View Full Version : [Star Wars D6] Tales of the Smoking Blaster (IC)

2018-01-23, 04:38 PM
OOC thread: http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?548375-Star-Wars-D6-Tales-of-the-Smoking-Blaster-(OOC)

Your cast:

Player Name
Character Name

ID-IS 22
Reformed Interrogation Droid

Calden Baadz
Academic Revolutionary

Dex "DZ" Zebulon
Rougish Moonshiner

Mr. E
Erica Waters
Imperial Defector

Jannika Seffrano
Mind-Tricked Ex-Pirate

Darro Obrinn
Noble Diplomat

2018-01-23, 04:58 PM
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away . . . .


Tales of the Smoking Blaster

Yet another relaxing trip aboard the Smoking Blaster. The ship may not look like much, but ... well, you know the rest.

You are in the middle of a journey to the distant desert world of Cotellier, and all of you are in the lounge/bridge area of the ship.

You're hauling a cargo for Yosger, the pirate who holds the lien on your ship. The pay is only 2000 credits, but he's promised to forgive the loan -- in full! -- if you can get the cargo to Cotellier on time. You left Syned late, but your ETA at Cotellier is about 20 hours, giving you four or five hours to meet your deadline.

If you have any questions about the ship or the job, now's the time to ask. Otherwise, feel free to converse in-character for a bit.

2018-01-23, 08:07 PM
Idiss drifted lazily through the lounge, casting a fairly eerie red light as he traversed before settling down on a counter nearby. When Idiss spoke, it was something like the standard Imperial accent, but projected through a vocabulator system.

“Did anyone ask what our cargo is? I would imagine it is something highly illegal to warrant the dismissal of the debt on our ship.”

2018-01-23, 09:23 PM
Darro leans back in his chair, outwardly at ease. Inwardly, his stomach turns at the droid's statement, but he does his best to hide his apprehension. "Whatever it is, I'll be happier once we get it off the ship. Once the loans are cleared off our names, we'll have a lot more freedom to move about. Let's get to Cotellier, get whatever it is offloaded, and get paid. And, I suppose, hope Yosger doesn't try to double-cross us." You notice Darro fiddling a small denomination cred-coin between his fingers, as he often does when he is nervous. Not for the first time, he wonders what led him here. If you'd told him two years ago that he would find himself on a tramp freighter, in debt to a pirate, and accompanied by a gangster, a con, a revolutionary, and a couple of Imperial defectors--well, supposed Imperial defectors at least, the droid still made him wary--he'd have called you crazy. But here he is, despite the long odds.

2018-01-23, 09:40 PM
The red glow lingered on Darro for a moment.

“There is a high probability Yosger will attempt a treacherous action. There is a high probability his contacts will as well. Do not worry. I will be able to repair any damage you incur. I am only at number 128.”

The droid kept an accurate count, as only a droid could, of how many sentient beings he “owed” healing to. It was one of his primary motivations, what kept him together with the crew. That, and his desire to help the other former Imperial.

2018-01-23, 10:35 PM
Yosger was happy to tell you what you were hauling for him. He wanted to make sure you knew just how valuable -- and, yes, illegal -- this stuff was.

You're hauling security droid logic matrixes -- a bunch of 'em. Perfect for turning "Scruffy, the affectionate security droid" into something one step short of an assassin unit. Not many "legitimate" businesses need that kind of security. Suffice it to say these are major contraband; one step below spice, really. It's saying something that Yosger trusted you with the job... or maybe you were just the only ship available on short notice.

The matrixes are hidden in crates full of weeliu nuts. Cotellier is a desert world that has to import most of its food, so that's your cover.

Mr. E
2018-01-24, 02:52 AM
Erica appears around a corner, strangely arrayed for even an ex-member of the Imperial armed forces. Carrying a repair tool in one hand, with a screw held between her teeth, she advances on a light fitting in the corner of the room, which remains sullenly dark. Kneeling down next to it, she removes a replacement bulb from her pocket, and begins to unscrew the cover.

Turning slightly to the others, she looks over at Idiss and Darro, following along in their conversation. "Honestly," Erica says abruptly, "I'm more worried about who they probably stole these from, than our other friends. It's not like many people make killer robot brains, excepting the obvious." She gestures at interrogator droid with the last words. "No offence intended, Idiss."

2018-01-24, 06:25 AM

Jannika entered the lounge, coming from her quarters. The ex-pirate had green stripes in her hair today but was otherwise clad in her normal, hard worn everyday clothes and boots. She had not heard most of the conversation but she tell everyone was tense, nervous.

"Relax, we're golden. Remember you have one of the best pilots this side of Corellia working with you." Jannika said. The pilot smirked and selected the most comfortable looking seat that allowed her to put her feet up. "Think they'll have a good cantina?"

Old Overholt
2018-01-24, 09:04 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Having sat quietly in one of the seats around a small, circular table - his head resting back against the bulkhead of the Smoking Blaster - Dex blinks his eyes open as he hears Jannika take the seat perpendicular to him. It takes him a moment or two for his senses to come back to him, the man taking in a deep breath through his nose as he slowly pulls his head away from the wall. Looking about him, he sees quite a few more people in the galley/lounge than when he dozed off. Clearing the sleep from his eyes with a few blinks, he takes in the sight of everyone there and then looks to the table in front of him. He had grabbed a handful of weeliu nuts from the cargo as a snack, the shells of a few open on the table in front of him along with a few whole ones. A plastic cup with a three or four ounces of some liquid sits near the pile of nuts. Reaching out for his cup with a soft grunt and exhale, Dex pulls the cup back to him as his eyes seem to fixate on Erica while she makes the small repair. Watching her quietly, he takes a slow sip out of his cup and then swishes the liquid about in his mouth as the cup is gently placed back on the table ahead of him.

2018-01-24, 05:16 PM
“I do not take offense. I was not programmed to kill, so I am not a killer robot. In fact, I was specifically designed not to kill. You do not want to hear that, though, I am sure.”

The orb once again lifted off to float about the room.

