View Full Version : Rules Q&A Gaining inherited templates mid-campaign?

2018-01-30, 06:45 PM
Pretty simple question, really. IN 3.5e, is it possible to gain an inherited-only template during the progression of the campaign outside of DM magic? Is there a system in place for this besides some niche examples such as the vampire template class? I imagine a wish spell could do it as there's a ritual wish that can change your race.

2018-01-30, 07:12 PM
I think there's some rituals in Savage Species that allow it, another option is to body snatch a creature with a template with true mindswitch, or something similar. PAO is also an option. The problem with mindswitch and PAO is that they might not provide all the benefits of the given template. Also, vampire is an acquired template.

2018-01-30, 07:43 PM
Some inherited templates can be acquired via spells. For example Half-Fiend can be via Nar Fiendbond from LEoF and Axiomatic Creature can be acquired via Axiomatic Creature spell from BoED.

2018-01-31, 05:31 AM
Savage progression, available in the archives on the Wizards of the Coast homesite has some ways for people to progress from lesser Aasimars to full-fledged Aasimars at a later point, and even progress into full half-celestial at the cost of spending levels to gain them. They also applied the same to tieflings/half-fiends and some fey creature and other races like vampires and liches.

2018-01-31, 03:05 PM
There are several ways to gain specific templates (Dragon Disciple in core, for example), but to my knowledge there is not anything that grants any given template of choice.

2018-01-31, 07:39 PM
It is possible to take the body of a creature with a template, using magic jar, true mind switch, fusion + astral seed, and so on. There's no easy or low-level way to get arbitrary templates, but Savage Species vaguely suggests the DM could make up rituals that grant all sorts of things, which can be taken to imply that since you want it and the DM is cooperative, there is some quest that will get you said template with some amount of effort. And if that isn't solid enough for you, I'll take my long sentences and, and... phah :smallmad:. What's the colour for fake-huff?

2018-02-01, 01:50 AM
The whole point of an "inherited" template is that it can't be gained later, so by definition any rule that makes an inherited template acquirable, has changed that template into an acquirable template. Being allowed to have characters with templates is DM magic to begin with, as starting above first level is DM magic even if splat books aren't counted as DM magic. Is there some general "rule" that says you can force any given template onto something after the fact if you do X? Not that I know of outside the Savage Species Wish.