View Full Version : [IC] Dawnbringers

2018-02-01, 12:11 PM
OOC thread here.


The air tastes of copper and death on the frigid plains of Hestil this morning. Soldiers lay dead on the frosted ground, warriors rattled their last breaths, and spellslingers, singed and bloody, staggered forwards into the onslaught on broken limbs. The battle had raged all night, and it was far from over. Their men were battered, their forces weakened with exhaustion, but they press on, and all for one reason.

I love you with My every breath,
I make you songs like thunderbirds.

That voice… the Voice of the Goddess.

Give you My life, you give Me death,

It’s why they were all here. Why they were all fighting this war to end all wars, to restore peace to the world.

And stab Me with your dreadful words.

Queen Tiana raises her bow and spear, lets out a battlecry, and leads the charge into the shambles of Riasom’s army. They would not give up, not when they had come so far in this seemingly endless war. Soon, it would be over, and the small girl singing behind the ranks of soldiers to inspire them onwards would have nothing to fear any longer.

I saw the sun at midnight, rising red.
Deep hued, yet glowing…

It wasn’t only the soldiers this time. Tiana was used to leading the common rank and file, with Sundance and Daegal alongside her. But this battle was different. This time, they had the Dawn Brigade. This time, they were going all the way to Riasom’s throne room, and they wouldn’t stop until his head was mounted on a pike.

…heavy with the stain.

Though united in purpose, the five champions all have different reasons to be there.

I saw the sun at midnight, swift in size and growing,
The heavens bowed their head, bowed their head…

Ainadae has been with them since the beginning. Known to the fellow members of the Dawn Brigade as Tristan Varanteth, to the wider army he is known only as Ainadae. He keeps his identity secret behind a mask when he is on the battlefield. But with his control of magic and blade alike, there was nothing hidden. Queen Tiana knows the confident, powerful elf as a member of her court, the grandnephew of her court wizard Godwin, but even she had preserved Ainadae’s secret. He is the Holy Shadow.

From its heart slow dripped crimson rain…

The embers of the sacred forest had barely cooled when Tenrin Sunrider arose to the ranks of the Brigade. With her mysterious past, it was hard for Queen Tiana to trust her, but the young woman had shown herself to be pure of intentions, and her capacity to do damage with her mind alone won her a place at Cordelia’s side. But since joining the group, she has added into their mix something that none of them could face this war without – a smile, and hope for the future. On the field, she wields a sword like none other, and that is how she earned her name: the Blue Flame Mercenary.

A great tremor shook it as of pain…

Only a couple months into the war, and the strange, wolfish outlander, Nailah, appeared in Queen Tiana’s court. The shifter had merely taken one look at Cordelia before swearing herself in allegiance to the Brigade. On that day, Cordelia gained a second mother, as that is what Nailah is to her, just as Tiana had become. The outlander had more than proved herself in battle, standing on her own against hundreds of men and coming out the other end not unscathed, but standing and ready to return to the Maiden of Dawn. Nailah is the Indestructible.

I see the blood upon the rocks,
And on the stones, the sorrow of My eyes.

Magnus Bjornson is not someone Tiana ever would have expected to see in Cordelia’s service – not with how he had served under Riasom in the past. Everyone knew of Magnus’ father, Bjorn, the paladin who had ascended to godhood by the blessing of La. But when the war began, Magnus fought for the wrong side. He was a bastion in the army of Hestil. Until, as Tiana believes, one day, he had seen the error of his ways, and he appeared in the camp of the Army of Dawn, bowed on one knee before Cordelia and asking for repentance and a place at her side. When he joined the Brigade four years ago, he became then, truly, the Child of the Gods.

My burning heart weeps amid eternal snows,

And then, there was the man who had appeared out of the wilderness to become the last member of the Brigade only two weeks ago. Some call him a madman. Others call him a savage. But the name he has earned for himself is the Man Who Sold the World. Believed dead after the invasion of Spire, Cordelia has for years insisted that the former Spireward was alive, and would make a valuable asset on their team. Despite the protests of her foster mother and the army at large, the Maiden attempted time and time again to contact him. And then, through some miracle of the goddess, he had simply… appeared in camp, right before the sun fell below the horizon. He is the Break of Twilight.

My tears fall from the skies.

