anyone who has to leave the room to go to the bathroom or something.

It was the old avvie. The skin and hair color, along with the curly hair gave it a bit of a Sabine look to it.

You forgot to add chainsaws to Magtok's-

-Shh! The less she knows, the better!

2007-09-05, 01:19 PM
Magtok's scared of Chainsaws.

Castaras grins.

And I feel sorry for you Brian. I have one annoying little brother who's always trying to find ways to get me into trouble...All. The. Time. :smallannoyed:

2007-09-05, 01:26 PM
List of things AMENites hate:
Bunnies (Magtok; why?)
Clowns (Saur; why?)
Puppets (pretty much any sane or insane person)
Dolls (pretty much any sane or insane person)
Land-Sharks (Cassie and Magtok (I think))
Chainsaws (Magtok)
To be ascertained
The list keeps revising itself.

"We have nearly carbon copies. I have a fourteen year old braother (15 in October), a thirteen year old brother (14 in December) and an 11 year old sister (12 in Dec) who stay up late screaming and shouting. Although my sister's normally asleep by the time I come up to bed.
Brothers get worse the older you are. And sisters. She stole my favourite earrings and lost them. And she won't reimburse me.
Trust me people. It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better. Then you leave j=hme and it all goes away."

A pupett bunny and a land-shark weilding a chainsw enter the base. (test test)

Goblin Music
2007-09-05, 01:39 PM
It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better.

yes true dat

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 01:54 PM
Magtok backs away cautiously from the land-shark, murmuring something about how its species shouldn't exist, and then retreats into a corner of the room, hoping the two won't spot him.

It's a lot different with my siblings. When the sister and little brother aren't beating up the poor second oldest guy while my parents pretend nothing is wrong, they go and break my games. The worst part is that me and the second-oldest get blamed, being told that we shouldn't have let them play the games, when our parents ahd forced us to do so in the-BLARG! I am dead!

Brian suddenly finds a bullet in his heart, placed there by Magtok, who was fed up with his player's whining and pathetic cry for attention.

Goblin Music
2007-09-05, 01:57 PM
i an so glad i am the youngest GM's Player says watching the Land shark

2007-09-05, 01:59 PM
Magtok backs away cautiously from the land-shark, murmuring something about how its species shouldn't exist, and then retreats into a corner of the room, hoping the two won't spot him.

It's a lot different with my siblings. When the sister and little brother aren't beating up the poor second oldest guy while my parents pretend nothing is wrong, they go and break my games. The worst part is that me and the second-oldest get blamed, being told that we shouldn't have let them play the games, when our parents ahd forced us to do so in the-BLARG! I am dead!

Brian suddenly finds a bullet in his heart, placed there by Magtok, who was fed up with his player's whining and pathetic cry for attention.

"But, but, he's using your speech colour and..."
"And you're the oldest." CP says to Brians' corpse.

Curly, meanwhile, appauds Magtoks' playercide and kindly takes the chainsaw off the Land-Sark; because she isn't afraid of either thing.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 02:05 PM
An edit is made to that last post, but Brian remains a corpse. Once the scary things are removed from the room, he places his player's body in a large bag, and then tosses it into a special body-disposal freezer.

Good thing that's over. He really has no right to complain about anything. He's never even died once in his entire life.

2007-09-05, 02:07 PM
"He did in CyberLife." The Land-Shark remains in the room. It's flicking through a Home Design Magazine.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 02:15 PM
Magtok does his best to stay clear of the landshark.

I just remembered...before I shot 'im, my player was going to say that he had recently discovered his TV had BBC, and was wondering what was worth watching.

Goblin Music
2007-09-05, 03:21 PM
Spade ((GM's player)) shoots the land shark and the bunnypuppet dead

2007-09-05, 04:02 PM
detrevni drags the land shark into one of his many holes and soon the sound of a chainsaw is heard.one minute later he reapears sushi anyone

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 04:22 PM
So glad I'm an only child. :smallamused:

And I like dolls/puppets. If you recall, for a time I used plushies and such. Here comes one now!

A small plushie of Vespe comes out. It has very sad looking puppy dog eyes and is stretching out its arms as if it wants a hug.

2007-09-05, 04:35 PM
*thump thump thump thump*
Lucid smashes into the plushie at mach speeds, tumbling into a ball, clutching it.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 04:38 PM
The plushie pulls out a poisoned dagger and stabs him.

They're quite effective, you see...

2007-09-05, 04:47 PM
Lucid pulls the dagger out and continues cuddling the plushie.
"Inhuman biology, sucker."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 04:54 PM
Fair enough.
The plushie, having more or less completed its programmed goal, falls limp and turns into a regular plushie.
Hmm...might start using those lil' guys again. Maybe make some of the other AMENites.
Vespe thinks about this.