Mr. E
2018-01-25, 02:51 AM
"No, that's fair." Erica shrugs, and nods as Idiss makes his comment, before returning her attention to the lightbulb. Replacing it, she leans over and begins to screw the cover back on. "Which is why," she says, half turning to look at Jannika, "I'm still going to worry, thanks. If things went wrong, the Empire wouldn't kill me." Turning away, she shakes her head, dismissing the unpleasant thought, then finishes up the repair.

As Erica stands, she locks eyes with DZ as he watches her. "What are you looking at? And please don't leave the empty shells on the table. They end up on the floor, and that's just messy."

Old Overholt
2018-01-25, 08:50 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

At first, Dex seems a bit startled when he's addressed, his focus elsewhere and his mind having to snap into the present. Focusing his eyes up on Erica as she addresses him, Dex's bushy eyebrows raise and he lets out a soft "Hmmm?" as he processes the question. His brain finally catching up with him, he remarks casually, "Just admiring the wrist action," before nodding to the screwdriver in her hand. Upon note of the shells, he glances over at the pile of nuts on the table and then looks back towards the woman while taking another slow sip off whatever is in that cup of his, his eyes focused on her face as he does so.

2018-01-25, 12:52 PM
Darro shudders a bit at the droid's somewhat unsettling statement. "It still doesn't quite add up why Yosger would just cancel our debt like that. This must be pretty important for him to just give up the leverage he has over us like that." He goes quiet for a moment. "Who is our contact, again?"

2018-01-25, 05:33 PM
You've been told to meet with representatives of one Nilya Fek'ra. You don't know much else about her, but you assume she's a fairly big deal on Cotellier given how much she's paying.

The matrixes are worth way more to Yosger than the loan on your ship. He needed them shipped quickly and quietly, and he knew he had you guys over a barrel so you weren't likely to refuse. It's win-win from his perspective. Sure, he's enjoyed holding your debt, but he's calling it in now and stands to make a pretty payday as a result.

Mr. E
2018-01-25, 09:29 PM
Erica grunts in response, while shooting a clearly unsatisfied look in DZ's direction. Whether this is because of his lack of movement on the nuts, or his words, is unclear. Putting the screwdriver in one pocket, she picks a seat which is not close to any of the others crew members, and settles uncomfortably on it. Leaning back against the leather surface, she appears to relax, but her eyes continue to rove around the room, looking for any other defects.

2018-01-26, 11:23 AM
Calden Baadz, who sometimes answers to "Wordsmith," though he prefers it as an author's pseudonym (it's far safer that way), sits at a computer on the Smoking Blaster's bridge. He doesn't much care for the ship, but it's got far more space than others he's used, and now he actually has the freedom to move about at will rather than remain stowed in some sensor-screening hole.

This delivery promised to be the last for Yosger, and he was quite ready for it. Not because the filthy schemer was nearly the worst person he'd dealt with in his years of desperate survival, but because being attacked to any one stationary person with so many debts and connections for so long was asking for trouble. Trouble in giant triangular space cruisers.

He could hear the others down the hall in some frivolous discussion (nuts?) but was more concerned with their destination. He was currently squeezing the ship's memory for every bit of data on Cotellier. He never went anywhere blindly if he could help it...

Whatever I can get, from general geography and tourist data about or landing city/site to recent news, affiliations, major companies and interests and personalities

Computer plus Wild [roll1] for [/b]9[/b]

Cultures [roll2] plus Wild [roll] 4 for 18

2018-01-26, 04:16 PM
Despite being somewhat familiar with the sector Cotellier is in, Calden knows nothing about the planet except its name.

The ship's database has some additional data, but not much. It's a desert world; very little water and vegetation. It has a large ringed moon in orbit around it, nearly half the mass of Cotellier itself. The only industry on Cotellier is mining -- specifically mining of Nova Crystals. The only settlements are the enormous mining platforms, which each host about 10,000 living beings. Total population is about 750,000, not counting droids. It's obvious why they have to import all of their food. It's likely that most freighters come in with food and supplies and leave with Nova Crystals; Cotellier's not on any established trade routes.

Still, with that much population on a planet that far out of the way, it's likely you could find plenty of jobs there. Maybe not hauling Nova Crystals, but almost certainly passengers, and maybe other cargo that the big Crystal haulers don't have time to deal with.

Idiss: [roll0]
Calden: [roll1]+2
Dex: [roll2]
Erica: [roll3]
Jannika: [roll4]+1
Darro: [roll5]+2

Wild dice: [roll6]

Calden (and Idiss, if asked) knows that Nova Crystals are used in jewelry, droid photoreceptors, and sensor arrays.
If asked about Nova Crystals, Dex and Darro are surprisingly familiar with them. Raw crystals are mined by breaking up the crust of a planet with plasma drills, then manually going in and picking up the crystals that remain behind. They can then be refined into a variety of uses including jewelry, droid photoreceptors, and sensor arrays.

2018-01-28, 09:48 AM
Calden is disappointed by the world's lack of even the smallest point of interest, but he gets over it quickly; lack of interest means lack of attention. Though the Nova crystals may throw a complication their way.

He walks down the hall to inform his travelling companions and is immediately disturbed by Dex's glassy-eyed staring at the former Imperial trooper. He waves his hand to get the man's attention and then relays everything he's learned and believes about their destination. "So this place looks like just another desert backwater - Tatooine or Jakku only lacking personality. If we're lucky, we can make this drop and find another job to get us away in the same day. Ideal, really."

Barring some issue with the Nova crystals, he doesn't add. He has a nagging suspicion there may be an issue with the workforce, and hopes this isn't some situation in which some monstrous Imperial corporation is using slave labor.

2018-01-28, 11:08 AM



Just as Calden is finishing his thoughts on Cotellier, you feel the ship buck unexpectedly. The humans all feel a wave of nausea sweeping over you. Idiss, your repulsor stabilizers are thrown off, and you go spinning through the air.

Your ship is wrenched out of hyperspace with a sickening lurch. Alarm klaxons blare alarms of an unexpected hyperdrive cut-out. A glance up the hallway from the lounge to the bridge shows a huge asteroid -- in the middle of open space -- looming directly in front of your ship.