The five fight with the army, now, breaking Riasom’s defenses. Morning is dawning, but none of them have slept a wink that night. How could they have? They are so close. Nailah rends through her enemies with psionic blades. Ayn decapitates men with his axe, fighting back to back with Magnus, whose greatsword slices his foes apart. Tristan and Tenrin are at Cordelia’s side, protecting her and attacking at range until, until…

The focus of the fight shifts onto them. By now, they are known, and it isn’t long before their group is targeted. A boulder sails in and the impact makes the earth spit dirt into the air, landing only a few feet from Cordelia, Tristan, and Tenrin. But this missile was not launched by a catapult. Six giants, whose kind had been allies of Riasom’s from very early on in the war, stride over the battlefield, enormous rocks in their hands and murder in their eyes. They have only one order – to kill the Maiden.

But they would have to get through the Brigade first.

Bet you weren’t expecting the first thing out of my mouth to be “everyone, roll initiative!” Figured that it would be best, so that I can really get a handle on everyone’s capacities from the start and figure out how to scale things from here!

This will be the same for every combat: I will roll initiative for the party as well as the monsters, and then we will continue in block initiative. Meaning, everyone who rolled their check to go before the monster can post in any order their actions. Then the monsters will go, then anyone who rolled lower than the monsters. This way we don’t have to wait on any single person to post before taking a turn.

Also, I don’t know of any sites that will work with my internet to provide maps for combat, so we’re going to have to use our imaginations. Know that I always give benefit of the doubt to players when it comes to placement. It's a little clunky, but it works! (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZHDtgmTzMfTAykMPgnBHV_2qp_dDWli07CgTtefKDV4/edit#gid=0)

For this, these giants are huge creatures, so you can reasonably assume they have reach. Right now they are all clustered up together and charging at the party. There is a 10-by-10 area in the middle of this fight that is blocked off by the boulder that was this thrown, which will provide concealment to anyone attacking from behind it. Including Cordelia.

Without further ado… enter the Dawn Brigade!

Tristan: [roll0]
Magnus: [roll1]
Nailah: [roll2]
Ayn: [roll3]
Tenrin: [roll4]
Cordelia: [roll5]
Monsters: [roll6]

Ayn, your dex is higher, so you still go before the monsters. Attack!

2018-02-01, 05:35 PM
Ainadae seeing the giants approach utters several words of power quickly and moves to in front of Cordelia and Casting a Spell.

Crescere Magnus et Facti Sunt Velut Ingentem Bestias Annorum!

Producing a small Rod from behind his back.

Dona eis velocitate Falco

Mass Enlarge Person: Targeting the three Barbarians and Quickened Haste targeting all allies. (and myself)

Give these foes what they deserve, see how it feels to tussle with someone closer to their size.

I have constant Detect Magic as a racial ability and Constant True Seeing from Goggles.

2018-02-02, 06:13 AM
Naliah growled as the giants strode forwards, forcing a path through the ranks of their own soldiers to carry out the mission demanded by them. They cared little for the lives of the common soldier, uncaring how many they swept aside or crushed as they moved forward with a single purpose. To kill the Maiden that was inspiring them all.

Of course, that meant having to go through Naliah. And that was rather difficult for the giants to do. Not just because of the fact that the Dawn Brigade was stronger than they had ever been, with Magnus, Child of the Gods and the one known as the Break of Twilight stepping forwards to block their paths. Empowered by Tristan, the Holy Shadow with greater size and speed in order to cut them off. But because of one simple fact that like infuriated the giants.

As big as they were. Naliah was bigger still.

Sure, she herself wasn’t as big as them. But through the use of her psionic projection, she was capable of towering far, far above the normal rank and file, and stand head and shoulders again above these giants. Sure, she was not capable of long, sweeping blows as such size normally implied, so it wasn’t as effective as she would have prefered. Yet the sheer intimidation factor it meant, as well as how it granted her such significant reach over the heads of those she fought with could not be denied.

That and Naliah rather liked feeling big.

So as the giants strode forwards to kill the Maiden. Naliah did not bother striding forwards to meet them. Instead, she simply turned to face them, and as Tristan’s magic worked around her limbs. Forcing her body into a state of greater speed and acceleration, she struck out at them with claw and fang, empowered further by her psionic might.

Swift Action: Swift Imbude to give myself Psychic Strike. Expending Psionic Focus to use Improved Psychic Strike, giving my attacks the Psychic Strike damage until the end of my turn.

