View Full Version : Expeditious Retreat = Dash x2 on a single turn?

2018-01-30, 01:19 PM
So looking over Expeditious Retreat, I was wondering if you can use it's effect and during the same turn, either before or after, use your regular action to Dash a second time during the same turn. Is this legal to do?

2018-01-30, 01:26 PM
So looking over Expeditious Retreat, I was wondering if you can use it's effect and during the same turn, either before or after, use your regular action to Dash a second time during the same turn. Is this legal to do?

Absolutely. A Rogue 2 can do the same all day long--BA dash (cunning action) + action dash. Same with a monk (spending ki points).

2018-01-30, 01:28 PM
You can move you 30', use your regular action to dash for another 30', then because of Expeditious Retreat use your bonus action to dash again for 30' for a total move of 90' in a round. Rogue can do the same with Cunning Action.

2018-01-30, 01:44 PM
You can move you 30', use your regular action to dash for another 30', then because of Expeditious Retreat use your bonus action to dash again for 30' for a total move of 90' in a round. Rogue can do the same with Cunning Action.

But when combined with Longstrider cast on a previous turn, it increases to 120' of movement (40' + 40' + '40 = 120')

2018-01-30, 01:50 PM
Then you've got hasted tabaxi rogues going 120ft move + 120ft dash action + 120ft dash bonus action + 120ft dash using haste extra action= 480ft in a round, or about 55 miles per hour. Add the mobile feat for 640ft and more like 75 mph.

This is fine, but eventually this sort of math-y-ness leads to the pigeon-powered faster-than-light tunnel-fighting vengeance paladin, and nobody wants that.

2018-01-30, 01:52 PM
Dash is double movement, actually, so that would be 150' of movement, not 90', but still, that's a lot of distance covered. But when combined with Longstrider cast on a previous turn, it increases to 200' of movement (30' x 2 = 60' x 2 =120' + 30' = 150', or with Longstrider, 80' + 80' + 40' = 200')
Each Dash gives you extra movement equal to your speed. It doesn't double movement.

Edit: nm, I see you caught that.

2018-01-30, 01:58 PM
Each Dash gives you extra movement equal to your speed. It doesn't double movement.

Edit: nm, I see you caught that.

Yeah, I've never had much need for it and wasn't sure of it gave double movement, but apparently a dash merely counts as 2 uses of your full movement AS your movement AND your (standard) action, so you only dash 2 times and don't get to use your normal movement as well to move a third time... At least I THINK that's how it works...

Math is hard. : /

*sighs* Okay... Longstrider adds 10' of movement to increase movement speed from 30' to 40'. A Dash is double movement so that's 80' of movement, then ER lets you Dash a second time, so that's another 80' for a total of 160' of movement during a single turn. So the answer is 160' and you apparently give up your standard move action, so no adding another 40' to the 160'... I think. That's assuming that Dashing lets you use double movement two times instead of just adding an extra 40' of movement, which would mean only 120' of movement (40' as enhanced movement speed and the two Dashes each only add another 40' each rather than allowing two uses of double movement speed.)

Okay, now I'm a bit confused. :P

2018-01-30, 02:03 PM
Yeah, I've never had much need for it and wasn't sure of it gave double movement, but apparently a dash merely counts as 2 uses of your full movement AS your movement AND your (standard) action, so you only dash 2 times and don't get to use your normal movement as well to move a third time... At least I THINK that's how it works...

Math is hard. : /
Each Dash Action adds your speed to your base movement on your turn, which is equal to your speed to start. Then you use your total movement to move on your turn. This mean 1 Dash gives you total movement of 2*speed, and 2 Dash gives you total movement of 3*speed. (Edit: if you're also a Fighter you can Action Surge another Dash to end up with a total movement equal to 4*speed on your turn.)

Dash doesn't actually move you though, it's an Action that adds your speed to your total movement on your turn. This mostly matters for the Ready action, because you don't Ready a Dash. You just ready movement (that's not on your turn).

2018-01-30, 02:05 PM
Each Dash Action adds your speed to your base movement on your turn, which is equal to your speed to start. Then you use your total movement to move on your turn. This mean 1 Dash gives you total movement of 2*speed, and 2 Dash gives you total movement of 3*speed.

Dash doesn't actually move you though, it's an Action that adds your speed to your total movement on your turn. This mostly matters for the Ready action, because you don't Ready a Dash. You just ready movement (that's not on your turn).

...So with 40' of movement, it would equal only 120' of movement during a turn, not 160'.

2018-01-30, 02:06 PM
...So with 40' of movement, it would equal only 120' of movement during a turn, not 160'.
Assuming you use your Action for Dash, and a bonus action from some source for Dash, yes.

2018-01-30, 02:14 PM
Fly- 70ft
Longstride- +10
Dash- Plus dash 4 a BA
Haste 2x movement, extra action.

Movement then dash/dash then BA dash.

160 times 4.

640 ft every 6 seconds

thats 6,400 ft a minute or 72.7 MPH or 32.5 m/s

Zoom Zoom

2018-01-30, 02:18 PM
Fly- 70ft
Longstride- +10
Dash- Plus dash 4 a BA
Haste 2x movement, extra action.

Movement then dash/dash then BA dash.

160 times 4.

640 ft every 6 seconds

thats 6,400 ft a minute or 72.7 MPH or 32.5 m/s

Zoom Zoom

One problem with this, though. Both Fly and Haste are concentrations spells, so it'd take two casters to pull this off.

2018-01-30, 02:19 PM
Then you've got hasted tabaxi rogues going 120ft move + 120ft dash action + 120ft dash bonus action + 120ft dash using haste extra action= 480ft in a round, or about 55 miles per hour. Add the mobile feat for 560ft and more like 70 mph.

This is fine, but eventually this sort of math-y-ness leads to the pigeon-powered faster-than-light tunnel-fighting vengeance paladin, and nobody wants that.

...Can I use this in my signature?

2018-01-30, 02:25 PM
One problem with this, though. Both Fly and Haste are concentrations spells, so it'd take two casters to pull this off.

Forms a witch coven just to run around making random people fly super fast.

2018-01-30, 02:37 PM
...Can I use this in my signature?


Though be aware, I did not invent the pigeon-powered faster-than-light tunnel-fighting vengeance paladin.

It was not from the depths of my imagination that this horror was issued forth unto the unsuspecting world.