View Full Version : old man turned elan....

you randomly
2018-01-21, 08:06 AM
so if i before my char turned into an elan they were considered old or even venerable and then they got transformed into an elan what happens to all the wisdom they picked up in their old age?

in other words would an elan that starts out at age 70 have the age adjustments?

2018-01-21, 09:14 AM
Everything from their past life gets scrubbed. All that's left is memories of events, places, and faces. The past life has no relevance in terms of game abilities or statistics.

2018-01-21, 12:54 PM
I've always wondered about this specific combo but with a thought bottle added to the mix. Probably doesn't work within RAW since you're probably changed enough that it's no longer your own thoguht bottle.

2018-01-21, 01:26 PM
I've always wondered about this specific combo but with a thought bottle added to the mix. Probably doesn't work within RAW since you're probably changed enough that it's no longer your own thoguht bottle.If it happens at higher levels, a thought bottle would actually be a good idea from a metagame standpoint. You lose a human feat, human skills, 20,000 gp, and 500 XP in exchange for keeping your character relevant but changing his race. It's actually worse than springing for a rez if you die, but you gain the perks of being an elan, instead. Heck, buying a couple of nonmagical devices (from Ravenloft) of polymorph any object would make you far more powerful (depending on the race you choose), and it would be way cheaper, too.

I think changing your race to elan and using a thought bottle is actually slightly underpowered all things considered (as you lose your human awesomeness), so from that standpoint it certainly wouldn't impact balance in a horribad way, and it makes sense from a fluff standpoint due to you still being you in several ways.

The rules are silent on whether the interaction is valid, but I think it would actually improve the play experience of you keeping your character intact, so there's really not much to hold against it, honestly.

In the end, ask your DM and explain why keeping your character intact is a good thing for the game.