View Full Version : Optimization Very Fast Cutpurse Running at Incredible Hihg Speed

2018-01-20, 05:03 PM
I'm currently in the process of building a mobility focused character for a 3.5e game with a bit of a variant system who is inspired from Aram (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SG2f3ftoslk) of Chain Chronicle: The Light of Haecceitas, and the standard assassin from Assassin's Creed. Our DM gives us one free LA, permits up to 4 flaws. I've opted to take the chameleon template for the climb speed and skill bonuses. The system we've added is an adapted version of the fledgling system from the Greyhawk setting in AD&D.

In simple terms, you start at level 0 with a 3 in all stats and 3 hp. You are proficient with a single simple weapon of your choosing. You have a pool of 100 action points to spend on ability scores (to a cap of 17, one score may be 18), hp (to a cap of 20), skill ranks (1 point per rank, max 3), and the potential to learn spells/class features by rolling well and spending AP. The highest level spells you can mimic/learn are those of a 12th level caster (base classes only), or the class features of up to a 12th level class (once again, base classes only). Fledglings do not gain experience, but can spend weeks in-game with a mentor to gain their first class level. After the first level is gained, all leftover AP is converted to experience in the form of 100 xp per action point. From here on out the game progresses as standard 3.5, retaining any spells or class features you learned as long as you use the spells/features at least once every level.
The character is a backup/swap character, and by the time he comes in the party will most likely be above level zero, so I will not be going through fledgling levels with him. This means I will most likely not be able to acquire any spells or class features through the system, but I can still spend AP on ranks, hp, and stats. The current stat array and feat selection I have is as follows.

Str: 18
Dex: 17
Con: 17
Int: 14
Wis: 12
AP spent: 71/100

Flaw 1: City Slicker (Qualified for by spending AP on survival)
Flaw 2: Fussy
Flaw 3: Shaky
Flaw 4: Murky-eyed

Trait 1: Quick
Trait 2: Focused

Regional: Fleet of Foot
Flaw feat 1: Hidden Talent (Skate)
Flaw feat 2: Speed of Thought
Flaw feat 3: Run
Flaw feat 4: Dodge
Human: Mobility

Other feat options/planned feats:
Spring Attack
Bounding Assault
Rapid Blitz
Improved Critical (Kukri)
Elusive Target
TWF tree

The idea for him in combat is to run around and hit all the enemies he can at least once, then travelling far enough away before next round that the enemy can't attack him without ranged weapons. Very hit-and-run. I initially wanted to play him as a warblade, but there are a LOT of feats that I would like to fit into the build, and fighter would help. I was thinking I'd maybe go whirling frenzy barbarian 2, then fighter until I was satisfied with my feats. I know this is quite sub-optimal, but most of the campaigns I play in are mid-low optimization anyways. With whirling frenzy, rapid blitz tree, and twf, I'm racking up a lot of penalties to hit (up to -24 with greater twf, whirling frenzy, and rapid blitz!). Because of this, I was thinking of expanding my critical threat range for more reliable attack rolls. Do y'all have any advice for me? I have a feeling this build could be much better, and that I'm overthinking some aspects of it.

2018-01-21, 07:57 PM
Pardon the bump. I'm not quite sure if a plethora of views without comments means the build basis is good or awful? Opinions are much appreciated.