View Full Version : Oath of the Ancients RP question.

2018-01-20, 01:11 PM
I have an Idea of an OotA dragonborn who serves Bahamut. Does that oath/deity make sense?

2018-01-20, 01:14 PM
It isn’t a perfectly organic match, but neither is it unsuitable. Should be just fine

2018-01-20, 01:20 PM
What setting / lore are you using? Forgotten Realms? Dragonlance? Older edition (especially 3e or 4e) material?

Very IMO, yes it makes sense. Just hold to your tenets, which generally, per the PhB, tends to mean characters who focus on concerns of good over law or chaos. That doesn't mean your character can't be a LG worshipper of Bahamut, who IIRC is a LG deity, if you want. His sphere of influence is good dragons, not something inherently lawful "first" then good. Or inherently anti-affirming-life & goodness, or anti-nature.

2018-01-20, 01:26 PM
Thanks for the replies! And for some more detail, Forgotten Realms setting, she's a Brass dragonborn who is Chaotic Good. More focused on doing the right thing than adhering to the laws of any particular city, region, kingdom, etc (which can be corrupt or get in the way of doing the right thing and spreading good and light, in her opinion.)

2018-01-20, 03:41 PM
Thanks for the replies! And for some more detail, Forgotten Realms setting, she's a Brass dragonborn who is Chaotic Good. More focused on doing the right thing than adhering to the laws of any particular city, region, kingdom, etc (which can be corrupt or get in the way of doing the right thing and spreading good and light, in her opinion.)

In which way does she serve Bahamut and why? Bahamut's a pretty guy.

2018-01-20, 04:03 PM
She was raised by a cleric of Bahamut, and the teachings of Life and protection of good resonated with her. She became a paladin to serve him by both helping any good folk she meets in her travels and by serving as a shield against the forces of evil. She wishes more than anything to serve him by bringing hope to the downtrodden by spreading the joy of life.

2018-01-20, 06:10 PM
She was raised by a cleric of Bahamut, and the teachings of Life and protection of good resonated with her. She became a paladin to serve him by both helping any good folk she meets in her travels and by serving as a shield against the forces of evil. She wishes more than anything to serve him by bringing hope to the downtrodden by spreading the joy of life.

Then there is no reason to be issues with having this pact while serving Bahamut, not even in-character ones