Goblin Music
2007-09-05, 05:31 PM
you can make exploding GM Plushes, tis is an idea worth expanding Spade runs and gets a SD card from GM's room and goes to the abandoned Plushy making factory in the base we can have Mag Plushes that deliver messages and... Spade puts the card in to the reader and starts to type

2007-09-05, 06:09 PM
"Oh, now that is just silly. Why would AMEN have an abandoned stuffed toy factory? You could at least make sense when you make up additions to the base."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 06:15 PM
Silly, you can't make my kind of plushies in a factory, you need to individually stitch them with love, care, attention, and, if need be, unrelenting and irrational hatred.

2007-09-05, 06:18 PM
"...and a hint of magic primarily based on some form of dark voodoo?"

Saurous grins malevolently.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 06:20 PM
Oh yeah. That too. And one more thing.
Vespe pulls out a knife and cuts off a bit of Saur's hair.
Something from the person in question. Now if you'll excuse me.
Vespe walks off to his room.

2007-09-05, 06:38 PM
Saurous sighs, not even wanting to pursue Vespe further. He takes a seat on the couch, pulling out a book. The title is "The World's Most Violent Murders".

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 06:58 PM
A little Saurous plushie comes out of Vespe's room and climbs onto the original's head, looking at the book.

2007-09-05, 07:04 PM
Saurous glances up at the plush necromancer.

"May I help you?"

2007-09-05, 07:07 PM
oh oh me me make one of me detrevni cuts of his leg and hands it to vespe.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 07:12 PM
The plushie pulls out what appears to be a small Necronominon and smacks Saur on the head with it.

Vespe takes the leg.
Sure, why not. I'll do it later.

2007-09-05, 07:13 PM
Saurous groans, and plucks the little plush doll off his head by the cloak. He drops the plushie into his book, and slams it shut.

2007-09-05, 07:17 PM
"Are you taking requests, Vespe?"

Lucid holds out a plastic packet of blonde hair.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 07:22 PM
Vespe grabs the hair.
Sure, why not.

The plushie sobs quietly from inside the book.

2007-09-05, 07:25 PM
Saurous chuckles, and carries the book over to a closet. He reaches into the closet, and pulls out a jar. He holds the book over the jar, and casts something. The book becomes incoporeal, and the plush should fall out of the book and into the jar.

2007-09-05, 07:40 PM
I wonder if harming a doll that looks exactly like you counts as a sign of extremely low self-esteem and suicidal tendencies.


2007-09-05, 07:51 PM
"Doubly so if you consider that these are animated voodoo dolls. Killing your own voodoo dolls? That's messed up, right there."

Lucid turns to face Draken.

"So... You're a hydra, eh? How's that working out for you?"

2007-09-05, 07:57 PM
Severe multiple personality distress.

But at least I can read a book in peace while keeping watchfull over this place.

And you? What you are? A pseudonatural human maybe?

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-05, 07:57 PM
The doll starts crying and pounding on the glass.

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 08:12 PM
Magtok laughs at the poor Saurous voodoo doll, and presses a button on a remote. Moments later, Saur's zombie plushie is in there with it.

2007-09-05, 08:43 PM
"Pseudonatural human? That would make things easier, but no. I'm... just half human."

Lord Magtok
2007-09-05, 08:44 PM
What's the other half? Cthulhu? :smallconfused:

2007-09-05, 09:08 PM
"How dare you insult my parentage! I should kill you for that! I have never been so insulted in all my life!"

"It's Shub-Niggurath..."

2007-09-05, 09:15 PM
Right, he is a Half-Farspawn.

2007-09-05, 09:22 PM
What's the other half? Cthulhu? :smallconfused:

Or something that spawned out of one of those hentai things? Korias has returned, carrying a large pot. Handing it to Maggie, it smells faintly of Salmon. I caught the servants heading out with the Souffle, so I killed a few and took the pot. Enjoy, Magtok.

2007-09-05, 09:35 PM
"Hey, just because I lived in Japan from 1947-1969 does not mean that I have anything to do with that. And I'll rape the nostrils of the next person to suggest it."

Lucid wiggles his tentacles threateningly/seductively.

2007-09-05, 09:41 PM
"Hey, just because I lived in Japan from 1947-1969 does not mean that I have anything to do with that. And I'll rape the nostrils of the next person to suggest it."

Lucid wiggles his tentacles threateningly/seductively.

Nostril Rape:smalleek: ? Eww. Now I see why you were afraid of It when it changed. Korias tugs on a few more of the tentacles waving around in the air, before atempting to rip one out. Seeing as it doesnt, Korias then goes to sit back down, behind the twelve year old blackguard.

2007-09-05, 10:39 PM
"You know, you guys seem very disorganized. I can barely find any information on your members at all. You need someone to organize this stuff."

2007-09-05, 11:03 PM
In theory, anyone can gather general info and them the maker of the thread places it on the first post.

And info on the members can be found on the wiki. At least info on the members who CARE to make their sheets on the wiki.

