View Full Version : Rules about combat while pregnant (Gravid)

2018-01-31, 11:16 AM
Yah yah I know weird topic. One of the characters in our campaign (A lizardfolk war mage) got pregnant and I don't know how to handle this. Does the person get reduced speed, disadvantage on attacks? What should I do?

2018-01-31, 11:19 AM
Don't Lizardfolk lay eggs?

2018-01-31, 11:23 AM
Getting pregnant seems like a weird choice for an adventurer to have happen to them, but sure, let's go with this.

1) Lizardfolk lay eggs, so not sure how long they'd be "pregnant" for, and instead, they'd pop out an egg that would need to be incubated, instead (which tends to be a fairly stationary prospect, for somewhat obvious reasons)

2) If you really want to go down this route, I'd give them a penalty to armor class. This will reflect their willingness to put themselves in harm's way to protect the baby from potentially getting hit by a strike (i.e., if someone swings a sword at their belly, they might lean into it with their shoulder instead).

3) If you're really doing a gestation period, give them a -5 movement speed about halfway through, and -10 (total) at 2/3 through.

2018-01-31, 11:24 AM
Nobody is going to carry a child to term while swinging swords, casting spells, and getting punched in the gut by monsters.
I would roll d100 every time damage was taken by the character. If the result of the d100 was equal to or less than the damage taken, we have a miscarriage.
Want to actually bear your child into the world? Take a year or two off from adventuring.

2018-01-31, 11:26 AM
Egg comment aside, I'd probably just ignore it except maybe upping their food consumption requirement. It's just not worth worrying about to me.

2018-01-31, 11:29 AM
Don't Lizardfolk lay eggs?

Yah? So? they still get pregnant just not in the same way a human or mammal would. Thanks for the suggestion though.

2018-01-31, 11:33 AM
By RAW, nothing. Well, by RAW, she's gonna lay an egg. The period where she's pregnant is going to be short and probably not that big a deal.

I mean.

Unless she lays a lot of eggs.

Honestly seems like a good time for a time skip.

If you must: debuff her DEX by a flat value. Lower her movement speed.

2018-01-31, 11:37 AM
Yah? So? they still get pregnant just not in the same way a human or mammal would.


They get impregnated, yes, but then the egg forms and they lay it. They don't have any of the "carry child in the belly" thing. Which is what you're asking about, if I'm not mistaken.

2018-01-31, 11:38 AM
Honestly, in the case of a lizardfolk, I'd say that there's a minor penalty to movement speed (less energy), either a bonus or penalty to AC (depending on how you translate an unwillingness to be hit), and a bonus to attack (mothering hormones and discomfort making her more irritable).

All of that is only considering you don't just handwave the time and let the character have a break to have her kid among the tribe.

2018-01-31, 11:44 AM
If im basing this off an iguana it takes them 8 weeks to lay their eggs... You know, this is getting complicated I think ill just make it so after one week -5 to speed and she needs to eat more. After 2 weeks -10 to speed and disadvantage on dex saving throws. At the end of the 2nd week she lays the eggs and. they have to be incubated for another week before they hatch. The down side is iguanas lay 20-70 eggs per year... so... crap. And one ... Litter?... of iguana eggs is 20-30...

2018-01-31, 11:47 AM
Incubated for a week?
Try up to 12 months in some cases. And that's for tiny lizards that actually exist. Not human sized lizards.

2018-01-31, 11:48 AM
I think you have to figure out what type of reproductive method lizardfolk use. Some egg laying processes are tedious and hard on the mother, others really aren't. Some lizards give birth to live young.

2018-01-31, 11:52 AM
If im basing this off an iguana it takes them 8 weeks to lay their eggs... You know, this is getting complicated I think ill just make it so after one week -5 to speed and she needs to eat more. After 2 weeks -10 to speed and disadvantage on dex saving throws. At the end of the 2nd week she lays the eggs and. they have to be incubated for another week before they hatch. The down side is iguanas lay 20-70 eggs per year... so... crap. And one ... Litter?... of iguana eggs is 20-30...

I think it's reasonable to assume that lizardfolk, like other human-intelligence beings, lay relatively few young but give them significant care. (I forget the terms, but something like R strategy vs. another-letter for reproduction style.) I haven't read of fluff that said either way, but I haven't read a lot on lizardfolk. It seems fine to houserule that lizardfolk generally lay 1-3 eggs.

