View Full Version : Judge these gadgets (or suggest others)

2018-01-22, 07:43 PM
I'm working on including vaguely clockwork-punk-esque technomancy in my setting, and thinking of including the following as options (accessed by a feat or class feature). The feat would be a half-feat (DEX or INT) and would grant one of these. The feature can be taken multiple times, each one granting a different gadget. Once learned, they're permanent (not consumable).

Adaptive goggles
These goggles grant the following benefits while worn. You gain darkvision out to 60 feet; if you already had darkvision its range is increased to 90 feet. You have advantage on any saving throws against being blinded or against gaze effects (such as a basilisk or medusa’s gaze).

Motorized grappling hook
This grappling hook is attached to 50ft of fine wire and a launcher/handle. Together it weighs 6 lbs. When fired at any point as an action within the wire’s reach, it flies unerringly and attaches. At any point within the next minute you can use your reaction to activate the reel, lifting up to 400 lbs that are attached to the handle. This interrupts any ongoing actions. If you don’t use the reel within one minute, it retracts the hook.

Extendable Glider Wings
These wings fold into a backpack wearable by any medium or small creature. The backpack and wings weigh 10 lbs. When activated, the wings extend and provide a gliding flight speed of 30 ft for one minute. Unlike normal flight, while gliding you lose 5 ft of height per round At the end of the duration, the wings automatically retract.

Mechanized Door Opening Kit
This kit consists of a gear-and-spring-driven pry-bar and a mounting mechanism. When placed against a locked or barred door or container and activated, it latches on and pries the latch open slowly. This effect takes one minute and can be canceled at any point. When used against magically-locked doors it has a 50% chance of being damaged and unusable until you finish a long rest.

Collapsible Shelter
This bundle (which weighs 20 pounds) contains a comfortable, camouflaged shelter packed into a very tight space. When activated on a flat, level surface at least 10 feet cubical, it quickly expands into a hut with bedrolls and space for four medium creatures. The interior of this shelter is comfortable under all conditions down to -20 degrees and up to 120 degrees and is wind- and rain-proof. Creatures that complete a long rest by sleeping (or trancing, or…) inside of it gain a d6 that they can add to their next saving throw as long as it takes place before they complete a short rest.

Clockwork Spiderling
This gadget takes the shape and statistics of a spider, except with the construct type instead of the beast type. It also cannot attack. On your turn you can command it to do any the following (without using an action):
Scout: The spiderling travels stealthily up to 120 feet in the direction you point, following any curves in the corridor if needed. It then returns and relates the number of creatures it sensed along the path using taps of its foot. While it is doing this, it can also record sounds if commanded to do so.
Record: The spiderling records all audible sounds within its hearing range. Up to one minute of sound can be recorded at a time; recording more overwrites the oldest records.
Replay: The spiderling replays an accurate record of all sounds it has recorded.

2018-01-22, 09:38 PM
Looks good for the most part, but some things need changes.

Extendable Glider Wings
Seems a bit strong since its essentially a free permanent featherfall

Mechanized Door Opening Kit
This one seems really overpowered, considering it can open locked doors and magically closed doors without issue. I'd change it so that it has a 100% chance of opening stuck doors, 80% for barred, 50% for locked and 10% for magic or something like that, but it doesn't break if it fails, just makes it unusable for the next 10 minutes or so to prevent spamming it.

Collapsible Shelter
Also seems very strong. I would change it to only normal environments, or make it so it is made specifically or certain environments.

Everything else looks good!

2018-01-22, 09:51 PM
Looks good for the most part, but some things need changes.

Extendable Glider Wings
Seems a bit strong since its essentially a free permanent featherfall

Mechanized Door Opening Kit
This one seems really overpowered, considering it can open locked doors and magically closed doors without issue. I'd change it so that it has a 100% chance of opening stuck doors, 80% for barred, 50% for locked and 10% for magic or something like that, but it doesn't break if it fails, just makes it unusable for the next 10 minutes or so to prevent spamming it.

Collapsible Shelter
Also seems very strong. I would change it to only normal environments, or make it so it is made specifically or certain environments.

Everything else looks good!

Wings: Yeah, I'll add a duration/recharge on the wings. V2: 1 minute flight/long rest.

Door opener: The issue is with the time required. It takes 1 minute to do this (which IIRC is the time required to automatically succeed on picking a standard lock). I might add a qualifier about barred doors there...

Shelter: This is similar to Leomund's Tiny Hut, but doesn't provide protection and can only fit 4 (not 9). In exchange it provides a small bonus the next day. The earliest you could pick this up using class features is level 6 (one after Leomund's), and it costs a slot that you could use for many other things. I'll adjust it to take 10 minutes to unfold (like Leomund's cast as a ritual).

2018-01-22, 10:14 PM
Re: Wings

To make them less powerful, you could consider making them take a full action to activate. That way they couldn't activate in response to a short fall, but they could save someone falling thousands of feet (over multiple turns).

Also, for the wings' mechanics, I'd suggest specifying the Gliding Flight rules pretty specifically, so that everyone knows exactly what it's capable of. My suggestion:

A) Gliding Flight cannot be used to fly higher than the altitude at which you started flying.
B) At the end of each of your turns, you safely descend to 5' below the altitude at which you started your turn.

2018-01-22, 10:18 PM
Re: Wings

To make them less powerful, you could consider making them take a full action to activate. That way they couldn't activate in response to a short fall, but they could save someone falling thousands of feet (over multiple turns).

Also, for the wings' mechanics, I'd suggest specifying the Gliding Flight rules pretty specifically, so that everyone knows exactly what it's capable of. My suggestion:

A) Gliding Flight cannot be used to fly higher than the altitude at which you started flying.
B) At the end of each of your turns, you safely descend to 5' below the altitude at which you started your turn.

I was actually picturing those more used as a means of limited flight (rather than an emergency slow fall). I've added a parachute for that (deploys as a reaction) and will bump this up to more of an action cost. More activate and intentionally jump off the cliff (to land a ways away from the bottom) than "oh crap I'm falling."