View Full Version : Aquatic Dragonborn Warlock, help in build needed

2018-01-26, 03:50 PM
If you were about to start a 6th level campaign, standard point buy (no clues about other players' PCs yet). My main idea is a not-fire related dragonborn Warlock, in order to take the Gift of the Depths invocation at 5th level to gain breathe water and swimming speed. Weapon will be a trident, I know it's not OP this weapon, but it follows the rule of fun. However, I don't want it to be a just plain disfunctional character. I plan to make it water-related (so no fire spells, as underwater combat rules states that it's the worst kind of damage underwater).

So, what do you think I should go with? I just need orientation in what kind of dragonborn, spell/invocation selection, warlock patron, feat, and maybe, just maybe if needed, a one or two level dip in other class.

My initial idea was gaining access to Trident proficiency, via Fighter or via Hexblade. But I think Greater Old One patron fits better with my water dragonborn idea. As for feats, I don't have a clue yet.

Sure invocation is only Gift of the Dephts, maybe Devil's Sight to see underwater.

As for spells selection, Armor of Agathys sounds nice, but no clue here neither.

So what are your thoughts?

2018-01-26, 04:02 PM
If you were about to start a 6th level campaign, standard point buy (no clues about other players' PCs yet). My main idea is a not-fire related dragonborn Warlock, in order to take the Gift of the Depths invocation at 5th level to gain breathe water and swimming speed. Weapon will be a trident, I know it's not OP this weapon, but it follows the rule of fun. However, I don't want it to be a just plain disfunctional character. I plan to make it water-related (so no fire spells, as underwater combat rules states that it's the worst kind of damage underwater).

So, what do you think I should go with? I just need orientation in what kind of dragonborn, spell/invocation selection, warlock patron, feat, and maybe, just maybe if needed, a one or two level dip in other class.

My initial idea was gaining access to Trident proficiency, via Fighter or via Hexblade. But I think Greater Old One patron fits better with my water dragonborn idea. As for feats, I don't have a clue yet.

Sure invocation is only Gift of the Dephts, maybe Devil's Sight to see underwater.

As for spells selection, Armor of Agathys sounds nice, but no clue here neither.

So what are your thoughts?

1. Depending on how your table feels about other books, the Guide To the Scarred Lands 5e book has a new Patron for Genies so you could take a Marid Padisha as a patron and a new warlock pact called Pact of the Sea, which gives you the cantrips Mending and Dancing lights, training in Vehicle (Sea) and Navigation tools, and a very minor wild shape as long as it is an aquatic beast.
It is 3rd Party though.

2. If you are not set in stone on the idea of Dragonborn there is the Triton race from Volo's they make pretty nice warlocks too, there is also the Tortle which fits thematically as well, maybe even a Lizardfolk.

3. Could just go pact of the blade if you want a trident and make it work better.

4. When it comes to multi classing with a warlock, you might be better off dipping the warlock than dipping something else. As much as I hate them Warlock 2/Storm Sorcerer is very good. There is also the Sea Sorcerer if you can use Unearthed Arcana.

2018-01-26, 04:20 PM
You can get trident proficiency with just regular bladelock, you don't need to go hexblade for that. As long as you manifest the blade with Pact of the blade, you're proficient.

Gift of the Depths is perfect for the role, flavorfully, and the Awakened mind boon from the GOOlock bonus slides in as well, as people can't talk much whilst underwater.

Also for GOOlock , you could grab Claw of Acamar as early as Level 3, allowing you to hit with Necrotic damage way before lifedrinker is available, and a strong predecessor to Eldritch Smite. However, RAW says that is for a flail - your DM may allow you to gain the benefits of Claw of Acamar with your trident though. Evard’s Black Tentacles are also on your Warlock list at level 7.

You'll be able to use Sculptor of Flesh invocation starting at level 7 to actually become an aquatic creature.

You can free up the invocation with grabbing a single level of Sea Sorcerer - it gives you underwater breathing, gives a swim speed equal to your walking speed, and augments your cold, force and lightning spells. You just won't be able to give other people underwater breathing for free.

Another option is a single level of Shadow sorcerer, that'll give free darkvision without Devil's sight and make you harder to kill. If you get to 3 levels of shadow sorcerer, you'll be able to do the Darkness/darkvision combo without using any Warlock Spell Slots.

2018-01-27, 11:33 AM
You can get trident proficiency with just regular bladelock, you don't need to go hexblade for that. As long as you manifest the blade with Pact of the blade, you're proficient.

Gift of the Depths is perfect for the role, flavorfully, and the Awakened mind boon from the GOOlock bonus slides in as well, as people can't talk much whilst underwater.

Also for GOOlock , you could grab Claw of Acamar as early as Level 3, allowing you to hit with Necrotic damage way before lifedrinker is available, and a strong predecessor to Eldritch Smite. However, RAW says that is for a flail - your DM may allow you to gain the benefits of Claw of Acamar with your trident though. Evard’s Black Tentacles are also on your Warlock list at level 7.

You'll be able to use Sculptor of Flesh invocation starting at level 7 to actually become an aquatic creature.

You can free up the invocation with grabbing a single level of Sea Sorcerer - it gives you underwater breathing, gives a swim speed equal to your walking speed, and augments your cold, force and lightning spells. You just won't be able to give other people underwater breathing for free.

Another option is a single level of Shadow sorcerer, that'll give free darkvision without Devil's sight and make you harder to kill. If you get to 3 levels of shadow sorcerer, you'll be able to do the Darkness/darkvision combo without using any Warlock Spell Slots.

Claw of Acamar is outdated.

But i like you're suggestions besides that. given that OP is allowed UA for Sea Sorcerer.

I would however Suggest Lizardfolk over Dragonborn. Ask DM if you can trade the Wisdom increase for Charisma instead.

2018-01-27, 08:32 PM
Claw of Acamar is outdated.

But i like you're suggestions besides that. given that OP is allowed UA for Sea Sorcerer.

I would however Suggest Lizardfolk over Dragonborn. Ask DM if you can trade the Wisdom increase for Charisma instead.

But Sea Sorcerer isn't official, is it? I'd prefer not to use UA material, it tends to be horribly broken just to gather hype in player tests...

2018-01-27, 08:38 PM
But Sea Sorcerer isn't official, is it? I'd prefer not to use UA material, it tends to be horribly broken just to gather hype in player tests...

Then i'd suggest Lizardfolk anyway. ask the DM for stat changes. Having Con and Cha instead of Con and Wisdom won't break anything.

2018-01-28, 03:01 AM
Alot of the battlefield ownership spells I think would suit you well. What says madness of the Deep, other than writhing tentacles binding and beating. Or a cloud of inky blackness from which even more tentacles burn and slurp?