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2018-01-26, 01:50 PM
Monster Hunter: World (http://www.monsterhunterworld.com/us/) is an action role-playing video game developed and published by Capcom. A part of the Monster Hunter franchise, the game was released for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles worldwide in January 2018. A version for Microsoft Windows is scheduled for later in 2018. In Monster Hunter: World, the player takes the role of a Hunter, tasked to hunt down or trap monsters that roam in one of several environmental spaces. If successful, the player is rewarded through loot consisting of parts from the monster and other elements that are used to craft weapons and armor, among other equipment. The game's core loop has the player crafting appropriate gear to be able to hunt down more difficult monsters, which in turn provide parts that lead to even more powerful gear. Players may hunt alone, or can hunt in cooperative groups of up to four players via the game's online services. Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monster_Hunter%3A_World)

My copy is in the mail, and I am excited!

Any MH fans on the forum? This will be my first entry in the series. I'm interested in Dual Blades, Long Sword, Charge Blades, and Insect Glaives.

2018-01-26, 02:01 PM
Oh, I didn't realize it was out today. Gonna have to pick that up. I got into 3U for a while, but got bored when I murdered about ten Barroths and still didn't get the stuff I needed for a full armor set. Always wanted to give it another shot, though.

I'm planning on rocking a bow, even though the loss of a melee attack for them saddens me.

2018-01-26, 02:19 PM
first time hunter, played the beta with some friends and we all got the game.

i'm all about that Hunting Horn.

2018-01-26, 11:04 PM
Had alot of fun so far, going to play through the story before I go online like I normally do though (unless it starts getting excessive). So far I've just finished the ambush in the canyon so HR5, currently using the Charge Sword and wearing the blue snakey looking enemies skin. (Not sure if I'm just used to using the SnS which is generally pretty average but the Charge sword seems pretty damn powerful.)

I've got to say I love all the little details they have put it e.g. if you capture a monster on a mission check the platform near the Ecological research centre, the monster will be there with ecologists all around it.

2018-01-26, 11:23 PM
I've got to say I love all the little details they have put it e.g. if you capture a monster on a mission check the platform near the Ecological research centre, the monster will be there with ecologists all around it.

I haven't gotten the game yet, but from what I've seen and read, I really love the fact that this is a mission of scientific study and exploration - you're not just killing monsters frivolously, because you're a psychopath.

In theory anyway.

2018-01-26, 11:55 PM
I haven't gotten the game yet, but from what I've seen and read, I really love the fact that this is a mission of scientific study and exploration - you're not just killing monsters frivolously, because you're a psychopath.

In theory anyway.

Yea I've spent quite alot of time just following monsters around and watching their interactions, some are really good others not so much.

It does suffer from the standard monster hunter issue of explaining some stuff very poorly though.

2018-01-28, 10:29 PM
"Arriving tomorrow by 8 PM"

Thank you Amazon, you know just what to say. This is why this relationship works.

2018-01-29, 12:50 PM
I haven't gotten the game yet, but from what I've seen and read, I really love the fact that this is a mission of scientific study and exploration - you're not just killing monsters frivolously, because you're a psychopath.

Speak for yourself, MUAHAHAHA!!


This is my first entry into the series, and so far I like it quite a bit. The town layout is a bit confusing to me, but I'm sure I'll have that down in another day or two. Other than that, the interface to set up playing with your friends is pretty clunky, but once you're actually out there on a hunt, I have no complaints at all about the game so far.

My weapons of choice so far are the hammer and the insect glaive. Insect glaive is fun but I definitely think it's on the trickier side to master, which is why I picked up the hammer for its simple, hard-hitting goodness. The short range is a problem against some monsters, but if I can get close and stick with them, I can rack up some really nice damage.

I spent most of Friday and Sunday playing the game (sadly I couldn't do much on Saturday) and I'm loving every minute of it.

2018-01-29, 02:52 PM
Spent about 10-15 hours with MH4U on 3DS, but still felt like it didn't click. Trying again with Monster Hunter World and picked up the Charge Blade again. Tried out Sword and Shield and Great Sword, but I didn't like how those played for the missions I tried.

Only a couple of missions in, and I'm appreciating the Scoutflies, even if they can be a little hard to see at times.

2018-01-30, 02:54 PM
Can anyone give me some tips on capturing monsters? So far, unless they've gone to sleep somewhere, they never seem to be ready to be caught - they ignore the tranquilizers and break out of the trap, even if they're badly hurt and close to death. Is it only possible to capture them after they go to sleep, or is there something else to look for?

2018-01-30, 04:14 PM
Can anyone give me some tips on capturing monsters? So far, unless they've gone to sleep somewhere, they never seem to be ready to be caught - they ignore the tranquilizers and break out of the trap, even if they're badly hurt and close to death. Is it only possible to capture them after they go to sleep, or is there something else to look for?

To capture a monster, you need to hit it with tranqs while it is in a trap. They are able to be captured once they start limping away. Maybe just before then, but I can't tell, so I just wait for the limp.

2018-01-30, 04:23 PM
Welp, I've had enough time to design my dude and my cat.

Proper facial hair is vital to serious scientific endeavors.

2018-01-30, 11:37 PM
Can anyone give me some tips on capturing monsters? So far, unless they've gone to sleep somewhere, they never seem to be ready to be caught - they ignore the tranquilizers and break out of the trap, even if they're badly hurt and close to death. Is it only possible to capture them after they go to sleep, or is there something else to look for?

It has to be limping to be cought, traping them while sleeping is the easiest way but they dont need to be. While trapped SPAM tranq bombs. Make sure you bring both a shock trap and a pit trap just in case.

The way the tranq effect works seems to be linked to the sleep effect meter, so multiple bombs or tranq shots stack and you have a better chance of filling the meter and capturing.

2018-01-30, 11:56 PM
If you want to capture a monster get it's tracking meter to level 3 this will then show different Icons next to the monster on the mini map most of these are just hungry or thirsty so not particularly useful, however once you've weakened it enough the icon will change to a skull that means you can catch it at this point. Get it in a pitfall or shock trap (I haven't had any issues using either trap on any monster) then stand in front of its face and hit it with two tranq bombs which will complete the mission. All hunt quests can be finished by capturing as well if you want, it's only if the mission specifies slay that you have to kill the monster.

If you do that you should be able to capture without issue.

Also if you get the chance try and be around the hub town at dawn it's actually beautiful

2018-01-31, 01:26 AM
Love monster hunter, but was introduced to it on the 3ds. Was really happy when I learned world was coming to PC. ...in the Fall/Winter. Dangit.

2018-01-31, 09:44 AM
Okay, I am still very excited, but also very confused. Fortunately, I was EXPECTING that. MH is legendary for its steep learning curve.

Let's start with the combat mechanics - how the heck does lock-on actually work? I've been spoiled by Dark Souls-style lock on (going back to Ocarina of Time Z-targeting) that keeps you, well, locked on. In this game, it seems more like a suggestion. Do you have to manually aim everything?

2018-01-31, 11:43 AM
Okay, I am still very excited, but also very confused. Fortunately, I was EXPECTING that. MH is legendary for its steep learning curve.

Let's start with the combat mechanics - how the heck does lock-on actually work? I've been spoiled by Dark Souls-style lock on (going back to Ocarina of Time Z-targeting) that keeps you, well, locked on. In this game, it seems more like a suggestion. Do you have to manually aim everything?

It locks your camera onto the monster, not your attacks.

2018-01-31, 05:34 PM
Count yourself lucky you even have that, a camera lock on was only added recently. You used to have to move the camera manually. Though I've found the lock on sufficiently janky that I think I might prefer to avoid using it myself.

But yeah, the lock on is for the camera only, attacks and facing are independant off that. Which is actually important, because needing to adjust your aim to hit a particular part without turning away from the monster is a thing that happens.

If you're new to the series I'd recommend taking your chosen weapon to the training room (so good that they added that) and learning your various moves. Knowing your spacing, reach and angling are important, as is learning a monster's tells and attacks.

2018-01-31, 05:38 PM
I started playing this and it's my first Monster Hunter game. I asked my friend what a good starting weapon is and he said sword and shield. So of course the first thing I gravitate to is the insect glaive. Because apparently I like complications.

2018-01-31, 05:48 PM
I started playing this and it's my first Monster Hunter game. I asked my friend what a good starting weapon is and he said sword and shield. So of course the first thing I gravitate to is the insect glaive. Because apparently I like complications.

Eh, try them all out and go with the one you like the feel of best. If you like the feel of the glaive and can make proper use of the kinsect, go for it.

It's best to have a weapon you're comfortable with.

2018-01-31, 11:16 PM
Yea the lock on camera is pretty bad, especially as it cycles between all big monsters in the map and any monsters in the current zone so if you lock on then decide to go back to manual you can suddenly find your camera spinning around as a new monster enters the arena.

Also just finished the story and I've got to say they really put alot of effort into it this time around I hope they do some DLC or something to add in some of the monsters we're missing I'd like to see a Fratellis or Zinogre showing up. The final boss is also somewhat lackluster.

2018-01-31, 11:56 PM
I know Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Deviljho are slated to be released soon. Though I don't know if there's going to be any new story/animation for it. (I'm leaning towards yes, but have no conclusive evidence).

2018-02-01, 12:06 AM
I know Teostra, Kushala Daora, and Deviljho are slated to be released soon. Though I don't know if there's going to be any new story/animation for it. (I'm leaning towards yes, but have no conclusive evidence).

Teostra and Kushala are already in the game and part of the main story.

2018-02-01, 08:17 AM
Teostra and Kushala are already in the game and part of the main story.

Ah, I must've misinterpreted that trailer then. Deviljho is still coming though

2018-02-01, 08:47 AM
Ah, I must've misinterpreted that trailer then. Deviljho is still coming though

Yea I've never really liked fighting that one to much but I'll give it ago, now i'm not using a SnS I can hopefully keep some extra space, the different options this game offers should make it more fun aswell. Zinogre is still top of my wishlist though, I even liked the tobi alot even if I did think it was an inferior expy.

2018-02-01, 08:57 AM
Though they are both fanged wyverns, I wouldn't call Tobi an expy of Zinogre. They fight significantly differently. I'd say Tobi fills more the role of Kecha Wacha or Khezu. Probably Khezu.

2018-02-01, 09:02 AM
Though they are both fanged wyverns, I wouldn't call Tobi an expy of Zinogre. They fight significantly differently. I'd say Tobi fills more the role of Kecha Wacha or Khezu. Probably Khezu.

Hopefully this means we won't be seeing Khezu.

2018-02-01, 09:17 AM
I dunno Khezu is a slow fairly tanky Wyvern. Meanwhile Tobi and Zinogre both fast, have multiple levels of charging shown by changing hair on their backs leading to a different move set and more powerful attacks, both have overhead tail smash attacks as their most powerful attack. Both are four legged as well while Khezu is 2 legged. Plus their both blue, they're not identical obviously but I think their similar enough that you could say they fill the same role.

2018-02-01, 10:38 AM
I'll give you the speed, but Tobi felt tougher to take down than Barroth. I was more thinking of its propensity for walls. Its acrobatics are why I also compared it to Kecha.

I feel like I should make my stance clear before I get lost. Tobi Kadachi is a fun mid-weight monster. While it shares a few similarities with Zinogre, I feel it has enough differences to make it its own monster. Not least is that Zinogre is a threat at the level of Anjanath and Rathalos, which Tobi is not presented as. As such I would wholeheartedly support Zinogre's inclusion in MH:W as it would fill a niche that is (to my incomplete knowledge) unfilled.

Edit: Sorry, that made me sound really pretentious, didn't it?

2018-02-01, 11:35 AM
Haha no not really I do agree that it is a lower threat than a Zinogre would be. When I was talking about it being an expy I was saying that they have enough similarities that because Tobi is already present Zin will likely be quite low down the list of things to be added which is abit annoying. But like I said I do think Tobi is a good monster as well after all it was the first Rarity 7 level weapon I crafted and it's armour set took me through most of LR so I've fought it more than any other monster at this point.

I do wonder what other monsters they are going to add, wyvern wise Plesi would probably be interesting since the forest zone lacks a swimming monster, Nargacugia would fit the forest zone quite nicely as well, for the desert zone a Tigrex would be the obvious one, the for the lava zone Gravios for HR and Baseros for LR would fit abt of a niche. I wouldn't mind them adding a true frost zone and putting a Barrioth there.

Dragonwise I'd have to say Frat would be my top pick. Although I would like if they end up doing large "seasons" rather than individual releases down the line they use a Lao as the herald just because it would be a fun story implication.

I doubt we'd get a Khezu since there arn't really any proper cave areas in this game. I'd also say Ykk and most of the other bird wyverns are pretty unlikely to show up since they're to weak to really make a big announcement about unless they come as part of a pack and I really hope they don't add Qurupecos in, it can already get difficult enough to keep monsters separated in this game without adding that.

2018-02-01, 11:51 AM
I've never played any of these games, but I've heard a thing or two about this new one and it sounds pretty rad-- rad enough to maybe buy it used once prices fall reasonably. I'm curious, though, as to just how deep the RPG elements go: is it similar to, say, a Bioware game, with chosen dialogue and character decisions that impact the narrative?

2018-02-01, 11:57 AM
Nope you're a silent protagonist whose actions drive the plot but those actions are all decided by other people and you have no choice in the matter.

2018-02-01, 01:16 PM
It is entirely possible that we are using different meanings of expy. They did do a good job of making them feel related (as they are the only fanged wyverns to my knowledge) but not the same.

I don't think they'll add plesioth, there aren't any deep enough Waters in the ancient forest. Ludroths and lagiacrus though, those I could see. I'll second narg and tigrex, they would be amazing with their old move set, and if they updated it like they did with the raths (haven't fought a Barroth in any other game), then they'd be downright spectacular.

I don't know what you mean by Frat. Is that another name for Fatalis? I would really like another hunt like Dahren moh'ran, I have a weakness for David v. Goliath fights.

I agree that pld world bird wyverns aren't going to show up, their roles are already well filled.

2018-02-01, 01:19 PM
I've never played any of these games, but I've heard a thing or two about this new one and it sounds pretty rad-- rad enough to maybe buy it used once prices fall reasonably. I'm curious, though, as to just how deep the RPG elements go: is it similar to, say, a Bioware game, with chosen dialogue and character decisions that impact the narrative?

From what little I've played, it's not really an RPG at all. It's an action game with a paper-thin plot which is just an excuse to kill giant monsters and use their dead bodies to make rad weapons so you can kill more giant monsters.

Which is exactly what I'm looking for, at the moment. :smallcool:

2018-02-01, 02:42 PM
The Barroth chest armor piece makes me look like the Agro Crag from GUTS. It's delightful and horrible all at once.

2018-02-01, 02:52 PM
It has to be limping to be cought, traping them while sleeping is the easiest way but they dont need to be. While trapped SPAM tranq bombs. Make sure you bring both a shock trap and a pit trap just in case.

The way the tranq effect works seems to be linked to the sleep effect meter, so multiple bombs or tranq shots stack and you have a better chance of filling the meter and capturing.

Though I've admittedly not had a ton of opportunities yet, I've seen them shake off traps and multiple tranqs while limping, so limping can't be enough in and of itself.

If you want to capture a monster get it's tracking meter to level 3 this will then show different Icons next to the monster on the mini map most of these are just hungry or thirsty so not particularly useful, however once you've weakened it enough the icon will change to a skull that means you can catch it at this point. Get it in a pitfall or shock trap (I haven't had any issues using either trap on any monster) then stand in front of its face and hit it with two tranq bombs which will complete the mission. All hunt quests can be finished by capturing as well if you want, it's only if the mission specifies slay that you have to kill the monster.

If you do that you should be able to capture without issue.