AMEN Member List

Saurous - Leader
Magtok - Secretary
Rex Idiotarum - pervert
Draken Frosthand - Geneticist
Vespe Ratavo - Bard-barian
CurlyKitGirl - Librarian
Castaras - Cleric and Cook
PirateMonk - Munchkin overlord
Raistlin - Nothing in particular that I recall
Vampiric - Nefarious guy
Xykon_Fan - Lead Vampire
Lucid Archon - nothing special
Bookboy - nothing special
Khaldan - nothing special
Korias - nothing special
Goblin Music - Demolition Expert
Lord Fullbladder - Master of Goblins

More to come.

2007-09-05, 11:05 PM

Khaldan proceeds to kill draken using only a stop sign.

2007-09-05, 11:08 PM
Draken revives.

Well, it is not like you have done anything more special than... Bugging Saurous, and I think Dartonus took the role of "Bugger of Saurous".

On purpose, I forgot PirateMonk.

2007-09-05, 11:31 PM
"Nothing special! We'll have to do something about that!"

Lucid stomps off, mumbling something about a grand plan.

2007-09-06, 11:49 AM
Magtok does his best to stay clear of the landshark.

I just remembered...before I shot 'im, my player was going to say that he had recently discovered his TV had BBC, and was wondering what was worth watching.

"It depends. You have Casualty, crappy soap operas, if you have BBC 2 there's Mock The Week; which, as you can tell mocks everything that happened during the week. You have dumb morning TV and again on BBC2 in the mornings you sometimes get Top Cat, Thunderbirds or The Munsters. It's really not that good. Oh, and they start showing Dr. Who around Christmas. If there's anything interested I may keep you updated."
Only now noticing the plushie Saur Curly laughs a bit, then gets bored.

She look around expectantly, waiting for something.

2007-09-06, 11:50 AM
"Ooh! Plushy Saur?"

2007-09-06, 11:54 AM
I'll second Curly on the Doctor Who that's coming out round Christmas. While the new Doctor Who isn't as good as the older stuff, it's still pretty good.

Although all the soaps on BBC are complete Bull...crap.

2007-09-06, 12:02 PM
Although all the soaps are complete Bull...crap.[/COLOR]

"Corrected that for you."

Fox-Exy looks around for the Saur Plushie.

2007-09-06, 12:09 PM
"Corrected that for you."

Fox-Exy looks around for the Saur Plushie.

"Totally agree. All soap operas are Bull...crap."
"Plushy Saur (animated) is in the glass jar on the shelf. It also has Saurs' plushy zombie in it too. Feel free to torment it. It's kind of an animated voodoo doll."

2007-09-06, 12:10 PM
Fox-Exy jumps up onto the shelf by the toy, looking at it.

2007-09-06, 12:21 PM
Exy and anyone else who looks sees a perfect plushy miniature of Saur; hugging the zombie plushy day and smiling. ((hope Vespe and Saur don't mind this but you're offline and it's something to do until you're online))

"That's a thin shelf Exy."

2007-09-06, 12:23 PM
Fox-Exy looks down, and notes that his paws are precariously on the shelf.

2007-09-06, 12:28 PM
Plushy Suar looks up at the Fox-Exy. Smiling sadistically it begins to rock back and forth on the shelf leaning closer and closer to the Fox.

The shelf begins to wobble slightly.

2007-09-06, 12:29 PM
Fox-Exy jumps off the shelf, so he's in control of his landing. He looks up. And the wobbling may take the jar off the shelf =P.

2007-09-06, 12:31 PM
Castaras watches the Fox and the plushies, thinking. She carries on scribbling down stuff, and makes a note to give Vespe some pie filling to create Pie Plushies with.

2007-09-06, 12:49 PM
The jar falls off the shlf and shatters in five hundred pices. Plushy Saur (PSaur) and the Pzombie (plushy zombie) are unharmed. PSAur uses its neromantic powers to animate the Pzombie. PSaur 'walks' over to Cassie and squeaks something at her.

2007-09-06, 12:50 PM
Fox-Exy bounds after PSaur and tries to pick him up in his mouth.

2007-09-06, 01:01 PM
FoxExy grabs PSaurs' right arm in his mouth. Angrily PSaur squeaks something and his right arm burns with negative energy stuff, albeit in miniature.
Pzommbie becmes angry and tries to climb up Fox-Exys' tail

2007-09-06, 01:03 PM
Castaras watches Exy and the plushies. She summons a minature meat pie, contemplating.

2007-09-06, 01:15 PM
Fox-Exy lets go of the arm and tries to get the plushie around the chest.

He flicks his tail madly.

2007-09-06, 01:21 PM
Exy misses PSaur and clacks his teeth on air. The Pzombie is flicked off Exys' tail and Pzombie flies across the room and thumps into the back of a sofa.

PSaur and Pzombie walk back over to Cassie. PSaur squeaks something at her again.

V Junior
2007-09-06, 02:24 PM
Making AMENite plushies eh, Vespe?

I wanna Magtok one!!!!

Junior smiles and pulls out a fleck of metal from her trouser pocket.

2007-09-06, 02:24 PM
Fox-Exy watches them.

2007-09-06, 03:53 PM
"You'll have to wait for that."

"I'm on MSN now if any AMENite wanted to know."
"They didn't."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-06, 04:18 PM
Vespe walks in.
Whuh? What's with all the requests n' such? I'm not even making plushie avatars or anything! Wish I could. But. I. Can't. Draw. Hint. Hint.

Vespe pulls out a small Magtok plushie. It walks over to V Junior and holds out its hands like it wants a hug.

2007-09-06, 05:00 PM
hey when do i get mine says the pale faced detrevni slowly dieing from blood loss

Lord Magtok
2007-09-06, 05:01 PM
Magtok walks in with a noose and a really nasty scar along his neck. He rubs his sore neck a little, and tears a pitchfork out of his chest.

Living in the Structured Games forum sucks. I wish we could hang out in a place where we don't have to worry about getting lynched and impaled on a pointy stick every time we step out the door. :smallfrown:

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-06, 05:04 PM
Vespe kicks detrevni in the neck.
You get yours later.

Vespe turns to face Magtok.
Don't look at me. I made both a wiki and a forum no one ever uses.

2007-09-06, 05:16 PM
Magtok walks in with a noose and a really nasty scar along his neck. He rubs his sore neck a little, and tears a pitchfork out of his chest.

Living in the Structured Games forum sucks. I wish we could hang out in a place where we don't have to worry about getting lynched and impaled on a pointy stick every time we step out the door. :smallfrown:

"I can see what you mean. There are werewolf-ridden villages all about this volcano/mountain/cave base, each with less than a tenth of a mile between each other."

A wolf man suddenly bursts in through a window, and rushes down a hallway. An angry mob of backwoods villagers with torches and pitchforks knock the front door down, and closely follow the werewolf down the corridor.

2007-09-06, 05:36 PM
Well, the wiki is usefull for the more focused members to place down their descriptions and track their stories.

The forum was a good idea, but for some reason it was left unused, maybe we are just to connected to the GitP forum to change it.

Also, you are tired of the SG? Open a filia at the FB, HB, get some ideas!

Lord Magtok
2007-09-06, 05:43 PM
Magtok sighs.

Please tell me the wolf-man is leading them to a back door. Please don't let them ruin my nice clean floors with filthy peasant feet. Please tell me that the priceless Ming vase can be fixed. Please tell me that the wolf-man just left a pile of dirt on the ground, and not something else.

2007-09-06, 05:52 PM
ow, fine if you wont make it for me ill make it myself he runs to the room where vespe gets his plushie and moments later he screams in agony
about a minute later he comes out with a detrevni doll fused to his face ow

2007-09-06, 05:52 PM
Saurous kneels down next to the broken Ming, and inspects the broken pieces.

"Well, it only shattered in a few places, I think it could be glued or sealed back tog-"

The werewolf and peasants run back up the hall. The wolf-man tackles Saurous, crushing the pieces of the vase into even smaller pieces, and leaving a trail of brown on Saurous. The peasants chase after it, running around Saurous, and out the door.

Saurous sits up, and looks at the brown squishy material now covering his shirt and cloak.

"Oh, please, please be mud."

2007-09-06, 05:56 PM

Create Water.


There, with a mere three words, I fix the Ming and cleam up the stuff that Obviously isn't mud.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-06, 05:57 PM
Vespe pulls out a small Big Daddy (http://www.2kgames.com/bioshock/html/images/home_bg.jpg) plushie. It runs over to Saurous and drills through his head.

It is official. I am the plushie master. Now...to see if there's some kinda prestige class for that...
Vespe starts looking through a random book.

2007-09-06, 05:59 PM
after inspecting the "mud" on Saurous detrevni says no thats crap scary part is he made that stuff while he was in human form

2007-09-06, 06:12 PM
"Heh, I still have the original Vespe plushie."
Lucid squeezes the plushie between two tentacles.
"Why don't you make these self replicating or something?"

Lord Magtok
2007-09-06, 07:57 PM
Magtok lifts up the might hammer of bumping, and smacks the thread with it, sending it all the way to the top of the page, past all that WW stuff.

2007-09-06, 08:00 PM
Korias sneaks up behind Maggie and rips off the cybernetic part of his head, curious as to what he will find underneath.

Mr. Moon
2007-09-06, 08:05 PM
Saphire skips in, and gathers who ever's online and not on her ignore list for a group hug. Surprisingly, she manages to handle the group quite well. "Oh, happy day! Oh joy of joys! How could you possibly fight on such an wonderious day? Let us all drink milk and munch on cookies!"

Lord Magtok
2007-09-06, 08:38 PM
Korias will find it quite difficult, seeing as the cybernetics are more than skin-deep. Magtok tries to squirm his way out of the hug.