Full-attack vs Giant 1. If slain, move onto Giant 2.
[roll0] [roll1] [roll2] [roll3] Total Damage = 55
[roll4] [roll5] [roll6] [roll7] Total Damage = 53

[roll8] [roll9] [roll10] [roll11] Total Damage = 62
[roll12] [roll13] [roll14] [roll15] Total Damage = 55
[roll16] [roll17] [roll18] [roll19] Total Damage = 51
[roll20] [roll21] [roll22] [roll23] Total Damage = 50

2018-02-02, 11:16 AM
Nailah surges towards the giants, heedless of their swinging attacks because the GM can't read, and with two fell bites, completely takes down her first target. It doesn't take much, then, to take down the second giant in her path, and her claws leave it a bloody mess on the ground, unmoving. A third claw strikes out at another giant, staggering it, but it is still up. But as she does this, the giants don't go down completely without a fight. The two that she takes down attack her as she approaches, and two of the others also attack her as she takes down their allies.

They need a nat 20 to hit, but it could happen...
AoO 1: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
AoO 2: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]
AoO 3: [roll4] Damage: [roll5]
AoO 4: [roll6] Damage: [roll7]

Nope, didn't think so. :smalltongue:

2018-02-02, 10:52 PM
It had been ten years.

Ten years of war and suffering, of a campaign waged both inside and outside the country they were now rampaging through. The maps had been clear, Hestil was strapped for troops, while existing divisions were either struggling to meet the blitzing offensive at each turn or were simply wiped out. It was unclear how many reserves Hestil could muster within the capital, nor was it certain what kind of defensive measures would they have taken. Assumptions could be made, but there was no end of terror that the claimer of Cataclysm could hold unimaginable strengths within the seats of his power. Still, the armies of the free world marched and fought tooth and nail, knowing that they fought with the blessing of their very creator, for a cause that had no option but success. And they had trust, trust in their leaders who were the very best their kin could produce, trust in their connection to the Goddess who watched over them, and trust in Cordelia with her Dawn Brigade, who led every spearhead in their offensive.


There was one who most refused to trust, to believe in, though he - or it, as some had implied - held a great deal of trust from the Last Maiden. None addressed him by name alone, and rumors circulated about him with ease. To meet his gaze was to be cursed inverted perception, or to touch his brutal axe was to forsake La herself. None suspected that the grizzled hulk was once the elegant and lithe commander of Spire's secular forces, the Spireward... the Man Who Sold the World. A few knew better, like Cordelia and the Queen herself, but his name was withheld from even many in the Brigade, for fear of the morale loss that could come with the knowledge that they fought with the very Catalyst, he whose failures had brought the free world to its knees and let the smoke of the sacred forests of Spire float high into the skies.

Compared to the rumormongering and unease that he bred as simply the Break of Twilight, the Man Who Hides From the Dawn, or any other countless names his void inspired, it was an obvious strategic choice. Still, as a warrior on the field, none could deny his prowess held little match, for the sheer destructive momentum of each swing of his axe and the speed with which he moved into the enemy was of great assistance to the invasion. On the field, it was difficult to care about his appearance and his refusals to pray or come to the assemblies held by the Maiden when the sharp edge of his blade would keep Cordelia untouched, or slay another champion of Hestil who could come into play.

In that very same way, he faced their foes today, axe drawn and chest high as he glared into the eyes of the giants as he brought the plated shafted of the cruel to his waist, bringing its momentum into the giant before him with as much force as he could muster. Ten years ago, he had slain one of their kind at the forefront of the temple, and a glitter of emotion in his eye was the only indication that he recognized the irony in the situation as he moved into the slaughter of their kind as he came to the end of his path.

Rage: Free action
Full attack time (On Giant #3! Since I'm large, I do.... urgh this is gonna be a bunch of calculations
Attack 1 roll [roll0]
Damage 1 roll [roll1] +6 (If any magic)

Attack 2 roll [roll2]
Damage 2 roll [roll3] +6 (If any magic)

Attack 3 roll [roll4]
Damage 3 roll [roll5] +6 (If any magic)

Attack 4 roll [roll6]
Damage 4 roll [roll7] +6 (If any magic)

Attack 5 roll [roll8]
Damage 5 roll [roll9] +6 (If any magic)

Also, free action to Come and Get Me. +4 to Attack and Damage rolls against me rn, but I take an AoO against every attack on me.

