View Full Version : Off-list Spell Scroll Learning without stepping on toes - houserule

2018-01-29, 12:29 PM
One of my players, a Cleric of Knowledge has left the party (player wanted to roll a new character, and found a monastery to retire happily to, to replace his brother, who died in a recent fight to protect the monastery - rule 101 of adventuring, don't have long lost brothers - the player and I agreed in private over the plot and death of said family member). They left in a rather emotional manner, as this dude has been rather key for the party, and has properly decided to give up everything, donating their wealth to a suitable charity, and the rest of their adventuring gear to the party. This player was immensely fond of scrolls, and there were a ton of Cleric spells based in there, but now the party is without a Cleric. The Cleric, and the Abjuration Wizard got on very well, and Mr C bequeathed their store of scrolls to the Mrs W as a goodbye.

However, we have a Thief Rogue in the party, but they are much happier with typically being Rogue's and doing the whole Bonus Action healing kit thang, but at the same time, have happily "borrowed" a scroll on occasion to cast away.

I really, really don't want to devalue the Thief Rogue, because they literally took that class for that feature, but at the same time, want the Cleric's gift to mean something that the Wizard can use. The Wizard has the prodigy (Arcana) feat, and consequently are knocking about with a +15 to the check at the moment. This means that anything they want to do is trivially easy relating it to an Arcana Check, but what I've come up with is the following is a Downtime rule so that they can take some time). I'm okay in this setting to replace Workweek with Workday in our setting, and day is replaced with 2 hours work.

Any Character with the Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature may attempt to understand an identified spell scroll, you must pass a number of Spellcasting ability checks, equal to the minimum level of spell slot which may be used to cast the spell. The DC of the check is 10+the spell scrolls level. One check may be made after completing a full Workweek, spending their time to understand it's magic. The Help Action may not be used in conjunction with the check unless the individual using the Help Action spends the same amount of time, and has the spell on their Spell List. If a character has multiple spell lists, they must choose to which spell list they are adding it to, and must use the relative skill check. A Warlock/Wizard who wishes to add a spell to their list of known spells much choose to which class list they are adding it to; if they choose a Wizard, they must make the Spellcasting ability check with Intelligence, and Charisma should they choose Warlock.

Passing the spellcasting ability check advances the amount of work completed by 1 week. For every 5 points you exceed the Spellcasting ability check by, you advance by one additional week.

If a character trying to add Spell Scrolls to their class spell list has proficiency with the Arcana check, they may attempt to take an Arcana check immediately before each spellcasting ability check to add the Scroll to their class list. The DC for the check is 20, plus the minimum level of spell slot which may be used to cast the spell. On a success, you add +5 to the Spellcasting ability check. At the DM's discretion, this can be expanded to allow a character with the Sage background without requir.

I feel that this helps out the Arcana invested wizard by being able to fairly easily add +5 to every other check even on as high a 9th level spell, so that it's sensible, but still keeping to 5e's "square hole, square peg design", so that it allows other classes to do the same thing, but also not step on peoples toes when they specifically go through multiclassing, or choose specific classes for their abilities.

What is everyone's opinion on this houserule?