I'm sure you have questions... ask away. Otherwise, what do you do?

2018-01-28, 02:32 PM

Jannika picked herself up, instinctively rubbing the back of her head where she had banged it against a bulkhead. "No... no, no, no," she muttered. "This can't be happening."

The pilot have sprinted to her station to take manual control and steer off the big rock..

2018-01-28, 05:37 PM
Jannika immediately sees that the ship is moving fairly slowly, about 1 unit per round -- the same speed you were going when you entered hyperspace outside Syned. The asteroid is large -- maybe 100 km in diameter, give or take. You're actually a couple thousand kilometers out from the asteroid and in no immediate danger of crashing into it; its gravity well is what brought you out of lightspeed, but its pull on the ship is still weak. Everything worked exactly as it should.

2018-01-28, 05:40 PM
After recovering from the shock and slip from Hyperspace, Idiss floats quickly up to the bridge, making sure to stay out of the way of those who need stations.

“How did an asteroid end up here? Is the instrumentation not supposed to keep us clear of course interruptions during astrogation?”

2018-01-28, 06:07 PM
After recovering from the shock and slip from Hyperspace, Idiss floats quickly up to the bridge, making sure to stay out of the way of those who need stations.

“How did an asteroid end up here? Is the instrumentation not supposed to keep us clear of course interruptions during astrogation?”

Calden curses and sucks through his teeth. "Old pirate's trick, right Jannika? I'm going to get my blaster." And he does.

Old Overholt
2018-01-28, 06:18 PM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

The jerking motion causes Dex to spill his drink all over him, splashing his torso and face with a clear liquid that releases a pungent, disinfectant-like smell all about him. (In most cases, he probably smells better now than he did a minute ago.) Blinking as he sits back upright, he looks down into his now empty cup and then towards one of the speakers for the alarm system. The sudden deceleration has given him just the amount of adrenaline rush he needs to make it out of his daze. "Aww druk! Now we're going to kriffing die," he grumbles aloud as he watches Jannika race towards the cockpit. Setting his cup down, he uses his shirt to wipe his face clean of the excess alcohol and then takes a deep, forced sniff in through his nose - the man sounding a bit congested as he does so. Scooting out of his seat, he grunts as he pushes himself up to a standing position, wincing a bit as he makes it fully erect.

2018-01-28, 08:00 PM
Darro picks himself up, and his first thought is of the hyperdrive. The thing might have fried, if that rock brought us out too abruptly... He is beginning to make his way back to check on it when Calden mentions pirates and his blood runs cold for a moment. Quickly gathering himself, he forces the trickle of panic down and makes a decision of where he is needed.

"Jannika, is the hyperdrive still running?"

If the hyperdrive is still functional, there's no need for him to go running back. If there is damage, they'll be able to see that from the cockpit and send him--or someone else--to fix it. Until then, it wouldn't matter whether they had a functioning hyperdrive if they were blown out of space by pirates. Darro takes off toward one of the two gunnery positions and prepares to defend the ship if necessary.

My main skill set isn't really with space combat, but I have 3D+2 in laser cannons. If we have two better gunners I'll give up the seat, although I don't have skills in sensors or astrogation. I've also got 3D+1 in repairs so if there is an issue I can help fix it.

Mr. E
2018-01-28, 08:32 PM
Erica rolls off the couch the moment the ship starts to rattle, instinctively taking cover and reaching for a non-existent blaster. Her hand coming up empty, she swears, then stands cautiously. She pauses uncertainly, then hears the words "pirates" and swears again. Following Wordsmith out of the cabin, Erica retrieves her own blaster rifle from her cabin, then moves in the direction of the cockpit, the better to observe events as they occur.

2018-01-28, 08:53 PM
Idiss rotates slightly as Erica comes into the cabin, his optical sensors noticing the rifle.

“If we are boarded, I will help you repel them, Commander. At least until I am called for in a more medical capacity.”

He looked around through the viewports in the cockpit, trying to spy something beyond the asteroid.

“I do not see any ship. Are you sure there are pirates?”

2018-01-28, 10:13 PM
Though everyone's peering intently out the front window, no one can see any other ships. All you can see is a bunch of stars, and a giant asteroid, which you can really only see because it blocks all of the stars behind it. If there are any other ships around, they're too far away to see with a naked optical sensor.

You are all on Deck 1 of the ship; your quarters are on Deck 2. There are a pair of officer's offices on this level, so you might have stowed a weapon there. It's up to you. If you need to go down to Deck 2 and come back, it will take you about a minute. Here's what Deck 1 looks like: https://rglichti2.deviantart.com/art/G-LOR-medium-Transport-SL1-588633428

The dorsal turret is easily accessible from Deck 1. The ventral turret is accessed from Deck 3, but you'll have to wind your way through a bunch of equipment to get to it. A solid minute to get there, at least, and that's if you hurry.

The hyperdrive isn't totally fried, but the computer indicates it's hurting pretty bad. Even if it wasn't damaged, you know that standard procedure is to give it a five-minute cooldown after an emergency stop. You could try to fire it up again immediately, but it's just as likely to blow up as it is to work, and you don't have a course astrogated anyway. (Your old course is no good anymore due to the giant asteroid in your way.)

Old Overholt
2018-01-29, 10:41 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Bracing himself somewhat with his right hand against the bulkhead, Dex makes his way to the cockpit. He's not running, but he seems to be moving with some vigor and intent. Upon entering the cockpit, he clears his throat with a little rumble - moving some phlegm out of the way or just gently making it known he's come in with all the people running about. He plops down in the seat at the sensor panel and blinks his eyes, adjusting to the light change, before quickly going about fiddling with the controls - trying to get a real time synopsis of what's going on in their immediate vicinity.


Wild Die if needed:[roll1]

2018-01-29, 01:23 PM
Dex, you're still waking up and you briefly forgot that the sensors are still in Passive mode. Even in your state, though, you can tell that there's nothing registering on the sensors within Passive range (10 units).

If you want to switch to Scan, Search, or Focus, you can do so and roll sensors again with the appropriate bonus. Check your ship's statblock in the OOC thread for the sensor ranges.