Also might be good to check with player & see what is desired regarding number of young.

2018-01-31, 11:52 AM
Incubated for a week?
Try up to 12 months in some cases. And that's for tiny lizards that actually exist. Not human sized lizards.

I know I drastically dropped the amount of time because some normally it would take 64 days to lay the eggs.

2018-01-31, 11:53 AM
I wouldn't even have lizardfolk lay eggs to begin with. But that's just me.

2018-01-31, 12:01 PM
I wouldn't even have lizardfolk lay eggs to begin with. But that's just me.

Can I ask why not? They are, in the lore, pretty similar to actual lizards. And they're certainly not mammals who would give birth to live young.

2018-01-31, 12:02 PM
Can I ask why not? They are, in the lore, pretty similar to actual lizards. And they're certainly not mammals who would give birth to live young.

Some lizards give birth to live young.
As a humanoid, I would apply that here.

2018-01-31, 12:03 PM
Can I ask why not? They are, in the lore, pretty similar to actual lizards. And they're certainly not mammals who would give birth to live young.

Certain lizards in real life do give birth to live young. I'd personally imagine that lizardfolk did as well.

2018-01-31, 12:06 PM
Certain lizards in real life do give birth to live young. I'd personally imagine that lizardfolk did as well.

And at least 1 mammal lays eggs...everything I learned in grade school biology is a lie! 😂

2018-01-31, 12:15 PM
And at least 1 mammal lays eggs...everything I learned in grade school biology is a lie! 😂
The platypus and the echidna are the only two monotremes and i wonder what the reverse would be? a reptile, bird, amphibian, or fish that births live young?

2018-01-31, 12:27 PM
The platypus and the echidna are the only two monotremes and i wonder what the reverse would be? a reptile, bird, amphibian, or fish that births live young?

Anacondas birth live young, as do some types of lizard. I think there might be a frog, too, but I'm not sure.

2018-01-31, 12:31 PM
Anacondas birth live young, as do some types of lizard. I think there might be a frog, too, but I'm not sure.

I meant that a mammal that lays eggs is called a monotreme so it there a term for a reptile that berths live young?

2018-01-31, 12:36 PM
I meant that a mammal that lays eggs is called a monotreme so it there a term for a reptile that berths live young?

Viviparous is the general term for a live-birthing creature. I don't think there is a term specifically for a reptile.

Honest Tiefling
2018-01-31, 12:39 PM
Some reptiles (and I think amphibians) reproduce with ovoviviparity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ovoviviparity), where the egg is fertilized, but is still within the female until live young emerges, but it isn't the same process as in a mammal (i.e., no placenta). As Lizardfolk are explicitly reptilian, I think assuming they breed like humans is a little funky, since they're clearly not mammals.

Have you asked the player? I assume that the character got fertilized for a reason. Perhaps ask them what they want to do? A temporary character might be a better option than a time skip. However, some downtime activities might also be interesting if the group encounters an area safe enough to incubate the child. This would also mean a settlement where the child could be taken care of. The Monster Manual does state that some are touched by a demon lord, so she might drop off the child with people who could redeem the child or free them of a corrupting influence, which would be darn hard on the road.

2018-01-31, 12:50 PM
The platypus and the echidna are the only two monotremes and i wonder what the reverse would be? a reptile, bird, amphibian, or fish that births live young?

The term is ovoviviparous. Meaning you lay eggs inside yourself, that hatch for a live birth. As far as the Op question goes

1rst Trimester - No penalties, this should give you enough time to finish the quest line

2nd Trimester - 1-2 level of exhaustion at all times (maybe flip a coin each day)

3rd Trimester - No adventuring

I would make each Trimester 6 months, Doubling the length of pregnancy means that she can give birth to a couple of toddlers (1d4). Ideally you lay eggs so you can have fully functional mini versions of the adult species. (And having the eggs inside of your body provides protection)

When I say toddlers I mean like they have the mental capacity of toddlers. They would probably be born as large infants and then rapidly grow to the size of a toddler in like a week or two. You would still have to teach them common and lizard folk, but they would take the language rapidly

2018-01-31, 12:52 PM
Viviparous is the general term for a live-birthing creature. I don't think there is a term specifically for a reptile.

