View Full Version : Music Albums for my commute?

2018-01-24, 12:10 PM
The tape deck in my car doesn't work anymore, and I have no plans to replace my car, or be without my car long enough to get it fixed.

Songs I actually like listening to on the radio are getting fewer

What I do instead is have my phone play "YouTube" videos of songs.

What I've been turning to more and more are Orff's Carmina Burana, and Host's The Planets, both of which are about an hour long.

So as not to link the whole works, here's the second piece from the

Carmina Burana (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_IA2ilVsfWg)

and the second from last piece from

The Planets (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FK_QkS6uZeE)

I like a lot of Blues/Jazz/Pop/Punk/Rock/Whatever songs, but I really haven't found a whole album that I like all of it enough to not want to skip some of it (which I can't really do while driving), and the albums are seldom as long as my whole commute. The same is true of movie soundtracks.

I know from listening to classical music radio stations that I really don't much like 18th century music, 19th century is a mixed bag for me, and while I've liked other 20th "classical" works like

Ralph Vaughan Williams's Fantasia on a theme of Thomas Tallis (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qIhZbvlCjY0)

I haven't found anything else long enough besides the Holst and Orff.

Any suggestions?

2018-01-24, 12:37 PM
Based on those works by Holst and Orff, maybe some Bruckner (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gcBg-tXn0fs) (I especially like the 3rd movement of the 4th), Dvořák (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9RT2nHD6CQ), Mahler (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4XbHLFkg_Mw) or Strauss (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZW9lJZKP4g)?

The Anoushka Shankar Ensemble (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94IGuku0v1k&t=) is of course a completely different thing. I discovered this recording recently and found it an interesting contrast to western classical music, so I could not resist linking it. :smallbiggrin:

Does it need to be a single video to cover the hour?

2018-01-24, 01:07 PM
Based on.....
A very quick listen shows me that you've hipped me on to some cool stuff, I'll probably try the Dvořák on my drive home today.



...Does it need to be a single video to cover the hour?.
No, but ideally more than 40 minutes of goodness, with the leftovers at the end being something I can turn off.

2018-01-24, 04:04 PM
A very quick listen shows me that you've hipped me on to some cool stuff, I'll probably try the Dvořák on my drive home today.



No, but ideally more than 40 minutes of goodness, with the leftovers at the end being something I can turn off.

You are very welcome. Always a pleasure to share great music.:smallbiggrin:

Rimsky-Korsakov (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQNymNaTr-Y) and the orchestral version of Pictures at an Exhibition (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=syLm-9JyhuY) might also be to your liking. Sergei Prokofiev's Peter and the Wolf (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MfM7Y9Pcdzw) and Joaquín Rodrigo's Concierto de Aranjuez (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye-FvKCZp3s) are also great but a bit too short for your purposes.

You could of course create your own youtube playlists of shorter pieces you like.

Edit: There are also versions of PatW with Sting (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g1spGQQg0FA) or David Bowie (https://youtu.be/kpoizq-jjxs?list=PL5A4871BCD99ABE5F) as the narrator.

2018-01-24, 04:14 PM
Have you considered just seeding Pandora (or a similar service) with artists you like and seeing what results? I've found a huge amount of my favorite music that way.

2018-01-24, 04:18 PM
...You could of course create your own youtube playlists of shorter pieces you like..

I can what now?

Have you considered just seeding Pandora (or a similar service) with artists you like and seeing what results? I've found a huge amount of my favorite music that way..
Um... I think I have some "Googling" to do.

Thanks guys!

2018-01-25, 04:12 PM
skip some of it (which I can't really do while driving)

Maybe what you need is a new car? They put 'skip track' buttons on the steering wheel nowadays! :smallwink:

Well, obviously that's not the cheapest solution. You mention that the radio is playing fewer songs that you like. That implies to me that there exist older, less fashionable artists that you enjoy. Did they not produce albums?

Failing that, we could throw random artists at you (well, cherry-picking the ones with albums that are solid from start to finish), but "Blues/Jazz/Pop/Punk/Rock/Whatever" is a pretty broad branch of music. Maybe naming like five favourite bands would help us?