Scan mode sends active signals out in all directions; your ship has a scan range of 25 units and you can add 1D to your sensors roll.

Search mode requires you to specify a firing arc (front, left, right, back), but gives you greater range (35 units) and you can add 2D to your roll.

Focus mode requires you to specify a 2-unit-radius area within 35 units of your ship, but you can add 3D to your roll.

2018-01-29, 02:56 PM
Switching to Scan mode, you see.... still nothing, at least not within 25 space units.

What's Jannika doing as far as piloting? Station-keeping? Turning around? Going around the asteroid?

Do you guys have a plan for the hyperdrive?

2018-01-29, 08:05 PM

Jannika curses something thankfully untranslatable in Huttese before flicking her hazel eyes to Calden: "I have heard of pirates pulling something like this yes. We can't get to hyperspace, not right away. I'm going to try and go around the rock - I don't know what's on the other side but sitting here doing nothing is a hundred times worse."

For the moment Jannika is staying at the pilot's station.

2018-01-29, 08:11 PM
“I am not an engineer, but is there merit in turning the drive off and then reinitializing it?”

2018-01-29, 08:31 PM
Calden merely waves at Jannika's comment as he walks away, headed for his quarters and weapon. He keeps his comlink in hand and looks out every window as he goes, though he doesn't expect to see anything. It's not the first time he wishes he was more savvy with spacecraft, but the necessary skills had never come naturally and his mind was too ... focused on pursuits he knows he excels at. Everyone has their place.

2018-01-29, 09:43 PM
Rebooting the hyperdrive probably won't help a whole lot. It's not really a computer glitch or a failsafe that's keeping you from jumping to lightspeed; it's just the actual physical parts need a chance to recover from the stress of the emergency stop.

On the other hand, the ship's computer is showing some very iffy readings as far as stability of the hyperdrive goes. A reboot might clear those up, if they're false readings caused by the emergency stop; if they're not, though, rebooting won't fix 'em. There might actually be something mechanically wrong.

You do have a backup hyperdrive, of course, but it's dormant at the moment. You'd have to power down the main drive and power up the backup; that'll take several minutes. And then you'd still need to astrogate a new course.

Jannika, you can certainly go around the asteroid, but it's huge -- the size of a small moon. You'll basically need to insert into orbit to get around it.

Calden, you don't see anything but stars through the cabin windows.

So at the moment I've got Jannika accelerating the ship to cruising speed (2 units); Dex is manning sensors. Idiss is observing the bridge. Erica and Calden are on the lift headed down to Deck 2. Darro, are you going for the hyperdrive or for the gunnery turret? You can reach the latter quickly. The hyperdrive is a different story; you'll have to go down to Deck 4 to access the electronic components. If anything in the engine itself has been damaged, you're looking at a spacewalk to reach those components.

2018-01-29, 11:35 PM
Darro is heading for the gunnery turret, unless y'all find something he can help fix in the hyperdrives.

Mr. E
2018-01-30, 01:54 AM
Waiting in the lift, Erica pulls her comlink off her belt, bringing it up to her mouth. "Jannika, I'm no pilot, but I'm guessing that any pirates will try and tag us with an ion cannon, then tractor us in. Maybe it would be wise to make our course a little less predictable, as it were?" Still holding the comlink in one hand, she releases the transmit button, then turns to Wordsmith. While Erica waits for a response, she asks the obvious question.

"You ever been in a boarding action before? Or, actually, any kind of firefight?"

'Hard to tell with these academic types. Don't know how to get the measure of them, not being one myself.'

Old Overholt
2018-01-30, 08:56 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Dex lets out a low rumble from deep in his chest - a mixture of clearing his throat and showing open aggravation with the electronics panel. "Nothing on the sensors," he grumbles as his eyes shift towards the instrument screen. Noting the fluctuating readings from the hyperdrive, he applies a bit of technical know-how and expertise to the system. With the palm of his hand, he gives the panel a firm THWACK! with his hand to let out some frustration (and maybe inadvertently correct the system). "Circuits are probably fried," he the mutters aloud. "Just don't push it too hard, Jan," Dex tells the pilot before getting up from his seat and moving over towards the shield controls. Taking in a deep breath through his nose to calm himself, he throws himself down in the chair in front of the shield controls. “Going to shift the deflectors ahead in case there’s anything around the bend…” he tells Jannika. “… or if any of that boulder decides to break off and get in your way.”

Particle shields already up... going to adjust fire arcs to cover front and whatever side is closest to the asteroid to cover exposed sides of ship.

Shield Operations Check: [roll0]

Wild Die (if needed): [roll1]

2018-01-30, 09:39 AM

"You have a point Erica." Jannika admitted into her comlink. "I can try and throw us into reverse if you think that's a better bet, but I'd sooner be going fast than slow."

2018-01-30, 10:07 AM
"You ever been in a boarding action before? Or, actually, any kind of firefight?"

"Indirectly, and yes. I've been living on the fringe for a decade while wanted by your Empire, so violence was unfortunately inevitable." He's outwardly calm but incredibly agitated under the surface.

2018-01-30, 10:24 AM
Dex, you found it a little tricky but you manage to split the shields between forward and left -- you have +2 on your forward arc and +1 on your port arc. (Sorry, you only have 1D shields -- but at least you're capital-scale!)

Darro, you reach the dorsal turret with no problem. The gunnery cocoon is small and cramped, with machinery and exposed wiring everywhere. A targeting computer takes up much of the interior space, and it's a snug fit for you. There is an intercom jack for a headset, which you find buried underneath a small pile of circuit boards.

As Erica and Calden reach Deck 2 and Jannika thinks about going into reverse, Idiss notices something flash on the sensor readout.

For my own sanity, I would like us to go into combat rounds at this point. Each round is 5 seconds long. I'll let you guys go first. This is Round 1.

In each round you can take as many actions as you like, but each action you plan to take (beyond the first) knocks 1D off of every roll you make.

For the beginning of Round 1, you're each going to declare how many actions you're going to take and what your first action will be. Make any necessary rolls, and then we'll go from there.

If you have questions about how combat works, ask away in the OOC thread.