2018-02-03, 03:14 AM
Tenrin Sunrider

Standing next to and slightly in front of Cordelia, Tenrin Sunrider kept one eye on her leader and one eye on the enemy. As the boulder came sailing down, she interposed herself between Cordelia and the projectile, wincing at the dirt and dust thrown up. Behind her, an massive animated statue of the White Knight stood vigilant, crafted from a glowing silver matter.

"Ma'am, stay here please. We'll deal with this threat quickly," Tenrin said to Cordelia with a smile and a bow. She launched herself into the air, glowing wings appearing on her back in a flash of holy light. With a brief yell, she swung her sword in two quick slashes and a massive shockwave flew outwards from her to slam into the assembled giants.

Behind her, the White Knight crouched, preparing to defend Cordelia from any attack.

Move: To B14, 20 ft above the ground.

Standard: Manifest energy wave augmented to 21 PP, targeting the four remaining giants and avoiding allies. DC 35 Reflex half in a 120 ft cone.
Damage: [roll0] electricity
SR check: [roll1]

Standard: Readied action to attack and attempt grapple (using Improved Grab) any hostile creatures approaching Cordelia.
Attack: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3] bludgeoning
Grapple: [roll4]
Constrict Damage: [roll5] bludgeoning

The White Knight Construct has Blindsight 60 ft in case it matters.

2018-02-03, 09:43 AM
Magnus saw the giants as they first appeared, and prepared himself for battle. Although he had no fear of such large opponents, he also had no special skill in fighting them. He was more used to fighting against humans and creatures which could cast spells. The rest of the Dawn Brigade launched their attacks before he could do the same, since he took a moment to rouse himself into an unmatched fury. He was standing toe to toe with two of the giants, but they started to fall quickly. He lashed out at the nearest standing giant, slashing repeatedly as he tried to bring it down before it could pose a threat to Cordelia or his other comrades. He knew that such an all out attack would leave him extremely vulnerable, but he was used to that, and he found that the best form of defence was always full blooded attack.

Free Action: Go into Mighty Rage
Use Combat Expertise, Come and Get Me, Power Attack, Raging Brutality, and Reckless Abandon.
Current AC is 29, but enemies get +4 to hit and damage Magnus.

Will attack the nearest still standing giant, charging if necessary to get to one. He has Pounce, so he can full attack regardless of movement.

Attack 1 [roll0]
Damage [roll1]

Attack 2 [roll2]
Damage [roll3]

Attack 3 [roll4]
Damage [roll5]

Attack 4 [roll6]
Damage [roll7]

Attack 5 [roll8]
Damage [roll9]

If the giants are evil aligned, there will be an extra 2d6 damage per attack.

EDIT: As mentioned in OOC thread, I rolled a potential crit for Attack 5. I rolled a 35 to confirm the crit. If that hits, then Attack 5's damage is doubled.

2018-02-03, 10:01 AM
With the deft swings of an axe, the Break of Twilight fells the two giants ahead of him. As they drop, Tenrin takes to the skies, and several archers fighting nearby take some pot shots at her, but she is far to agile for them to take from the sky. Most of them were aiming at the wings, but she easily evades the arrows. Then, there is a shout of warning to her allies as electricity sizzles across the field, hitting not only the giants but some of the enemy's other forces surrounding - while easily avoiding the other members of the Brigade. The two giants remaining stagger and groan in pain, but they are not felled. Spears at the ready, they prepare to advance and attack, but Magus moves quicker than they do. As he hefts his greatsword, Cordelia lifts her hands, apparently not content to just sit back and watch the fight when they have been directly engaged. When the Maiden finishes chanting, the party feels invigorated, and more determined than before.

Everyone is now under the effects of Bless.
Magnus surges forwards, then, and the two remaining giants takes swings at him as he comes forward. The first attack goes wide as the giant is impaled straight through the heart. While Magnus retrieves his blade to swing at the one left standing, it manages to stab him deeply in the shoulder, before it, too, is brought to the ground.