Lemme guess, you got un-grounded, and now you're going to make my life even more miserable with your presence. :smallannoyed:

2007-09-07, 12:29 PM
"O Mighty Master Of Bumpitt let this be BUMPED!" The thread being bumped she stands on a sfa shouting something entirely Discworld realted. Which will not be heard here at all.
"How cliche."

2007-09-07, 02:14 PM
How dare you even mention the awesomnes, the power, the ever-everything ruling thing, called Discworld, in you post!

*feeds poisened cookie to curly*

2007-09-07, 03:03 PM
Saurous walks in, quietly humming a depressing-sounding tune to himself. He suddenly kicks dallas-dakota in the groin, muttering something about food-based attacks and a certain territorial foodomancer.

2007-09-07, 03:04 PM
You had to tell him, didn't you?

Castaras fades into being, still scribbling on her notepad.

2007-09-07, 03:20 PM
"I didn't mention you by name. Besides, the new imbeciles never listen to warnings."

Saurous continues to hum quietly.

2007-09-07, 03:24 PM
"Poor guy. Not really because he's a nuisance."
"So, why pity him""Something to say."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-07, 04:02 PM
That's not the original...
*thinks for a minute*
I think Cassie has the original, actually. :smallconfused: Hmm... I'd look through some old threads to find out, but I'm too lazy.

2007-09-07, 06:23 PM
Derivious opens the door of his room and walks out.

"So... what'd I miss?"

2007-09-07, 06:59 PM
"Ugh, can we stop with the 'what did I miss' posts? You know what you missed. Everything that is done, said, or thought of is always documented right over there."

Saurous points at one of the computers. The one he points at has the GiantITP home page on the screen.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-07, 07:16 PM
Vespe takes a look over at the computer, and looks at this very post.

Suddenly, the universe implodes, explodes, gets cut and pasted all about, gets its colors inverted, turns into a slice of pizza for no apparent reason (black olives, extra cheese) and then explodes again.

2007-09-07, 07:18 PM
"...why? Looking at your own post with a computer is like looking at yourself through a video surveilance camera. Now you're just looking for excuses to blow the world up."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-07, 07:26 PM
More like looking at the fabric of creation through a TV, if you ask me.

And what? Blowing up the world is fun.

2007-09-07, 07:40 PM
"Yes, but that doesn't cause the uni-"

"Excuse me, if it wouldn't be much trouble, could you please recreate the universe before the oxygen dissipates?"

Saurous sighs, floating about in the void with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Oh, right."

SP snaps his fingers, and the universe recreates itself, landing the remaining AMENites back in the base.

2007-09-08, 06:33 AM
Derivious looks around, "Ok... Anyway, would you rather me enter with 'wassup'?"

2007-09-08, 11:17 AM
"Only if you want to die."

2007-09-08, 11:59 AM
Derivious looks around, "Ok... Anyway, would you rather me enter with 'wassup'?"


Saurous smacks Derivious in the back of the head for even thinking of something so stupid.

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-08, 12:07 PM
Rex comes in jamming on his bass.

2007-09-08, 12:13 PM
"You have a bass? Like the fish or a guitar?"
"Now you're just willfully misunderstanding him." CP then smacks Curly on the head for being like that.

"Oh, congrats on your nomination."

2007-09-08, 12:15 PM
"Yes, I shall either be Redcloak in the Playground, or at least get a Magtok Award. Hoo-rah."

Saurous spins one finger around in the air, in an attempt to express happiness.

2007-09-08, 12:22 PM
"Anything at all.
"Sometimes the insane ones are useful. They create fun things to do. Do we need a plot?
At least you haven't had an aneuryism."

Goblin Music
2007-09-08, 12:27 PM
Why is it called a "Magtok Award"?

2007-09-08, 12:28 PM
Because Magtok was one of the first people to get it.

2007-09-08, 12:29 PM
"Because Magtok is always the bridesmaid, never the bride."

Lucid appears behind GM eating an apple.

2007-09-08, 12:34 PM
"The first actually. Apparently it was such a surprise that he didn't get Evilitp that a special award was made just for him. And it got carried on."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-08, 12:41 PM
Magtok isn't Evil, I'm Evil. And that's why it was carried to a big contest between me and Vael.
Qualifications of Evil:
Spawned Regina.

What do I need more?

2007-09-08, 12:45 PM
"Were we talking about you, Rex? I thought we were talking about how the Maggy Award was created."

2007-09-08, 12:46 PM
"Good grammer-"
"-It's 'What more do I need?'.":smalleek:

"Did we just...?"
"I think we did finish each others sentences."

EDIT: "And even if AMEN and all its members and infamy crumble into dust Magtok will still be remembered; as will Cassie and Rex."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-08, 12:47 PM
What's grammatically incorrect about "What do I need more?"

2007-09-08, 12:49 PM
"And even if AMEN and all its members and infamy crumble into dust Magtok will still be remembered; as will Cassie and Rex."

