View Full Version : DM Help Good replacement for Kobolds?

2018-01-22, 07:10 PM
I was wondering what good replacements for Kobolds are in this context: The party has been sent off to rescue a woman that was working in this large forge that uses the Elemental Plane of Flame. She's been caught by some cultists that have a Flame Dragon Wyrmling with them, and they intend to use the power of the forge to increase his power and take it for themselves (as if that ever goes well). It's a somewhat modified version of the Kobold Press Book of Lairs adventure Lost Halls of Everforge. The enemies are patrols and they include: 12 Kobolds led by 2 Winged Kobolds, 6 Kobolds and 6 Human Bandits led by a Human Bandit Captain, 8 Kobolds led by 2 Human Scouts, and 16 other Kobolds with no leader. Now, I didn't think Kobolds would make sense in an adventure that has a lot of human enemies as-is, including a human cult leader. Plus, I and some of my players are rather fond of Kobolds generally. As such, I was wondering what appropriate creatures there might be to replace these kobolds. Perhaps they can be stronger and I can have a few less of them? Combat at my tables tend to get bogged down and a single turn can last minutes, with one fight taking perhaps 15 or 20, and so a group of fewer but stronger monsters might be better for my group anyhow.

Finally, the party just turned L3, and it consists of: Awakened Mystic, Forest Land Druid, Storm Herald (Tundra) Barbarian, GOOLock, and a Sorcerer using the homebrew Reincarnated Hero archetype from Middle Finger of Vecna (http://mfov.magehandpress.com/2017/03/reincarnated-hero.html).

2018-01-22, 07:20 PM
You could use Magmins and Mephits.

2018-01-22, 07:32 PM
Not sure why you cant just make them elemental kobolds i mean Living Lava kobolds sounds awesome to me.

That being said. Flame Imps come to mind

I guess I should be asking do you want a actual monster to sub in or do you just want to re-fluff the kobold and keep the stats from the adventure?

2018-01-22, 07:37 PM
Humans? They can replace pretty much any non-weird (like aarakokra, or amphibious) humanoids any time.

2018-01-22, 07:41 PM
goblins, halflings, mephits. Or just re-fluff them with a different name and description.

2018-01-22, 08:08 PM
Now, I didn't think Kobolds would make sense in an adventure that has a lot of human enemies as-is, including a human cult leader. Plus, I and some of my players are rather fond of Kobolds generally. As such, I was wondering what appropriate creatures there might be to replace these kobolds.
With this in mind, wouldn't it actually be better to use kobolds, rather than replace them? This way, your group might try to avoid wanton slaughter of the enemy forces, and perhaps negotiate or at the very least use nonlethal force. As far as working with humans goes, the kobolds are probably just tolerating them because they have a dragon. Kobolds revere dragons, so any chance to work with one is a chance worth taking. Maybe play up that the kobolds and humans don't really like one another and try to get some infighting going.

The fact that your players have emotional connections to kobolds can enrich the game instead of detracting if you play it right.

2018-01-22, 09:46 PM
I would suggest mephits, specifically smoke and magma mephits, but everyone said that already. Mephits and magmins are stronger than Kobolds (CR 1/4 or 1/2 compared to CR 1/8)

As a result, I am going to recommend either simply replacing kobolds with one of the following CR 1/8 monsters

Cultists: you already have cultists, so it's a good fit. Use Dragonborn or Lizardfolk cultists, they tend to worship dragons anyway.
Manes: if this cult has a demonic bent, consider using the CR 1/8 manes demons as cannon (erm PC) fodder
Xvarts: if you have Volo's Guide, Xvarts are greedy little buggers, and they tend to be subservient cultists. Also, if you need small creatures , they have that as well.

It is a forge, so you could use monodrones

2018-01-22, 10:01 PM
It's true the Xvarts could fit. Might be a good occasion to make them shine.

2018-01-22, 10:39 PM
Firenewt from the Volo's Guide. Immune to fire, speak draconic, aggressive, wrathful and cruel creatures.

2018-01-23, 04:46 AM
Firenewt from the Volo's Guide. Immune to fire, speak draconic, aggressive, wrathful and cruel creatures.

Very good idea.

2018-01-23, 05:12 AM
I will second mephits and magmins, firenewts, modrons, and xvarts. All very good alternatives.

You can also mix up the health points and abilities if you want them to be lower difficulty. A smoke mephit with only 11hp that has firebolt (using its charisma) would be a good alternative to a winged kobold with a bow in my opinion, using magmins or magma mephits as your bruiser monsters.

You could even just refluff the kobolds as something else and keep the statblocks the same. Your players will be convinced that they're completely different monsters and all you've had to do is describe them differently.