View Full Version : Tiny Servant and Arcane Lock

2018-01-25, 09:55 PM
This is a "what would you rule" scenario, as there is no raw on this spell interaction,

Perform Arcane Lock on a pair of manicals. According to the spell the item becomes both, more resilient and harder to pick.
You animate the manicals using tiny servant:
I'm guessing the Tiny Servant's A.C. goes up?
By how much though? I'd rather use in game numbers than shoot from the hip.

Than there's the ruling for what happens once the target is: grappled? I feel like dex or an attack roll would be a more appropriate type of skillcheck to lock the manicals onto the enemy...

Would you even allow it? The spell says "on a non-magical object" The object is still non magical I feel, even if it's had a spell cast on it. You can't dispel the +1 on a sword or armor, or any magical object I can think of. The magic affecting those items is infused to a much deeper level.

What other spells would you find have compatibility with Tiny Servant?

2018-01-25, 10:04 PM
Tiny servant is a creature, not an object. As creature isn't valid target for Arcane Lock, the spell will end.

And it's manacles.

2018-01-29, 11:47 AM
Arcane Lock does not specify that the locked item midst be an object (can't be a creature/ construct) and an argument can be made to allow the spell to be used on Manicals.

I propose that locking an animated doorway which would be a construct) be a legitimate use of said spell.

I also propose that in the spirit of locking things a pair of manacles would be a legitimate Target for Arcane lock.

That being said I feel that sacrificing both a second level spell and a third level spell seems as if it would be a legitimate price to pay for adding some AC and utility to my tiny servant.

If I were to do this though, what numbers would make sense?

In the sunless citadel, the arcane locked door adds +10 to checks. Do you think giving a 10hp construct +5 ac (20ac) for a 2nd level spell at level 6 is too strong?

2018-01-29, 12:05 PM
Well, nothing RAW about it, so here is how I would DM it, since I like to Reward out of the Box thinking:

Parameters to take into Account:

-Arcale Lock uses a consumable 25gp component.
-It makes the DC to break, pick or force oppen a lock go up by 10.

Thus, the lock not only becomes more complex, but also of more durable material or protected by an invisible force.

I would probably make it's AC go up by 3 (as if protected by a Mage Armor spell), taking into account the fact it's a 2nd level spell, and uses a 25gp component. I'd also give it maximum HD value for a total of 16 HP, representing the magic making it more awesome than a normal version of itself.