I will remember that. Thanks

2018-01-31, 01:25 PM
Minor English pedantry; a creature carrying eggs is technically not pregnant but gravid. The topic should be "Rules about combat while gravid".

2018-01-31, 01:28 PM
Minor English pedantry; a creature carrying eggs is technically not pregnant but gravid. The topic should be "Rules about combat while gravid".

Ok I shall add that to the title.

2018-01-31, 01:31 PM
Ok I shall add that to the title.

I expected to be ignored... It was minor English pedantry, after all.

2018-01-31, 01:32 PM
Hmm, while this subject is probably best covered on a case-by-case basis and each table having their own ideas on the matter, I cannot help but think of at least one instance of this sort of shenaniganary (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0587.html) being covered.

2018-01-31, 02:44 PM
You might also take a look at the reproduction of komodo dragons. Komodo's fall into the suborder of lizards and can weight between 150 & 200 lbs. Pretty close to the mass of a lizardfolks if I'm not mistaken.

2018-01-31, 09:40 PM
As a newcomer to the forum, I just have to say reading this entire thread and all the advice that was given was just fascinating. Never thought about incorporating it into a campaign, but I feel after reading this thread there was some great ideas on how to handle it.

2018-01-31, 09:45 PM
The platypus and the echidna are the only two monotremes and i wonder what the reverse would be? a reptile, bird, amphibian, or fish that births live young?

there are some fish notably many sharks that give live births

2018-02-02, 12:06 AM
There's only one: Don't.

2018-02-02, 12:29 AM
Yah yah I know weird topic. One of the characters in our campaign (A lizardfolk war mage) got pregnant and I don't know how to handle this. Does the person get reduced speed, disadvantage on attacks? What should I do?

Lizardfolk lay eggs. They dont get pregnant.

Do you impose disadvantage when a PC fluffs their PC with obestiy? If not, dont in this case.

Mate; your campaign is really not for me.

2018-02-02, 12:51 AM
The closest living equivalent to a lizard folk is perhaps as ostrich or emu. They will kick the stuffing out of you one minute and lay an egg a few minutes later.

Honestly, I would leave the mechanics entirely up to the player. If they want to have an impact fine, if they don’t fine. Once the egg is laid they then have to sort out what to do with from nothing, through omelet all the way to raising it.

2018-02-02, 01:05 AM
A traditional lizardfolk doesn't have kids. They have a tribe. Eggs are usually laid in a communal area were they are hatched and no one knows which hatchling belongs to which lizardfolk. They don't think like humans should. A lizardfolk has no love for hatchlings.

The realistic choice is that the character no longer adventures until they lay their eggs. Any other choice is hand waving the issues away into the unbelievable. At that point do whatever you want. Have the eggs be as hard as rocks. As tiny as an ant until laid. Do some magic or ignore the issue all together. Do a vitality ritual or something. If ignoring a realistic approach, there is no reason to follow any rules except that which make the game more fun. Do you and the player want penalties? If you do really want to penalize the character do something simple. Work with the player to see what they think is appropriate and fun. This will/could be a character defining trait. Don't cheat your players out of any input. They should be having fun.

2018-02-02, 01:30 AM
All I know is the father isnt the Half Orc.

He got castrated in last weeks session.

2018-02-02, 01:33 AM
All I know is the father isnt the Half Orc.

He got castrated in last weeks session.Half orc doesn't even make sense! Only humans can breed with everything!

2018-02-02, 01:42 AM
Half orc doesn't even make sense! Only humans can breed with everything!

He is human (or counts as).

And its not humans you need to worry about, its them dragons. Half dragon hybrids everywhere.

Recall once in a dungeon, we encountered a half dragon beholder.

How did that happen? Like was some dragon just wandering down a dungeon somewhere, when some pretty beholder caught his eye (pardon the pun).

Dragon: Hey, how you doin? How about we head back to mine and watch Netfilix and chill? [fade to black].

I had some BBEGs in a campaign once where one was a Half Dragon Pit Fiend, and the other was a Half Fiend Red Dragon.

They were twin brother and sister.

2018-02-02, 02:28 AM
He is human (or counts as).

And its not humans you need to worry about, its them dragons. Half dragon hybrids everywhere.

Recall once in a dungeon, we encountered a half dragon beholder.

