View Full Version : My current Tier 2 characters...

2018-01-24, 05:53 PM
And where they are headed.


Juma Zuberi, Chultan, Currently Ranger (Hunter) acting as a ranged warrior, level 5, Archaeologist, V. Human, ST 10 DE 18, CO 12, IN 11, WI 16, CH 8. Proficient with Cartographer tools, has been mapping Chult asi we adventure.

Longbow, Rapier, Whip, Dagger. Looking to buy blugeoning weapon eventually.

Spells: Hunter’s Mark, Jump, Detect Poison and Disease, Cure Wounds; Lesser Restortion, Protecttion from Poison.

Tuesday, 23JAN18,acquired my first magic item. A Wand of Fear (requires attunement.)

Due to his experiences in ToA has acquired a religious bent and plans to become a Cleric of Tymora when he achieves 6th Level.

Next character. “Somewhere in Chult” setting implied. Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Clay Gray, Earth Genasi, Fighter, Battle Master, 5th level, ST 18, DE 10, CO 16, IN 10, WI 14, CH 8. Great Sword and Maul, using +1 Short Sword on loan from a player who is borrowing a Long Sword, +2 versus plants during this adventure. I expect he will stick to Fighter (BM) GWF unless he dies Not a character I am enjoying all that much.

Finally, my original 5e character, and “between jobs” at a temple, Flint Dankil, Mountain Dwarf, Open Hand Monk, at Fifth Level.

ST 10, DE 16, CO 16, IN 8, WI 16, CH 10. Besides his martial arts skills, he has a +1 Short Sword, his starting Short Sword, Quarter Staff, dagger, and 8 darts. Not sure if he will stay straight Monk or MC at 6th Level.

So feel free to make suggestions for these characters future progress with the understanding that character drives me more than pure optimization.

Thanks for letting me spiel.

2018-01-24, 06:25 PM
Next character. “Somewhere in Chult” setting implied. Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. Clay Gray, Earth Genasi, Fighter, Battle Master, 5th level, ST 18, DE 10, CO 16, IN 10, WI 14, CH 8. Great Sword and Maul, using +1 Short Sword on loan from a player who is borrowing a Long Sword, +2 versus plants during this adventure. I expect he will stick to Fighter (BM) GWF unless he dies Not a character I am enjoying all that much.

Well, what is it about the character that you're not enjoying? Can you put your finger on any specific problem you're having with him? (Also, out of curiosity, what Background does he have?)

Finally, my original 5e character, and “between jobs” at a temple, Flint Dankil, Mountain Dwarf, Open Hand Monk, at Fifth Level.

ST 10, DE 16, CO 16, IN 8, WI 16, CH 10. Besides his martial arts skills, he has a +1 Short Sword, his starting Short Sword, Quarter Staff, dagger, and 8 darts. Not sure if he will stay straight Monk or MC at 6th Level.

Do you have any ideas about what he might multiclass into, if he does?

2018-01-24, 08:05 PM
The Monk might MC into Cleric or Druid. Possibly Rogue or Dex Fighter? Or Ranger?

2018-01-24, 08:19 PM
The Earth Genasi is so far kind a one trick pony. Play meatshield for casters.

A GWF with Gloves of Missile Snaring... And who has a +1 short sword (borrowed) for a magic Weapon... And a Bracers of Archery thatbonly give proficiency for long/short bow and a crappy captured short bow (started with LCB) and associated with Bracers are +2 damage and temperature ignoring ability for -20 to 120 degrees. Not bad gear, just kind of non-thematic with GWF.

Only MC stat is Wisdom (at 14) so it would be Cleric or Druid. Possibly a Barbarian given his 18 strength?

Maybe as I learn to use BM attacks (Menacing, Precision, Trip,) better the flavor of the character will improve?

2018-01-24, 08:27 PM
Hmmm. Well, you did say you're more interested in characterization over optimization, so:

-If he's helping out at a temple, the reasons for a Cleric multiclass might be obvious. Him finding himself being chosen when he never asked to be, even over those who've devoted themselves more completely and for much longer, can make for some interesting play, too. Or you and the DM might choose to establish that your chosen deity has a habit of choosing monks as their clerics!

-If he has a deep respect for the natural world and spends a good deal of time in nature, Druid would work very well. This is also true if his monastery has a focus on balance in the natural world. I've had a Monk/Druid character before; he considered himself a full monk, because the early Druid abilities were actually just a part of what his monastery taught/studied.

-Rogue is, of course, very fitting if he's underhanded and willing to go against the law, but this isn't necessary. Rogue multiclass can just mean a character is tricky and tactical, Icly. You could go for a few different flavors with this multiclass.

-Dex Fighter would likely mean that he's learned how to be... not more disciplined, but more regimented and more trained in traditional armor/shield/weapons fighting, even if he never actually uses what he's learned. If he's joined an army, militia, or city watched, or worked alongside members of such, this could make sense for him.

Again I want to bring up the Background thing, because you can choose to multiclass based on that, either sticking to an "appropriate"/fitting multiclass or going with something very different to show character growth or trajectory. If he had the Criminal background, for example, you might choose to multiclass him into Rogue... or it might make more sense for him to move away from/try to make up for that part of his life by dedicating himself to a god (Cleric) or going morw regimented and structured and helping out the city guard (Fighter). It really just depends on what you see for the character!

ETA: As for the Battle Master, if you're feeling like a one-trick pony, I'd recommend branching out. You don't necessarily have to do this with a multiclass! Remember that Wisdom covers Animal Handling and Survival, Insight and Perception, and Medicine. Instead of maxing out Strength (or after you do!), you can use one of your plentiful Fighter ASI's to take Skilled and grab a few of those, raise Wis further. Maybe have him learning how to be a battle medic, or backing up the more Party Face-y characters by reading other people.

You could also get a bit more than just your racial magic without multiclassing by snagging the Magic Initiate feat; Druid might be best and also be thematically fitting for you, but Cleric would work just as well.

Alternately, or as well, lean into your meat shield-ness. Grab Sentinel, maybe Mobile, maybe Charger. Move around the battlefield however you need and lock **** down. Grab Tavern Brawler and grapple sometimes. Grab Mage Slayer maybe! Play around with your build and see if you can make that specialization fun for you.

2018-01-24, 08:30 PM
You're missing out by not taking Pass Without Trace on your Ranger. +10 to Stealth checks is no joke.

2018-01-24, 08:42 PM
You're missing out by not taking Pass Without Trace on your Ranger. +10 to Stealth checks is no joke.

I play him at a “Combat Archeologist” more than a traditional Ranger or that would be a good idea. But no, not right now.