Also if you get the chance try and be around the hub town at dawn it's actually beautiful

Okay, so there's a symbol on the mini map that essentially means "ready to capture" as long as your tracking meter is high enough? I'll have to look more deeply into that.

Thanks for the responses!

2018-02-01, 08:03 PM
So, more experienced players - which items do you find yourself using all the time?

Which seem to be mostly useless?

Which should we stockpile?

Which should we just sell off?

What slinger ammo do you get the most mileage out of?

2018-02-01, 08:36 PM
I personally never sell off anything except materials I have far too much of. All consumables are useful at least situationally.

I feel like you don't need to stockpile too much, cuz you can autocraft stuff on the hunt. Maybe honey/megapotions, as they're a bit rarer. Flash, screamer and dung pods too, for the same reasons.

Speaking of, I think flash pods are my favorite slinger ammo, perfect for making a quick getaway, or for creating an opening for you to really lay on the hurt, they're very versatile.

I'm going to practice more with the other two. Dung pods are used for driving a monster away, great for when a rathalos shows up, and your quarry won't leave. Screamer pods I've found can be used to lure a Diablos up from its lair in the wildspire wastes, and they should also be able to stun monsters that are sensitive to sounds (don't know what those might be yet though).

These are just my opinions, of course, I haven't been able to devote as much time to this game as I would like. Someone with more experience may need to correct or expand on what I've written.

2018-02-02, 12:30 AM
Sleep herbs
Spider web

These are the materials i stockpile, theyre used to make traps and tranq bombs

2018-02-02, 01:32 PM
Next noob question! (I've had the game a few days but not a lot of time to play.)

I assume that after the first few quests, you're eventually rid of the NPCs yelling enthusiastically about where you should go next? I'm looking forward to *actually* being allowed to wander the wilderness on my own, without being bombarded by cheerful suggestions.

2018-02-02, 02:12 PM
Next noob question! (I've had the game a few days but not a lot of time to play.)

I assume that after the first few quests, you're eventually rid of the NPCs yelling enthusiastically about where you should go next? I'm looking forward to *actually* being allowed to wander the wilderness on my own, without being bombarded by cheerful suggestions.

Yea you are on your own for hunts after the first few apart from your cat, if you do want to just look around rather than getting a mission go to the gate and select expedition and you can just free roam with no time limit.

2018-02-02, 02:33 PM
After getting some use out of Tranq Knives the other night, I'm now much more interested in seeing what kind of additional tools I want to mess with.

Also, Jagra Charge Blade looks dope.

2018-02-03, 05:30 AM
I've played and seen this is a great game

2018-02-03, 05:54 AM
Has anyone figured out how to check weather before you go on an expedition? I'm trying to catch some of the rare endemic life and it's kind of annoying having to load and reload.

2018-02-03, 12:05 PM
I know there is a food skill that makes bad weather more likely (felyne weathercat I think). It might also be a factor of time? Wait long enough in an expedition and it'll happen?

2018-02-03, 12:14 PM
I've got them all now, I found out you can actually swap from one expedition straight into another by using the world map so that saved alot of time going back to astrea.

2018-02-03, 08:14 PM
I've never played any of these games, but I've heard a thing or two about this new one and it sounds pretty rad-- rad enough to maybe buy it used once prices fall reasonably. I'm curious, though, as to just how deep the RPG elements go: is it similar to, say, a Bioware game, with chosen dialogue and character decisions that impact the narrative?

Others have already got covered that world is not really an RPG but there is a Monster Hunter game on the 3DS which is an RPG called Monster Hunter Stories. I haven't played it though so I couldn't tell you how good of an RPG it is.

World is my first Monster Hunter game, and the guy and I are enjoying it pretty well so far, he's gone down into the Rotten Vale, and I just finished hunting that horrible bat thing. I've been favoring the insect glaive, and he the Charge Sword? (The thing that uses vials and turns into a giant ridiculous Ax).

We're on the PS4 if anyone wants to squad up or anything. Though we're still a little fuzzy on getting multiplayer to work efficiently, you'd think for a game that's practically build around multiplayer it'd have better systems in place for it....

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-04, 06:03 PM
Others have already got covered that world is not really an RPG but there is a Monster Hunter game on the 3DS which is an RPG called Monster Hunter Stories. I haven't played it though so I couldn't tell you how good of an RPG it is.

I've played a chunk of Stories. It's a good game, in my opinion, Pokemon by way of Monster Hunter, you collect and hatch eggs into Monsties (Monster Besties) and the fight alongside them. It's not really a Western RPG like Comrade is hoping for. It's a cel-shaded more chibi-styled (except the monsters) JRPG with an almost silent protagonist, most of the talking being done by your Felyne tag along. Lot of customization involved to modify a Monstie's stats and swap their genes and powers, you can even change their Element, to have, say, a Fire Barrioth or a Lightning Rathian.

Honestly the worst thing it does for the amount I've played it is force you to keep the Special Story Rathalos taking up a slot in your party, and also doesn't let you nickname it.

2018-02-05, 10:50 AM
Okay, there is officially WAY too much going on in this game for a man of small brain and little time. I'm experiencing sensory overload just from the UI.

However, I think I've narrowed things down to the *essentials* - which is that I want the most powerful Dual Blades you can get, because you chop-chop very fast and I don't want to spend three hours or whatever killing the big big guys.

Looking at the build and upgrade tree for weapons, I notice that for most of them, the materials you need are A MYSTERY. How do you unlock this forbidden knowledge? Or should I just cheat and look at the wiki.

And given that you see how much damage you're doing, but NOT how much health the beast has, how on earth do you judge whether you have a powerful enough weapon for any given fight?

2018-02-05, 11:05 AM
Okay, there is officially WAY too much going on in this game for a man of small brain and little time. I'm experiencing sensory overload just from the UI.

However, I think I've narrowed things down to the *essentials* - which is that I want the most powerful Dual Blades you can get, because you chop-chop very fast and I don't want to spend three hours or whatever killing the big big guys.

Looking at the build and upgrade tree for weapons, I notice that for most of them, the materials you need are A MYSTERY. How do you unlock this forbidden knowledge? Or should I just cheat and look at the wiki.

And given that you see how much damage you're doing, but NOT how much health the beast has, how on earth do you judge whether you have a powerful enough weapon for any given fight?

You unlock what you need for weapon upgrade when you get the materials needed, which is less of a problem when the game encourages you to hunt every monster in the map.
Generally speaking when the game makes you hunt a monster you should use the materials of your previous hunt(s) to make a weapon. That way you're more or less on level.
You could also use weapon rarity: the first hunts you can do with starting weapons, up to rarity 2; the middle-sized monsters are best hunted with rarity 3 weapons and the biggest want rarity 4. This applies for the first 2 areas.

2018-02-05, 01:29 PM
The Anjananth shouldn't be as stealthy as it is. That dude has snuck up on me around 5 times already and wrecked my face.

It is a true 'OH #$@^" moment when you turn the corner and see a giant purple T-Rex, coming to ruin your day.

Something I'm finding that I really enjoy about the game is that you don't really know if you're capable of taking on a monster until you take on that monster. I have yet to fight the aforementioned Anjananth, but I won't know if I can beat it until I square up and face it.

I also need to get over my hoarder mentality and actually use my Armor Spheres...

2018-02-05, 01:38 PM
Okay, there is officially WAY too much going on in this game for a man of small brain and little time. I'm experiencing sensory overload just from the UI.

However, I think I've narrowed things down to the *essentials* - which is that I want the most powerful Dual Blades you can get, because you chop-chop very fast and I don't want to spend three hours or whatever killing the big big guys.

Looking at the build and upgrade tree for weapons, I notice that for most of them, the materials you need are A MYSTERY. How do you unlock this forbidden knowledge? Or should I just cheat and look at the wiki.

And given that you see how much damage you're doing, but NOT how much health the beast has, how on earth do you judge whether you have a powerful enough weapon for any given fight?

For the most part, "get the most powerful Dual Blades and always use those" is an okay plan. There are a couple caveats, though (apologies if you know this already):

1. all melee weapons dull over time, decreasing your damage. There's a little gauge near the top left in among all the other stuff that starts green, then turns yellow and red, which will let you know when your weapon is getting dull. You can fix this with your Whetstone, which is in your item back. Just select it and use your item button (square on PS4). It'll take a few seconds, so don't try to do it when a monster is bearing down on you. You'll need to do this periodically on the hunt.

2. Eventually you'll start having monsters with different elemental resistances, which you can exploit by bringing something they're weak to. You also have to watch out that you don't bring a weapon they're resistant or immune to, because then you won't be doing anything against them.

So what I'd recommend is having 2 or 3 of the best you can make of different elements, and just take the best one of the element you need, or the best overall one if there isn't a specific element that's better against whatever you're hunting.

2018-02-05, 02:16 PM
So has anyone done much with the Arena? (The arena in the gathering hub not the one for Special missions)

I've given it afew goes but it really seems like it was designed for multiple players to take advantage of the different weapons and with it being completely separate from the rest of the game it doesn't seem to attract many players.

2018-02-05, 05:02 PM
Question for the experts regarding armor skills: how do you improve them? For example, say I use the early level gloves with Stealth on them. It's tier 1 of three tiers. Does this mean I can get to tier 2 by dropping armor spheres on it? Or will I get recipes later on for gear with higher tiers of stealth?

Other, less critical question: is the insect glaive as useful as it seems? It's got an impressive arsenal of aerial maneuverability and a summon, as well as a fairly rapid attack. So far I've tried the dual blades and the charge blade outside of the training grounds. Charge blade was simply too much to keep track of (the phials actually damage your dps if you ignore them, so you've got to juggle health, stamina, durability, form, and phials all at the same time) and it just wasn't worth the frustration. Dual blades are fun, but too committal - as in you easily get roped into long streams strings of attacks you can't cancel.

One last question: is there a way to increase weapon durability (or an upgrade path with higher durability)? Weapons degrade to useless far too quickly and you can only equip one at a time. It takes some of the fun out of it when a weapon doesn't even last a single monster, ya know? Didn't like it in Breath of the Wild, either, but that one at least let you keep a backup or six.

2018-02-05, 06:39 PM
Question for the experts regarding armor skills: how do you improve them? For example, say I use the early level gloves with Stealth on them. It's tier 1 of three tiers. Does this mean I can get to tier 2 by dropping armor spheres on it? Or will I get recipes later on for gear with higher tiers of stealth?
later on you get highrank armor that may add a skill point. You can also use charms and decorations to boost a skill. Dont be afraid to mix armor sets!

Other, less critical question: is the insect glaive as useful as it seems? It's got an impressive arsenal of aerial maneuverability and a summon, as well as a fairly rapid attack. So far I've tried the dual blades and the charge blade outside of the training grounds. Charge blade was simply too much to keep track of (the phials actually damage your dps if you ignore them, so you've got to juggle health, stamina, durability, form, and phials all at the same time) and it just wasn't worth the frustration. Dual blades are fun, but too committal - as in you easily get roped into long streams strings of attacks you can't cancel.
All wepons are useful in this game. Tbh if you dont like charge blade, stay away from Insect glaive.
One last question: is there a way to increase weapon durability (or an upgrade path with higher durability)? Weapons degrade to useless far too quickly and you can only equip one at a time. It takes some of the fun out of it when a weapon doesn't even last a single monster, ya know? Didn't like it in Breath of the Wild, either, but that one at least let you keep a backup or six.
The Handicraft skill increases sharpness. But you also need to sharpen your weapon during the hunt, no mater what.

2018-02-05, 06:44 PM
In regards to weapon sharpness, you can also keep an eye on the upgrade trees. One tree may keep your blade in a functional condition for longer, with a smaller Red area, or larger green/yellow areas but it may trade off something like raw damage for it.

2018-02-05, 07:04 PM
The gauge on armor shows what "skill points" a piece of armor contributes, to fill up the bar and get the higher effects, you have to equip more armor that gives the same skill.

I'm playing insect glaive now, and I'm enjoying it. In my experience, the best use of it's mobility is to stay above a monster and out of its range of attack. If you want a fairly mobile, hard hitting weapon to end quests quickly, I think hammer would be your best bet.

The only way to upgrade sharpness is to upgrade the weapon. Though you can replenish it in the field with a whetstone (default up one the quick use item wheel).

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-05, 07:57 PM
One last question: is there a way to increase weapon durability (or an upgrade path with higher durability)? Weapons degrade to useless far too quickly and you can only equip one at a time. It takes some of the fun out of it when a weapon doesn't even last a single monster, ya know? Didn't like it in Breath of the Wild, either, but that one at least let you keep a backup or six.

You need to manage the sharpness of your weapon by periodically using your Whetstone. Better, more improved weapons will stay sharp longer but finding a couple seconds of respite to sharpen is an integral part of your hunt.

2018-02-06, 08:43 AM
I think I'm getting the hang of this now! Thanks to everyone who's replied to my questions so far.

One mistake I made in the first few hunts was that I would chase the monster in a blind "don't let it get away!" panic as soon as it started to retreat. I've come around to the idea that every big fight is multi-phase, and following the retreating beast is just moving from one phase to the next. You don't have to rush it - just track it patiently, and feel free to gather crafting materials, pick up clues, snare small animals etc. on the way.

Have I got that right?

2018-02-06, 10:01 AM
You need to manage the sharpness of your weapon by periodically using your Whetstone. Better, more improved weapons will stay sharp longer but finding a couple seconds of respite to sharpen is an integral part of your hunt.

I get that you use the whetstone to resharpen your weapon. The time between re-sharpening seems excessively small, however. That said, I did find the metal weapons were useful longer. And that the basic sword and shield combine simple mechanics with the ability to use items while the weapon is drawn, which makes it a lot easier when you tend to get flustered in hectic situations as I do.

Two other quick questions: 1) Are you ever able to equip multiple weapons in this game? 2) The poison effect on the Pukei-Pukei tier of weapons, is that pointless or really really good? Poison effects are rarely in between.

2018-02-06, 10:41 AM
I get that you use the whetstone to resharpen your weapon. The time between re-sharpening seems excessively small, however. That said, I did find the metal weapons were useful longer. And that the basic sword and shield combine simple mechanics with the ability to use items while the weapon is drawn, which makes it a lot easier when you tend to get flustered in hectic situations as I do.
There's perks that augment the gauge or just negate/lessen it. Later in the game sharpness becomes less of a hindrance. But yeah, bone weapons have higher attack, metal are more durable.

Two other quick questions: 1) Are you ever able to equip multiple weapons in this game? 2) The poison effect on the Pukei-Pukei tier of weapons, is that pointless or really really good? Poison effects are rarely in between.[/QUOTE]

1: Negative. Only one weapon equipped at a time, but you can switch at the camp.

2: That depends on a few things, but generally poison is good. Some monsters are resistant to it (the aforementioned pukie), and you really need a faster weapon to stack it. The big slow weapons are usually better just going with an element rather than a status.

2018-02-06, 01:20 PM
I think I'm getting the hang of this now! Thanks to everyone who's replied to my questions so far.

One mistake I made in the first few hunts was that I would chase the monster in a blind "don't let it get away!" panic as soon as it started to retreat. I've come around to the idea that every big fight is multi-phase, and following the retreating beast is just moving from one phase to the next. You don't have to rush it - just track it patiently, and feel free to gather crafting materials, pick up clues, snare small animals etc. on the way.

Have I got that right?

I would say you do, or at least that's how I do it now. Panicking and chasing after a monster has gotten me ambushed more times than I'd like to admit. Usually by big nasties like Anjanath.

I've found that when it runs off is he perfect time to sharpen my weapons, heal up, and recollect my cool.

2018-02-06, 01:28 PM
I would say you do, or at least that's how I do it now. Panicking and chasing after a monster has gotten me ambushed more times than I'd like to admit. Usually by big nasties like Anjanath.

