View Full Version : Roleplaying Making Character for Rise of Runelord; Need advise on picking noble family/background

2018-01-22, 10:53 PM
I'm making a new character for 1st session of Rise of Rune lords.

Female human bard (dervish dancer) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 32)
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +4
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +2, Ref +5, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee kukri +3 (1d4+1/18-20) or
. . scimitar +1 (1d6+1/18-20)
Ranged shortbow +3 (1d6/×3)
Special Attacks battle dance: inspire courage
Bard (Dervish Dancer) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st (2/day)—charm person (DC 14), grease
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, light, prestidigitation, read magic
Str 13, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Arcane Strike, Weapon Finesse
Traits merchant family, savant
Skills Bluff +7, Diplomacy +7, Disguise +7, Perception +4, Perform (act) +7, Perform (dance) +11, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +5, Use Magic Device +7
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ battle dance, fleet
Other Gear leather armor, arrows (20), kukri, scimitar, shortbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, journal[UE], masterwork tool, mess kit[UE], mirror, pot, signet ring, silk rope (50 ft.), soap, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 14 gp, 1 sp, 9 cp
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Battle Dance (move action, 7 rounds/day) Battle dances can create bardic performance effects only on self.
Battle Dance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Fleet (Su) Gain an enhancement bonus to speed when battle dancing.

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The +2 Ability is in Charisma, and I'm likely level mostly on pure dervish bard for first few levels if not and become lawful I'll take a 2 dip in paladin.
3rd Level I'm picking up Dervish Dancer
5 power attack from there I don't know. Perhaps

Lanaya was born into one noble family of Varisia with many connections to merchants and other noble families throughout Golarion. And as a member of the nobility was afforded several privileges that other citizens of Varisia are not afforded; such as private tutors and luxuries. However, at the same time due to her status Lanaya is restricted on many opportunities as she forced to keep a public image. Many of games or interest were quickly discourage or outright banned as not being fit for someone of Lanaya’s station.

Since Lanaya was direct heir for inheritance it was expected Lanaya would serve in Magnimar’s military city state as an Officer, like many other non-direct heir nobles. And thus, Lanaya quickly received military training from at first her tutors, but these lessons bored Lanaya nearly to ends. Lanaya would often attempt sneak out attend many of the plays, and theaters of Magnimar, and even attending the various Varisian caravan shows that would pass by. Thus, as Lanaya grew closer of age she wasn’t the best candidate into military school as she lacked much martial prowess or the magical abilities of battle mages, Lanaya’s officer candidacy was initially rejected. But through commission purchase Lanaya officially became Cornet of Magnimar.

Due to Lanaya’s low officer candidacy score Lanaya was placed as logistic officer position as a minor post almost as if to hide her away. With no wars in sight or pressing logistic needs, aside for occasional armory inspection or war planning sections, Lanaya had many idle time. This idle time and lack of interested of her position annoyed Lanaya nearly to end as she struggled to entertain herself throughout the day. Thus, Lanaya hired private tutor learn several bardic lessons, learning how to act and dance, in which she discovered she was a prodigy in the later.

However early into Lanaya’s bardic lessons she opted to take a visit of Sandpoint towards to enjoy the small-town atmosphere. With an approved leave on her hand, Lanaya quickly set off the Sandpoint for few days of relaxation away from the hustle and bustle Magnimar.

2018-01-23, 11:33 AM
It’s not a bad build. RotR is unique in that every character type can get a chance to shine at some point so it depends on your team. If you want the runaway princess thing, your best option is to pick a noble house of Brevoy, the most mercifully stereotypical of all pathfinder kingdoms(https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Brevoy#Noble_families)

2018-01-23, 09:06 PM
It’s not a bad build. RotR is unique in that every character type can get a chance to shine at some point so it depends on your team. If you want the runaway princess thing, your best option is to pick a noble house of Brevoy, the most mercifully stereotypical of all pathfinder kingdoms(https://pathfinderwiki.com/wiki/Brevoy#Noble_families)

Hmmm not going for runaway princess otherwise would probably be better of saying bio as being deserter for some reason instead of asking for leave.

2018-01-27, 02:05 AM

Well Weapon Finesse, Power Attack, Deadly Agility, Deadly Aim as bonus feats if you qualify (example must have 13 str and +1 Bab to get Power Attack).

The Elephant in the Room: Feat Taxes in Pathfinder (http://michaeliantorno.com/feat-taxes-in-pathfinder/) (+ Deadly Aim)

Additional note Scimitar is adjusted to be Finneseable.

I'm wondering what other feat I should take to replace weapon Finesse. Perhaps Two Fighting? Weapon Focus Scimitar.