Does 22 damage after applying your DR.
With none of the giants remaining, and blood rushing from a wound in Magnus' shoulder, Cordelia hurries forwards to the barbarian, laying her hands on his arm and whispering a word of healing over them. Her features go a bit waxen as she takes the damage unto herself, but it is the fastest way to heal the members of her Brigade so that they can keep fighting, instead of standing around and waiting for her to heal them. She can look after herself once they have returned to the fray. It is something that many members of the Brigade are used to seeing, at this point, Cordelia's Empathic Healing. But that doesn't make it any less remarkable or selfless, that even now in the thick of battle, the priestess is caring more for her allies than for herself.

These were Taiga Giants. Not necessarily evil, but they are chaotic. They are immune to illusions and enchantments.

Taiga giants wander endlessly to keep from depleting the food supply of any one area. Aurochs and mammoths are their preferred inland prey, while whales, seals, and walruses provide food in coastal regions. These animals form the cornerstone of tribal survival, not just for the food they provide but because nearly all of a tribe's possessions, from their portable shelters to their weapons, are crafted from the bone, hides, and sinews of felled beasts. Little is wasted.

Taiga giants are also deeply spiritual, worshiping their ancestors. Every tribe member learns to call forth ancestor spirits at a young age.
The giants felled, the worst of the threat seems to be gone. The Brigade pushes forwards until, finally, a cry rises from the ranks of their foes.

"Rout! We are routed! Fall into the keep!"

Hestil’s army breaks, fleeing into the walls of the final stronghold. Queen Tiana roars in triumph, but she deos not press the charge. Not for now.

No. They need to take a moment. Catch their breath, and rest. But it would end tonight. It would end tonight.

"Form up!" she calls over the fray. "Fire at their flanks, drop whoever you can!" was her final order for the battle. And when Hestil’s last soldiers had either fallen in retreat, or in death, she calls the soldiers to a cease fire.

"See to the wounded! Sort out the living and the dead! And ready yourselves for an assault – tonight, we become Kingslayers!"

There was a resounding shout from the soldiers, who, though weary from the fight, were invigorated by the victory. They started combing the field, finishing off downed enemies and healing their own. It was only then that Cordelia went onto the field, putting her healing powers to use to save as many as she could.

As for the rest of the Brigade, Tiana finds them.

"I see you all still live – that’s a relief. Prepare yourselves. We have only a few hours before we will fight again. I must meet with Sundance and Daegal and get a report on our remaining numbers. It should only take an hour. We will meet then in my tent and discuss our final strategy," she decides.

The plan in place, the Queen rides off, and the Brigade is left to catch their breath and see how they themselves had fared in the fight, until it was time to meet Tiana around the war table, hopefully, just for one last time.

2018-02-03, 11:59 AM
Naliah nearly howled in victory and triumph when she heard that cry, when she heard the order from the enemy to retreat back to the city, to the castle. That they battle had been lost and finally, finally they were on the verge of penetrating into the full depths of the enemy’s land, striking directly at their leaders and taking the artefact which this entire war back, and returning it to those whom it belonged.

But, Naliah restrained herself. Not just because howling as a human really wasn’t as fitting or as impressive as howling as a wolf. But because there was frustration as well. Frustration that they were stopping and resting. Frustration that they were halting now when they were so close! And if Naliah allowed herself to howl, she knew that she would be even more frustrated and angry that they were not pursuing the enemy. Even though she very much understood the wisdom of the order to halt, rest and recover. To marshal their forces and see precisely what they had in terms of an army for this final attack... as well as what the plan of the attack is going to be.

Hence, Naliah just growled to herself, dismissing her psionic aura and allowing it to fade. Once Tiana had given them their orders, Naliah stalked off in order to check on the troops herself. She wanted to see how many members of her pack survived the fight, and how many of them had fallen during this push. She wanted to understand the cost of this push and make she would always take these losses into consideration in the future. This strike, this push was important for sure... but an Alpha always looked after their pack.

2018-02-03, 03:57 PM
The enemy retreated. It came as surprise. A shock wave across the field. They were doing it. It was nearly done. And then an order for rest before the final nail.

One hour is more than sufficient. Ainadae breathed a sigh of relief. The fighting had been going on for so long already. Though a part of me wants to finish this now, we should regroup. A small lie, Tristan was glad for a short break.
Not enough time to re-prepare spells spent but enough time to take note of what could still be done. What resources everyone still had.