I've found that when it runs off is he perfect time to sharpen my weapons, heal up, and recollect my cool.

"Ok guys, short rest, catch a breather, check yer buffs, and onwards!"

2018-02-06, 04:25 PM
The gauge on armor shows what "skill points" a piece of armor contributes, to fill up the bar and get the higher effects, you have to equip more armor that gives the same skill.

I believe this was answered already, but just in case: you don't improve the skill on a piece of armor, you stack multiple instances of it on different armor pieces to reach higher skill levels.

I'm playing insect glaive now, and I'm enjoying it. In my experience, the best use of it's mobility is to stay above a monster and out of its range of attack. If you want a fairly mobile, hard hitting weapon to end quests quickly, I think hammer would be your best bet.

Insect glaive and hammer are the two weapons I use thus far. Hammer hits like a ton of bricks, but I'm not sure "fairly mobile" is how I would describe it. You have a wonderful running attack, but it charges up and at full power you end up spinning more or less in place for multiple hits (or misses, as the case may be). Most of the hammer's other combos benefit from striking the same area multiple times, and don't work so well against mobile opponents. I definitely have more to learn with both weapons, but I find hammer to be easier to pick up and also more limiting than insect glaive.

One mistake I made in the first few hunts was that I would chase the monster in a blind "don't let it get away!" panic as soon as it started to retreat. I've come around to the idea that every big fight is multi-phase, and following the retreating beast is just moving from one phase to the next. You don't have to rush it - just track it patiently, and feel free to gather crafting materials, pick up clues, snare small animals etc. on the way.

Have I got that right?

Sounds right to me. The only caveat I'd add is that certain monsters, particularly flying ones, are harder to track down than others, and some will take off pretty quickly and pretty often after you encounter them. 50 minutes is a generous amount of time and generally more than enough to end a hunt, especially in a group, but I have had at least one occasion where things came right down to the wire: a Paolumu hunt that finished with about 35 seconds left on the clock because he kept fleeing back and forth across the map, and there were only two of us on the hunt (though admittedly, we wasted a few minutes fighting Shamos and one of the other large monsters in the area).

2018-02-06, 04:49 PM
Insect glaive and hammer are the two weapons I use thus far. Hammer hits like a ton of bricks, but I'm not sure "fairly mobile" is how I would describe it. You have a wonderful running attack, but it charges up and at full power you end up spinning more or less in place for multiple hits (or misses, as the case may be). Most of the hammer's other combos benefit from striking the same area multiple times, and don't work so well against mobile opponents. I definitely have more to learn with both weapons, but I find hammer to be easier to pick up and also more limiting than insect glaive.

Sorry, I was comparing it to the great sword, which has a much slower walking speed while drawn, plus can't move while charging (can't remember if you can evade or not).

Also I was drawing on my hammer experience from the handhelds, so it might play differently than I am used to.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-06, 05:38 PM
I get that you use the whetstone to resharpen your weapon. The time between re-sharpening seems excessively small, however. That said, I did find the metal weapons were useful longer. And that the basic sword and shield combine simple mechanics with the ability to use items while the weapon is drawn, which makes it a lot easier when you tend to get flustered in hectic situations as I do.

Two other quick questions: 1) Are you ever able to equip multiple weapons in this game? 2) The poison effect on the Pukei-Pukei tier of weapons, is that pointless or really really good? Poison effects are rarely in between.

From what I’ve been reading Poison produces good damage, but has a drawback in that that damage isn’t going into breaking or severing monster bits.

The last MH game I played seriously was Tri on the Wii, so I’m just enjoying the mobility of the Insect Glaive and the luxury of an infinite Whetstone (I’m not far enough in to know if that changes). In the old world we had to scrounge whetstones and whetfish from the environment, like animals. And we liked it!

2018-02-06, 06:48 PM
From what I’ve been reading Poison produces good damage, but has a drawback in that that damage isn’t going into breaking or severing monster bits.

The last MH game I played seriously was Tri on the Wii, so I’m just enjoying the mobility of the Insect Glaive and the luxury of an infinite Whetstone (I’m not far enough in to know if that changes). In the old world we had to scrounge whetstones and whetfish from the environment, like animals. And we liked it!
Not having to gather whetstones, pickaxes, nets, fishing tools, et al, is such a nice little quality of life upgrade.

2018-02-06, 07:25 PM
Sorry, I was comparing it to the great sword, which has a much slower walking speed while drawn, plus can't move while charging (can't remember if you can evade or not).

Also I was drawing on my hammer experience from the handhelds, so it might play differently than I am used to.

Ah, okay. I tried the greatsword once during the beta, but it felt like I was swinging through molasses so I stopped. Compared to that, the hammer is faster, but it still feels a long way away from the insect glaive, dual blades, or other speedy weapons. Since this is my first MH game, I can't say how any of it compares to previous games.

2018-02-06, 08:03 PM
The secret to using a greatsword properly is the Quick Sheath skill. :smallwink:

No, really, using the greatsword relies a lot on sheathing anytime you need to move and making good use of the draw attacks, to compensate for the low mobility. The rest of it is learning to predict monsters in order to land your charged attacks

Also, don't be afraid to roll to the side to cancel a charge or recovery animation.

2018-02-07, 08:58 AM
The secret to using a greatsword properly is the Quick Sheath skill. :smallwink:

No, really, using the greatsword relies a lot on sheathing anytime you need to move and making good use of the draw attacks, to compensate for the low mobility. The rest of it is learning to predict monsters in order to land your charged attacks

Also, don't be afraid to roll to the side to cancel a charge or recovery animation.

So the secret to fighting with a greatsword is Iaido.

Playing the game a bit more, I find I really like the insect glaive. I'm certainly not using it to its fullest, but the speed, the area of effect, the aerial maneuverability, and the bug acting as both secondary minor damage source and source of healing all adds up to being a pretty satisfying weapon. Also, the aerial game reminds me of RWBY, which just adds that much more charm to the mix.

2018-02-07, 09:04 AM
The secret to using a greatsword properly is the Quick Sheath skill. :smallwink:

No, really, using the greatsword relies a lot on sheathing anytime you need to move and making good use of the draw attacks, to compensate for the low mobility. The rest of it is learning to predict monsters in order to land your charged attacks

Also, don't be afraid to roll to the side to cancel a charge or recovery animation.

You can also shoulder check during a charge to cancel into a higher level charge.

2018-02-07, 02:27 PM
*rather likes the look of the Charge Blade*

*checks out the page on the wiki*

"The most complicated melee weapon in the game, the Charge Blade..."


I've been enjoying the (almost) mindless button-mashing you can get away with as a Dual Blades user!

Any Charge Blade veterans with advice for novices?

2018-02-07, 03:22 PM
*rather likes the look of the Charge Blade*

*checks out the page on the wiki*

"The most complicated melee weapon in the game, the Charge Blade..."


I've been enjoying the (almost) mindless button-mashing you can get away with as a Dual Blades user!

Any Charge Blade veterans with advice for novices?

Charge Blade is powerful, but complicated doesn't begin to describe it. You fight in sword mode to build up energy, use that energy to charge up phials, switch to axe mode, then use axe mode to expend those phials to empower attacks before returning to sword mode to start the cycle over.

If your energy buildup turns red, your weapon starts overheating and becomes useless until you charge the phials.

Also, worth noting is if you hit triangle while charging the phials, you can charge the weapon in general, giving the phial bonus to all attacks for a while (including sword form).

So, fighting with the charge blade revolves around dancing between several factors: health, sharpness, and combat as usual, but also energy, phials, and weapon form as well. And you can't ignore it, sticking in one form results in overheating and uselessness, even if your phials are already full. It's awesome looking and powerful, but only even remotely effective if you dance between the modes.

2018-02-07, 04:12 PM
Charge Blade is powerful, but complicated doesn't begin to describe it. You fight in sword mode to build up energy, use that energy to charge up phials, switch to axe mode, then use axe mode to expend those phials to empower attacks before returning to sword mode to start the cycle over.

If your energy buildup turns red, your weapon starts overheating and becomes useless until you charge the phials.

Also, worth noting is if you hit triangle while charging the phials, you can charge the weapon in general, giving the phial bonus to all attacks for a while (including sword form).

So, fighting with the charge blade revolves around dancing between several factors: health, sharpness, and combat as usual, but also energy, phials, and weapon form as well. And you can't ignore it, sticking in one form results in overheating and uselessness, even if your phials are already full. It's awesome looking and powerful, but only even remotely effective if you dance between the modes.

Hey hey, thanks for this. I kept getting the whole weapon charge thing, but didn't know how I did it. Knowing how to willingly trigger it will be super helpful.

Doesn't that also charge your Shield as well, when in sword and shield form?

I wish I had an eye for study, because I'm curious if there are any invulnerability frames during the Slide attack when in Sword form. Thing has saved by butt on a few occasions where I accidentally dodge out of an attack's way.

2018-02-07, 07:21 PM
Does anybody know if I can forcibly recall my kinsect without sheathing my weapon?

2018-02-07, 07:40 PM
Does anybody know if I can forcibly recall my kinsect without sheathing my weapon?

R2 and circle on PS4. RT and B on Xbox.

2018-02-07, 07:40 PM
Does anybody know if I can forcibly recall my kinsect without sheathing my weapon?

From https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Insect+Glaive looks like L2+Circle or LT+B.

Edit: Sorry, found a MH world wiki.

2018-02-08, 08:42 AM
So what was the first monster you fainted while facing?

I haven't fainted...yet. Just got to the Wildspire Wastes, and came dang close fighting the Barroth. Stupid, stupid sticky mud.

2018-02-08, 08:50 AM
I wouldn't worry overmuch about the difficulty of the charge blade. It's one of those things where it's complicated to get the full mileage out of the weapon, but it's still simple enough that you can be effective with it without being a master.

So what was the first monster you fainted while facing?

I haven't fainted...yet. Just got to the Wildspire Wastes, and came dang close fighting the Barroth. Stupid, stupid sticky mud.

That would be Anjanath...because I tried to kill him the very first time I saw him and got chomped.

2018-02-08, 08:59 AM
Yea Anjanth for me as well, his enraged mode has a very powerful flame breath attack that could one hit KO me and he had a habit of doing it as soon as I changed into my charge blades slow combo.

2018-02-08, 12:51 PM
Anjananth sneak attack got me. I was laser focused on chasing a Great Jagra, and he just blindsided me. Got caught in the crossfire.

2018-02-08, 01:38 PM
Thanks for the info guys, that'll be a great help!

Hehe, I'm going to jump on the train and say Anjanath as well, though he took me down when I was specifically hunting him. Suddenly people in the gaming area probably contributed, but it was mostly him. He had ambushed me a number of times before that, but I always managed to avoid getting hit before legging it as fast as I could.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-08, 03:16 PM
'Twas Anjanath what got me, too, but not until I deliberately hunted him after the story Anja hunt, and in an expedition so it didn't actually hurt anything. Got cornered in his nest area after I woke him up. Then I captured him and decided 'hell with it' and jumped on the Rathalos that had been around. That's the second time I fainted. But not until old Rath was good and mad.

2018-02-08, 05:22 PM
I first got knocked out by Barroth, rather embarrassingly.

2018-02-08, 09:40 PM
From https://monsterhunterworld.wiki.fextralife.com/Insect+Glaive looks like L2+Circle or LT+B.

Edit: Sorry, found a MH world wiki.

... Once again my dyslexia catches up to me.

2018-02-09, 02:49 PM
Damn it, Monster Hunter World got it's hooks into me. Just finished the fight with the... Jy-somethingfishmonster in the Wastes, a few nights ago. Had the thought today at work "Man, can't wait for work to end so I can play tonight. I think I want some poison weapons. I may need to hunt a Pukei-Pukei, wonder if I have enough parts to get some poison resist to face it. I wonder if I should try the Bowguns to out-range it..." and so on.

Is this normal? Is this what happens when you get into the series proper? This didn't happen with 4 Ultimate.

2018-02-09, 04:23 PM
Damn it, Monster Hunter World got it's hooks into me. Just finished the fight with the... Jy-somethingfishmonster in the Wastes, a few nights ago. Had the thought today at work "Man, can't wait for work to end so I can play tonight. I think I want some poison weapons. I may need to hunt a Pukei-Pukei, wonder if I have enough parts to get some poison resist to face it. I wonder if I should try the Bowguns to out-range it..." and so on.

Is this normal? Is this what happens when you get into the series proper? This didn't happen with 4 Ultimate.

Jyuratodus. Sometimes also answers to "turd dragon."

Anyway, that sounds a lot like how I've gotten into it too. I'm currently brainstorming how I'm going to take on Diablos without being carried by my friends.

2018-02-09, 05:14 PM
So the secret to fighting with a greatsword is Iaido.

Playing the game a bit more, I find I really like the insect glaive. I'm certainly not using it to its fullest, but the speed, the area of effect, the aerial maneuverability, and the bug acting as both secondary minor damage source and source of healing all adds up to being a pretty satisfying weapon. Also, the aerial game reminds me of RWBY, which just adds that much more charm to the mix.

Iaido is about right. Greatsword is all about single devastating unsheathe slashes. Greatsword builds in previous games would make heavy use of skills like Critical Draw, which gave you +100% Affinity (crit chance) on unsheathing attacks, due to this.

Personally, I'm trying to use bugstick, but it doesn't gel with me anywhere near as much as my old trusty Lance. I can body pretty much anything I've found up to here with that in my hands. With bugstick it's... harder.

2018-02-09, 07:19 PM
Jyuratodus. Sometimes also answers to "turd dragon."

Anyway, that sounds a lot like how I've gotten into it too. I'm currently brainstorming how I'm going to take on Diablos without being carried by my friends.

I found out; use the bow. It takes some time, but you don't bounce off him, and his charge is a joke with sidestep.

2018-02-10, 08:14 AM
Jyuratodus. Sometimes also answers to "turd dragon."

Anyway, that sounds a lot like how I've gotten into it too. I'm currently brainstorming how I'm going to take on Diablos without being carried by my friends.

I've found Diablos to be one of the easier fights. You just have to be careful to approach him from the sides instead of the front or the back. Don't get greedy and you should be ok. Also screamer pods help.

2018-02-10, 08:51 AM
I found out; use the bow. It takes some time, but you don't bounce off him, and his charge is a joke with sidestep.

The Bow was the only way i was able to beat it solo. The falling stone attack is good at breaking its horns.

2018-02-10, 02:05 PM
Made the switch from Dual Blades to Charge Blade, and am loving it so far!

I'm nowhere close to proficient with the CB, of course, but having to really learn the weapon is part of the fun. Without any proper leveling system, the only real character growth is in your developing mastery of your chosen tool. Dual Blades are just a little too user-friendly. Charge Blade has many strange mysteries and hidden depths, and I'm looking forward to plumbing the heck out of 'em.

2018-02-10, 06:44 PM
Made the switch from Dual Blades to Charge Blade, and am loving it so far!

I'm nowhere close to proficient with the CB, of course, but having to really learn the weapon is part of the fun. Without any proper leveling system, the only real character growth is in your developing mastery of your chosen tool. Dual Blades are just a little too user-friendly. Charge Blade has many strange mysteries and hidden depths, and I'm looking forward to plumbing the heck out of 'em.

One of the most interesting parts of CB is the guard points. Basically any time your shield is in front of you, you can block a attack. Add a charged shield into the mix that adds damage to the guards, you got a amazing skill.

2018-02-10, 07:34 PM
I feel sorry for the people who are going to try and plat this game I'm about 250 monsters in and I've only just gotten my first miniature crown.

2018-02-11, 10:50 AM
I feel sorry for the people who are going to try and plat this game I'm about 250 monsters in and I've only just gotten my first miniature crown.

Fortunately, I've never cared about trophies.

