View Full Version : Pathfinder Implanted Horrors from the Lovecraft Mythos?

2018-01-19, 03:25 PM
In our last session, two party members were slashed unconscious and spent some quality time with a mi-go (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/plants/mi-go/). The rest of the party was occupied elsewhere, so the interlude with the mi-go was offscreen, and no one knows exactly what transpired.

I would love to find something thematic and Lovecraftian which the mi-go could have implanted in the party members. I’m looking for something to represent either a larval mi-go or a symbiont, or even a parasite which might have transferred from the mi-go to the unconscious PCs.

I’m open to all official Paizo and 3.5 content, and I’m especially interested in suggestions that are from the Lovecraft mythos or in the same vein. Is there anything that would fit?


2018-01-19, 09:30 PM
Give me a sec to find it.

2018-01-19, 09:48 PM
I actually have a list of stuff like that that I got somewhere. Copy-pasting:

These are the low-hanging fruit. If you want, I could find more.

2018-01-19, 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by timeeater14
I actually have a list of stuff like that that I got somewhere.

Thanks, but those are the mainstays of the Lovecraft mythos. I’m already aware of those, and I used the mi-go in my last session, hence this thread.

What I’m looking for are suggestions for what could have been implanted in the two party members. I’d like something that can represent a growing symbiont or parasite, ideally drawn from Lovecraft. I’ve only read a couple of his stories and I don’t know if he has anything like that, so if not, I’d be happy with something from Pathfinder or 3.5 that can be reskinned (so to speak) to serve my purpose.

2018-01-20, 12:10 AM
Fiend Folio from 3.0 has some things like that at the back of the book. Psionic Sinew, Gutworm, Fiendish Familiar and Ghostly Visage could all work. The XPH has the Puppeteer.

2018-01-22, 06:10 PM
I'm still open to suggestions on this one, from both 3.5 and Pathfinder.

2018-01-23, 01:22 PM
On the same page timeeater14 linked, you can find the motes of Shub-Niggurath. The motes come in 2 forms, one of them could be of your particularly interest.

https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/moit-of-shub-niggurath/spawning-canker and https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/moit-of-shub-niggurath/slugspawn/

The former is the mothed in which the later spreads it's infestation. Hope that helps.

2018-01-23, 03:09 PM
bestiary 4 has actual stats for Cthulhu and some of his fellow monsters. I never agreed with the unbeatable monster archtype for Cthulhu since i have read the original story.
Cthulhu loses to a steam ship
that said I have no problem with simply making him as difficult to kill as they did in the game.
bestiary 4 also has kaiju.

Quarian Rex
2018-01-24, 05:27 AM
If you want to go with a more involved approach you can use the Tsochar (http://www.realmshelps.net/monsters/block/Tsochar) from Lords of Madness. You could say that the Mi-Go were being worn by the Tsochar and the year of replacement was just about up. I say this is a more involved approach because you now have fully sentient creatures living inside the PCs, but that can be a lot of fun. Tis an option.

Also, not what you are looking for right now but might fit in sometime later in your campaign would be a little Nightmare Fuel (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BxfCiPA2FPFALUlqMnMwLWJUUmM/view) (from this (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?540145-CR0-Nightmare-Fuel-a-trio-of-horrors-adapted-from-Twig) thread). It's some really great work, especially if your campaign is on the more eldritch/body horror side of things.

Edit: the Nightmare Fuel is technically 5e but the creatures are extremely low level and require minimal conversion (mainly replacing a skill or two).