Turning to everyone else. If this is all Riasom musters before us I feel we are on track to end this by sunrise. Though something tells me he has some trick yet. Admiring Tenrin's construct for a moment. Incredible work as always, the likeness is without imperfection. Looking at his companions was always an encouraging thing. Everyone here was worthy of a legend in their own right. Someday they would be the stuff of history and stories told for millennia.

I have questions about the lay out of the keep. My magic is well suited to dealing with threats within the walls. I will ready my thoughts for a meeting in one hour's time.

2018-02-03, 05:41 PM
As the last two giants fell to Ayn's blows, and his axehead swung its way around his body for the final time, stopping as he loosened his grip and spun the weapon to quickly bleed off its speed. Even before their bodies hit the floor, he knew they were dead, unlikely to strike from below as a benefit of years of murderous fighting. He was ready to surge forward, and dash for the next group of soldiers on the field in his frenzy, but as soon as he heard the call for retreat, above the sounds of war, he stopped himself, his cuffed and gore covered boots digging into the bloodied mud below him as he forcibly pulled himself back. The title of Spireward had long since left any meaning it could've held within him, for he had studied no strategy and led no men for a decade, but he still understood the status of the army he fought with, and the reactions their commanders would obviously have. Ayn could fight on, for days to come, but the halfling farmer's child had none of the same physical tenacity available to him, and if that halfling was fighting his war, rest was one thing he would owe him. He looked around, as Tiana approached them, taking in the scent of this battle, before turning to face the Queen.

She was a familiar sight, even before he had made his way to her forward base camp a few weeks back, from the years he had spent negotiating the enumerated defense clauses in countless agreements between the two close countries. Little it mattered now, for he knew she held little in the way of respect for him (for good reasons, perhaps), and implausibly enough, even less in the way of trust. He said nothing in return as Tiana informed them of the current plan for the future, seeing little need to speak or provide the Queen with any kind of acknowledgment, and instead set off to the command tent nonetheless. He found no enjoyment in battle or its horrid vistas, and neither did he like the parting soldiers as they would avoid him, so he bade a quick retreat to the quiet emptiness of the command tent. As he did so, he shot a long glance at Cordelia as he moved away, turning his head a few seconds later as he realized that others would question it.

Being surrounded by people who didn't want to kill him, and he did not want to kill was new to him, that much was obvious.

2018-02-05, 02:06 PM
As Ainadae addresses the others with his questions about the keep, Nailah moves off to another area of the field. Cordelia has actually found herself over there, as well, tending to one of the fallen fighters. Amaranth is on the ground, the left side of her body cleaved open with an axe and her left arm entirely missing. It sits on the ground by Cordelia's side, as she whispers a few prayers and magic pours from her to reattach the severed limb to the dryad, who is wincing in pain but putting on a brave face for those around her. Morta sits nearby, holding Amaranth's head in her lap as her twin tails twitch behind her, unsettled.

2018-02-05, 05:49 PM
Tenrin Sunrider

Breathing a sigh of relief as the last of the giants fall, Tenrin sheathes her sword and lands next to Cordelia. She smiles over at Cordelia as she heals the wounded and gestures for her construct to follow the Sister. "I can't believe we're almost there. We've been fighting for so long..."

"Ehehe... thank you. It's nice to have my work recognized."[/color] She grins at Ainadae, blushing slightly and nodding. "For the layout, I can do some early scouting, but I can't really check the interior much."

2018-02-05, 06:01 PM
Cordelia looks up as Tenrin's construct approaches her, for a moment seeming fearful of the giant footfalls, but when she realizes it's just the construct, she relaxes a little bit. Once she has finished mending Amaranth's arm, she straightens up, looking to the brigade. "A scout may be necessary..." she hums in that gentle, melodic voice of hers. "But, Magnus, is there anything of the castle's interior that you can tell us?" she asks. She knows that the traitor from Hestil will probably have some insight in regards to what they might expect, or know of a back way into the keep that the Dawn Brigade can push through while the rest of the army assaulted the walls. There is, of course, every possibility that such an entrance would be guarded, since Magnus had changed sides, but on the other hand there is always the chance that they can take Riasom by surprise. If they can cut off the serpent's head, hopefully, the rest would die. And Cordelia's concern is with getting Cataclysm back as soon as possible. "We cannot continue this war for much longer. With each day that the fighting spreads, the spirit of chaos only grows stronger," she says, fretful. "I fear the seal will soon break if the medallion isn't returned to the sanctuary."

