View Full Version : Coordinated Attack: Need some ideas

2018-01-30, 09:56 AM
I am looking at designing a feat that allows a character to fight better with a second character. Something that allows characters to do combos and other stuff that the current initiative system doesn't allow to a satisfying degree. Any idea for what this could look like?

2018-01-30, 10:14 AM
Wolf Barbarian with Alert feat has melee sinergy for 'coordinated attacks'

2018-01-30, 11:27 AM
While that is fun it isnt what I am looking for. I want it to allow new ways to play not just add advantage for being next to your teammate.

Quoting another thread

Side initiative has sparked some of the most fun and creative moments I have ever elicited from my players in relation to their interaction with the environment. Lots of moments that were made possible by the simultaneous turns that the party took. The fighter and barbarian grabbing a ghoul and slam dunking him into a toilet in an old abandoned keep, sending him into the sewers. Players can move to flank at the same time, eliminating the need for readying actions and other things that can be particularly cumbersome for new players. The paladin and fighter at one point grabbed an oil slathered log they brought along to a kobold lair and grabbed it in their turn and tossed it at the kobolds, and simultaneously the wizard pegged it with a firebolt setting it aflame and obliterating the poor kobolds. These things arent really possible with regular initiative (or they are but are extremely cumbersome to do and most players would just wave it away and resign themselves to another round of attacking). Side initiative opens up the minds of a lot of players by letting them move freeform in their own round. Which relates to my next point.

I want a feat to enable gameplay similiar to this in normal initiative rules.

2018-01-30, 04:21 PM
Playing as a Lore Bard, I managed a few Coordinated tactics with my party, sometimes even on purpose and not by coincidence.

In a fight against a Vampire and his enthralled mage, I had a good initiative roll, and decided to open the offensive with a Blindness against both the Mage and the Vampire, hoping to take out their Line of Sight, limiting their spells and eye charm. This forced the Mage to Counterspell. But right next, the party Warlock used Banishment, taking the Mage out of battle for a moment, and also drawing away the atention of the Vampire from the frontline to himself - and he was good 60 ft+ behind.

Another time, we were fighting against a bunch of Mystics, they were invading our ship and had a lot of mobility. I went for cover, called the party's Barbarian who would act next to come 5ft from me, and readied my action for a dimensional door to flank the enemy leader - my trigger was so I used my reaction to unleash Dimensional Door right before my own next turn, so I used my action to knock prone the enemy for the Barbarian to cut with his Halberd. It worked so well, next time we tried this, the party rogue readied his action to shoot his arrow right as we teleported to the enemy, so he could sneak attack.

Doug Lampert
2018-01-30, 04:31 PM
I want a feat to enable gameplay similiar to this in normal initiative rules.

Coordinated Action:
1) When any ally calls on you for assistance you may spend your reaction to move your standard move to a location adjacent to the ally and to attempt the "aid another" action to assist in something he is doing.
2) When using aid another you may choose to roll the check, attack, or save as if you were taking the action yourself and your ally uses the higher of your roll and his own rather than rolling with advantage.
3) If any adjacent ally has a shield, you receive a +1 to AC. If you have a shield then every adjacent ally receives a +1 to AC (this effect does not stack if multiple characters have this feat, a single character can only receive a single +1 to AC due to an adjacent ally with a shield).

2018-01-31, 04:31 AM
I want a feat to enable gameplay similiar to this in normal initiative rules.

Aren't those examples basically clever usages of battlefield oddities though? That's mainly a DM's job to put in those in battles and spice things up.

If you really need a feat, though, some ideas:

Coordinated Attacker

-You can delay your initiative once per short rest(works like 3.5e).

-You gain advantage on attack rolls & skill checks when interacting with or targeting objects that an ally has interacted with this round.

-You gain advantage on Athletics checks against enemies that an ally has attacked this round.

2018-01-31, 10:11 AM
This is broad sketch stuff, but I'd focus on Help, Use an Object, Ready, and Improvised Actions for designing this feat. Not so much the initiative stuff, however. Here's a quick and dirty attempt: :smallsmile:

Team Player
* When you use the Ready action, you may Help or Use an Object as a Bonus Action.
* When you Improvise an Action you may take Disadvantage on it to avoid harming most of your allies, if contextually reasonable.

2018-01-31, 11:15 AM
There is a lot of good ideas here. What about something like:

Team Player:
* If you do not move on your turn and you use the ready action you may may up to your movement speed as part of the reaction.
* When you use the ready action you may may use Help action as a bonus action.
* When you hit a creature with an attack roll, they may not take reactions until the end of the current turn.

2018-01-31, 11:20 AM
How about one that just makes the Hold action more usable?

You may delay your turn in combat. If you do, choose a friendly creature engaged in the same combat. You take your actions during that creature's turn.

This would allow martials to "hold" more than one attack, among other things.