Huh? Why me? :smallconfused:

And Rex? It's just...not grammatically correct...at least, I don't think it is...It's just the word order...

2007-09-08, 12:51 PM
What's grammatically incorrect about "What do I need more?"

"There are lots of thing you need more. Common sense, sanity, the ability to say hello without butchering at least three people and other small trifling things. 'What more do I need also?' also has a better ring to it. Plus, I'm picky."
"You had to get her started. And Cassie will be remembered for the pies and for her avatars."

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-08, 12:56 PM
Word claims it's grammatically correct, if unusual. It's English, the placement of words has not the effect upon one's legibility.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-08, 12:58 PM
Will I be remembered if AMEN crumbles to dust? Or will I just be that other guy there? :smallconfused:

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-08, 01:00 PM
"No, we will work to remove signs of your existence from the world."

2007-09-08, 01:00 PM
"Ugh, I'll most likely be remembered for being a completely generic and unremarkable jackass..."

Saurous sighs.

"Well, someone has self-esteem issues."

2007-09-08, 01:01 PM
Saurous, I have a feeling you'd be remembered for being the only person in AMEN who has any common sense.

And Vespe, you'll probably be remembered as the insane-Beatles-Fanatic-AMENite.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-08, 01:02 PM
"No, we will work to remove signs of your existence from the world."

Why? I've never done anything...except for killing everyone...and destroying the universe...several times...and stealing everyone's stuff..and
*goes on for a while*

And Vespe, you'll probably be remembered as the insane-Beatles-Fanatic-AMENite.

Yay :smallbiggrin:

Rex Idiotarum
2007-09-08, 01:02 PM
"That is untrue, to be in AMEN means to lack Common Sense."

2007-09-08, 01:10 PM
"That is untrue, to be in AMEN means to lack Common Sense."

True, but Saurous is probably the only even slightly sensible person here.

2007-09-08, 01:11 PM
"Ugh, I'll most likely be remembered for being a completely generic and unremarkable jackass..."

Saurous sighs.

"Well, someone has self-esteem issues."

"You'll be remembered for being the most sane one. And for having a child with MC. Which in itself is noteworthy."

"And to be in AMEN does not mean to lack common sense. It means to be Evil and Insane enough to willingly admit yourself to what is basically a crazy farm."

True, but Saurous is probably the only even slightly sensible person here.

"And I'm fairly sensible too."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-08, 01:12 PM
True, but Saurous is probably the only even slightly sensible person here.

Perhaps, but what about you? You seem somewhat sensible part of the time occasionally.

And what about Magtok? And...uh....hmm...

Okay, what about Magtok? :smallconfused:

2007-09-08, 01:15 PM
Lets see...I bake pie, animate them, and send them off to do crazy things. Sensible? You decide.

And I'm in a sensible mood at the moment...doesn't mean I'm sane all the time...:smallamused:

And Magtok is Magtok. Probably sorta sane, but not that much sense.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-08, 01:16 PM
Vespe then starts thinking about actually getting a new avatar.

2007-09-08, 01:17 PM
"Mr Saturn again? Why not get a Beatles version of Vespe?" This said Vespe will almost certainly love ths idea and will very soon be a Beatles-Vespe.

2007-09-08, 01:19 PM
Lets see...I bake pie, animate them, and send them off to do crazy things. Sensible? You decide.

And I'm in a sensible mood at the moment...doesn't mean I'm sane all the time...:smallamused:

And Magtok is Magtok. Probably sorta sane, but not that much sense.

"It does not matter if Magtok is sane, insane, or has common sense. He is the Fall Guy of AMEN, and it does not matter how remarkable he is as it is his function to be the universe's pincushion."

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-08, 01:20 PM
It's a very good idea, but I already have the Beatles sig-atar, and a Beatles Vespe would just be kind of tacky.

A John Lennon one though, might be good...maybe from the Plastic Ono Band years...

Vespe pulls out a book which appears to have nothing but photos of John Lennon and looks through it.

And maybe a different avatarist. Just because.

2007-09-08, 01:23 PM
"And this is what a joke gets you. A John Lennon avvie for Vespe. Next time don't mention Beatles and avvies to Vespe. Ever."
Curly then throws a small sandwich at CP. CP then picks up a small piece of fruit and throws it a Curly. Due to her poor aim it will hit the wall, or someone standing in front of the wall by the door.

2007-09-08, 01:29 PM
Lucid opens his mouth to make a quip or ridiculous statement, only to find that a rogue piece to fruit has lodged itself in his windpipe. If he could still talk, he'd make a joke about lodging and having to pay rent. But he can't because he is passed out on the floor.

Goblin Music
2007-09-08, 01:35 PM
All TVs start playing This (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m30efJe84t8)

2007-09-08, 01:42 PM
Saurous covers his ears.

"Pop songs do not normally burn your ears, do they?"

