View Full Version : Disguise self,Expeditious retreat, Find familiar

2018-02-01, 11:13 AM
Tomb of annihilation campaign. Lvl 4. Ek Dragonborn. Had disguise self for role play Purpose in cities which will be non combat.
Not really working. So i should change it but also don’t want to pull slots from casting shield unless it’s a better use like P.f.E&G.
Find familiar I can cast once and have for a long time. An owl could use help function in combat and fly away without opportunity attack.
Expeditious retreat will take a slot but fir 10 minutes i can move around to help anywhere.
In combat or out.
Or is there another spell I’m not seeing. PHB or Asword coast
No Xanthar book use.

2018-02-01, 12:51 PM
It’s a shame your book choices are limited.

Absorb elements is tailor made for the EK.

IMO: You will get a lot of mileage out of Find Familiar when exploring. Having “eyes in the sky” is a tremendous advantage.

Thunderwave is a pretty decent spell to cut loose with when surrounded.

It’s pretty situational but I have heard mentioned by a few EK players that feather fall can be useful for leaping from cliffs and bridges to close quickly with an enemy.

2018-02-01, 01:20 PM
Regarding books it’s Adventure league so only one book extra which was swordcoast for green fire blade. But yes I agree having absorb elements with gfb would be great.
I was checking thunder wave but I’m always within the range of allies.

Feather fall. Limited use but great suggestion it’s a reaction so can be used as a slot in dire situation. I like it.
Find familiar also has its multi use. I’ll change to one of those. Thanks