2018-01-30, 11:56 AM
Just one, unless getting into position and bringing up the turret/targeting systems/etc also takes an action. In that case, two.

Darro pauses for a moment before squeezing himself into the gunnery cocoon. "Headset, headset... Ah, there it is. Now, to figure out where the blasted thing plugs in..." Soon enough, he has his headset connected and the targeting computer active. He grips the turret controls and brings the weapon around forward. Relax, he thinks to himself. Just like we did back at Istaan V. Just focus and lead the target. He activates his comlink and calls up to the bridge. "Alright, I've got the dorsal cannon active. Anything on scanners?"

Holding fire action until we have a target, obviously.

2018-01-30, 12:04 PM

Initiative [roll0]

Calden is walking, first to his cabin to retrieve his blaster, then to the airlock. He has his comlink in hand.

Old Overholt
2018-01-30, 01:57 PM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Having manipulated the shields to cover the exposed portion of the ship while coming around the asteroid - albeit with a bit of frustration from some fat fingering on his part - Dex turned to look towards the pilot's seat and out the main viewport, eager to find out what exactly is on the other side of the giant rock. "We're as covered as we're going to be," he remarks softly. His body tenses as the anxiety builds, the man ready to get back to his station and maneuver the shields if need be or bolt from his seat should he need to move to fix something after they're broadsided,

No overt actions.

Mr. E
2018-01-31, 02:18 PM
As the lift doors open, Erica lifts her comlink again, to reply to Jannika's comment. "I don't know we need to go as far as reversing. I don't want to hang here either, but I don't see the need to take a straight line route." Walking briskly to her room in the corridor, she pulls a entry card from her pocket, still thinking about the best way to defend the ship.

2018-02-02, 05:05 PM
Calden and Erica get to their rooms and find their weapons. Calden, the airlocks are down another level, on Deck 3. There's an aft lift that goes down from Deck 2; the forward lift only goes up to Deck 1.

Darro gets settled in the dorsal turret.

On the bridge, Jannika and Dex keep on keepin' on. The ship moves forward two space units. Shields are set +2 forward and +1 port.

Idiss jacks into the sensor station with his scomp-link.

Idiss rolling sensors: [roll0]
Wild dice: [roll1]

Idiss follows the wrong command pathway and accidentally switches off the sensor display.

Darro, you can see the incoming bogeys on your targeting scope, but you have no clue what they are. There are three of them, all in your forward arc, and they close from 23 units away (after your ship's advance toward them) to 19 units away. Your maximum range is 25, by the way.

Jannika and Dex see a communications alert; you're being hailed.

That's the end of Round 1.

2018-02-02, 05:13 PM
Round 2 Initiative:

Party Perception: [roll0]
Enemy Perception: [roll1]
Wild dice: [roll2]

You guys win initiative. If you want the enemies to go first, let me know; otherwise, please tell me how many actions you're each taking and what your first actions are.

2018-02-02, 05:52 PM
Given his great success Idiss will try again to turn on the sensors and see what’s up out there. Other than that, nothing hostile.

2018-02-02, 06:03 PM
The guns power up and the targeting computer flickers to life. Darro brings the turret around, checking the targeting scanners... and freezes for a moment when he sees multiple contacts closing in. He triggers the comm to the bridge again. "Do you guys see that? I've got three contacts coming in, almost directly front. Just inside laser range and closing. They friendly?" He locks the cannon's targeting systems on the nearest one and waits to hear from the bridge. He can't imagine they aren't hostile, but still, best not to blast away at anything that moves.

One action, firing the cannon. Again, holding the action until I hear from the bridge or they open fire.

2018-02-02, 07:24 PM

Jannika ignored the hails and flicked on her comlink

"Shoot first, save questions for later," she replied to Darro's question. "We're smugglers working for a pirate; there is no such thing as a friendly ship, not unless we've already heard about it and we aren't so obviously damaged they're on a rescue mission."

2018-02-02, 09:27 PM
"Alright. Can't say I can argue with the logic." Darro tracked the leading contact for a moment, judging its movement, and squeezed the trigger, wincing a bit as the gunnery station is filled with emerald light.

[roll0]+2 (one die is from the cannon's fire control)
Damage: [roll1]+2

potential wild dice: [roll2]

2018-02-02, 10:59 PM
The lead ship reacts with a full reaction dodge.

Starfighter Piloting: [roll0]
Wild dice: [roll1]

Old Overholt
2018-02-05, 09:08 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Dex quirked his bushy right eyebrow upward on his brow as he heard Jannika's response over the commlink. He turned his head slightly to look towards the pilot's chair out of his peripheral, but said nothing. Instead, he turns his attention back towards the console and gulps something in his throat down before exhaling deeply through his slightly parted lips.

No overt actions.

2018-02-06, 02:35 PM
Darro's shot goes wide, no surprise from this distance. The enemy responds anyway, rolling the ship to present a smaller target.

Idiss nearly makes the same mistake again with the sensor console, but catches himself at the last second. He reactivates the screen and dials it in on the targets. He sees that there are three small starfighters -- Z-95 Headhunters according to the scan -- flying toward the Smoking Blaster. As he's about to announce this to the team, he sees a fourth ship appear on the scope. The readout comes immediately: a Corellian Action VI Transport. (Darro sees the fourth target as well, and starts receiving the bridge sensor data on his targeting scope.)


All three of you on the bridge know these transports in their stock configuration are big cargo haulers, about 50% bigger than the Smoking Blaster, and even less suited to combat. But Jannika, you also know that pirates often modify Action VIs into fairly effective carriers. You've seen some carry as many as 15 snub fighters, often Z-95s, in their converted cargo bays. Pirates also like to add weapon emplacements to the ship as backup for the fighters.

If you want to see if there are any more ships coming in with the fighters and the transport, I recommend switching the sensors to Search mode; it's got better range. But you'll have to specify a firing arc to Search.

On the other hand, if you want to know more about what kind of configuration or status the ships are in, you'll want to switch the sensors to Focus on one of the ships. That will reveal more information on a successful roll.

Erica and Calden grab their weapons and head for the lifts. Let me know if you're going up or down.