2007-09-08, 01:51 PM
Drawing a stylized dagger from his robes, Lucid slashes his throat open, spilling viscous red blood and slimy orange ichor onto the floor, along with a bit of fruit. Tentacles swarm in an attempt to slow the bleeding, and Lucid brings a hand to the gaping wound. Light swarms from the wound, and new flesh coalesces.

"The opening song is like, double speed. The ending song (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C76mYh-YlYY&mode=related&search=) is a better example."

2007-09-08, 01:57 PM
Saurous points one finger at the nearest television brodcasting the opening. The screen cracks as the noise becomes gargled, and the TV eventually explodes into several shards of glass and plastic. A black portal opens on the wall behind it, and a massive skeletal hand reaches out, and drags the pieces into the dark abyss.

2007-09-08, 02:11 PM
"Fine, why don't you put on whatever emo music you like?"

2007-09-08, 02:13 PM
Castaras waves a hand at the TV, and firstly it plays This (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=-1c14Z0YUTU), then it plays This (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=FLaCvbHGjKo).

2007-09-08, 02:32 PM
Fox-Exy fails to watch.

2007-09-08, 02:34 PM
Curly also fails to watch them as she's off in her own dream world listening to good music.

Vespe Ratavo
2007-09-08, 02:39 PM
Vespe fails to watch because he can. And he's fading away.

2007-09-08, 02:49 PM
"Wow, this is the most musically inept member I've ever met. It's sad really."

2007-09-08, 04:35 PM
"Alright, I suppose I should bump the thread now."

Saurous walks outside of the building, making a few motions with his hands. He turns back to the base, a pentagram etching itself on the ground beneath him. He brings his hands together, and a large black hammer appears between them. He smashes it into the side of the building, causing the base to shake violently.

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 04:48 PM
Saphire watches the video, and winces. "And you guys say I have bad taste." She then saves everyone by playing this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Do5vj3D-OD4)

"So... Plot?"

2007-09-08, 04:54 PM
"Sure, this place has been moving far too slowly as of late, anyways."

Saurous walks back into the base, with the hammer over his shoulder. He spins around, and hurls the hammer into Magtok's labs. It lands with a loud crash, presumably destroying several pieces of expensive lab equipment along the way.

"So, any particular ideas for said plot?"

2007-09-08, 05:00 PM
Draken turns the page of wathever codex of insanity he is reading right now.

A small question, did we ever finish the SW plot?

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 05:07 PM
"Sort of. I didn't see much point in continuing it."
"She got bored."
"Anyway, I always come up with the plots. Can't someone else for once?" Saphire whines.

2007-09-08, 05:14 PM
"We, uh, could.... go on a - you know? - vacation? Maybe?"

2007-09-08, 05:18 PM
Well, there is a camp happening over there. He points at the window. Maybe we could go there and teach the kids our great, vile arts.

2007-09-08, 05:19 PM
"Vacation from what? It's not like we actually do anything around here.

We could go on a dungeon raid at some castle deep in the snowy mountains or something."

2007-09-08, 05:24 PM
"Snowy mountains? Kid's camp? Bah, let's go to Hades or something. Or the Negative Energy Plane! Wacky fun for all involved!"

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 05:27 PM
"We... could go to Spire."

2007-09-08, 05:28 PM
"You just said that you didn't want to make a plot."

2007-09-08, 05:29 PM
Wait! I have an idea! Let's go to Elisium and open gates to all the lower planes there.

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 05:32 PM
"You just said that you didn't want to make a plot."

"Shush, you."

2007-09-08, 05:33 PM
"What? Anyone could've just looked five posts up from that post and figured it out."

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 05:34 PM
Saphire sticks out her tounge. "I changed my mind."

2007-09-08, 05:34 PM
"If we even step into Elysium, the Companions will rip us apart like the anthropomorphic animals they are. No dice."

2007-09-08, 05:49 PM
"Well, why don't we assault an outer plane where we won't be immediately ripped apart? Like the Wilderness of the Beastlands, which would make for an interesting adventure.

Or, we could just go with Saphire's plot idea."

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 05:51 PM
"Saurous, I applaud your idea."

"But... but... but..."

2007-09-08, 05:54 PM
"The Beastlands idea, or the 'listen to Saphire' part?"

"She's talking about doing what she wants to do part."

"Of course."

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 06:02 PM
"Of course that's what I'm talking about."

"But... but... but..."

2007-09-08, 06:05 PM

And by the way, where is mr afraid of undead? I just acquired a Boneyard, and i want his opinion on the creature.

2007-09-08, 06:05 PM
"So, does anyone have portal key for Sigil, or are we walking up the Spire?"

2007-09-08, 06:05 PM
"Ugh, whatever. Either we depart for Spire now, or I am going to the Beastlands and destroying every one of those anthropomorphic barbarians myself."

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 06:10 PM
"Oh hold your horses. I'm working out the details."

A portail of silver and red opens in front of them. An invisible hand, probably that of Plot, nudges the assembled AMENites towards it.

