View Full Version : Exalted starting adventure with minimum fighting?

2018-01-30, 05:42 PM
So, me and my friend are preparing to give a try to Exalted 3rd ed (we have some previous experience with WoD)

And it turns out she created a healing supernal twilight with next to no combat abilities. She did buy the first circle of sorcery, so she will be dangerous given time, but so far she's a healer, that even exalted would avoid adventuring if the situation didn't force her.

What adventures would you propose to test the new mechanics and do interesting stuff without getting her killed?

BACKGROUND SETUP: a small southern city-state sitting between a mountain range and a desert, mostly profiting from trading between the seaside cities and the desert tribes, with some limited firedust mining of its own.

It is currently a fringe Imperial province - it was conquered just a couple years ago, killing (allegedly) the local royal family, just in time for the Empress to disappear, causing their support from the capital to dwindle just as they were supposed to consolidate power. As the result the Empire doesn't have as strong a control over the region as they'd like, a fact they're trying to hide with overt shows of force, not helped by the hot blooded and bitter "nth son" dragonblooded aristocrat seated with being the governor.

The Empire mostly cares about firedust they supply, so the governor buys a fair amount of slaves. Also, there are rumors of resistance movements, though nothing big has happened yet.

THE CHARACTER: a young but talented healer, mostly helping people working with firedust so far. She exalted when she got roped into helping an imperial noble - she was the only medic available in time, and he had a badly infected wound that would force an amputation without magical assistance, a fact that his aggressive and haughty entourage would not acknowledge. After somehow saving the man without revealing her new light, and receiving little gratitude for the deed, she has been trying to keep a low profile, even living below her financial means, but her reputation has been spreading - the local people know to call her in cases that seem hopeless.

Recently she caught interest of an alchemist working with Imperial military. He saw her talent, and has even started teaching her some occult skills on the side, in what she perceives as a prolonged attempt to hit on her (the man is in his fifties). He's a 3 dot mentor, and in the most cliche way, a sidereal plotting to put her on her way to greatness.

Recently she acquired a familiar - a strange baboon-like monkey some caravan brought from the far south, and then abandoned half-dead at her door (the caravan had got stranded in the desert, and the animal was deemed expendable when they started running out of water. By the time they reached the town, they thought it beyond salvaging) The creature has recovered under her care and is proving surprisingly smart.

The player has suggested that with her reputation, she might end up being conscripted as an army medic.

Lastly, her intimacies:
She has a defining one for assuring the wellness of her patients
a strong one (gratitute) towards her old medicine teacher, extended to her immediate family
a minor (gratitude) towards her new teacher
and a strong (scorn) against sadistic people - if she gets a cruel slaver as a patient, she might go as far as to commit a subtle malpractice to jeopardize his life, though that puts her intimacies at odds with each other, and strains her limit.

2018-01-31, 01:07 AM
You could run more of a murder mystery/investigation style adventure ala Cadfael (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJ00zJRM5nA&list=PLbcFBMn_YjKw-1f-QuTLeHBvhhMZHwCNz), where any fighting is done by others (the sheriff and the guilty party) and your healer uses her medical knowledge to solve the case....

2018-01-31, 01:25 PM
A patient suffering from mysterious illness that turns out to be arsenic... that could work for a start.

Any other advice? :smallbiggrin:

2018-01-31, 01:59 PM
I like the medical-mystery idea. She also seems well suited to end up (will-she or never-so) as the heart of a local rebellion.

Maybe she will be the reluctant leader of an uprising of the common people against Imperial occupation if she keeps holding her low profile, who start to see her as a saintly figure of hope.

Or as the germ of a reforming military coup, if she joins up as a medic and wins the hearts of soldiers and officers with her medical care while always speaking of how the empire is meant to serve the common good.

Either way, she’s operating through agents and/or champions rather than entering combat directly, and it’s likely that she’ll have enough warning of any direct threat to bring some Sorcery online.

(Obviously, these are possible either because she wills change herself or because her so-helpful mentor is pulling strings in the background to build a cult around her without her necessarily even wanting it.)