There will be a PM coming your way shortly. If you don't get it before you wake up and want to post, you can have your character say something along the lines of "we can discuss what I know in the command tent" or some such thing, but I'll be sending you a note with pertinent information for your character shortly!

2018-02-06, 08:25 AM
Naliah couldn’t blame Morta for being unsettled. Finding one of her pack, finding Amaranth on the group with her arm cut right off was an extremely unsettling experience that in most situations would have Naliah scrambling for a healer. As it was however, the ex-werewolf simply huffed. Glad that Cordelia was healing the dyrad as she sat down next to them, asking Morta idly. “Any idea where Filch got himself up to?” Naliah wouldn’t be able to relax until she knew the situation of her entire pack. Both the main three members of it that were still alive, as well as some of the other, younger or new members of the pack, most whom had learned how to use the psionic power as a shielding shell not too long ago.

When Tenrin and her construct joined them, Naliah didn’t even flinch, instead perking up when Cordelia searched for Magus, wanting to grill him for information about the castle they were going to attack. A question that caused Naliah to grumble under her breath. “Damnit Filch, this would be the perfect time for you to share whatever knowledge you know as well.”

2018-02-06, 09:01 AM
Magnus took his wound stoically, not uttering the slightest murmur of complaint, having taken countless such wounds before. Then mere moments after the last giant fell, and as his own supernatural regeneration, granted by a ring and enhanced by his own natural abilities, came into play, he felt a cool hand touch his arm, and he felt the wounds leave instantly. He knew without having to look that it was Cordelia, a mistress of the healing arts.

He nodded to her in acknowledgement of her deed, then went to search the bodies of the fallen giants. He was a pragmatic man, and every tool the enemy lost could be turned to Cordelia's and La's cause. Once he had searched the bodies, he went forth to finish off the wounded foes, capturing those who were not badly injured, and mercifully despatching those who were too badly wounded to be saved. Once all were accounted for on this side of the walls of the keep, he returned to the commander's position, where the rest of the Dawn Brigade gathered. He offered Queen Tiana, one of his few allies, a deep bow of acknowledgement, as he cleaned off his blade and returned it to its scabbard.

As Tiana took her leave, headed for her tent, Magnus looked around at the tired and wounded men around the small group of elite Brigade members. He could feel their weariness in the same way as he was sure his father felt in the presence of a glorious cavalry charge. A heartfelt sorrow at lives taken, and relief at not being one of them.

As Cordelia and the others press for details of the keep, Magnus thinks hard and then speaks up. "The interior of the keep is of pretty standard design. There is, as you can see,
a bridge leading to the keep. But that could be mined so as to explode, and even if they have not considered that, the bowfire and spellcasting from the parapets overlooking the bridge would cause severe losses. There is a lake behind the keep. We could try to enter that way, but we would be seen across the entire distance, since there would obviously be nothing to hide behind on our way across it. We could fly down into the courtyard to surprise them. I have my griffon mount, so I could fly in, along with possibly one other. But I suspect we lack enough flying mounts or spellcasters to make that a viable attack vector," he said.

He took a deep breath, and ran his hand through rapidly greying hair. "There is, to my knowledge, only one secret entrance into the keep. Deep beneath the lake, there is a gated and barred entrance. Because it is so difficult to get to, it is unlikely to be guarded. If we can get in there, it leads under the keep, allowing fresh water in for the inhabitants, as well as cooling the keep. There is no direct door up to the keep from the underwater passage, but there are vents made of criss-crossed iron that do lead up into various areas in the lower parts of the keep. If we can get up those vents, we will be able to roam virtually wherever we want within the castle. We may even be able to sneak our way directly to Riasom without having to fight his entire army first."

He sighed, then added offhandedly, "But someone will have to convince one or more mages to help us with water breathing spells. I am not on good terms with any wizards,
so I can't help with that."

2018-02-06, 11:55 AM
Tristan considers this information and sighs. If I had known of this path earlier I could have prepared spells to take us through the lake. Now I would need time to do so. Time we do not have if we wish to push through this tonight. He is somewhat disappointed. They are so close and the bridge does sound dangerous. Though perhaps it is workable.