2007-09-08, 06:14 PM

Lucid dives head first through the portal.

2007-09-08, 06:17 PM
Saurous takes a step through the portal with a sigh.

2007-09-08, 06:18 PM
Draken enters the portal without taking his eyes out of the book.

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 06:25 PM
Moon Called sighs, and heads through the portal. As the AMENites step into it, they are pulled forth with a feeling like someone pulling them along by there intestines, only without the pain. They pass a few signs reading "Serrious Plot Zone" "Anti-Godmode Zone" "Anti-Overpowerd Zone (This means you, Helix)" and other such things. They also have very desturbing pictures illustrating what will happen to those who break these rules.

Eventualy, the portal spews them out. In the middle of a desert. At noon. Slapping a hand over her nocturnal eyes, Moon Called digs in her pocket for a pair of sunglasses.

Spot and Listen checks.

2007-09-08, 06:28 PM
Saurous reaches into his pocket for something to shield his eyes with, but finds nothing.

"Why aren't my sunglasses in he-"

He glances over at Moon Called.

"Oh, that's why."

He sighs, and shields his eyes with his hand for a moment, listening to the surroundings until his eyes adjust to the light.

2007-09-08, 06:32 PM
Ah, the sun...

Draken places a hat on his head.

Nothing against it, but I am still a creature of the cold. I don't like this much sun.

2007-09-08, 06:35 PM
Lucid picks himself up from the planar dirt, and dusts himself off.

"The Outlands are just as pristine as when I last saw them. A little depressing."

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 06:40 PM
Not far away, the sound of voices reaches their ears, coming from the East. Moon Called looks in that direction, sighing. "Let's get this over with, shall we?" She mutters, shoving Saurous' sunglasses onto her face.

2007-09-08, 06:49 PM
What do you have against the Outlands Moon Called?

Draken is still reading his book, Mind Kampf, a study on the culture of Illihthids.

(Bookboy, if you read this, it is another Pun by TSR, it's not mine)

2007-09-08, 06:53 PM
"Oui , mon cher. (Yes, my dear.)" Saurous says, adopting the French language for no actual reason. "Moi suivront vous. (I shall follow you.)"

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 06:53 PM
"The outlands? This is the Goldsand Desert. It's not that I have anything against it, really. It's the people I don't like." She trudges on, sniffing the air. "There should be an oasis nearby. I can smell fruit.

Saurous, you can speak French?"

2007-09-08, 06:59 PM
"Goldsand Desert? How far does that put us from the Spire?"

2007-09-08, 07:01 PM
"Oui , Moi can. Moi can aussi s'entretenir Espagnol m, Japonais, Infernal, Précipice, Sylvan, Elven, Undercommon... (Yes, I can. I can also speak Spanish, Japanese, Infernal, Abyssal, Sylvan, Elven, Undercommon...)" Saurous continues on for a while, before stopping and reverting back to English/Common. "I have to be chaotic on occasion to maintain a Neutral Evil alignment. What is the distance of Spire from here?" Saurous follows after MC through the sand.

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 07:04 PM
"Spire is a world, not a city. It's like Earth. We're in the Southern part of the Main Contenent."

Eventualy, the oasis comes into site. Many tents are pitched around the pond, and a few stalls are set up. Anthromorphic, rat-like creatures are walking around the camp, taking care of details.

2007-09-08, 07:06 PM

Draken protects his face a bit more, the heat of the desert is starting to be a nuisance.

2007-09-08, 07:09 PM
"Oh, I see. I can't help but notice that these things are never addressed at the beginning of a plot."

Saurous watches the inhabitants of the camp for a moment.

"Anthropomorphic rodents?"

2007-09-08, 07:16 PM
"Those things are the natives, right? Anything we should know about them?"

Lucid tilts his hat forward, in an attempt to keep the sun out of his eyes.

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 07:22 PM
"That means they walk on two legs, right?"

Moon Called shrugs. "Whatever." She watches the rat-like creatures, while a breif history of the rat-like creatures is explained via Narration.

The Mencians, who live in Mencia, of course, which is located within the Goldsand Desert, are famed throughout Spire for their beauty and arts, especialy there many traditional dances. They are mostly a nomadic race, with small camps that travel from oasis to oasis, trading with other camps for whatever goods they have on them. The only city they have is Sunpeak, the capatal, and home to the king's palace. The current king is famed throught Spire, known mostly as the Leper King, for both his wisedom and kindness, as well as his daughters, who are beautiful beyond compare.

"Anything I missed you want to know while I'm at it?"

2007-09-08, 07:29 PM
"I would like to know if they are aggressive to outsiders."

Mr. Moon
2007-09-08, 07:34 PM
"Not really. They're also really fast." Moon Called says, shrugging.

2007-09-08, 07:44 PM
"Right. Shall we continue?"

Saurous begins to take a step towards the direction of the encampment, waiting for Moon Called to either follow, or correct him on what to do.