View Full Version : Applying Poison

2018-01-28, 02:07 PM
Applying poison is best done in huge vollies of attacks. Not only because huge vollies mean that if you have only a 1/20 chance of them failing the save means that you need about 20 attacks to land the poison, but also because of the "stacking" component of poisons.

Problem is that a weapon can only have 1 application of poison at a time, and applying poison takes combat actions, making melee poisoning (by 1 person) a poor proposition. Arrows lose the poison, by virtue of being destroyed, if they so much as miss, making that an even more expensive option.

But, if we take quick draw, and Blink Back Belt, we can load up 4 poisoned daggers, and essentially that we'll force 4 saves against poison before resorting to melee.

...I guess you could skip out on the BBB and just load up with massive bandoliers of poisoned daggers, and simply drop them (as a free action) when you've applied the poison. Actually...I unfortunately happened upon the Bandolier (http://paizo.com/pathfinderRPG/prd/ultimateEquipment/gear/adventuringGear.html#bandolier)as an actual item. Why... Well shiv. Would buying the sheaths, and then tying them together with leather also make it take the action of a bandolier? Ah. Who cares, just have regular knife sheaths everywhere. That'll be fine.

So, ignoring the cost of poisons, having a bunch of expendable, poisoned melee weapons (which could be thrown) is the best way of applying poison?

2018-01-28, 07:54 PM
Triple Weapon Capsule Retainer (CAdv) - 3 doses of poison ready to be applied as a swift action.
There's also the Toxic (+1) enhancement (DoTU) which makes each application of poison last for 2 hits.
While you're at it you can also use the Assassination enhancement from the Cityscape WE to increase the DC.

Cost is pretty much a non-factor for any use besides Poison Spell thanks to Hidden Talent:Psionic Minor Creation.