How did that happen? Like was some dragon just wandering down a dungeon somewhere, when some pretty beholder caught his eye (pardon the pun).

Dragon: Hey, how you doin? How about we head back to mine and watch Netfilix and chill? [fade to black].

I had some BBEGs in a campaign once where one was a Half Dragon Pit Fiend, and the other was a Half Fiend Red Dragon.

They were twin brother and sister.

I've always wanted to do a game where the characters are a bunch of half-humans. They're all half-siblings, cause Dad was an adventurer back in the day and really got around, and they're all just meeting up now. First adventure: "The Quest for Child Support".

2018-02-02, 04:26 AM
Minor English pedantry; a creature carrying eggs is technically not pregnant but gravid.

That's kind of offensive to my language...

2018-02-02, 04:59 AM
That's kind of offensive to my language...

How so? I'm genuinely curious

2018-02-02, 05:27 AM
How so? I'm genuinely curious

The word we use for 'pregnant' means 'pregnant with eggs' in English :smalltongue:

2018-02-02, 06:12 AM
The word we use for 'pregnant' means 'pregnant with eggs' pickles, ice cream, and peanut butter in English :smalltongue:

Fixed it for you, based on anecdotal evidence.

2018-02-02, 07:02 AM
The word we use for 'pregnant' means 'pregnant with eggs' in English :smalltongue:

What language is that?

Gravid does mean pregnant as well, but it's less often applied to people than it is to reptiles and other animals.

Dr. Cliché
2018-02-02, 07:04 AM
Honestly, I'd probably give the following penalties:
-10ft movement speed (to a minimum of 10ft).
-5 to all Dexterity (Acrobatics) checks
-5 to all Dexterity (Stealth) checks
-5 to all Strength (Athletics) checks
-5 to all Dexterity saving throws
(You can adjust these to personal taste and/or have them be more gradual e.g. starting at -2 and then increasing up to -5, but those are the stats I'd penalise. Also, if you're wondering, I didn't just make it Disadvantage because I think these penalties should stack with disadvantage.)

- It may impede her ability to wear some armour (barring adjustments or magical modification)
- She's likely to get exhausted more quickly if they go on forced marches or such.

And if you think these penalties sound harsh don't sodding well send yourself into battle when you're pregnant.
Alternatively, if you're hellbent on sending yourself into battle, don't get pregnant.

Also, I haven't accounted for the extra time they'd need to spend incubating the egg. The alternative option would involve a large omelette. Player's choice.

And its not humans you need to worry about, its them dragons. Half dragon hybrids everywhere.

Recall once in a dungeon, we encountered a half dragon beholder.

How did that happen? Like was some dragon just wandering down a dungeon somewhere, when some pretty beholder caught his eye (pardon the pun).

Dragon: Hey, how you doin? How about we head back to mine and watch Netfilix and chill? [fade to black].

I had some BBEGs in a campaign once where one was a Half Dragon Pit Fiend, and the other was a Half Fiend Red Dragon.

They were twin brother and sister.

Wait, hang on a minute, aren't beholders asexual? I thought Volo's said that they basically just dream of other beholders and have them pop into being? :smallconfused:

Maybe there's no dragon involved. A beholder just dreams of a half-dragon beholder. As you do.

Then again, I think human(oid) half-dragons are still bad enough. I mean, unless I'm mistaken, Chromatic Dragons still can't disguise themselves as humanoids. Even if an elf woman finds a dragon attractive, well, just think of the size difference. :smalleek:

2018-02-02, 07:08 AM
Remove Disease to get rid of parasites?

2018-02-02, 07:25 AM
Then again, I think human(oid) half-dragons are still bad enough. I mean, unless I'm mistaken, Chromatic Dragons still can't disguise themselves as humanoids. Even if an elf woman finds a dragon attractive, well, just think of the size difference. :smalleek:

I'd rule that they can, they just can't do it quickly or easily. Hence it's left out of their statblock. How else would you get half-dragons?

2018-02-02, 07:29 AM
I'd rule that they can, they just can't do it quickly or easily. Hence it's left out of their statblock. How else would you get half-dragons?

Gradually scaling down. Gargantuan Dragon > Huge Elephant > Large Horse > Medium humanoid etc.

2018-02-02, 08:14 AM
What language is that?

I wont be specific, but let's say Northern European, several languages here use the same word.