View Full Version : Making character based on Odin's Cunning side.

2018-01-27, 05:42 AM
Hey guys! Looking for alittle help with flavor/mechanics for an inspired character named Jericho. This guy's whole deal is information. He focuses on gathering it, peering into the future, and always knowing whats going on. This is more important than combat ability for him. Being mysterious and a good face are also big pluses

His build is alittle MAD. My current plan is Ravenlock 6, Div Wizard 14

This has alot of benefits. Ravenlock gives me two familiars. the class one that works as a scout and buffs me but has to be close by, and a pact of the chain imp familiar that can be a raven and work as a scout at much farther. at 6 it also gives me the ability to fuse with my raven if I need a quick escape or to scout.

Div wizard of course gives me lots of ways to come off as mysterious, as well as change fate. Expert divination works well with warlock in recharging spell slots, and third eye opens up all kinds of possibilites with my scouts.

Now here are the problems.

I need to have a high Cha, Int, and at least medium Dex and Wis. This is pretty rough and I don't see a way around it. We are rolling though.
Race choice. What race would be best for this build?
Pact magic does not stack with spellcasting. This means ill never get above 7th level spells. This is really depressing in a high level game.
What invocations do I take? I get three. One almost has to go into Agonizing blast for damage. What would the other two be?
Is this character viable without DM fiat? Can I do enough mechanically without relying on the DM to let me gather info?

If anyone has ideas to shore up these weaknesses and questions, or suggest a different build entirely, I would really appreciate it! Alittle brainstorming on this forum always helps me make my characters more fun to play.

2018-01-27, 06:13 AM
Hey guys! Looking for alittle help with flavor/mechanics for an inspired character named Jericho. This guy's whole deal is information. He focuses on gathering it, peering into the future, and always knowing whats going on. This is more important than combat ability for him. Being mysterious and a good face are also big pluses

His build is alittle MAD. My current plan is Ravenlock 6, Div Wizard 14

This has alot of benefits. Ravenlock gives me two familiars. the class one that works as a scout and buffs me but has to be close by, and a pact of the chain imp familiar that can be a raven and work as a scout at much farther. at 6 it also gives me the ability to fuse with my raven if I need a quick escape or to scout.

How exactly do you get to "two familiars?"

2018-01-27, 06:19 AM
How exactly do you get to "two familiars?"

Raven Queen patron from Warlock & Wizard Unearthed Arcana gives a raven. He reflavored Raven Queen to Odin, who is also famed for having magical ravens.

2018-01-27, 06:55 AM
How exactly do you get to "two familiars?"

As above person said, but more specifically. Raven queen class ability provides raven that isnt from the find familiar spell. Warlock pact of chain provides improved find familiar spell for imp. You can get a third by making a homonculus, 6th level spell. Woo!

2018-01-27, 08:00 AM
Honestly if you want to know lots of info and look mysterious, you'd be better off with a Lore Bard.

2018-01-27, 01:08 PM
Honestly if you want to know lots of info and look mysterious, you'd be better off with a Lore Bard.

That's kind of against the character concept. He doesn't sing or play music. He relies on multiple familiars and divination magic. Nothing a lore bard could do

2018-01-28, 04:06 AM
That's kind of against the character concept. He doesn't sing or play music. He relies on multiple familiars and divination magic. Nothing a lore bard could do

Lore bard steals all divination spells wizards can’t get (like „divination“, a pure cleric spell) with his magical secrets, and the cutting words feature could be explained by him knowing where and how the opponent will move before they do themselves.
If you’re set on divination wizard, you’re good to go with a 2 level dip, for which you’ll only need a 13 in int, using only spells that don’t key off of your casting stat (shield, magic missile, unseen servant...). That should be manageable, especially with races that offer Boni to an assortment of at least two out of cha, int and dex (high elf, lightfoot halfling, tiefling).

2018-01-28, 04:18 AM
Lore bard steals all divination spells wizards can’t get (like „divination“, a pure cleric spell) with his magical secrets, and the cutting words feature could be explained by him knowing where and how the opponent will move before they do themselves.
If you’re set on divination wizard, you’re good to go with a 2 level dip, for which you’ll only need a 13 in int, using only spells that don’t key off of your casting stat (shield, magic missile, unseen servant...). That should be manageable, especially with races that offer Boni to an assortment of at least two out of cha, int and dex (high elf, lightfoot halfling, tiefling).

If I only took a level 2 dip, I wouldnt get almost any divination spells, unless you mean a bard/wiz build? This also still prevents me from getting my two familiars, which would be disappointing. Do you have any ideas to get around that?

2018-01-28, 04:45 AM
I actually was thinking about a very similar idea the other day, and I think the Bard as your main class actually works best for an Odin character on both a mechanical and a flavor level. The mechanical aspects have been mentioned above, but consider the flavor: Odin is a god of cunning and magic, an illusionist and shapeshifter who plucked out his own eye to gain ultimate knowledge and crucified himself to learn the secrets of sorcery. He's also a war god, a puissant fighter and brilliant tactician who leads the gods of the Aesir and serves as the patron of generals and berserkers. Finally, he is the keeper of the Mead of Poetry, which was brewed from the blood of the world's wisest man and is the source of all art and persuasiveness, he doles it out to those poets and thinkers he deems worthy, and is sometimes said to speak only in verse (in fact, the root of his name, óðr, can literally translate as "poetry" or "inspiration").

What one class would allow you to encompass all these aspects of Odin's character — trickster, leader, magician, warrior, poet — without even necessarily needing to multiclass? Only the Bard.

2018-01-28, 05:44 AM
If I only took a level 2 dip, I wouldnt get almost any divination spells, unless you mean a bard/wiz build? This also still prevents me from getting my two familiars, which would be disappointing. Do you have any ideas to get around that?

Simplest way: warlock/bard for the mentioned reasons.
Warlock means you‘ll attack with eldritch blast 90% of the time, so you can still go „dumb wizard*“ even if you want to go more into wizard; a triple class is possible, but still: bard has access to stuff wizards don’t even dare dreaming about. Bards don’t have to rely on music either, if that’s what’s repulsive to you about the class (which i totally understand!): you can still use a component pouch. For both classes even.
