View Full Version : Character Concept: Blighter with a twist.

2018-01-22, 07:01 PM
So I have an idea for a character concept, but I am not sure if there is a mechanical way to achieve said concept within the rules.

Say I have a fiendish (be it a tiefling, half-fiend, etc.) Blighter, who instead of wishing to completely destroy all plant life like normal blighters, wants to destroy normal plant life and replace it with some kind of fiendish or extra-planar plant life native to a fiendish plane or something similar. In order to transform the material plane into an environment more suitable to his fiendish heritage.

Is there anything within the rules that a Blighter could replace said normal plant life that would survive his Deforestation ability and fall into this type of category? Is there anything in particular about extra-planar vegetation? Stuff from Dragon magazine is fine.

2018-01-22, 08:49 PM
Plant creatures with the Spellwarped template are aberrations, if that helps...

2018-01-22, 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by Yogibear41
So I have an idea for a character concept….

Originally Posted by Thurbane
Plant creatures with the Spellwarped template are aberrations, if that helps….

And with this, you guys have given me another regional scenario for my campaign and another mid-level villain.

I thank you. My players, not so much. :smalltongue:

2018-01-23, 12:17 PM
Say I have a fiendish (be it a tiefling, half-fiend, etc.) Blighter, who instead of wishing to completely destroy all plant life like normal blighters, wants to destroy normal plant life and replace it with some kind of fiendish or extra-planar plant life native to a fiendish plane or something similar. In order to transform the material plane into an environment more suitable to his fiendish heritage.When I read this, my first thought was: "Planar Shepherd!"; but Initiate requirements are pretty Eberron-specific...

Are you sure you want Blighter? Because there is such thing as Tainted Druid (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/re/20030428a)...

Is there anything within the rules that a Blighter could replace said normal plant lifeHow about the Evil Weather: Plague of Nettles?
Tiny organic thorns fall from the sky. Those caught in this brief rainfall take 1d2 points of damage each round, unless they can get under some sort of shelter. The nettles that strike soil burrow into the ground and sprout thick, choking weeds that kill whole crops in a few minutes. A plague of nettles is violent enough to tear up and choke a forest in just a day. One week after the nettles fall, the area is thick with animate, dangerous plants such as assassin vines, tendriculoses, and shambling mounds. This malevolent rainfall spreads across 3d6 square miles and lasts for 3d6 rounds.Also, Animate Objects + Greater Humanoid Essence + Nar Fiendbond = Half-Fiendish Tree!

that would survive his Deforestation abilityBy the very RAW of Deforestation:
A blighter can kill all nonsentient plant lifeMake them sentient (at least - temporary) - and they're safe
If a potentially affected plant is under the control of another (such as a druid's liveoak or a dryad's home tree), the controller can make a Fortitude save ... to keep it alive.Just control them personally!

Is there anything in particular about extra-planar vegetation? Stuff from Dragon magazine is fine.Well there are Bloodthorn and Ironmaw in the Fiend Folio; Bloodthorn grows in "Any desert and plains (Abyss, Carceri, Outlands, Pandemonium)"; Ironmaw - "Temperate and warm forest, hill, and marsh (Abyss)" (also, Ironmaw Seedling in Ecology of the Ironmaw, Dragon #308)
Demonthorn Mandrake (Monster Manual V) grows over all Lower Planes
Plague Bush (Monster Manual III) - Tarterian Depths of Carceri
Viper Tree (FCI: Hordes of the Abyss) and Elder Viper Tree (Expedition to the Demonweb Pits)

Demonomicon: Zuggtmoy (Dragon #337) have Basidirond and Phycomid

Also, Gallowsgate in Pazunia is surrounded by forests of Hangman Trees (http://forgottenrealms.wikia.com/wiki/Hangman_tree), so you may add them in too (updated to 3E in Tome of Horrors)