View Full Version : DM Help I'm looking for decent (for free) DM apps.

2018-01-28, 05:33 PM
So, I've recently lost all my awesome DM tools because my computer finally died after a proud and noble 11 year run. One of my players generously bestowed upon me a tablet, which I'm typing on now, for which I'm truly grateful. But now I must start over from scratch, because the awesome DM tools that I made were made for a Mac.

I've still got a Play-by-Post to run, and my players are counting on me. But I need to start over with my tools and resources, so they might as well be new, and obviously compatible with Android. And that's where I need help. I don't know how to make apps for Android, and frankly I don't care to learn. I just want to download some freeware, because I'm just a poor boy from a poor family and I don't have the funds to load up on fancy top dollar apps.

Mostly, I need something that can load dungeons and battle maps. I remember once, when playing a PbP here on the Playground, there was a battle map that allowed the players to control their own "figurines" which would be ideal for me, since I can't run multiple windows at once anymore (I often work with a dozen windows and at least 5 tabs when DM'ing a campaign, so this is going to be an adjustment for me).

It would be nice to also have a rules compendium, monster compendium, NPC generator, and a treasure generator... but these would just be nice conveniences. I truly can't run a combat without a battle grid, and I have no idea how people do it.

Does anyone know any serviceable apps?

2018-01-29, 12:20 AM
I would suggest making a run to your local GoodWill computer center....you can get good deals on used systems, including laptops (Mac and PC)

2018-01-29, 12:30 AM
did you seriously not back any of these things up? Also when it comes to freeware products most of them suck

Like currently you can get a refurbished mack book pro for like 348 on new egg that ins't exactly terrible or buy a mac mini for under 500 which would do most of what you wanted.

The Random NPC
2018-01-29, 02:26 AM
I hear maptools is pretty good.

2018-01-29, 08:23 AM
Yes... I backed all of them up, onto an external hard drive formatted for Mac. I don't wish to embarrass myself with the gritty details of my financial status, but let's just say I do what I can to cover the expenses of food, water, and shelter... sometimes, I can't quite do that. Instead of having money, I just take care of, and make do with, what I have. Hence, the 11 year old Mac. To me... $300-$500 of spending money is a small fortune and some lavish far off dream that is unlikely to come true. The truth is, I'm just grateful one of my players cared enough to get me this tablet. It's worth the adjustment I have to make, and I'm confident I can figure it out if I'm tenacious enough.

@Random NPC:
Thanks! I'll check it out!

2018-01-29, 08:35 AM
I use an iPad so I don’t know if all of these are available for Android, but I use:

GameMaster5 - mainly for running combat encounters, tracks initiative, Enemy HP and conditions, also includes a compendium of rules, spell descriptions, statblocks etc. Very nicely presented and interactive - I honestly think it’s better than DnD Beyond in this respect. Limited to SRD content but you can add your own too.

TrunkNotes - a personal wiki app that can include images. Each quest, NPC, location etc has their own page. Location pages have a key - the page with the big hex map has a key with links to the pages for each location, etc.

Skitch - a decent app for altering images (putting my own pins on maps).

The maps themselves I get from Pinterest.

2018-02-01, 11:50 AM
At a glance, Gamemaster5 looks amazing... and also reminds me that I really need to make the jump to 5E. I play 3.5, so I probably can't use the rules compendium but initiative and status tracking is still totally cool!

Thanks for the help, HidesHisEyes

2018-02-01, 09:10 PM
Roll20 is pretty good for mapping type stuff, as well as having at least some amount of rules stuff built in. (The 5e srd seems to be in there, at least). That might well be the program you used before. Unfortunately, it doesn't support tablets without a (admittedly very cheap) subscription.

Do you play in person? Pen and paper or dry erase maps are perfectly functional.

2018-02-01, 10:19 PM
I run nearly all my campaigns on the Playground. Finding 4-6 people who are A) willing to play and B) able to coordinate a schedule is practically impossible. Roll20 is pretty awesome, and the subscription fee is only $5 a month, or$50 a year. I want it, but for now, free is my budget.

I checked out Dungeon Sketch; it's clunky, but pretty decent. And the basic package is free to use. I have to take screen shots and upload to Google Drive each turn, but that's only a minor inconvenience. So, it looks like I'm going with that. Maybe when the tax returns come around I can upgrade.

I went ahead and downloaded Gamemaster 5. It helped me build my first 5E character, so I'm feeling pretty good about that as well.