The Smoking Blaster continues forward two space units.

The ship at which Darro fired moves forward four space units; the other two Z-95s accelerate to Cruising speed and move forward 7 units. The two lead Z-95s are now 10 units away; the trailing one is 13 away. The Action VI is 22 units away and moving toward you at cruising speed, 3 units per round. All of them are in your forward arc.

The Z-95s have not fired at you, despite moving well within range of their blasters. They appear to be taking a cautious, non-aggressive approach. Your communications panel continues to indicate an incoming hail.

2018-02-06, 02:37 PM
Round 3 initiative:

Party Perception: [roll0]
Enemy Perception: [roll1]
Wild Dice: [roll2]

You guys win initiative. If you want the enemies to go first, let me know; otherwise, please tell me how many actions you're each taking and what your first actions are.

2018-02-06, 02:55 PM
Calden may not be pushover in a fight, but he's fully aware he's not a trained soldier. Checking the blaster's charge, he frowns and finds Erica. "I'm hoping we don't have to repel boarders, but if we do, you take the lead."

2018-02-06, 05:18 PM
I’m going to switch to Search for the sensors and activate a forward arc.

Dice: [roll0]
Wilds: [roll1]

Mr. E
2018-02-06, 05:58 PM
Erica nods, distracted by the sound of guns firing. "Seems fair." She continues to head towards the airlock, her rifle slung over one shoulder. Lifting her comlink to her mouth, she flicks the call button. "What's happening up top? I can hear one set of our guns firing, but not the other. Someone care to give us mortals a status update?"

2018-02-08, 12:44 PM

Jannika's voice crackled through the comlink: "Someone get sensors on that Corellian. The fighters are dangerous but who knows what that bantha is loaded with?"

At her own station, Jannika tried to shift the ship hard to the right, looking to turn a circle and start pullining the opposite way.

Space Transports [roll0]
Wild Die (if any) [roll1]

Edit: Proper dice rolls in OOC thread!

Old Overholt
2018-02-08, 12:54 PM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Grabbing the console in front of him with his left hand, bracing himself somewhat as Jannika begins to steer the ship, Dex looks directly towards the front of the cockpit - namely Jannika's chair. Having noted the incoming hails and the lack of interest in responding to them, the gin-jockey decides to speak up. "You think we should find out what they want while we got the opportunity?" he asks with mild amusement in his voice. "Not saying we don't have to be prepared, but you know... we don't need to be rude or nothin'. Causin' trouble when there isn't any, you know?"

No overt actions.

2018-02-09, 12:23 PM
Darro listens to the chatter over the comlink. They're trying to hail us? It is strange they haven't fired, could probably hit this lumbering barge if they tried... but then you don't drop an asteroid on a hyperspace route and send starfighters in if you're friendly... He is uncertain about the situation, but squeezes off a few more shots at the nearest fighter in an attempt to get them to keep their distance, if nothing else.

Only action is to fire again, targeting the closest fighter.

[roll0] +2

Wild dice: [roll1]

2018-02-16, 10:50 AM
Calden and Erica reach the lift and descend to Deck 3. The airlocks are right here, along with the central boarding ramp. It will take two rounds to reach the ventral turret and get settled in.

On the bridge, Idiss uses the sensors to Search the forward arc. He sees no other ships in range except for the 3 Z-95s and the Action VI transport.

Jannika swings the ship around to reverse direction; you neither gain nor lose ground relative to the other ships.

Dex switches the shields to full aft. Dex, I'm considering you to be in the co-pilot's seat to operate shields, so you can also access the comm panel if you want.

Darro fires off another shot at one of the fighters. The fighter executes a full reaction dodge in response.

Starfighter Piloting: [roll0]

Darro misses wide again. The ship Darro fired on reduces speed to Cautious and moves forward 4 units. The other two fighters move at Cruising speed 7 units toward the Smoking Blaster. The three fighters are now 3, 6, and 6 units away from you. They are not likely to crash into you or anything, but they are clearly intending to get close. They still haven't fired, despite being within point-blank range.

The transport continues forward 3 units at cruising speed, putting it 19 units away. The comm panel continues to signal an incoming hail.

That's the end of round 3.

Party Perception: [roll1]
Enemy Perception: [roll2]

Your opponents win initiative, but they are going to let you go first. Please tell me how many actions you're taking in Round 4 and post your first actions.


2018-02-16, 11:09 AM
Calden looks down the tunnel at the turret and leans away, observing the airlock and ramp. "How do we set up the best defense? You taking the guns?"

2018-02-16, 11:48 AM
Some info on the airlock:

The airlock's outer door has a Strength of 6D and the airlock can only be opened or closed from the control panel just inside the entry hall. A closet by the control panel contains eight sealed space suits with rocket packs.

2018-02-23, 06:36 PM

Jannika, looks at the comm again flashing with the incoming hail, then back at the viewscreen, hesitates, then switches it on. "We're hearing you."

Old Overholt
2018-02-25, 11:53 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Dex glances over at Jannika with her response over the communications channel. He mouths the words, "We're hearing you?" with an incredulous look on his face. Meanwhile, he turns to look back towards the reformed droid and inquires in a muted tone, "Anything else?"

2018-02-26, 02:44 PM
Erica gets most of the way to the ventral turret. She's one round from getting there and settled.

Calden checks his blaster and readies to repel boarders.

On the bridge, Idiss uses the sensors to Focus on the Action VI transport. As Jannika feared, the ship is loaded for gundark, with three turbolaser batteries and 12 starfighters in its hangar bay. Its weapons are powered and its shields are up.

Jannika continues flying the ship at Cruising speed away from the transport, though it's still gaining on you.

Darro fires off another shot at one of the fighters. The fighter executes a full reaction dodge in response.

Starfighter Piloting: [roll0]

The ship Darro fired on, the closest one, reduces speed to Cautious and moves forward 3 units. The other two fighters move at Cruising speed 6 units toward the Smoking Blaster. All three fighters are now at point-blank range; you can see their lights and you think one of the pilots is gesturing at you. They still haven't fired, but they look like they want to.