2018-01-31, 05:21 PM
(Obviously, these are possible either because she wills change herself or because her so-helpful mentor is pulling strings in the background to build a cult around her without her necessarily even wanting it.)

He will probably have to. Her attitude towards adventuring seems to be "I don't want to take part in any of this, but gods help you if you force me to."

2018-01-31, 06:30 PM
He will probably have to. Her attitude towards adventuring seems to be "I don't want to take part in any of this, but gods help you if you force me to."

Yep. While leaving her room to take things in another direction, I'd probably start off something along the lines of:

Adventure One: Medical Mystery - one of her sick patients has actually been poisoned. In solving the case, she needs to bring in a military officer (henceforth Hugh) to enforce justice on the villain.

Adventure Two: Hugh sees her worth and drafts her as an army medic. She's assigned to a small squad, with Soldiers (A, B, C, D, and E) and Subofficer (Ted.) They have been assigned to track down a small band of slaves who escaped and took a shipment of firedust with them. In the course of tracking/investigating, it becomes clear that the slaves were badly abused by an overseer who's more interested in the end of the job that lets him be cruel than he is in the part where he's supposed to be maximizing productivity. The subofficer, knowing that Hugh values her talents and opinion, consults with her as to how this situation can best be resolved. Opportunities to bond with / gain the respect of Ted and the Soldiers should be on hand. If at all possible, at least one soldier is injured in the course of duty for her to heal - let's say soldier E.

Adventure Three: She is approached outside of normal channels by Solider B. It turns out that Soldier E has a substance addiction, which in turn led to a gambling problem, which in turn has landed him in trouble with some unsavory characters. E's a good guy, and just needs a helping hand with the addiction. Given her patient-related intimacy, this will probably be enough to draw her in; as she gets involved she'll find that the underworld characters who are helping E on his downward spiral are pretty nasty folks in general. However it turns out, barracks gossip is going to spread her reputation on the military side. Depending on how she's reacted with the people of the town that she's encountered in adventures 1, 2 and 3, her reputation there will be established.

Meanwhile, New Mentor is gently nudging things along, knowing that a word here and a document there will eventually bring her around to the idea that the core of the problem is the bitter, jaded governor who combines a bored sadism with a disdain for the city that prevents him from ruling it effectively - nothing will really get better until whoever is sitting in the governor's seat does, whether by redemption or replacement.

2018-01-31, 07:13 PM
If you wanted, make a representative of the empire an obvious sadist. Then make sure she and the imperial rep are in regular contact. Maybe The Imperial wants her healing skills, maybe they have a crush on her, maybe they think they're doing her mentor a favour. Or the mentor gets her the position as a favour.
Now she needs to try to rescue/get release for the prisoners, protect the slaves and keep her distance.

Maybe then she tells stories to fire up the revolution, maybe she becomes a spy/assassin or leader.
Maybe she flees the town to live in the wilderness.

If you want to have combat, try less lethal types - after failing to save a patient a teenage child of the patient looses it and starts trying to beat her up. Responsible adults can arrive to pull the teenager off any time you see the need.

2018-02-01, 07:14 PM
Adventure Three: She is approached outside of normal channels by Solider B. It turns out that Soldier E has a substance addiction, which in turn led to a gambling problem, which in turn has landed him in trouble with some unsavory characters. E's a good guy, and just needs a helping hand with the addiction. Given her patient-related intimacy, this will probably be enough to draw her in;

This might need some tweaking to work - you see, the player always reflects in his characters, and in this case, the player is a professional fortune teller - not pushing her help on others is one of the core parts of her moral code. So it would need to be E herself who asks for her help. Also, what kind of help would he expect from her that requires her to leave her lab? For all they know, she's a really good medic, great for a festering arrow wound, not so much for mafia debt.

If you wanted, make a representative of the empire an obvious sadist. Then make sure she and the imperial rep are in regular contact.

Oh, he's a Spandam-level egotistic moron, just waiting to get himself assassinated (and get replaced by someone cruel and competent, sent to clean his mess, the actual villain for this story) I was thinking of having him order her clinic burned down for unwittingly healing an injured rebel or something.

after failing to save a patient healing supernal.