2018-01-26, 08:39 AM
....Maybe naming like five favourite bands would help us?.
Well that's my problem, I don't really like bands I like songs for example, David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust album has a few songs I very much like, but many that I find skippable, the orchestral works I cited are unusual in that I can listen to so much of them without my wanting to skip past parts of it.

Also, I suspect that many of the pop etc., songs I like has more to do with who I was when I first heard them rather than any intrinsic quality, for example I very much crave hearing many old punk songs from my youth from time-to-time, but it is extremely rare for me to like new ones despite sounding much the same as the old ones.

I could easily list 60 or even 600 songs, but off the top of my head here's 6 old ones (it would be a different list a different day, but they be from the thousand or so old songs that I remember):

AC/DC - Rocker (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fouK5ErEbdM)

Buzzcocks - I Believe (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DRzScthaPOE)

Lotte Lenya - Surabaya Johnny (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aSLTvKC-P3Y)

Rachel Sweet - Cuckoo Clock (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vAMkdfOJHMU)

Slim Harpo - Shake your hips (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SGyAAWu3Gks)

Velvet Underground -Rock & Roll (https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=J_bQMsqUoD4)


Yeah it's basically an old man's playlist.

2018-01-26, 08:56 AM
You could also go through the vast backlog of Coverville podcasts. While you may not like more contemporary music, covers are always wonderiffic.

2018-01-26, 07:45 PM
If you like orchestral music and also some pop (used in the general sense here, not the genre sense), you might enjoy post-rock. Usually instrumental, long dynamic pieces and often cohesive enough that a full album is worth listening to. And often available on youtube! Start with Godspeed You! Black Emperor
First album is an hour
Second one is an hour and a half
If you enjoy some of that, I could give you more recommendations. I also listen to a lot of ambient electronic music, but that tends to be very subtle by definition, so maybe not so interesting on a drive.

2018-01-27, 08:09 AM
I suspect that many of the pop etc., songs I like has more to do with who I was when I first heard them rather than any intrinsic quality

Ah, yeah. I can see how that might be an issue. There's an easy answer though: mixtapes! Problem solved! :smallcool:

you might enjoy post-rock.

That might just be a brilliant suggestion. Not sure GY!BE is the place to start though. Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven is a good one to listen start-to-finish in one sitting, but I find F# A# ∞ to be better one track at a time. Yanqui UXO as well (though I'll grant you that both albums only have three tracks on them).

Personally, I think Mogwai is the way to go for post-rock to commute to. Particularly Come On Die Young, Les Revenants and Hardcore Will Never Die, But You Will. They're all solid from start to finish. Rave Tapes as well, actually.

2018-01-27, 02:06 PM
The tape deck in my car doesn't work anymore, and I have no plans to replace my car, or be without my car long enough to get it fixed.

I know you said you don't want to replace the car or fix the tape deck, but it's usually not hard to replace the tape desk with a new one yourself unless your existing system is a non-standard fancy one of some kind. (Disclaimer: this is something several of my relatives will do for me on the couple of occasions I've needed it. These relatives also do a lot of other "working on cars" things, including replacing some fairly major car parts back when I was too broke to have a mechanic do them, so I may have a skewed sense of how hard it is. On my '84 Camry, it seemed like it was less obnoxious than replacing headlights, but was more obnoxious than replacing taillight bulbs (until one of those rusted in place, that was a whole 'nother level of obnoxious).)

I don't know that you can even buy tape decks anymore, but if you're willing to make the jump all the way to a new stereo that just has a radio and can play mp3s (and would probably also be able to pair with your phone using bluetooth) rather than one that can also play tapes and/or cds, it looks like Fry's sells basic radio/mp3/aux stereos starting at about $20. If not wanting to replace it right now is more of a "money" issue than a "time and hassle" issue, knowing that the entry point to a new stereo is much lower than I remember it being 10-20 years ago can be useful. (I'm guessing based on the fact that your current system play tapes that you haven't bought a new car stereo in a while. I was really surprised when I saw how cheap they became once they started making ones with pretty much no mechanical parts that just did digital music and radio.)

2018-01-27, 02:09 PM
You could always play the song Empire of the Clouds by Iron Maiden. That would last about your whole commute.:smalltongue: