View Full Version : The Legend of Phytor Dorf

2018-01-20, 12:37 AM
You awaken in a dark stone cave. In the distance ahead of you, you see a dim light, but you are otherwise enveloped in darkness. You vaguely remember what has just occurred, but would have little explanation for how you have arrived here. You still have all of your belongings and starting gold.

We will just use the Spoiler tab for OOC conversation since there is only two of us. Also, could you please post a link to your character sheet? Thanks

2018-01-20, 07:13 AM
Phytor uses his darkvision to take note of his surroundings, wondering where that fireball came from.

OOC, how come the other game ended?

2018-01-20, 09:54 AM
Smooth stone walls surround you on three sides. It appears as though you are at the end of a cave. A few tiny spiders crawl along the walls, but otherwise the cave is silent. And still.

A faint light brightens the path ahead. It appears to be about a 30 foot walk before taking a turn into the source of the light.

The memory of a fireball is cloudy but lingers. It would be hard to know where that fireball came from.

As the campaign started, it appeared that most of the party was lost in the forums or just never came over. It was pretty much just you posting, so I felt kind of bad. The other Generic Campaign is still running though!

2018-01-20, 10:06 AM
I would definitely more enjoy playing in the other game than playing by myself, if that's something that you/ they are interested in.

Phytor walks toward the light carefully.

2018-01-20, 10:26 AM
Okay. I’ll run it by them. This will be your journey to get to them then.

As you turn towards the light, the bright sun shines on your face. After adjusting to the light, you see various Goblins picking berries off of nearby bushes. A few pause and notice you, eyes following you silently.

2018-01-20, 01:51 PM
"Friend or foe?" Phytor says in the Common tongue.

2018-01-20, 04:21 PM
The Goblins all stare blankly. After a few moments of silent blinking, they whisper among themselves.




"Takitaki Rixlyx?"

"Taki Rixlyx?"



"Tikitikitikitiki Rixlyx!"

The Goblins stop their chatting and look back to you. They wave you over and begin to skip their way to a line of bushes. As they jump through one of the bushes, they look back and wave you over one more time.

"Tiki Rixlyx!"

2018-01-20, 04:37 PM
Phytor moves forward carefully. If they mean him harm, either he'll survive, or he'll be dead--as dead as he should have been before he woke up in that cave.

2018-01-20, 06:17 PM
As you pass through the bushes, you walk into a clearing. The area is mostly clear save for... gold?


Piles of gold litter the area, each coin glistening in the sun. By your estimation, you can easily purchase an entire estate with the treasure before you. A few dozen Goblins are huddled in small groups nearby, but they seem to just be watching you in curiosity. They seem disinterested in the piles of riches they are literally sitting on. The Goblins whisper among themselves careful not to raise their voices too loud.

Several feet before you sits a large Goblin on a large throne made of gold coins. As he shifts on the throne, a few coins shake onto the ground with a light rattling noise. He has a small helmet on his head and holds a scepter made from what looks like a leg bone. He looks to you with lowered brow.

"State your business."


2018-01-20, 06:59 PM
Phytor takes note of the number of goblins, calculating his odds if things go south.

"Good, you speak Common, as I do. I woke up in that cave, and your... subjects? have brought me here. Where, exactly, is 'here', anyway?"

2018-01-21, 05:39 PM
Looking around, you can quickly count about 30 Goblins. They are all wearing sackcloth though and appear unarmed.

Goblin King"You in Goblin Kingdom!" The oversized Goblin answers in a roaring voice, raising a fist to the air.

The other Goblins let out excited cheers and whoops as the Goblin King pumps his fist in the air. He chuckles as his eyes dart out to the other Goblins before it finally locks in on you. His chuckles slow to a stop and he lets out an exhale.

Goblin King"You wake up in cave? Where you come from? What you want?"

2018-01-21, 06:08 PM
Phytor looks around. His last experience with a king informing his current experience, he tries some flattery. "And an impressive kingdom it is at that, Your Highness. I come from the Vanille Kingdom, and what I want..." he struggles to find an answer, looking around, and his eyes fall on the piles of gold. "Well, let me ask you--is there anything you need? Perhaps a service I can offer, in exchange for some of that coin? Otherwise, a map of the surrounding would serve me well, and information on the area, so I can find my way home." He has always been looking for his place in the world, and wherever he is just might be where he can make it.

2018-01-21, 11:21 PM
"Rixlyx, King of Goblins, have good kingdom! Best kingdom!" the large Goblin replies loudly as he beats his chest. "But... but you help Goblins?"

Rixlyx looks over to the other Goblins and points to Phytor, knocking a few gold coins from the throne's armrest.

Rixlyx"Tikitikitiki Takitaki Dundunan?"

A few gasps come from the group of Goblins at the mention of Dundunan. One Goblin steps forward and shakes his head furiously. He yells with fist raised.

Goblin "Tikitikitiki!"

Rixlyx "Taki?! Tikitakitaki!""

The Goblin goes quiet. He looks over to Phytor and shakes his head slowly with saggy beady eyes and droopy ears. He offers a disappointed shrug and a single "Tiki."

Rixlyx nods slowly as a grin splits his face. He looks at Phytor and raises his bone club.

Rixlyx"You help Goblin kill Dundunan!"

2018-01-22, 08:23 AM
Phytor watches the conversation with interest. When asked, he answers, "Maybe. Who is Dundunan, where can I find him--or her, or it--and how much are you paying?"

2018-01-22, 04:31 PM
Rixlyx "You take care of Dundunan, then pay."

Rixlyx looks over to the defiant Goblin and purses his lips in thought. He nods slowly.

Rixlyx "Gigaz take you to Dundunan. Gigaz help you fight!"

Rixlyx looks to Gigaz, the defiant Goblin, and points a fat finger at you.

Rixlyx "Tikitikitiki!"

The Goblins around Gigaz step back, leaving him to stand alone. He passes a glance to Phytor and sighs. The other Goblins whisper in hushed tones to each other, all careful to avoid any unwanted attention from Rixlyx. Gigaz steps towards Phytor and nods, signaling for you to follow him.

2018-01-22, 05:56 PM
Phytor shrugs and follows the goblin.

2018-01-24, 10:13 PM
"We doing this, or what?" he says, looking back at the basically unarmed goblins.