View Full Version : Lawful Bard Prestige Class

2018-01-19, 11:56 PM
What Prestige classes allow for a lawful bard to advance in them while also continuing to advance Inspire Courage and spellcasting, preferably something with at least medium bab.

Alternatively are there any feats like Practiced Spellcaster, but instead apply to bardic music?

2018-01-20, 12:06 AM
There's the Devoted Performer feat from CA, requires you to get Smite Evil from somewhere. Bout all I can think of.

2018-01-20, 01:49 AM
Seeker of the Song and Sublime Chord (both from Complete Arcane) both advance bardic music (albeit in a non-standard manner) and lack an alignment prerequisite

2018-01-20, 02:16 AM
yeah but one loses spellcasting and the other has bad bab. was working on a possible melee bard build, that needs to be lawful for story purposes.

2018-01-20, 02:56 AM
When it comes to progressing both, one kind of has to choose one in this situation. Typing from a mobile device, so here's a straight link: http://minmaxforum.com/index.php?topic=8936.0 .
This is basically the guide to Inspire Courage. From what I can see, you have four main options for advancement of both spellcasting and Inspire Courage while maintaining Medium BAB:

1. Legacy Champion: 8/10 progression, but advances everything for your bard levels, though if your DM is hidebound to the costs of listed Legacy Weapons, may/may not be worth it.

2. Uncanny Trickster: Costs a decent amount of skill points in Skill tricks, and isn't viable until later levels unless you can somehow get bonus tricks(could use Magical Trickster, but that seems to be a hit for you). Same type of advancement as Legacy Champion, but 2/3.

3. Mythic Exemplar: If you follow Reikhardt, full Bardic music progression, but only 4/10 on casting.

4. Heartfire Fanner: Full Bardic Music and Spellcasting progression, though technically has an organization prerequisite your DM may or may not be alright with. Also only 5 levels, and is subject to DM approval due to it being Dragon material.

Though, if your DM doesn't mind Dragon material and you don't mind being Lawful Neutral:

5. Green Whisperer: Same as Heartfire Fanner, but class features are a bit less neat and more nature oriented. Still gets full Bardic Music and Spellcasting progression, though. A Druid dip and this also gets you 6th level Druid spellcasting, if you don't mind doing that.

Also, you could go for any medium BAB or better prestige class that advances full spellcasting (like, say, Abjurant Champion) while relying on magic items to keep up the Inspire Courage bonus, which the link has a list of. Definitely a good idea to get a Badge of Valor regardless.

2018-01-20, 01:45 PM
What Prestige classes allow for a lawful bard to advance in them while also continuing to advance Inspire Courage and spellcasting, preferably something with at least medium bab.
I have a full list of spellcasting prestige classes linked in my sig. Some that Pyromancer didn't already mention:

Icesinger: Full casting, medium BAB, 8/10 bardic music (Dragon #314)
Memory Smith: Full casting, full BAB (and adds divine power to your spells known), full bardic music (Dragon #311)
Mourner: Full casting, medium BAB, full bardic music (Dragon #311)
Troubadour of Stars: Half casting, medium BAB, full bardic music (Book of Exalted Deeds)
Worldspeaker: Full casting, medium BAB, full bardic music (Dragon #311)

Alternatively are there any feats like Practiced Spellcaster, but instead apply to bardic music?
Well...yes, buuut the feat is Chaos Music, from Dragon #326, and it's an Anarchic feat, which is the chaotic equivalent of Exalted or Vile feats, so it's not available to Lawful characters.

5. Green Whisperer: Same as Heartfire Fanner, but class features are a bit less neat and more nature oriented. Still gets full Bardic Music and Spellcasting progression, though. A Druid dip and this also gets you 6th level Druid spellcasting, if you don't mind doing that.
No Druid dip is required to get 5 levels of Druid casting.

2018-01-20, 04:21 PM
Lyric Thaumaturge (Complete Mage)
Spellsinger (Races of Faerūn)

Does the War Chant of Dwarven Chanter (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/prc/20061128a) count as..?

Also, dip in Master Harper (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/frx/20030604a) wouldn't advance your Inspire Courage, but may give you extra Bardic Music/day