View Full Version : Optimization D20 Past, age of sail characters

2018-01-21, 07:30 PM
I'm taking part in a d20 past scenario (hope I'm in the right forum :D)

Sorry for the wall of text.

4 characters are as follows, all lvl 5 and human:

Dedicated 3/Acolyte 2, Occupation Doctor.
str 14, dex 15, con 15, int 16, wis 18, cha 17
Talents: Healing knack and Healing Touch 1
Feats: Simple weapon prof, Archaic weapon prof, personal firearms prof, light armour prof, and surgery
Skills: Know (Theology+Philosophy) 6 ranks, Listen 6 ranks, prof (Doctor) 8 ranks, sense motive 6 ranks, Spot 2 ranks, Treat injury 8 ranks, Craft (Chemical) 1 rank, Search 2 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks, Diplomacy 4 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks
Languages: English (R/W), Latin (R/W), Chinese, French
Occupational skills: treat injury and search

Smart 3/Mage 2, Occupation academic
str 13, dex 15, con 14, int 18, wis 16, cha 14
Talents: Savant (craft (Chemical)) Savant (Repair)
Feats: Simple weapon prof, Builder, Windfall, Educated, Personal Firearms Prof
Skills: Craft (Chemical) 8 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 8 ranks, Craft (structural) 8 ranks, Decipher Script 6 ranks, Know (arcane lore) 6 ranks, Know (current events) 6 ranks, Know (Popular culture) 6 ranks, Know (tactics) 6 ranks, Navigate 6 ranks, Profession (sailor) 6 ranks, Repair 6 ranks, Research 6 ranks, Concentration 8 ranks, Spellcraft 8 ranks
Languages: English (R/W), Latin (R/W), Mandorin(R/W), German
Occupational skills: Research and Knowledge (Arcane Lore)
Spells in books: all level 0s, (1) Comprehend Languages, Mage Armour, Magic Missile, Magic Weapon, Ray of Fatigue, Feather Fall, and Jump

Fast 3/Gunslinger 2, Occupation Blue Collar
str 15, dex 18, con 16, int 16, wis 14, cha 13
Talents: Evasion, Uncanny dodge 1
Feats: Simple Weapon Prof, Exotic Firearms prof (cannon) Personal firearms prof, light armor prof, quick reload (yes the cannon feat can be taken without a prereq feat coz of time period)
Skills: Balance 5 ranks, Craft (mechanical) 5 ranks, Drive 5 ranks, Hide 6 ranks, Move Silently 6 ranks, Profession (Sailor) 6 ranks, Sleight of hand 6 ranks, Tumble 6 ranks, Craft (structural) 5 ranks, Repair 5 ranks
Languages : English (R/W), Latin (R/W), German (R/W)
Occupational Skills: Craft (structural) and Repair

Strong 3/Soldier 2, Occupation Military
str 17, dex 17, con 16, int 16, wis 15, cha 14
Talents: Ignore Hardness, and Melee Smash
Feats: Simple Weapon Prof, Personal firearm prof, archaic weapon prof, light arm prof, endurance, surface vehicle operation (sailboat), Weapon focus (brown bess), Weapon specialisation (brown bess)
Skills: Know (tactics) 4 ranks, profession (sailor) 6 ranks, swim 8 ranks, Drive 8 ranks, Navigate 8 ranks, repair 3 ranks
Languages: English (R/W), Latin (R/W), Portuguese (R/W)

Any suggestions as to how to make these characters optimal? Have we messed up somewhere in char gen? And yes, custom rolling for stats :D
List of equipment will be posted on request (didn't want to add too much to the wall of text).
Also, (R/W) after a language dictates that the language can be read/wrote as well as spoken. No (R/W) means spoken only.

2018-01-23, 12:36 PM
I'm guessing the wall of text put people off


2018-01-23, 01:29 PM
I’m not sure you are in the right forum, I don’t recognize most of this.

2018-01-23, 01:47 PM
Random toughts:

Surgery feat is not available before 1850. The same goes for modern surgery equipment. So, -8 penalty to every surgery. If you allow feats from d20 Future, substitute by http://www.d20resources.com/future.d20.srd/feats/dedicated.plus.php to gain Skill Emphasis: Treat Injury + Healing Knack 2.

Any occupation without a feat, such as Doctor and Academic, is a serious drawback since feats are great, unless you really need a substantial wealth boost. But in this case, go Aristocrat for an even larger wealth boost (if the character background justifies it).

I realize that age of sail characters will carry many weapons and few inhibitions to use them, but tavern brawls are very much a genre staple and without Combat Martial Arts or Brawl you will lose them or have to escalate to a knife-fight.

No d20 Modern / Past / Future character is optimal without the Heroic Surge feat. That extra attack or move action is incredible when you have to run away fast, make the most of a surprise round in combat or want to attack and give orders to your crew during the same round.

2018-01-23, 02:05 PM
Thank for replying. Much appreciated.

With your good thoughts, the characters will be changed.

Thank you again

2018-01-23, 03:15 PM
Hey, so, i might be advertising, but i'm wrighting a series of guides on how to build d20 characters here:

I'd appreciate any feedback, and you're free to use any of them for your party.

2018-01-23, 03:48 PM
I will give it a read, thank you for the heads up.