Unfortunately, I've conceived the insane desire to craft every possible piece of armor. So today is probably going to be the day I spend my whole time killing Gajau to farm whiskers that have a 16% drop chance.


2018-02-11, 05:08 PM
I have just started my hunt for the first time since I dabbled in Freedom Unite back in days of yore (and didn't like it because of the controls on PSP).

Rather liking it, though I haven't done much more than the first few hunts. Tried out the Gunlance, which I quite like but have a tendency to launch the running lunge when I don't want to because I'm too used to pushing towards the target (though the big shield is super effective), and the Charge Blade, which is like a bigger slower version of a trick weapon from Bloodborne and therefore meets with great approval. Especially when you land a proper smack with the axe mode.

2018-02-11, 06:20 PM

A true hunter. :smallbiggrin:

2018-02-11, 09:19 PM
Just a friendly PSA: if you are running a quest that has you transporting a large item, like an egg, you can now evade without dropping it!

2018-02-11, 09:51 PM
I managed to solo low rank Diablos with the insect glaive, but it was a rough encounter and I used a LOT of healing items.

2018-02-11, 09:55 PM
Just a friendly PSA: if you are running a quest that has you transporting a large item, like an egg, you can now evade without dropping it!

You can also climb and drop long distances, I knew I was missing something but I thought some quests where impossible until I realised that.

2018-02-12, 12:39 AM
But you cant crawl for some dumb reason.

2018-02-12, 08:34 AM
A true hunter. :smallbiggrin:

A hoonter must hoont.

2018-02-12, 01:02 PM
The Tobi Kadachi Charge Blade looks sleek as hell.

Related: Fought the Anjananth. First mission I failed. It either has higher defenses than I'm used to, or it resists Electric damage. I'll have to take the Jagra CB after him to see if the damage is different.

2018-02-12, 01:05 PM
The Tobi Kadachi Charge Blade looks sleek as hell.

Related: Fought the Anjananth. First mission I failed. It either has higher defenses than I'm used to, or it resists Electric damage. I'll have to take the Jagra CB after him to see if the damage is different.

Thanks for the heads-up! Anjananth is my next major mission, and I just got the Tobi-Kadachi CB. Sleek, as you say, as hell - but you'll have to let me know if the Jagra CB does better.

2018-02-12, 01:17 PM
Thanks for the heads-up! Anjananth is my next major mission, and I just got the Tobi-Kadachi CB. Sleek, as you say, as hell - but you'll have to let me know if the Jagra CB does better.
I'll let you know when I can. I'll be at work for quite a bit longer, but if someone had the answer to the elemental defense for Anjananth, that might help.

Could also be that the different Phial type on the Tobi CB is causing the difference.

2018-02-12, 04:42 PM
After a weekend spent pretty much doing nothing but Monster Hunter, I've hit high rank and gotten my hands on some pretty sweet gear. I've got a selection of about 5 or 6 different weapons in my two preferred types (hammer and insect glaive), and I'm just hitting the level where some of them start looking pretty unique and interesting.

My favorite so far is the poison hammer called Buon Fiore. It basically looks like a giant flower that sprouts quills when you're charging up an attack. I've nicknamed it the Killflower. :smallbiggrin:

2018-02-12, 05:43 PM
Sounds like it's lesson time!

Regarding charge blade phials: there are two types; impact and element.

Impact can stun monsters if you hit their heads, and will drain some stamina, making them tire out (drooling, dropping less energetic) more often.

Element phials are more straightforward, dealing straight element damage (same as the weapon) to the part they hit. To my knowledge they do not have the same stunning or stamina draining effect that impact has. As you may imagine, this won't have much of an effect on monsters that resist that element.

On Anjanath: I believe it does resist thunder to some extent, and is definitely weakest to water. It is also stronger and tougher than anything you've probably hunted up to this point.

General Hunting Prep: you can fairly easily get the first level of research (Wich shows their weaknesses) by collecting traces in the field, I personally grab all traces I can find, even of monsters I'm not hunting, so I usually have that first level when I gear up for the hunt proper.

That is, of course, just my way of doing things, you may find a way that works better for you.

2018-02-12, 05:48 PM
Sounds like it's lesson time!

Regarding charge blade phials: there are two types; impact and element.

Impact can stun monsters if you hit their heads, and will drain some stamina, making them tire out (drooling, dropping less energetic) more often.

Element phials are more straightforward, dealing straight element damage (same as the weapon) to the part they hit. To my knowledge they do not have the same stunning or stamina draining effect that impact has. As you may imagine, this won't have much of an effect on monsters that resist that element.

On Anjanath: I believe it does resist thunder to some extent, and is definitely weakest to water. It is also stronger and tougher than anything you've probably hunted up to this point.

General Hunting Prep: you can fairly easily get the first level of research (Wich shows their weaknesses) by collecting traces in the field, I personally grab all traces I can find, even of monsters I'm not hunting, so I usually have that first level when I gear up for the hunt proper.

That is, of course, just my way of doing things, you may find a way that works better for you.

This was incredibly informative. Thank you.

I also didn't know about the research levels/what they did, so thanks for that heads up too.

There's a lot of things I just forget about that would make my life easier as well. I should be making more bombs, and carrying stuff to turn the throwing knives into status items, but I always rush out of HQ into the field.

2018-02-12, 05:49 PM
Has anyone messed with custom meal creation at the canteen? Anyone got some really awesome custom meals they'd like to share?

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-12, 07:42 PM
This was incredibly informative. Thank you.

I also didn't know about the research levels/what they did, so thanks for that heads up too.

There's a lot of things I just forget about that would make my life easier as well. I should be making more bombs, and carrying stuff to turn the throwing knives into status items, but I always rush out of HQ into the field.

Ranking up your research level will also let you see what parts of the monster can be broken or severed, particular weak points, and the rewards you can receive from carving, mission rewards, and parts breakage (some items can only be obtained at mission end if particular body parts are broken).

I believe it also helps the scout flies lock on faster as you track them. Individual footprints will fill the scout fly bar faster, that is.

2018-02-12, 09:28 PM
Okay, so I've been picking up footprints, feathers, and mucus, and I've visited the Ecological Research Center to update my bestiary, but when I go to the guide, I don't see anywhere it specifies elemental weaknesses for any of the monster entries. Have I just not researched enough yet? Some of these critters are at "three stars" for research level...

2018-02-12, 09:49 PM
Each monster's page has several tabs, so make sure those are available and that you're checking them. If you don't have the tabs, keep finding tracks and the like.

2018-02-13, 08:35 AM
Each monster's page has several tabs, so make sure those are available and that you're checking them. If you don't have the tabs, keep finding tracks and the like.

Eureka! Many thanks!

All the time I've spent working in Excel, you'd think it would occur to me to ask "have you checked to see if there are multiple tabs?" when somebody claims they can't find something.

So I take it that the more stars there are next to an element, the more vulnerable the beast is to that element?

And a red x means they are invulnerable?

2018-02-13, 08:45 AM
Eureka! Many thanks!

All the time I've spent working in Excel, you'd think it would occur to me to ask "have you checked to see if there are multiple tabs?" when somebody claims they can't find something.

So I take it that the more stars there are next to an element, the more vulnerable the beast is to that element?

And a red x means they are invulnerable?

Yep. So bust out that dragon element you have laying around vs raths!

2018-02-13, 06:47 PM
Well, I've reached the point in the game where I've explored all the areas, crafted the stuff I want, and killed everything at least once. Nothing left now but grinding and waiting for DLC. I probably won't play much longer, but I got a good 50 to 100 hours out of the game so it was definitely worth my investment.

2018-02-13, 07:05 PM
Well, I've reached the point in the game where I've explored all the areas, crafted the stuff I want, and killed everything at least once. Nothing left now but grinding and waiting for DLC. I probably won't play much longer, but I got a good 50 to 100 hours out of the game so it was definitely worth my investment.

Try out different weapons? Becomes a whole new game going from something like Longsword to Charge Blade.

2018-02-13, 07:27 PM
Try out different weapons? Becomes a whole new game going from something like Longsword to Charge Blade.

I've tried a few, but it's not a big enough change to really make the difference for me. It's ok though. I'm not the type of person who has to do every little thing in a game. I got a lot of play from this game, and had a lot of fun. I can move on now and be perfectly happy with the experience.

2018-02-14, 10:54 AM
Anjananth down!

He knocked me out a couple of times, but I slew him in his sleep before the third KO, so I still haven't failed a mission.

The available armor sets have definitely expanded too much for me to realistically craft them all. I'll just have to pick the ones I want based on looks and stats.

So, who only wears matching armor, and who likes to mix it up? I usually prefer to wear a matched set, because SYMMETRY.

2018-02-14, 12:21 PM
I mix and match based on what I have and what I'm going to do. For the Zorah Magdarah capture story mission early on, I combined the Anjananth waist item with the Kulu headpiece to get two levels of Fire resistance heading in, since the thing's a giant volcano dragon. Didn't have enough pieces for a full set of either, so I made due with what I had.

2018-02-14, 01:03 PM
The available armor sets have definitely expanded too much for me to realistically craft them all. I'll just have to pick the ones I want based on looks and stats.

So, who only wears matching armor, and who likes to mix it up? I usually prefer to wear a matched set, because SYMMETRY.

It's a matter of prioritizing. You can pick the most important ones to farm first, and then go back and get the others later. I'm not sure if there's a maximum storage capacity, but if there is I haven't hit it yet.

I started off wearing mostly matching armor, but if there's a certain piece I don't like (whichever waist piece makes it look like you're wearing a metal dress. I wanna say Rathian?), then I'll substitute something else.

The further in I get though, I am picking armor pieces based on the skills they grant, even if they don't match. Unfortunately that sometimes means weird combinations like Barroth legs with Rathalos armor, but it helps so it's worth it to me.

2018-02-14, 03:32 PM
I mix'nmatch as long as it looks good, for the most part. I started in the Hunter armor, then added pieces in as I found them and liked the skills (kestodon arms, gajau legs, etc). Then I found the Tzitzi armor, and ran its full set for quite a while, till I got to odogaron (got its arms, legs and torso, waist changes, and I kept the Tzitzi head). I really appreciate that World makes you feel that both strategies are perfectly workable choices.

2018-02-14, 04:19 PM
Anjananth down!

He knocked me out a couple of times, but I slew him in his sleep before the third KO, so I still haven't failed a mission.

The available armor sets have definitely expanded too much for me to realistically craft them all. I'll just have to pick the ones I want based on looks and stats.

So, who only wears matching armor, and who likes to mix it up? I usually prefer to wear a matched set, because SYMMETRY.

I'm wearing the Nergigante armor with the Dragon King eyepatch. It's not the optimal set for me, but that can't actually be achieved without looking completely ridiculous, and this set gives me more than enough damage to kill anything I want.

Speaking of aesthetics, it's supremely frustrating to me that there's only one set of Dual Swords in the entire game that actually looks like swords...and they're objectively awful.

Despite my earlier post about quitting I'll probably keep playing for a while now. My friend is getting into the game, so that will keep me going while he's playing. A lot of the magic is gone though. Here's hoping some of those DLC come soon.

2018-02-14, 05:04 PM
I'm wearing the Nergigante armor with the Dragon King eyepatch. It's not the optimal set for me, but that can't actually be achieved without looking completely ridiculous, and this set gives me more than enough damage to kill anything I want.

Speaking of aesthetics, it's supremely frustrating to me that there's only one set of Dual Swords in the entire game that actually looks like swords...and they're objectively awful.

Despite my earlier post about quitting I'll probably keep playing for a while now. My friend is getting into the game, so that will keep me going while he's playing. A lot of the magic is gone though. Here's hoping some of those DLC come soon.

Soonest one adding a new monster will be sometime around April.

2018-02-14, 08:21 PM
Things that enraged me while on my first egg hunt quest:

You can't just kill all the herbivores - they keep respawning.
The ghillie mantle has a crazy-long cooldown.
I apparently don't quite understand how stamina works.


2018-02-16, 12:20 AM
Soonest one adding a new monster will be sometime around April.

Well that's disappointing. Hopefully when it does come around it will actually be difficult. I think I can count the number of times I've carted since I started actually upgrading my defenses on one hand. I'm just now breaking into Tempered Elder investigations though. Maybe these will be harder.

Side note, but I can't seem to get a Wyvern or Odogaron gem to save my life. I've got like 10 of the Nergigante ones though. For a while I actually kept getting his gem instead of his tail when I needed it. Very frustrating. I guess I'm to the point in the game when the real grind begins....but I don't actually think anything is difficult enough to justify the grind anyway, so I'm not sure why I'm bothering.

2018-02-16, 01:52 PM
Things that enraged me while on my first egg hunt quest:

You can't just kill all the herbivores - they keep respawning.
The ghillie mantle has a crazy-long cooldown.
I apparently don't quite understand how stamina works.


I always forget about the mantles. I used those like crazy during the beta, but I've been really dependent on the health booster since playing the full game, and I always forget to take a mantle when it would be beneficial.

Anyway, what I did with the egg quest is run as fast as possible, and rotate the camera occasionally to look behind me. When they were closing in, or if my stamina was running low, I'd zigzag a bit to keep them from catching me. It still took a couple tries, but it worked.

2018-02-16, 02:00 PM
I always forget about the mantles. I used those like crazy during the beta, but I've been really dependent on the health booster since playing the full game, and I always forget to take a mantle when it would be beneficial.

Anyway, what I did with the egg quest is run as fast as possible, and rotate the camera occasionally to look behind me. When they were closing in, or if my stamina was running low, I'd zigzag a bit to keep them from catching me. It still took a couple tries, but it worked.

Got the first egg with the mantle on, got the second one by killing most of the herbivores (or whatever they are), and then doing the run and the zig-zag with better stamina management. I think I lost the egg a couple of times because I didn't realize that you hit a certain point where even walking drains your stamina - not something I'm used to. I think I've got a better handle on it now.

Now to figure out why my character randomly sheathes his weapon when I really don't want him to...obviously there are other button combos that force sheathing besides just pressing R1.

Also, really hate that the dodge button only properly dodges when you've got your weapons out. With weapon sheathed, you do that silly jumping face-plant, which is much, much less helpful than doing a proper roll-dodge.

2018-02-16, 02:13 PM
When you try to sprint with your weapon out it will sheathe it, so if you accidentally press it... It might also auto-sheathe if you take enough steps without attacking, or after a set amount of time.

Same with the 'panic dive' dodge, that only happens when you're sprinting. Though I'd does have a few frames of invincibility, so if timed right you can jump straight through nasty attacks.

2018-02-16, 02:15 PM
When you try to sprint with your weapon out it will sheathe it, so if you accidentally press it... It might also auto-sheathe if you take enough steps without attacking, or after a set amount of time.

Same with the 'panic dive' dodge, that only happens when you're sprinting.

I think one pattern I've noticed is that if I dodge twice in succession, weapon is sheathed after getting up from the second roll. Am I imagining things?

2018-02-16, 03:00 PM
I think you might be. I've never noticed that happening myself, but I could be mistaken. Again, you might be accidentally pressing the sprint button (R1 or L3/pressing the left stick on the PS4, don't know about Xbox). It's pretty easy to do, I know I have.

2018-02-16, 03:01 PM
I think you might be. I've never noticed that happening myself, but I could be mistaken. Again, you might be accidentally pressing the sprint button (R1 or L3/pressing the left stick on the PS4, don't know about Xbox). It's pretty easy to do, I know I have.

Ahh, you know what, I'm probably pressing the left stick without noticing, especially when panic-rolling out of the way of attacks.

2018-02-16, 03:02 PM
Got the first egg with the mantle on, got the second one by killing most of the herbivores (or whatever they are), and then doing the run and the zig-zag with better stamina management. I think I lost the egg a couple of times because I didn't realize that you hit a certain point where even walking drains your stamina - not something I'm used to. I think I've got a better handle on it now.