The transport continues forward 3 units at cruising speed, putting it 18 units away. When Jannika activates the comm system, a stern female voice comes through the speakers, echoing throughout the ship. "Attention freighter! Prepare to be boarded. If you cooperate no one will be unnecessarily injured. If you refuse to cooperate, we will blast you out of space!"

That's the end of round 4.

Party Perception: [roll1]
Enemy Perception: [roll2]

You win initiative. If you choose to go first, please tell me how many actions you're taking in Round 4 and post your first actions.


2018-02-26, 02:47 PM
Forgot to include Darro's shot.

Wild dice: [roll1]

Darro misses.

2018-02-26, 04:24 PM
The droid completes its scan and bobs slightly in the cockpit. He modulates his vocal processor so he is quiet, and speaks only when their link is muted.

“Regrettably, I agree with the assailant. We should allow them to board.”

The droid pauses, letting the thought drag out.

“...and then kill them. Or render unconscious. It is the biological prerogative.”

Old Overholt
2018-02-27, 08:11 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

Listening to the response over the communications system intently, Dex gives Jannika a somewhat defeated look. Clearly, this is not a desirable outcome, but the odds appear stacked against the ship: they're outgunned and out maneuvered. Leaning back in his chair and resting his hands on this thighs, he looks out the cockpit's forward view and murmurs aloud, "Someone's been tipped off about what we're hauling 'cause they're being awfully polite for way out here..." He then shoots a glance back towards Jannika, trying to gauge her thoughts and next reaction.

2018-02-27, 03:31 PM
Darro curses as the snubfighter again evades his shot and he hears the pirate's demands over the commlink. "Looks like there's not much chance we can talk our way out of this one..." The freighter clearly has them outgunned, the Smoking Blaster doesn't seem to have any cards they can use to try and negotiate. Unless... He activates his comm. "If they haven't already blasted us, they want what's on this ship. We tell them we're going to blow the cargo unless they back down, it might just work--at least buy us some breathing room. Might be worth a shot, at least."

One action, ready on the guns. Going to hold pending the rest of the crew's opinion on talking.

2018-02-28, 03:53 PM
Hearing the deadly pronouncement over the speakers, Calden takes a deep breath and slumps. The situation was certainly not without precedent. He clicks his own comm to the bridge. "Okay, so I'm looking at a door that may be blown in at any moment, is that it? Are we still fighting? Tell me we're still fighting."

He stares at the airlock door venomously. "Erica," he calls, keeping his comm line open to everyone, "I'm still willing to take some advice on defenses. What do you think? Trap it with a grenade? Put on spacesuits and flood the ship with CO2? Poisoned spitballs?"

2018-02-28, 07:37 PM
Hearing the deadly pronouncement over the speakers, Calden takes a deep breath and slumps. The situation was certainly not without precedent. He clicks his own comm to the bridge. "Okay, so I'm looking at a door that may be blown in at any moment, is that it? Are we still fighting? Tell me we're still fighting."

He stares at the airlock door venomously. "Erica," he calls, keeping his comm line open to everyone, "I'm still willing to take some advice on defenses. What do you think? Trap it with a grenade? Put on spacesuits and flood the ship with CO2? Poisoned spitballs?"

“If they board and are unsuited, I can always float into a duct and vent the air. If you choose this course of action I would remind you not to fully inflate your lungs before decompression. That would be untidy.”

Mr. E
2018-03-01, 02:25 PM
"Hmm..." Erica looks at the airlock thoughtfully. "Idiss has a good idea. We do have vac-suits on board, for the benefit of us organics. But-" She taps her foot and hefts her blaster, settling it more comfortably in one hand, "that doesn't get us any closer to dealing with the Z-95's. If we kill all their fellow crew members, they may decide to pay us back."

"What if they thought that the damage done to our hyperdrive caused us to have a reactor leak? Do you think that they would leave us alone, rather than risk being irradiated?"

2018-03-03, 09:18 AM
Calden tilts his head in thought. "Probably not. They came for a prize, at considerable effort, and it's not us. I think if we force them, they'll just hole the hull or come about suited. And from what I know, we're more likely to survive this by not fighting back. But there's no guarantee they won't kill us or press-gang us anyway. And we'll be without our cargo.

"These kid of escapes usually require a last-minute surprise," he says mostly to himself. "Idiss, can you quietly and heavily-armedly take a walk outside while we surrender? Erica, Jannika, what's a target for him if he walks over to their ship? An engine? A power source? Walk into another airlock and raise his own flag?" He knows he's spitballing ideas.

And how did they maneuver the asteroid into their path? They couldn't have altered our flight data, could they? He's mumbling and knows the others can hear him, but they are likely used to it by now.

2018-03-06, 05:16 PM
Unsure if you heard the message or not, the transport repeats its warning, in even more forceful tones: "Attention freighter! Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded. If you refuse to cooperate, we will open fire!"

From the sound of it, you expect this is your last chance to do as they say before they start shooting. And those three Z-95s are swarming around your ship, just waiting for the order to fire.

Other than the communication, and the transport drawing closer, nothing else happens, so we'll keep the initiative from last round. What do you do?

Old Overholt
2018-03-07, 09:22 AM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

With the repeat of the warning/threat, Dex shows a hint of frustration along with his ever-present dismay of the situation. "Just bring it to a stop," he says in a stern, but muted tone to Jannika - urging the pilot to adhere to the commands coming over the communications array. "The more we delay, the further that stick is going to work it's way up their backside. We got caught off guard." Leaning back in his chair and staring out the viewport, Dex considers the chatter coming across the internal comm-channel before pressing the 'talk' button on his own system. "Instead of having kittens by the litter, let's find out what they're looking for. If they're pirates, then they probably know Yosger. If they know Yosger, they'll probably take what they want and leave everything else alone - that way it's our problem with Yosger and not theirs." Dex suggests. "Anything else and we're probably giving them the excuse they need."

2018-03-07, 06:54 PM

Jannika did not look remotely happy at Dex's words, though given her glare was directed at the comm it was clear it wasn't directed at him.

