View Full Version : Player Help Nature's Champion: Changing the Divine Soul?

2018-01-30, 07:44 AM
I'm considering playing a Druid as I'd like to take on a Shamanistic role in my party. However, I don't really want access to Wild Shape and I definitely don't want to be affiliated with a wider Druidic organisation.

Do you think it would be significantly game impacting if I asked my DM if I could refluff Divine Soul and instead give my character access to Druid spells rather than Cleric spells? I imagine not much thought has been given by WotC on using metamagic with Druid spells, but I'd quite like to roll up my sleeves and get into battle using some of those buffs.

What do folk think?

2018-01-30, 07:53 AM
I think it's fine. I would accept such character. Mb I wouldn't allow multiclass.

I'd talk to the player that if any unexpected gamebreaking sinergy appears, the 'balance hammer' would come in play. If he is ok with that, go for it.

2018-01-30, 07:56 AM
Out of the top of my head i'd say you'd be better off taking the barbarian.
Some of his subclass would probably have a better taste of a shaman.

Though when I saw your title "Nature's Champion", first thing that poped into my head was a paladin of the ancient. But it doesn't go with the shaman feel you want.

As for what you asked to refluff the divine soul with the druid spell list, i'm away from books but i think it would do the trick and shouldn't be harmful. I'd allow it.

2018-01-30, 08:24 AM
I think being open to a DM banhammer is more than fair. I guess what balances it for me is the fact that Sorcerers still have a tiny spell selection so as long as spell choices are discussed one level ahead there shouldn't be anything too unexpected, it's only going be different from a normal Druid because of metamagic which in most cases doesn't change the power of the spell itself. The exceptions are things which have been Extended - Healing Spirit becomes crazy value and unlimited out of combat healing if you extend it to last several hours. Definitely worth a discussion as even though that's powerful it eats your concentration so there's a clear trade off. But yeah, open to the DM to decide.

I agree that Barbarian has some of the flavour that I want and if I were to multiclass it'd definitely be that. But to me rituals and perhaps even healing are part of that, including communing with nature spirits and animals. A Barbarian can't do that out of the box (well, they can commune with animal spirits of course, but they get buffs not guidance, for example).

2018-01-30, 08:35 AM
There are a few minor synergies here. Healing Spirit + Empowered Healing. Quicken Spell + Moonbeam. Careful Spell + Tidal Wave. Heighten Spell + Scrying.

Nothing game breaking but definitely synergizes better with metamagic than the Cleric list.

2018-01-30, 08:39 AM
I have played a sorcerer with the druid list before (instead of the sorc list) and it seemed pretty fair and balance. I would say you should go for it.

2018-01-30, 08:41 AM
There are a few minor synergies here. Healing Spirit + Empowered Healing. Quicken Spell + Moonbeam. Careful Spell + Tidal Wave. Heighten Spell + Scrying.

Nothing game breaking but definitely synergizes better with metamagic than the Cleric list.

Healing spirit would be definitely a problem (it already is, as is).
Quicken + Moonbeam - meh
Careful + Tidal is veeery nice, I like it.

2018-01-30, 09:03 AM
Go for it, seems all right just be careful about spell choice like always with sorcerers.

Alternatively you don’t need identify with the Circles if you want to. You could be a stand alone Druid, mostly self taught. Shepherd is really good for a natures champion, (if you consider calling upon nature to solve your problems every chance you can being a champion ) but ancients paladin could work or a nature Cleric or a ranger .

2018-01-30, 10:19 AM
Thanks folks, we'll see what my DM says. I like Shepherd Druid well enough, so perhaps I can fall back on that if this won't fly, although I think that's objectively far more powerful than a Sorcerer with the Druid list!

2018-01-30, 10:57 AM
Healing spirit would be definitely a problem (it already is, as is).
Quicken + Moonbeam - meh
Careful + Tidal is veeery nice, I like it.

Actually, checking the spell, Sorcerers can already cast Tidal Wave. It's on the Sorc list too.

2018-01-31, 12:25 PM
I got the go-ahead from my DM.

Any suggestions on spells and metamagic? Going to be a pretty squishy party with Bard (not sure on College), Monk (Sun Soul) and Warlock (Hexblade).

I'm going to have to do my share of the healing (probably out of combat) as I'll be able to get lots of mileage out of Healing Spirit (and Goodberry from level 1), but I think I'd like to use more of the BFC route than blasting as with this composition I think we're going to need to be more stealthy and sneaking past foes than blasting that whole tribe of goblins...

But the BFC don't seem to work so well with Twin and I'm not sure of the need for Quicken, Extend or Distant (the last two are great for buffs though). Is Careful the way to go to protect allies whilst use BFC?

Current plans for level 1 (probably as a Half Elf) are :

Cantrips: Druidcraft, Guidance, Minor Illusion & Shillelagh
Level 1: Entangle & Goodberry

Any help gratefully received.

2018-01-31, 12:45 PM
Careful spell is great for this, subtle spell is also wonderful.

I would recommend loading up on druid spells for flavour.

Also find the spells that scale really well. If you don't feel the need for multiple level 2 spells then it frees you up for both conjure animals and fireball for level 3 slots (for example).

You may find that you can do without some levels - spells can be converted to sorcery points for example. More careful faerie fire per day might be good. Druid has great concentration spells so spending a few more turns per day casting cantrips is ok.