Now to figure out why my character randomly sheathes his weapon when I really don't want him to...obviously there are other button combos that force sheathing besides just pressing R1.

Also, really hate that the dodge button only properly dodges when you've got your weapons out. With weapon sheathed, you do that silly jumping face-plant, which is much, much less helpful than doing a proper roll-dodge.

You can roll just fine without your weapons. The face plant happens when you're sprinting away and try to roll. It also makes you invincible for a lot longer than a normal roll, so it's a lot better than you think.

You can turn off auto sheathe in the options if you really need to.

2018-02-16, 03:34 PM
Also, really hate that the dodge button only properly dodges when you've got your weapons out. With weapon sheathed, you do that silly jumping face-plant, which is much, much less helpful than doing a proper roll-dodge.

The superman dive is actually really, really useful, especially at high end play. You're invincible basically throughout the entire thing, so there's more than a few monsters where it's advisable to use it to dodge what would otherwise be one hit KOs.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-16, 09:21 PM
You can change some of the auto-sheathing in the options menu, too.

My annoying thing is I tend to forget to sheathe before I press Circle (gather/carve) and get stuck in an attack animation that must finish before I can sheathe.

2018-02-17, 12:11 PM
The superman dive is actually really, really useful, especially at high end play. You're invincible basically throughout the entire thing, so there's more than a few monsters where it's advisable to use it to dodge what would otherwise be one hit KOs.

Noted, thanks. Since time constraints mean I'm moving through the game pretty slowly, I'm sure there are a lot of mechanics that seem strange or annoying now, that will prove their value in mid-to-late game.

2018-02-18, 08:28 AM
I just want to vent for a second about how poorly designed and frustrating the last boss is.

For one thing. It's mind numbingly easy. At no point in the fight do you ever feel like you're in any sort of danger unless you're doing something silly like refusing to use potions or standing in fire. That said, it's also incredibly tedious. At least for dual blades. He continually turns the floor near him into lava, so you can't stand near him to hit him for entire phases at a time. The entire fight is just dodging incredibly choreographed fireballs and hitting him in the few times it's safe to do so. He can't be mounted for some reason either, so that's one of the most fun aspects of the game eliminated from the fight. I've also lost count of the number of times he's hit me because he clipped through a part of the stage...which doesn't matter since you're basically always at full health anyway, but it's still annoying. Literally the only danger in this fight is that eventually you're going to get bored and either get sloppy or reckless. I'm tempted to craft a bow just to farm this guy...but I don't actually need any of his drops.

At least his hitboxes are fairly solid. Better than Diablos where you're constantly getting tossed around by empty air. Or Rathalos, who manages to trample people despite never actually touching them at any point during the process.

2018-02-18, 10:26 AM
Hunting an Anjanath in an expedition. Doing solid damage. Think I'm getting close to killing it. STUPID THING DIGS A TUNNEL UNDERGROUND AND MAGICALLY DISAPPEARS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! Look, I get that monsters are on time limits, but something like an Anjanath digging into the ground while I'm actively chasing it is just rude, aggravating, and entirely immersion-breaking.

2018-02-18, 10:46 AM
Hunting an Anjanath in an expedition. Doing solid damage. Think I'm getting close to killing it. STUPID THING DIGS A TUNNEL UNDERGROUND AND MAGICALLY DISAPPEARS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! Look, I get that monsters are on time limits, but something like an Anjanath digging into the ground while I'm actively chasing it is just rude, aggravating, and entirely immersion-breaking.

Yeah, that's one of the worst ones. The good news is that most of the escape animations are a lot more realistic than that one.

2018-02-18, 02:58 PM
Hunting an Anjanath in an expedition. Doing solid damage. Think I'm getting close to killing it. STUPID THING DIGS A TUNNEL UNDERGROUND AND MAGICALLY DISAPPEARS RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME! Look, I get that monsters are on time limits, but something like an Anjanath digging into the ground while I'm actively chasing it is just rude, aggravating, and entirely immersion-breaking.

What gets me is when the Anjanath climbs... basically looks like it just runs up a wall (with a jumping start anyway). The only way that monster should be making its escape is by running and jumping. It's established to have a powerful leap that it uses to attack, so why not just use that to open up some distance before sprinting away, or leaping to a higher cliff or protrusion before taking off that way? There's no need to have it burrow away, or give it gravity-defying climbing abilities that its body is clearly not built for.

2018-02-18, 08:59 PM
Getting to the 8 star stuff, and I'm wondering how important elderseal is. All the monster descriptions talk about the wonderful ways I'll die without it, but the elderseal weapons I have without killing them are PATHETIC

2018-02-19, 12:07 AM
Getting to the 8 star stuff, and I'm wondering how important elderseal is. All the monster descriptions talk about the wonderful ways I'll die without it, but the elderseal weapons I have without killing them are PATHETIC

It's very helpful for elder dragons. Especially if you have a ranged weapon. You can definitely survive without it though.

2018-02-19, 08:44 AM
Ahh, you know what, I'm probably pressing the left stick without noticing, especially when panic-rolling out of the way of attacks.

Yep, L3 was the culprit - I've switched to R1 only for sprinting now.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-02-19, 11:40 PM
Well, I spent 20 minutes tonight Godzilla 2014ing some monsters. It was in an expedition in the spoilery final biome. I don't know if we're dealing with spoilers about it or not, so better safe then sorry.

Kited and lured Uragaan and Azure Rathalos into each multiple times, never actually fighting either, ducking in to snatch the parts they broke off each other or my Palico plundered off them. Rathalos even went into the volcano zone to break his wings on the magma geyser. When Uragaan decided to scarper Lavasioth tried to join in but Ratha didn't really bother with him.

2018-02-20, 09:46 AM
In between playing with friends, I've been going back and completing a lot of Optional quests that I didn't get around to when they first came up. I'm working my way through the 4 star ones now (I'm at the part of the game where I'm starting to go after Elder Dragons, so these are old quests).

Last night I did the one where you have to carry off 2 wyvern eggs in the Ancient Forest. I realized after starting that it probably would have been easier with the Ghillie Mantle, but I didn't feel like changing up my equipment. So after the second time the Rathian chased me down and caused me to drop the egg, I hammered it to death and went about my business of stealing eggs.

And that brings me to my main point: what do you prefer in terms of reusable tools, one of the mantles or the health booster? I feel like the health booster is too useful not only for myself but for my friends as well to give it up for any of the mantles, personally.

2018-02-20, 11:17 AM
And that brings me to my main point: what do you prefer in terms of reusable tools, one of the mantles or the health booster? I feel like the health booster is too useful not only for myself but for my friends as well to give it up for any of the mantles, personally.

You eventually unlock being able to equip 2 mantles/boosters so... I usually run Health and Cleanser or Health and Affinity. Some fights I'll grab a XXXproof mantle though.

2018-02-20, 06:05 PM
The rocksteady mantle is the best in the game by a large margin. You won't unlock it until very late game though. HR 50 I think.

2018-02-20, 11:12 PM
Im usually carrying the Vitality Mantle, in my opinion the health booster just takes too long and makes you a sitting duck, ive died too many times while cowering in the mist.

2018-02-20, 11:46 PM
If I didn't main insect glaive, I'd probably usually run glider mantle, as it is, I always take it to the highlands, makes getting to legiana's nest so much easier. I've tried vitality mantle a little, it's nice if I can remember to use it. I do think they did a pretty good job balancing the equipment though, for the most part. Everything is either generally fairly useful, or situationally very useful.

2018-02-21, 07:20 AM
Im usually carrying the Vitality Mantle, in my opinion the health booster just takes too long and makes you a sitting duck, ive died too many times while cowering in the mist.

I'd say that the vitality mantle is strictly better for single player. When you're running with a full group though, the health booster is just too good.

2018-02-21, 12:56 PM
So I've been thinking about something, and I wanted ya'lls take on it.

Probably don't read this unless you've at least finished the quest "One for the History Books"

We've been told that Nergigante only shows up during the Elder Crossing, we know what the purpose of the Elder Crossing is, and the first two times we see it,
it almost seems to be protecting Zorah Magdaros. With this in mind, what if Nergigante is like Charon/the ferryman of the Elder Crossing?
It protects the elder dragons on the way to their final rest.

I haven't gotten to the point where I actually hunt it, so there may be more to learn that I haven't yet. But that's what I've been thinking.

2018-02-21, 01:42 PM
You eventually unlock being able to equip 2 mantles/boosters so... I usually run Health and Cleanser or Health and Affinity. Some fights I'll grab a XXXproof mantle though.

By any chance do you know the name of the quest that unlocks it? If it's an optional quest I probably have it available and just haven't done it yet.

Im usually carrying the Vitality Mantle, in my opinion the health booster just takes too long and makes you a sitting duck, ive died too many times while cowering in the mist.

What often happens to me is that I get knocked out of the booster's radius, but am able to circle around back into it as long as I'm not the only one there. If I am by myself, then I'll usually pull out a potion at that point and abandon the booster.

If I didn't main insect glaive, I'd probably usually run glider mantle, as it is, I always take it to the highlands, makes getting to legiana's nest so much easier. I've tried vitality mantle a little, it's nice if I can remember to use it. I do think they did a pretty good job balancing the equipment though, for the most part. Everything is either generally fairly useful, or situationally very useful.

Does glider mantle not synergize with insect glaive? I main glaive as well, and I used the glider mantle in the beta. Other than helping to mount, what it mostly seems to help me with is crossing those chasms where you normally have to swing on vines, because I often either miss the stupid vines or don't jump far enough (I really, really hate climbing to Legiana's nest, because the fight is usually over before I get there if I'm playing multiplayer).

2018-02-21, 03:07 PM
By any chance do you know the name of the quest that unlocks it? If it's an optional quest I probably have it available and just haven't done it yet.

It's unlocked after beating the main story.

So I've been thinking about something, and I wanted ya'lls take on it.

Probably don't read this unless you've at least finished the quest "One for the History Books"

We've been told that Nergigante only shows up during the Elder Crossing, we know what the purpose of the Elder Crossing is, and the first two times we see it,
it almost seems to be protecting Zorah Magdaros. With this in mind, what if Nergigante is like Charon/the ferryman of the Elder Crossing?
It protects the elder dragons on the way to their final rest.

I haven't gotten to the point where I actually hunt it, so there may be more to learn that I haven't yet. But that's what I've been thinking.

They'll go into its motivations in more detail later.

2018-02-21, 03:14 PM
Does glider mantle not synergize with insect glaive? I main glaive as well, and I used the glider mantle in the beta. Other than helping to mount, what it mostly seems to help me with is crossing those chasms where you normally have to swing on vines, because I often either miss the stupid vines or don't jump far enough (I really, really hate climbing to Legiana's nest, because the fight is usually over before I get there if I'm playing multiplayer).

Personally, I don't think it does. At least not for hunting. Unless you can use the mantle with your weapon drawn, or sheathe midair. I've found that the glaive has more than enough aerial ability without needing the mantle.

Basically, I've only found it useful for traversal, and only essential in one instance.

2018-02-22, 11:24 AM
Hmm... I'll try to find some time this weekend to experiment with it myself, and see what I think.

In the meantime though, I'm trying to up my game with my other main weapon, the hammer. My initial impression of the hammer was that it was great against fairly slow, low-to-the-ground monsters, but not of much use against highly mobile or tall monsters like Anjanath, let alone flying ones. As a result, I basically used it against the weaker monsters in Ancient Forest and Wildspire Waste (Great Jagras, Pukei Pukei, Kulu Ya Ku, Jyuratodus, Barroth) and then stuck to insect glaive after that.

However, in working my way solo through all the optional quests that I didn't do right away (I just finished all the 4* quests last night), I've been using the hammer as much as possible and finding that it can be more effective than I thought. Of course, I'm fighting low-rank monsters with a top-tier hammer now, so it's not a fair comparison, but I'm still happy with the results as monsters regularly die faster than I expected them to.

Looking forward to trying to bring the hammer into more high-rank missions, though I think I'll try it solo first to avoid dragging teammates down if it doesn't work.

2018-02-22, 12:36 PM
Get a bounty for hunting Kirin. Great, I need that ridiculous looking bowgun. Only problem, 2 feints. Shouldn't be that big of an issue.

So I start the quest, pop a flare, and begin smacking a pony with my brand new Nerg daggers. Don't notice the first person join in until the "I'm next to the target" ping. 10 seconds later, he gets one-shot by the easiest to dodge attack the monster has. I think he went off farming while the others and I got Kirin to the last phase, at which point Carty McCart Face stands in the bad and the quest fails.

Oh, and I had a voucher running.
Hopefully this at least teaches him that resists are great and it's a good idea to eat before fighting elder dragons

2018-02-23, 12:25 AM
I have never popped an SOS flare, and stories like that make me disinclined to do so. If I don't have actual friends joining me on the quest, I'd rather try to solo it than risk some random yahoo causing me to lose. At least if I blow it on my own, I don't have anyone else to blame.

2018-02-23, 04:47 AM
The game is a little too easy solo for my tastes. I usually run every mission with one other person so it's a little harder. Sometimes others do join in, but it's usually no detriment. Sure, people get carted sometimes, but that's just part of playing a game.

2018-02-26, 04:48 PM
Anyone have any tips on how to beat Kushala Daora, especially solo? I have a bunch of friends that play, but recently I haven't been online at the same time as them, and have reached the point where I need to start farming elder dragons to continue progressing.

I'm an insect glaive main, though I also use hammers a lot. I'm not averse to picking up another weapon type, but that would require a bunch of practice before I'd be ready to take on monsters this tough.

2018-02-26, 05:17 PM
Anyone have any tips on how to beat Kushala Daora, especially solo? I have a bunch of friends that play, but recently I haven't been online at the same time as them, and have reached the point where I need to start farming elder dragons to continue progressing.

I'm an insect glaive main, though I also use hammers a lot. I'm not averse to picking up another weapon type, but that would require a bunch of practice before I'd be ready to take on monsters this tough.

Flash pods. Lots and lots and lots of flash pods. Just don't flash him when he's in a tornado.

Also any bow gun with pierce ammo does quite good against him as he's weak against it.

2018-02-26, 05:37 PM
Flash pods. Lots and lots and lots of flash pods. Just don't flash him when he's in a tornado.

Also any bow gun with pierce ammo does quite good against him as he's weak against it.

I'd recommend Shatterchrist+ with 3 long-range boosters. "Ol reliable".

Or it gets to the concept of why flare popping is a thing, it lets you divide up into your specialized roles and you should never die if there's enough targets sharing aggro. I don't hunt anything with wings (or is a unicorn) solo unless it's below my gear level.

This is despite the stories you collect. Oh yes, there will be stories.
But it just wouldn't be the same without the stories.
Ever have have nerg superman-dive the rest of your group clustered together?

2018-02-26, 05:51 PM
I'd recommend Shatterchrist+ with 3 long-range boosters. "Ol reliable".

Or it gets to the concept of why flare popping is a thing, it lets you divide up into your specialized roles and you should never die if there's enough targets sharing aggro. I don't hunt anything with wings (or is a unicorn) solo unless it's below my gear level.

This is despite the stories you collect. Oh yes, there will be stories.
But it just wouldn't be the same without the stories.
Ever have have nerg superman-dive the rest of your group clustered together?


Also had one where Daora charged into the little wall he starts near carting 3 people since he just keeps running against said wall for about 8 seconds.

Had a Teostra supernova in a hallway, with his face in a wall so he couldn't be flashed.

Had one bazelgeuse fight where he carted me, I ran back out and saw him beneath me so I took the chance to try and mount him. Didn't get the mount but did cause him to explode carting me and another guy that was near him (not one of my better moments).