"They obviously want what we are hauling so they aren't going to fire if they don't have to. Unfortunately if we keep running they'll get desperate and fire on our engines.
I'm inclined to run with Calden's idea. I'm not the skipper though so I'll listen to you."

Her finger is ready at the controls to cut to a stop.

2018-03-08, 10:09 AM
Darro scowls as the Smoking Blaster's engines rumble to a stop. "I hope you know what you're doing..." he mutters over the comms. Just in case, he stays in the gun turret, keeping an eye on the Z-95s.

Mr. E
2018-03-10, 01:21 AM
"Allright, if that's the way it is..." Erica looks around the corridor, thinking to herself. 'None of us are working together, and these pirates clearly have the drop on us. We, well, I maybe, need to come up with something clever.' She glares irritably at the floor, annoyed that it yields no insights.

Until, suddenly, it does, and she stares at the floor panels in surprise. Then, raising her com-link to the mouth, she begins to give orders, easily falling into her old parade ground cadence. "Here's the drill, boys and girls. Those pirates are going to wants us to wait nice and peacefully for us to come alongside, but I don't see no reason to do that. Let's give them a surprise or two."

She pauses for a moment, mentally considering each team-mates skills and abilities. "Jannika, plot us a course out of here. Tell me, you know the ship best, can you hyper-jump from engines on idle? Dex, get down to engineering and find some way to accelerate prepping our hyperdrive to fly. Or get the backup warmed up, if that's what it needs to be."

"Calden, Darro, I need you two to spout as much bantha-poodo as you can. Just keep them busy, and not in too much of hurry to board. Tell 'em whatever you think will make them cautious about shooting us. Jan, or Idiss, patch them through to our comms systems."

"Idiss once you've done that, I need some information about their ship and ours. Could they have tractors? Can you isolate and vent sections of our ship individually? What about flooding them with toxic gasses? How rapidly could you cut the lights on our ship? What would happen if we were docked with them, and then tried to jump to hyperspace?"

Finishing her barrage of questions, she jogs back towards the airlock, mentally planning her next move.

I felt like we were kinda flailing around here, so I had someone take charge. Hope nobody minds Erica getting all bossy :smallredface:

Basically, she has two plans running. The first is to keep them busy until they can jump to hyperspace.
The second is to try and take the pirate leader hostage (assuming he follows the Star Wars rules of leading the boarding action himself). If they can do that, maybe they can get him to persuade the Z-95's to stand down.

2018-03-10, 01:50 PM
"I can work with that," Calden says. "Darro, why don't we have a violent argument about giving up? Give them a show that turns into a running lightfight through the ship. They'll want to wait until the danger's passed and one or both of us is 'dead.'" He explains that he's coming back to the bridge (on the double) and turning the tibanna nozzle on his baster way down to minimize any damage.

2018-03-11, 11:16 AM
Darro listens to Erica's orders over the comlink. "Not sure they'd be too concerned about that, Calden, but it might be worth a try. Maybe if we tell them we're carrying a haul of fuel or something else else explosive first? They probably aren't too concerned about a few freighter pilots shooting blasters at each other, but if they think a stray bolt might light up the entire ship..." He crawls out of the gun turret and heads toward the bridge as well, thinking over what he's going to say to get the pirates to delay a bit.

No problem with Erica taking charge--it's in character for her, I think. Darro might have, but he feels out of his depth in a situation like this.

2018-03-16, 03:26 PM
Okay, we're basically out of combat now, since you complied with the order to bring the ship to a halt.

The Action VI Transport keeps getting closer; in fact, it accelerates. The three starfighters remain in position, their weapons trained on your ship.

You have no more than a minute before the transport reaches you. What do you do?

Powers &8^]

2018-03-17, 04:17 PM
Calden rushes onto the bridge and goes into Wordsmith mode, broadcasting quite fearfully every story (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=22925886&postcount=134) he can conjure of pirate attacks gone wrong and the deadly repercussions, hoping if not to change their minds but at least to unnerve them.

2018-03-21, 12:09 PM
Calden's monologue is extensively and impeccably detailed, but with no sight lines or incoming audio, it's impossible for him to tell if it's had any effect on the pirate crew. Jannika, Dex, and Darro are starting to look a little unsettled, though.

Whatever the pirates might be thinking, the large transport continues its approach.

Is there anything else anyone wants to do to prepare?

Powers &8^]

Old Overholt
2018-03-21, 12:57 PM
Dex Zebulon (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1FMC_jz8gqj7yYrLPtoo5zjUQ0JbAFt0H)

As Calden barges onto the bridge, grabs one of the communication headsets tapped into the array, and begins prattling on about pirate attacks, Dex leans in his chair a bit to take in the sight. His face shows a clear look of anxiety and perplexity - it is, after all, unexpected and a peculiar tactic at that. Blinking his eyes a few times at what he sees, he then looks towards Jannika with a sour face. Taking off his headset and any encumbrances he might have in the 'co-pilot' chair, he murmurs to Jannika in his present gallows-humor, "We certainly know how to put on a show."

Moving from out of the cockpit area, he pauses to retrieve his flask out of one of his pant pockets. Unscrewing the cap, he starts to pull the vessel up to his lips to take a drink, but hesitates to look focus on Jannika once again. "I'll head down and see what I can do quietly, but my guess is the first sign they see of our engines warming up, they blast us," he tells her. "If push comes to shove, we got ourselves another bargaining chip to make it out of here a little lighter, but still quite alive." It's there Jannika might notice a somewhat dour tone and expression that she's rarely seen on Dex, if ever. His eyes fixed on her as if silently trying to communicate his thoughts or judge her reaction, he takes a swig of his drink before turning about and idling toward the engineering section of the ship.

2018-03-28, 10:04 AM
The transport pulls up beside the Smoking Blaster. What do you do?

2018-03-28, 10:16 AM

"They won't fire if they still have boarders on here," Jannika says, though her tone suggests she doesn't entirely believe this. "Look, we don't have many options Dex. At least until we actually see 'em face to face. We just don't know what we're up against."

She paused, then clicked on to the external comm: "Attention pirates, we're reading you, awaiting honoured guests. Any special instructions regarding oxygen or gravity?"