View Full Version : How to out ran a 2 categories larger foe?

2018-01-27, 03:09 PM
Given that my character is a medium sized elf, and I need to out ran a Huge foe (he's escaping me) how can I out ran him?
Let's get to numbers, let's say I was about 30 feet away from him at the start, in his turn he make a full round action (50 feet * 4 = 200 feet), now it's my turn and I also make a full round action {(30 +10[haste]) *4 } =160 feet. I do not have fast movement feature of a barbrain class nor any other class.
How with magic items & tricks & anything you come up, can I out ran this Huge foe?
getting the fast movement feature without actully leveling in any class would be awesome too, but then I'm gonna need another boost so I can out ran him and not having the same movement speed.

Ty in advance

2018-01-27, 03:21 PM
Are you just looking for ways to increase your speed through a build path/purchased items, or are you looking for ways to go faster in this particular moment without any further preparation?

Also, a medium elf with haste on has a speed of 60 not 40. You're already faster.

2018-01-27, 03:21 PM
Expeditious Retreat and Longstrider are your friends. Else, you only have to runter faster than the dwarf or halfling. Beyond that, the combat rules most often fail to do their job and there're sub-systems for things like "chases", which should be used instead.

Doctor Awkward
2018-01-27, 03:23 PM
Given that my character is a medium sized elf, and I need to out ran a Huge foe (he's escaping me) how can I out ran him?
Let's get to numbers, let's say I was about 30 feet away from him at the start, in his turn he make a full round action (50 feet * 4 = 200 feet), now it's my turn and I also make a full round action {(30 +10[haste]) *4 } =160 feet. I do not have fast movement feature of a barbrain class nor any other class.
How with magic items & tricks & anything you come up, can I out ran this Huge foe?
getting the fast movement feature without actully leveling in any class would be awesome too, but then I'm gonna need another boost so I can out ran him and not having the same movement speed.

Ty in advance

Well assuming I read this correctly...

Haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) is a 30 foot bonus to your movement rate, not 10. It doubles your normal movement, up to an additional 30 feet to the speed.

2018-01-27, 03:59 PM
Also, a medium elf with haste on has a speed of 60 not 40. You're already faster.

Well assuming I read this correctly...

Haste (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/haste.htm) is a 30 foot bonus to your movement rate, not 10. It doubles your normal movement, up to an additional 30 feet to the speed.

Damn what a fool I am.... I think that for years we have been playing haste in an incorrect way... Should have checked by myself and not take a word from anyone...
Anyway, thank you very much for showing it to me.
Is there any other possiblites (that stack with haste) which can improve my movement speed? or slow the other target down? via magic items if possible

2018-01-27, 05:42 PM
Well, you could always take a level of barbarian...

2018-01-27, 06:45 PM
there are many different pieces of equipment or feats that you can take to increase your speed in traditional and non traditional ways.

2018-01-27, 07:05 PM
Expeditious Retreat increase your speed of 30 feet and is not capped at doubling your speed unlike haste who increase your speed of 30 feet up to twice your base speed it is also a lower level spell but you can not stack the two because they both give an enhancement bonus.
If dark chaos shuffle is on the table then there is a psionic feat that increase your speed by 10 feet and which require you to have a psi point but you can get it from another feat so dark chaos shuffle two feats for getting an extra 10 feet to your base speed.
Then there is the run feat too.

2018-01-27, 10:19 PM
This isn't really a rule, but if I were GMing I'd definitely consider making something count as difficult terrain influenced by your size. If it's a somewhat dense forest, a larger character might have a harder time pushing through than a smaller character. A huge character's what, 20-30 feet tall usually? Most of the trees could be at least as tall as them, and you might be at an advantage ducking under the lower branches

Also, I've seen a few melee characters dip cleric with the travel domain for the speed boost, that can be worth while

2018-01-27, 10:27 PM
The turn-based nature of D&D makes catching up to someone a bit annoying to figure out. I suggest tweaking some version of Pathfinder's Chase rules (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/other-rules/chases/), which will then allow you to decide whether your size (or that of your quarry) conveys any special advantages or drawbacks.

2018-01-29, 02:01 AM
The quick trait from Unearthed Arcana increases your land speed by 10 in exchange for -1 hit point per level.

The Fleet of Foot regional feat from Player's Guide to Faerūn increases your base land speed by 10 as well, provided you are a human, elf, or half-elf and are wearing light or no armor and not carrying a heavy load.

As mentioned earlier, both hidden talent from Expanded Psionics Handbook and Wild Talent from Lords of Madness give you power points, which qualify you for the psionic feat Speed of Thought from the Psionics Handbook. Speed of Thought gives you +10 land speed so long as you are psionically focused and have one power point in reserve. The only downside is you must take hidden/wild talent at first level. Take Hidden Talent if possible, since it 5 allows you to also learn a first level psionic while Wild Talent does not.

The dash feat from Song and Silence gives a +5 bonus to all forms of movement as long as you are wearing light or no armor and not carrying a heavy load. +5 is not worth a feat unless you're playing a gimmick character.

The run feat from Player's Handbook allows you to move 5x speed when you take the run action instead of 4x speed. This is only situationally useful and probably not worth it.

The dark template from Tome of Magic adds +10 to all of your movement speeds for LA+1. Iirc there's a magic item that gives you the benefits of this template for around 20k gp.

A pair of boots with continuous expeditious retreat would give a +30 enhancement bonus to speed for the cost of 4k gp (table for custom magic items is in the Dungeon Master's Guide).

And of course, barbarians, monks, and scouts all gain fast movement. The best fast movement progression outside of base classes is from the blade dancer PrC from Oriental Adventures.

2018-01-29, 02:53 AM
Another trick would be to pick up the Travel Devotion feat. You can expend your swift action to take a move action. So you can do a full round move/run, and then move + your speed on top of that by spending your swift action 1/day for 10 rounds, per number of times you have either taken the feat, or per 1 + 1 for every 2 turn undead attempts you can spend to activate it.

2018-01-29, 11:45 AM
You can of course just try to run through a door, hallway, building, crevice, whatever, that's less than 15' x 15' and force the enemy to squeeze.

2018-01-29, 11:55 AM
For magical solutions, you could use Launch Item to fling Caltrops to just in front of the target. (Since it's Huge, a tanglefoot bag wouldn't be useful). Transmute Rock to Mud and Hold Monster are other possibilities. If he's within close range, you have a few other magical options, like Slow, or Command.