And speaking of Bagel, off topic, but I did come across this bug (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1rK-8tqrqM) with him.

2018-02-26, 06:16 PM
I had that bug earlier today in the same spot.

I've never actually seen someone die to Daora. We always just run up and beat his face with very little strategy required. I see people posting about having difficulty with him, but I've never experienced it.

2018-02-26, 07:06 PM

Also had one where Daora charged into the little wall he starts near carting 3 people since he just keeps running against said wall for about 8 seconds.

Had a Teostra supernova in a hallway, with his face in a wall so he couldn't be flashed.

Had one bazelgeuse fight where he carted me, I ran back out and saw him beneath me so I took the chance to try and mount him. Didn't get the mount but did cause him to explode carting me and another guy that was near him (not one of my better moments).

And speaking of Bagel, off topic, but I did come across this bug (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D1rK-8tqrqM) with him.

I like to imagine it like the end of Iron Giant
Voice in his head: You can be anyone
Nerg: Sup-er-maaaaaaan *triple cart*

Did you know that you can summon Bagel by THINKING his name 3 times. That's where people mess up, you can't think about it or he ganks your hunt. It's always showtime.

2018-02-27, 08:48 AM
Welp, got my first Mission Failed screen, to Rathian. Dang antidotes take tooooo long to chug!

Two quick questions and one longer, less coherent one:

A. What consumable buffs do you reccomend? I ought to put more on my belt than health pots.
B. Is capture more rewarding than kill when you're hunting for upgrade materials?


C. Is there any way to tell if you're "playing badly"? I don't mean failing a mission, because that's obvious. I mean taking longer than you should, because you're not using your weapon to its fullest potential. I'm playing Charge Blade, and I *think* I'm using it properly. But it's so hard to gauge how much damage you're "really" doing, because you expect a hunt to take a long time, and you expect a fight to go on and on. I guess I'm just not experienced enough to know the difference between good and bad play, yet.

I know about breakable bits, and I know red numbers mean you're hitting a weak spot. But I still get the itching feeling that I'm not putting out the DPS I should be. Maybe just paranoia?

EDIT: Has anybody failed a mission because the timer ran out, even though they ran the monster down pretty quick and whaled on it like mad?

2018-02-27, 09:06 AM
A. What consumable buffs do you reccomend? I ought to put more on my belt than health pots.
Demon/Armor potsand flash pods are a good choice. Later in the game you'll want to take fight specific items such as Nulberries, Screamer pods, Cool Drinks, etc.

B. Is capture more rewarding than kill when you're hunting for upgrade materials?

For this game, capture is generally better overall. Shortens the fight and you typically get more rewards.

C. Is there any way to tell if you're "playing badly"? I don't mean failing a mission, because that's obvious. I mean taking longer than you should, because you're not using your weapon to its fullest potential. I'm playing Charge Blade, and I *think* I'm using it properly. But it's so hard to gauge how much damage you're "really" doing, because you expect a hunt to take a long time, and you expect a fight to go on and on. I guess I'm just not experienced enough to know the difference between good and bad play, yet.

I know about breakable bits, and I know red numbers mean you're hitting a weak spot. But I still get the itching feeling that I'm not putting out the DPS I should be. Maybe just paranoia?

EDIT: Has anybody failed a mission because the timer ran out, even though they ran the monster down pretty quick and whaled on it like mad?

This depends. I'd say you're good if you're averaging 15-20 minutes. Longer for the first hunt or 2 while you're still learning a monsters patterns.

Regarding Charge Blade, it's the most complicated weapon to use properly. Do you know how to charge the sword and shield to power up the axe combo?

EDIT: Has anybody failed a mission because the timer ran out, even though they ran the monster down pretty quick and whaled on it like mad?

Not for a normal 50 minute hunt, but you do get the 15 minute investigations that I've timed out on before on end game monsters.

2018-02-27, 09:13 AM
Regarding Charge Blade, it's the most complicated weapon to use properly. Do you know how to charge the sword and shield to power up the axe combo?

Yep, I know how to power up the sword and shield, and I usually try to charge the shield before I go for the big combo. From what I've read, charging the shield is always a good idea, but charging the sword is more situational, and experienced players don't charge it as frequently as they charge the shield.

One thing I never do is block. Taking a hit just feels wrong to me - I would rather dodge, every time. But using the shield properly is part of mastering the weapon, so I should really begin to learn.

2018-02-27, 09:23 AM
Yep, I know how to power up the sword and shield, and I usually try to charge the shield before I go for the big combo. From what I've read, charging the shield is always a good idea, but charging the sword is more situational, and experienced players don't charge it as frequently as they charge the shield.

One thing I never do is block. Taking a hit just feels wrong to me - I would rather dodge, every time. But using the shield properly is part of mastering the weapon, so I should really begin to learn.

I like charging the blade just because it gives a bit of extra damage when charging phials. Though I run a low interrupt build so I always get the charge off.

I don't really use the block with the CB much. Probably should but the aforementioned low interrupt lets me chains combos pretty consistently.

And it sounds more like a gear issue if kills are taking longer than you think they should.

2018-02-27, 11:22 AM
It should be noted for fights with poison that pills take less time to eat than potions to chug. Make sure you're bringing herbal medicine. For the same reason, max potions. Ancient potions are great if you can even make them at this point (those adorable little deer in wildspire near the start. break their faces.)

Otherwise, you're fighting your first drake. Win or lose focus on getting your dodge patterns right (they will serve you well by the time Azure Rathlos and his three friends are spamming fireballs at you), and flash pods should be shot on the ground even if she's flying.

2018-02-27, 11:39 AM
It should be noted for fights with poison that pills take less time to eat than potions to chug. Make sure you're bringing herbal medicine. For the same reason, max potions. Ancient potions are great if you can even make them at this point (those adorable little deer in wildspire near the start. break their faces.)

Otherwise, you're fighting your first drake. Win or lose focus on getting your dodge patterns right (they will serve you well by the time Azure Rathlos and his three friends are spamming fireballs at you), and flash pods should be shot on the ground even if she's flying.

Also a good tip for Rathian/Rathalos is sever the tail ASAP. No tail = no poison so you only have to deal with the fireballs

2018-02-27, 03:28 PM
A. What consumable buffs do you reccomend? I ought to put more on my belt than health pots.

Demondrug and Armorskin potions (and their Mega versions) are great against especially tough monsters. I didn't really start using them until Elder Dragons because I'm naturally inclined to hoard consumables, and I would recommend saving the Mega versions until very late game because Nourishing Extracts aren't that common. However, the regular versions are still worth using, so if you can craft those and the supplies aren't too scarce, they're worth using.

My typical gear list looks something like this: Mega Potions, Max Potions, Shock Trap, Pitfall Trap, Tranq Bombs, Dung Pods, Flash Pods, attack & defense charms (and talons when you can use those). I also use the first-aid meds that are often in the box when you start missions since they're free and can top you off when using a mega potion would be a waste.

Situational items I will bring depending on the particular hunt: Large Barrel Bombs or Mega Barrel Bombs, Mega Demondrug, Mega Armorskin, Lifepowder, Antidotes, Nullberries, Cool Drinks, maybe a couple others I'm not thinking of.

C. Is there any way to tell if you're "playing badly"? I don't mean failing a mission, because that's obvious. I mean taking longer than you should, because you're not using your weapon to its fullest potential. I'm playing Charge Blade, and I *think* I'm using it properly. But it's so hard to gauge how much damage you're "really" doing, because you expect a hunt to take a long time, and you expect a fight to go on and on. I guess I'm just not experienced enough to know the difference between good and bad play, yet.

I know about breakable bits, and I know red numbers mean you're hitting a weak spot. But I still get the itching feeling that I'm not putting out the DPS I should be. Maybe just paranoia?

EDIT: Has anybody failed a mission because the timer ran out, even though they ran the monster down pretty quick and whaled on it like mad?

I can't speak to Charge Blade specifically because I don't use it, but here are a few bad habits that can cost you time:

-Geting sidetracked when your hunt runs into other monsters, and fighting the other monsters too (I'm really bad about this sometimes)
-Rarely using your Whetstone
-Rarely hitting weak points
-Forgetting to check which elements and effects the monster is weak to (i.e. if you bring a Thunder weapon against a Tobi Kadachi, you're not going to be very effective).
-Not reading the tips in the Ecology reports
-Forgetting to eat when you have the chance, either in town before you begin, in camp as soon as you start, or after you get the "you can now eat again" message if a convenient opportunity comes up.

Other than that, it comes down to being familiar with your attack combos and knowing how to avoid or mitigate the monster's attacks, mostly.

Also a good tip for Rathian/Rathalos is sever the tail ASAP. No tail = no poison so you only have to deal with the fireballs

One of them (Rathalos I think) can also poison with their claws, but it's still worth taking the time to sever the tail.

2018-02-27, 04:14 PM
Oh, and something you may have missed because it took me forever to notice: standard free potions are upgradable. Set it to auto-craft and collect some honey before engaging, and you have free hi-potions.

2018-02-27, 06:45 PM
Oh, and something you may have missed because it took me forever to notice: standard free potions are upgradable. Set it to auto-craft and collect some honey before engaging, and you have free hi-potions.

I'm pretty sure that mega potions are set to auto craft by default. Unless you're referring to the weak potions you get from the mission chest. I don't find it worthwhile to upgrade those because they don't carry over once the mission is over so you're just wasting your honey.

I'd say standard hunting time is usually anywhere between 5 to 10 minutes once you learn a monster's pattern. Sometimes less. Once you get higher damage you can hunt a lot of things in a minute or two. Some of these methods are pretty cheesy though.

2018-02-27, 11:54 PM
One of them (Rathalos I think) can also poison with their claws, but it's still worth taking the time to sever the tail.

Rathalos only applies poison via claws. Still a good idea to go for the tail, it's an extra chance at plates, and gives a huge stagger.

I always run with armorskin and demondrug, megas for more scary hunts. Always always flash and dung bombs, specially cuz I pretty much always use Tzitzi headgear.

2018-02-28, 10:06 PM
I just got the game a few days ago and I just recently got to the Rotten Vale, but I am lrft with some questions as a newbie to Monster Hunter.

1) When is a good time to start taking on the apex predators in a given environment? My first instinct on seeing a monster is 'I want to fight it so bar's but this lead to me getting murder-dozed by an Anjanath in a story mission so I'm a little more weary of it now but I also really want to fight Rathalos, Diablos, and so on.

2) How well does old armor hold up and when is it time to upgrade? I rock Anja armor because of how cool I find that monster, I think its cool, and ojt of respect for being my most difficult hunts to date...am I going to be able to do that for much longer or is it necessary to change armies?

3) Where can I find Aquacores to forge up charms? How do I grow more than one thing at a time at the Botanist (is it story locked...?)? Any tips for the Long Blade (besides sever everything you can before going for a weakpoint) and/or sword and shield?

4) How much of this game should I expect to be able to do solo?

5) What's everyone's favorite monster in the game? I stick by Anjanath for as much as I've seen so far personally.

2018-02-28, 10:25 PM
1) When is a good time to start taking on the apex predators in a given environment? My first instinct on seeing a monster is 'I want to fight it so bar's but this lead to me getting murder-dozed by an Anjanath in a story mission so I'm a little more weary of it now but I also really want to fight Rathalos, Diablos, and so on.[/qupte]

Any time you feel comfortable. Eventually, the story makes you hunt most of the monsters at some point so not a real rush.

[QUOTE]2) How well does old armor hold up and when is it time to upgrade? I rock Anja armor because of how cool I find that monster, I think its cool, and ojt of respect for being my most difficult hunts to date...am I going to be able to do that for much longer or is it necessary to change armies?

Not to spoil much, but until you hit high rank I wouldn't farm low rank armor very hard. Just enough to let you beat what you need since all the low rank stuff becomes useless.

3) Where can I find Aquacores to forge up charms? How do I grow more than one thing at a time at the Botanist (is it story locked...?)? Any tips for the Long Blade (besides sever everything you can before going for a weakpoint) and/or sword and shield?

The ore is in Coral Highlands. The botanist is locked behind quests.

4) How much of this game should I expect to be able to do solo?

I'm hunter rank 101 with all optional quests done. Solo'd them all so...

5) What's everyone's favorite monster in the game? I stick by Anjanath for as much as I've seen so far personally.


2018-03-01, 09:54 AM
Tips for making rare drops less rare?

I'd like to forge Dear Lutemis (a CB), but it needs THREE Rathian spikes - and of the three Rathians I've hunted so far, none of them have dropped a single spike.

...wait a moment - on looking at the wiki page for the weapon, there are apparently two ways to make the weapon? There's "Create with" (materials) and "Craft with" (materials).

What's the difference between "Create" and "Craft"? Are there higher-tier weapons you can create from scratch, rather than having to upgrade an existing weapon?

2018-03-01, 10:07 AM
Tips for making rare drops less rare?

I'd like to forge Dear Lutemis (a CB), but it needs THREE Rathian spikes - and of the three Rathians I've hunted so far, none of them have dropped a single spike.

...wait a moment - on looking at the wiki page for the weapon, there are apparently two ways to make the weapon? There's "Create with" (materials) and "Craft with" (materials).

What's the difference between "Create" and "Craft"? Are there higher-tier weapons you can create from scratch, rather than having to upgrade an existing weapon?

Well, if you've unlocked the melder, and gotten far enough, you can just meld rathian spikes. Otherwise the Legiana 2 piece gives the Good Luck perk.

For the Create/Craft thing, some weapons can just outright be forged by using more and rarer materials instead of starting at the very start start of the tree and upgrading. Dear Lutemis is one you can just craft outright if you have the materials.

2018-03-01, 10:19 AM
Tips for making rare drops less rare?

I'd like to forge Dear Lutemis (a CB), but it needs THREE Rathian spikes - and of the three Rathians I've hunted so far, none of them have dropped a single spike.

...wait a moment - on looking at the wiki page for the weapon, there are apparently two ways to make the weapon? There's "Create with" (materials) and "Craft with" (materials).

What's the difference between "Create" and "Craft"? Are there higher-tier weapons you can create from scratch, rather than having to upgrade an existing weapon?

You can check your monster Field guide to see how to get each item. Capturing is pretty much always a good idea, as it gets you more and rarer materials.

Dear Lutemis can either be forged directly, or upgraded into, with different material requirements for each. Upgrading into it uses fewer Rathian materials.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-03-01, 10:41 AM
Rathian Spikes have a 60% drop rate when you carve a Rathian's severed tail, and low percentages for being rewards for breaking the back scales. So make sure you're doing those, and utilize your investigations. Any Investigation with Silver or Gold reward boxes will have I think about 20% chance of the spike.

2018-03-01, 12:33 PM
4) How much of this game should I expect to be able to do solo?

5) What's everyone's favorite monster in the game? I stick by Anjanath for as much as I've seen so far personally.

Just going to answer these two since the other questions were already answered.

The game is actually easier to solo than to play with other people. Monsters get buffed in multiplayer. Technically it's easier to play multiplayer if everyone in your group of 4 is competent, but my experience is that solo is normally easier than grouping with random people.

My favorite is also probably Anjanath. Most of the other difficult monsters tend to stay in their lairs or out of your way while you're hunting. Anjanath is a menace who shows up on every hunt while you're still too weak to deal with him.

Least favorite is probably Beetlejuice. He's not fun to fight, he's just tedious. Plus he roars constantly.
He's the only thing I ever bother using a dung pod on.

2018-03-01, 01:32 PM
Rathian Spikes have a 60% drop rate when you carve a Rathian's severed tail, and low percentages for being rewards for breaking the back scales. So make sure you're doing those, and utilize your investigations. Any Investigation with Silver or Gold reward boxes will have I think about 20% chance of the spike.

Virtues of grouping, gunners will be focusing "the sweet spot" from the side, breaking both wings and the back with piercing ammo. Anyone with slicing damage dives on the tail, and tanky folks/once the tail is dead sword users smash the face. Maximum part breaking, maximum reward chance.

Or you can do the Palico quest in the stink pit. I've gotten gems from plunderblade hits.

2018-03-01, 01:45 PM
Just going to answer these two since the other questions were already answered.

The game is actually easier to solo than to play with other people. Monsters get buffed in multiplayer. Technically it's easier to play multiplayer if everyone in your group of 4 is competent, but my experience is that solo is normally easier than grouping with random people.

My favorite is also probably Anjanath. Most of the other difficult monsters tend to stay in their lairs or out of your way while you're hunting. Anjanath is a menace who shows up on every hunt while you're still too weak to deal with him.

Least favorite is probably Beetlejuice. He's not fun to fight, he's just tedious. Plus he roars constantly.
He's the only thing I ever bother using a dung pod on.

When it comes to PC I'm planning to play with a friend or 2 of mine. I assume it scales differently with 2-3 than with 4? Don't really know how doable "this goroup of less than 4, and nobody else can pop in" is.

2018-03-01, 01:47 PM
When it comes to PC I'm planning to play with a friend or 2 of mine. I assume it scales differently with 2-3 than with 4? Don't really know how doable "this goroup of less than 4, and nobody else can pop in" is.

I've heard that the monster gets a flat buff as soon as a second person joins, and no further buff for 3 or 4 players.

So playing with 2 people is actually the hardest. Seems like kind of a rough mechanic to me. But I only play solo, so I'm just going off what I've heard.

2018-03-01, 04:41 PM
I've heard that the monster gets a flat buff as soon as a second person joins, and no further buff for 3 or 4 players.

So playing with 2 people is actually the hardest. Seems like kind of a rough mechanic to me. But I only play solo, so I'm just going off what I've heard.

Monster health is scaled at x2.8 for 2-4 players
Don't know if it impacts damage

2018-03-01, 06:55 PM
Monster health is scaled at x2.8 for 2-4 players
Don't know if it impacts damage

Monster damage IIRC doesn't scale with multiplayer, but every status threshold does. So good luck mounting in MP after the first time. The various parts HP also increase.

If you haven't checked/don't know the site, Kiranico has updated with the drop rate for all the materials. They're taken from the official guide, so they should be reliable.

2018-03-02, 04:10 PM
Monster damage IIRC doesn't scale with multiplayer, but every status threshold does. So good luck mounting in MP after the first time. The various parts HP also increase.

If you haven't checked/don't know the site, Kiranico has updated with the drop rate for all the materials. They're taken from the official guide, so they should be reliable.

Oh hey, thanks for the wiki recommendation - hadn't heard of Kiranico before. Looks super thorough!

Any other favorite community resources?

2018-03-02, 09:18 PM
Least favorite is probably Beetlejuice. He's not fun to fight, he's just tedious. Plus he roars constantly.
He's the only thing I ever bother using a dung pod on.

Bezelgeuse is a pain in the posterior. He's easily the most obnoxious monster in the game when it comes to butting his head in and attacking when you're hunting something else. Other serial offenders are Odogaron, Rathalos, and Rathian. I swear I can't go anywhere in the Rotten Vale without running into Odogaron in 30 seconds or less.

I've heard that the monster gets a flat buff as soon as a second person joins, and no further buff for 3 or 4 players.

So playing with 2 people is actually the hardest. Seems like kind of a rough mechanic to me. But I only play solo, so I'm just going off what I've heard.

This has been my experience. Playing with 2 players is significantly harder than playing solo (although this can be mitigated with good tactics and communication), and from there it gets easier the more players you add in, especially if one or two are gunners.

As for my own favorite monster, I really need to think about that. Nothing has given me the "Oh crap, it just got real" feeling more than the first time I fell into Diablos's lair, but I really don't enjoy actually fighting him.

I find Jyuratodus disgusting, Paolumu hilarious, Great Girros cool looking but irritating, and others like Anjanath, Tobi Kadachi, and Tzitzi Ya Ku just interesting. And I kinda feel bad for Pukei-Pukei, because it seems like his existence is just awful and painful. I almost feel like I'm doing Ol' Pukey a favor by putting him out of his misery.

Teostra is probably the coolest looking monster, which is why I'm really disappointed in the armor you can craft from him.

Trying to narrow down a favorite though... I'm just not sure.

2018-03-03, 01:01 AM
I found that once I reached tempered elders that 2 players was easier than solo. Mostly because I always play with another person and we have good teamwork, but also because you're splitting the aggro, so you're much less likely to get caught in an unescapible situation.

2018-03-04, 10:50 AM
*many hours into a male-character playthrough*

*finally checks out the female armor sets on the wiki*

Daaaaaang - I'm going to have to start a second playthrough just for some of these ladies-only armor sets. Okay, yes, some of the midriff-baring nonsense is silly, but I'm a huge sucker for the armored battle-ballgown look. The ladies definitely get the superior Rathian Set. Though overall, I think my favorite set for looks is the men's Brigade Set.

Y'all have any fashion favorites?

2018-03-04, 02:54 PM
*many hours into a male-character playthrough*

*finally checks out the female armor sets on the wiki*

Daaaaaang - I'm going to have to start a second playthrough just for some of these ladies-only armor sets. Okay, yes, some of the midriff-baring nonsense is silly, but I'm a huge sucker for the armored battle-ballgown look. The ladies definitely get the superior Rathian Set. Though overall, I think my favorite set for looks is the men's Brigade Set.

Y'all have any fashion favorites?

The final boss set also has a theme other than "be busy", and is especially good if you use the alpha helm on female characters

2018-03-05, 03:01 AM
I think my favorite monster is Rathian, it was the first major challenge for me, the first monster i looked at and thought "i will hunt you and your kind, i will master you and then wear your scales as my armor and weild your bones as my sword."

2018-03-08, 09:56 AM
You know it's a great game when the MVP can sometimes be a random monster halfway across the map.

So I'm hunting Monster A on a Capture mission, wear it down, get excited and plant the shock trap too early. Monster A gets away without setting off the trap. No problem, I have another one. Except...I chase after my prey without disabling the first trap.

So when I come up on Monster A sleeping peacefully in its den, I have a near panic attack when I try to plant my alternate shock trap and find that I CAN'T. It's not ALLOWED if you already have a trap planted and active!

So I'm wracking my brain to remember where I planted the first one, and smacking the sleeping monster awake so it doesn't get its health back, or whatever they get out of sleeping, because what do I know? And it wakes up and runs off again, and I run after it hoping against hope we stumble over the spot where I planted the first trap - and merciful providence be thanked, I get a notification telling me that Monster B has just accidentally blundered into it! I'm allowed to plant my alternate trap, get it right this time, and it's mission complete!

I don't know if I love or hate learning about the game mechanics in a state of confused terror, only to be given the win because of a random accident - but I'm leaning toward love.

2018-03-08, 12:25 PM
They do seem to heal over time as they sleep, but it's a negligible amount. The number I saw online was like 3HP a second, but I don't know if that's accurate.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-03-12, 01:12 PM
Yeah, yeah it figures. Finally find a Petricanth in the Elders Recess, and the VERY NEXT time I go to the Rooten Vale (and decide, hey, let's check for the Bristly Crake) there's another Petricanth in the Vale spot. Never mind how many times I've been here to check, just show up after I find you somewhere else.

2018-03-13, 05:57 PM
New monster, Deviljho, gets released tomorrow!

They also announced a Devil May Cry crossover like the streetfighter one where you can get a Dante(classic) armor set as well as a Force Edge chargeblade.

2018-03-14, 08:48 AM
New monster, Deviljho, gets released tomorrow!

They also announced a Devil May Cry crossover like the streetfighter one where you can get a Dante(classic) armor set as well as a Force Edge chargeblade.

Seems like it's released on the 22nd.

2018-03-14, 08:50 AM
Seems like it's released on the 22nd.

Nobody actually knows when it's going to be released - or where. It might be tomorrow. It might have been yesterday. It could appear anywhere, at any time.

It might be behind you, right now.

2018-03-14, 06:13 PM
So i was mistaken, what i saw a release date for was not deviljho, it was the release date for the release date of deviljho, which as stated above is the 22nd.

2018-03-15, 04:48 PM
I'm hoping for a larger than 1 monster DLC at some point. The subreddit seems to think a certain mountain is going to be home to a new biome off the coast. Otherwise I'm pretty well at the end state I'm happy with. I finished the quest that said "congratulations, you win", have little interest in farming tempered elders, and am not one of those people who the super-hard mode appeals to.

In any case, I've got all the elemental sets I need for whatever else shows up, my main piercing HBG set and Legia Shattercrist, and a neat dragon set that combines Vaal and cursed gear with those tier 8 Nerg claws (fashion hunter is end game)

2018-03-15, 07:35 PM
Because I only have a few hours to play every week, I actually haven't even finished the main campaign yet. Just fully upgraded my Legiana set and am now farming mats to fill out my Charge Blade armory. Slightly incredulous that the Jyuratodus gets its own weapon tree.

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-03-15, 11:10 PM
Jyuratodus only gets a tree to itself because it's the only Water Monster they included on the roster and they needed Water Weapons available.

I've made the jump from Insect Glaive to Gunlance. Actually being able to tank is quite fun. It's taking some getting used to.

2018-03-16, 03:45 AM
I wonder what water monsters they could bring back.

Zamtrios maybe? Or the various crabs I suppose.

Ceadeus wouldn't work without the underwater mechanics.

Cephadrome and Plesioth can both stay gone.

Amatsu would be good, especially since they probably want to focus more on the endgame.

2018-03-16, 08:40 AM
Zamtrios was always ice though, unless you're talking about tigerstripe. There's no ice biome for it to live, anyway.

Seltas (Queen) and Kecha Wacha also make water weapons.

2018-03-16, 10:53 PM
I just want more non-dinosaur/dragon/bird monsters. Gimme a queen for all those giant bees, or some giant moose monster.

2018-03-18, 11:22 PM
I just want more non-dinosaur/dragon/bird monsters. Gimme a queen for all those giant bees, or some giant moose monster.

Definitely agree with this. I was super hyped to encounter all the Elder Dragons for the first time because the game does a pretty good job building them up as the epic threats they're supposed to be... but honestly my reaction upon actually seeing them was mostly "oh hey, another dragon." Sure, dragons are cool, but there are a whole lot of them, and I don't feel like every single end-game monster should be a dragon, y'know? Hopefully as they add in more monsters via DLC it will add some greater variety.

On another note, I have discovered a deep and abiding hatred for Kushala Daora. Insect glaiving against him is an incredibly painful and unrewarding experience.
I don't have enough skill with the hammer to feel like I can take him on with it, and I haven't really invested hardly anything into any other weapons so far. And naturally, I need a bunch of pieces off him for various weapons and armor...

2018-03-19, 08:05 AM
Only 2 of the 5 elder dragons in the game are actually dragons, right? Vaal is a chicken skeleton, Kirin is a unicorn, and Teostra is a griffin/goat thing. None of them play like the traditional dragons either. I suppose I can see why you'd classify Vaal and Teostra that way, even though I don't really consider them dragons myself.

I want a new biome. Exploring a new biome and finding the new creatures that live there is the most fun part of the game to me. It's probably asking a lot to get an entire biome as free DLC though.

2018-03-19, 09:52 PM
Only 2 of the 5 elder dragons in the game are actually dragons, right? Vaal is a chicken skeleton, Kirin is a unicorn, and Teostra is a griffin/goat thing. None of them play like the traditional dragons either. I suppose I can see why you'd classify Vaal and Teostra that way, even though I don't really consider them dragons myself.

I want a new biome. Exploring a new biome and finding the new creatures that live there is the most fun part of the game to me. It's probably asking a lot to get an entire biome as free DLC though.

Vaal is a drake-archetype dragon yes, just with the thematics of death (it's name is a play on Val Hala, a Norse warrior afterlife).
Teostra is the late European variant of manticore (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manticore)

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-03-21, 01:09 AM
So, I know this thread is for World and all, but I just beat the main story of Monster Hunter Stories, the turn based monster collector spin off. I have to say, the story about forging unbreakable bonds and whatnot? Actually is a thing that happened throughout my adventure therein. I definitely bonded with my Monsties. Not with Ratha, the story-central Rathalos forced into your party and down your throat. But Sharkbait the Zamtrios, who stuck with me since the second zone and could take hits like a chilly champ? Or my Black Diablos, Ba'al, who bashed her way through everything in her way? They the real MVPs. But sure, force Ba'al to switch out of the final boss fight so Ratha can have the last hit. I mean, I had more investment in the Lagiacrus and Brachydios on the team, and they joined too late to be effective yet.

2018-03-21, 08:29 AM
So my first Rathalos fight was a ride!

Got into the quest, realized I'd forgotten to restock any poison-curatives. Said the heck with it, I'm going for it anyway. Got poisoned SO MANY TIMES. Managed to win anyway, only carted once.

At one point Tobi jumped into the fray. I accidentally jumped on Tobi's back instead of Rath's. Said the heck with it, I stabbed Tobi until I got the super-hit, and the super-hit damage splashed over to Rath, so hey, I guess that worked out.

Most hair-tearing WHY moment was when Rath hit the limp-away-to-nap state at the very BOTTOM of the map, flew straight up to the TOP of the map for his nap, leaving me to desperately run all. the. heckin'. way. back. to where the fight began - only to see him juuuuust standing up from his refreshing forty winks as I rounded the corner. *head-desk*

Oh yes, and this was the first mon I hunted where I came back from the first hunt without enough of the right mats to forge ANY of his armor set. Yayyyy.


2018-03-21, 08:32 AM
Oh yeah, tried the Kirin quest, realized I was fighting not so much a monster as a thunderstorm of AOE hell, and thought maaaaybe I'll leave ELDER DRAGONS alone until I've progressed a little farther in killing things that AREN'T ELDER DRAGONS.

But really, how do you fight the Pika-Unicorn? It seems like he enters a state where he's just continuously surrounded by a zone of electric death roughly an acre in area.

2018-03-21, 08:51 AM
But really, how do you fight the Pika-Unicorn? It seems like he enters a state where he's just continuously surrounded by a zone of electric death roughly an acre in area.

He does surround himself with an electric barrier preventing melee hits. At that point, his horn is the only damageable part.

Kirin is easier with a bowgun than melee, and you can cheese the fight really easy with sleep ammo > bombs. You can get 2, maybe 3 rounds of that, with slicing ammo in the meantime.

2018-03-21, 09:23 AM
So my first Rathalos fight was a ride!

Got into the quest, realized I'd forgotten to restock any poison-curatives. Said the heck with it, I'm going for it anyway. Got poisoned SO MANY TIMES. Managed to win anyway, only carted once.

At one point Tobi jumped into the fray. I accidentally jumped on Tobi's back instead of Rath's. Said the heck with it, I stabbed Tobi until I got the super-hit, and the super-hit damage splashed over to Rath, so hey, I guess that worked out.

Most hair-tearing WHY moment was when Rath hit the limp-away-to-nap state at the very BOTTOM of the map, flew straight up to the TOP of the map for his nap, leaving me to desperately run all. the. heckin'. way. back. to where the fight began - only to see him juuuuust standing up from his refreshing forty winks as I rounded the corner. *head-desk*

Oh yes, and this was the first mon I hunted where I came back from the first hunt without enough of the right mats to forge ANY of his armor set. Yayyyy.


It's easy to forget when you're caught up in the hunt, but if you get in a situation like this again, you can fast travel to any of your camps at any time, as long as you're not in combat. That can save you a ton of travel time.

2018-03-21, 09:29 AM
It's easy to forget when you're caught up in the hunt, but if you get in a situation like this again, you can fast travel to any of your camps at any time, as long as you're not in combat. That can save you a ton of travel time.


Thanks for the reminder! Too many mechanics in this game for a filthy casual like me. :smallbiggrin:

2018-03-21, 09:31 AM
He does surround himself with an electric barrier preventing melee hits. At that point, his horn is the only damageable part.

Kirin is easier with a bowgun than melee, and you can cheese the fight really easy with sleep ammo > bombs. You can get 2, maybe 3 rounds of that, with slicing ammo in the meantime.

I was thinking I would probably have to learn a ranged weapon to deal with some of the high-level mons. I've been 100% CB for most of the game. I think I'll try Bow if I do pick up something ranged. Fits more with the character aesthetic than the Bowguns.

2018-03-21, 01:17 PM
Kirin is also a lot easier with a weapon that has mind's eye (stops you from bouncing off) and some dragonseal (found on dragon element weapons and seals away some of an elder dragon's abilities, like Kirin's lightning cloak).

Switch axe does this fairly easily, not sure which other weapons have innate mind's eye.

2018-03-21, 01:59 PM
Kirin is also a lot easier with a weapon that has mind's eye (stops you from bouncing off) and some dragonseal (found on dragon element weapons and seals away some of an elder dragon's abilities, like Kirin's lightning cloak).

Switch axe does this fairly easily, not sure which other weapons have innate mind's eye.

The charged sword state of any CB is immune to bouncing, so there's that.

2018-03-21, 02:16 PM
Switch axe does this fairly easily, not sure which other weapons have innate mind's eye.

Long Sword's Spirit Slash combo has it.

2018-03-21, 04:38 PM
Kirin is also a lot easier with a weapon that has mind's eye (stops you from bouncing off) and some dragonseal (found on dragon element weapons and seals away some of an elder dragon's abilities, like Kirin's lightning cloak).

Switch axe does this fairly easily, not sure which other weapons have innate mind's eye.

Hunting Horn, after a self-improvement encore.
Hammer, Charged attack 2/3 in charged state.
Also IG and SnS aerial attacks have Mind's Eye, but good luck hitting Kirin with consistency with those.

Easiest way to deal with Kirin IMHO is a fire bowgun or bow, and aim for the face when he armors up.

2018-03-21, 04:44 PM
So, does poison shut down a Kushala's wind aura still?

2018-03-21, 05:22 PM
So, does poison shut down a Kushala's wind aura still?

They replaced it with the new Elderseal status that comes bundled on all dragon element weapons. It does something to all the elders, as best I know.

2018-03-21, 07:44 PM
Alright, that's good to know, thanks.

Does elderseal do anything to Nergigante?

2018-03-21, 10:10 PM
Yeah, it puts off and can shorten the duration of his rage(when he becomes redish)

2018-03-22, 12:18 AM
Oh yeah, tried the Kirin quest, realized I was fighting not so much a monster as a thunderstorm of AOE hell, and thought maaaaybe I'll leave ELDER DRAGONS alone until I've progressed a little farther in killing things that AREN'T ELDER DRAGONS.

But really, how do you fight the Pika-Unicorn? It seems like he enters a state where he's just continuously surrounded by a zone of electric death roughly an acre in area.

His move set is the most predictable in the game. Once you learn it Kirin will never hit you again. Most of the aoes actually have large safe spots you can stand in. The most dangerous part of the fight is that eventually you lose patience with how long it's taking, get greedy for damage, and tank a few shots you could have easily avoided.

2018-03-22, 01:52 AM
His move set is the most predictable in the game. Once you learn it Kirin will never hit you again. Most of the aoes actually have large safe spots you can stand in. The most dangerous part of the fight is that eventually you lose patience with how long it's taking, get greedy for damage, and tank a few shots you could have easily avoided.

This so much. Even on low rank, Kirin fights take a painfully long time (and at least for me, the gear you can make from them don't seem worth the trouble).

2018-03-22, 09:14 AM
Gotta agree. The Kirin is the most annoying monster in the base game, in my experience, at least in Tempered mode. Yes, his attacks are telegraphed more clearly than any other monster, but they hit hard, inflict a weakness to lightning (to make the rest hit even harder), and can cover huge areas of effect. Add in the monster's health, agility, the fact that it's a smaller target with only one real weak point, a weakness to one of the least useful elements in the game (few are weak to fire and many are resistant if not immune to it), and an Elder ability that makes them even more resistant to damage... Yeah, this tends to be a long bloody fight that is more of an endurance match than anything.

The only real advice I can give is to focus on the head and use some sort of a Nergigante weapon. The lightning sheath ability is its Elder ability, so you can counter it if you you use a weapon with Elderseal (which Nergigante weapons have in spades). It telegraphs its moves so it's not too hard to learn how to dodge its attacks, but it punishes mistakes harshly and takes such a long time to kill that it makes it easy to lose focus and slip up. Ranged weapons do well against him, partly because it gives you more time to react to its attacks and partly because its defense doesn't throw an archer off their tempo like it does a melee fighter. Other than that, thunder-resistant equipment and the thunder-proof mantle are your friends, as are the standard tactics like buffing items and food. I also find it easier to fight solo than in a group as its focus on AoEs tends to let it rack up the faints pretty quick against an unfocused pick-up group. An organized group, or at least a group of good players, can take it down fast, but there are few monsters that are more effective at tearing a typical group to ribbons in short order.

2018-03-26, 10:42 AM
My second whack at Kirin was a success! The first time, I didn't really notice that the blue lines on the ground telegraphed the lightning strikes. Once I saw that, it was a MUCH easier fight.

Charge Blade comrades - I spend almost all my time in sword+shield mode, with both charged, and I only whip out the axe for the SAED. I feel like I should use axe mode more, but I like S+S mobility and I want to save my phials for the SAED. How much time do you spend in axe mode?

Also, just unlocked high-tier armors. Any advice on prioritizing Alpha vs. Beta types, and which sets come in most handy in the end-game?

2018-03-26, 11:26 AM
I'd say Alpha vs. Beta armor should be decided on a case-by-case basis. The difference between them (other than cosmetic) is that Alpha sets have one additional ability built into them, while Beta sets have an open slot to add a decoration for an ability. So if the ability built into the Alpha set looks useful, use that. If not, get the Beta set and fill it in with whatever else you've got.

Stronger monsters will generally result in stronger armor, and the abilities that come with each set will be more or less useful depending on your preferred weapon and what you're fighting. I found elemental resistance to matter a lot more than in low rank, since certain attacks can do a LOT of damage if you're not well protected against them.

As for specific sets, I got a lot of mileage out of my Rathian armor. It lasted me up until I started making new armor out of elder dragons (I really like Nergigante armor, when you get there). It's particularly helpful against things with fire breath because it has decent fire resistance.

2018-03-26, 02:46 PM
If you want fire resistance starting out, make the Anjanath belt beta and stick a fire res decoration in there (you can have the elder melder make them, or should be able to soon). Instant Fire Resistance level 3, which more than covers your anti-fire needs.

In terms of what armour to make? Grab bits with attack boost, critical eye, weakness exploit in general for offence. Bone armour has a good chest piece and kula has nice legs. Handicraft can be decent for blademasters - the hornetaur legs and Zorah head have it.

I think Barroth and one of the metal armours have guard if you rely on that, or the bug helm and tobi armour if you prefer evasion like me. Earplugs are also good, as is windproof if you're fighting something that causes that.

You use charge blade, right? I think Focus and... Artillery? boost your weapon's special stuff?

2018-03-27, 01:58 AM
I've tried a lot of different sets and outside of weakness exploit the difference between them is pretty negligible. The most important thing is making sure you have enough armor to survive getting 1-shot. Everything else is pretty much quality of life changes or extremely build specific.

I tend to prefer the B sets just because they give you a bit more flexibility once you've built up a stock of decorations, but you end up with more than enough materials to make both A and B of most armor sets just from incidental hunting and quests.

2018-03-27, 07:38 AM
Thanks for the tips everybody!

How important do you think upgrading armor is? Low, mid, or high priority? Do you ever go out and farm spheres, or do you just take them as they come?

2018-03-27, 09:09 AM
You should keep whichever armour you use as upgraded as you can. Shouldn't be a problem to get the spheres, you get plenty just doing quests and completing bounties.

That said, it's not the end of the world if you have to wait a few quests, so long as you're not getting oneshot.

2018-03-27, 10:55 AM
Thanks for the tips everybody!

How important do you think upgrading armor is? Low, mid, or high priority? Do you ever go out and farm spheres, or do you just take them as they come?

It helps, but it's not super high priority. You should fully upgrade a set before you fight Nergigante so he doesn't one shot you over and over with his dive, but it doesn't matter other than that. You'll just be chugging more potions than usual. Some of the tempered monsters will also wreck your day if you're wearing low quality stuff I suppose, but I always had my sets maxed out by then.

You'll have plenty of spheres if you're focusing on just making a few armor sets to use. If you're the type of player who wants to have a different set for every occasion then spheres will be scarce. Personally, I don't have the patient for that kind of grinding so I never used more than half my spheres despite keeping several sets maxed, and never going out of my way to earn them.

2018-03-27, 11:13 AM
*embarrassed glance at fully-upgraded low-rank Jagras set*

2018-03-27, 11:51 AM
*embarrassed glance at fully-upgraded low-rank Jagras set*

Hey, if you like it and it works for you then great. I think I used the Jagras set for a long time too before I unlocked high rank stuff.

2018-03-27, 01:46 PM
Loving this thread!

Favorite moment in the game so far?

2018-04-01, 07:55 PM
So it's usually obvious from the monster's description if it's going to do fire, frost, lightning, blast etc. damage.

How can you tell when a mon is doing "Dragon" damage?

2018-04-02, 01:01 AM
So it's usually obvious from the monster's description if it's going to do fire, frost, lightning, blast etc. damage.

How can you tell when a mon is doing "Dragon" damage?

When they're a pickle.

No, really, I think joe is the only monster currently in the game who does dragon damage aside from the final boss.

Generally speaking dragon damage has a black and red glow or energy.

2018-04-02, 07:48 AM
Black or red glow, got it, I'll keep an eye out for that.

So what's up with A Colossal Task? How often does it recur? Is it my only chance to get Zorah mats now?


I haven't destroyed all the cores.
I haven't laid a finger on Nergi.
I haven't dropped any stalactites.

And yet I've beaten the mission twice now without any trouble whatsoever. Are the above "special objectives" completely negligible? Is there any way to fail the quest, except to stand there for who knows how long it would take Zorah to completely destroy the barrier? Will the difficulty of the quest scale as I level, maybe?

2018-04-02, 11:22 AM
The cores and stalagtites just add extra damage. Missing them just means you have to do some more damage in the cannons/ballistae phase.

Nergigante is entirely irrelevant in the Zorah Magdaros fight and can be safely ignored.

You can fail it if you don't do enough damage before Zorah destroys the barricade.

Dragon attacks are more often red and black, but they really just get used for any sort of energy blast that isn't one of the other elements. Joe and Stygian Zinogre use the standard colour, but Xenojiva and Dalamadur use white/blue and the Magala line uses purple etc.

2018-04-02, 01:45 PM
Right now the only skill in the world I care about is Earplugs. Nothing I hate more than having a random roar interrupt my attack chain. In fact, I think CC is my pet peeve in any game...

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2018-04-02, 07:48 PM
Someone on Reddit went into Zorah to deliberately try to fail, you have to do literally nothing for 17 minutes in the barricade phase before you fail.

And yes, that mission is the only way to collect ZM's materials, it shows up randomly when you complete quests or expeditions, and it stays around for two quests/expeditions/investigations and disappears again. The same goes for the final boss' mission.

(Starting on April 6 the Spring Event starts, and all previous event quests will be available for about two weeks, including event editions of these two random appearance quests, so if you still need his parts that's a good time to get them.)

2018-04-03, 02:41 PM
Right now the only skill in the world I care about is Earplugs. Nothing I hate more than having a random roar interrupt my attack chain. In fact, I think CC is my pet peeve in any game...

It really makes me mad that Earplugs is a 5-level skill. There's no reason for that other than to make it onerous to obtain. It should just be a 2-level skill, with level 1 blocking weak monster roars and level 2 blocking all monster roars (or maybe low rank/high rank). And since it seems like the vast majority of monsters can stun you with a roar it's almost a must-have skill, which severely restricts the number of viable build options.

2018-04-03, 04:39 PM
It really makes me mad that Earplugs is a 5-level skill. There's no reason for that other than to make it onerous to obtain. It should just be a 2-level skill, with level 1 blocking weak monster roars and level 2 blocking all monster roars (or maybe low rank/high rank). And since it seems like the vast majority of monsters can stun you with a roar it's almost a must-have skill, which severely restricts the number of viable build options.You can also guard and (with the evasion window skill) evade through roars. Hammers and Palicos can also give you earplugs via song.

Or just put up with them. The window between roaring and attacking is just long enough to dodge out of the way after the stun wears off. Earplugs is mostly useful for opening that time up to attack uninterrupted.

2018-04-04, 12:29 AM
What pisses me off more than roaring is Tremors. Your characters wabbleing around off balance lasts waaaay too long.

2018-04-04, 12:31 AM
The only monster I really like earplugs for is Bazel because he just roars constantly. It's more annoying than dangerous though. Rathalos will sometimes hit you straight out of a roar, but normally you have plenty of time to evade after one.

Overall I don't usually use them because the bit of extra damage you do from hitting during the roars is not worth the overall loss of dps during the other 98% of the fight.

2018-04-04, 02:53 AM
What pisses me off more than roaring is Tremors. Your characters wabbleing around off balance lasts waaaay too long.

Oh dear gods yes. Tremor duration is ridiculous.

2018-04-16, 02:24 AM
So what's up with A Colossal Task? How often does it recur? Is it my only chance to get Zorah mats now?

There's a second Zorah magderos battle: after you beat that quest, there's a random chance of the Zorah quest showing up again. After that you have 2 quests before it disappears again, which means 2 chances for more mats. If you need more after that, just go into SOS response mode at set it for 6-ish star quests: it will will show up again eventually.

I was just lucky with the RNG though and ended up getting enough mats with about 4 repeats. Incidentally, the zorah set is good early into high-rank and blast damage is fun in general, but it falls off defence-wise fairly quickly. I was glad to replace mine with high-rank Odogaron armour, for example. Also, you will want to go for the alpha version without decoration slots: it has better skills (earplugs! tremor resist!) and it'll take some time to get good decorations.

What I really want to see is a g-rank or raid-mode version of that battle, but everyone is on foot and there's no siege weapons to think of: Just you and the massive unstoppable turtle.

On a related note, I killed my first Nergante today: aside from the dive he doesn't seem so bad. He's fast, sure, but his attacks are mostly front-loaded so you're fine as soon as you're behind him, and his hitboxes are a lot tighter (read: favorable) than normal with the exception of the dive and his head-slam, and the former can be counted by flashpods. Though I have been carted by that dive more than once...

2018-04-16, 07:50 AM
Just completed the Blossom armor!

I know it's not quite as good as the true end-game sets, but it looks classy and has decent lightning defense.

Maybe now I won't triple-cart against that HR Tobi...

2018-04-16, 11:55 AM
Just made myself enough Bazelgeuse armor to get a full Earplugs skill last night. It turns out when I'm actually trying to fight him, rather than chase him away so I can fight something else, he wasn't that much trouble for me. My trusty Kadachi Pillar glaive made short work of him.

2018-04-16, 11:01 PM
Just made myself enough Bazelgeuse armor to get a full Earplugs skill last night. It turns out when I'm actually trying to fight him, rather than chase him away so I can fight something else, he wasn't that much trouble for me. My trusty Kadachi Pillar glaive made short work of him.

Then i guess its time for us to get you to fight those two tempered Bazelgeuse!