I could potentially cover the parapets in ice. That would make a charge across the bridge easier. Though still fighting into the main keep would be difficult. I can certainly make us all invisible. If we can collect enough mages to cast water breathing or a similar spell on even one of us, provided everyone is willing to get in a bag of holding. He continues his thought, Actually we only need someone to cast it on Ayn. The rest of us need only get in a bag of holding. Any of us ought to be able to break a few iron bars with relative ease. Then from there we only need to reach Riasom. Surveying the room. Seem feasible to everyone else?

2018-02-06, 12:48 PM
The kitsune lets out a low, relieved whine as Nailah comes over to join her on the ground and in looking over Amaranth. Morta had brought the dryad to the command tent in the hopes of finding Cordelia for some healing, and she is glad to know she had been right to do so. "Filch is with the rest of the pack," she reports to Nailah. "Seeing which ones need to be taken to healers. Amaranth was hurt the worst, so I thought it best if I brought her to the Maiden," she says. She falls quiet out of respect more than anything else as the rest of the group discusses what to do.

Cordelia finishes her healing and stands up, wiping a bit of sweat from her brow as she moves to sit at one of the many chairs in the tent. They are all surrounding a large table, with tactical maps of the geography and rustic maps of the interior of Riasom's castle as provided by Magnus' knowledge, with the aid of the drow that Nailah is currently asking about. But, of course, the depictions on the table don't quite do justice to the real thing. Looking out across the battlefield, Hestrulion is easily within sight of the partially open tent flap.

It has been about forty-five minutes since the end of the last bit of battle, and therefore it isn't long before you start to hear Tiana approach the tent. Her return is heralded by the sound of many feet, couriers from the front lines as well as men who have teleported across the entire continent, giving her news of the battle on every front.

"The threat on Abeern has finally manifested - that dragon and the kobold that Riasom commands has launched a full scale assault on the border, the villages are all being burned on the way to Estuarit-"

"They say that hellhounds are ravaging every square inch of Gavelmith, pouring out of the swamplands-"

"King Grimble's ship has sunk, we don't know whether or not he's alive. The Navy is still in combat as we speak-"

"It will be over soon," Tiana interrupts the group. "We will cut off the head of this snake for ourselves and the rest will fall into place." This seems to soothe the worries of the couriers, and they let her alone as she finally enters the tent, Sundance and Daegal in tow. A huge breath leaves the queen's lungs as she takes her position at the head of the table. She looks up, meeting the eyes of each member of the Brigade in turn. "I see we are gathered," she says, voice serious. The effect of the battle seems to weigh heavily on her shoulders. There is blood smeared across her right cheek and dark half-moons have formed under her eyes from the sleepless night of battle rage. But her gaze is sharp and alert, and her features stern. They are so close, and she can nearly taste their victory. "Time is of the essence," she says. "And the army is weaker than I had hoped. If we are to finish this, we will need a plan," she says. She looks out across the field to the bridge leading to Riasom's keep. "If we storm that thing, I fear our men will break like waves against a rock. A straight assault will be suicide, as close as we are. The enemy has rooted their position and they will be hard to drive out," she continues. She looks over the group.

"Have you any plan, Dawn Brigade? How are we going to crush this Spider under our feet?"

2018-02-07, 12:02 AM
There was a vague nod of approval at Magnus's suggestion from Ayn, though he made no attempt to stop by the others and continued on his way to the tent. There, he would wait by the maps on the desks, his axe still covered in giant blood as he would set it to rest on the table side. With a long breath, it seemed as though minutes passed in instants, as the waiting turned trivial for a man more used to the quiet loneliness of the dark than the rumblings of the seemingly different world he now inhabited. His single eye traced the offensive lines that had been drawn across Hestil, matching it up with the fighting he'd done across the country the best he could. Absentmindedly, he slid his fingers under his eye-patch and rubbed against the scarred tissue.

Only when he heard the voices of the Queen and her advisers outside did he return to reality, though he paid less heed to the panicked words of the couriers than he did to the entrance the Queen would make. The news delivered was clearly of no concern to the Queen, and Ayn had predicted those outcomes with a fair certainty as soon as he was informed of the world's going ons a week back. Felt Many-Tale, in his endless foolishness, had made the very same mistake he did, learning nothing from the crimes he had committed, and his kin would pay for it. Or they would have, were the Dawn Brigade not ready to finish the job here and here itself.

"The traitor knows an entrance, deep in the lake, unlikely to be guarded." he said, a single cheek raised in clear disconcert, "He would know the specifics better, but the lake would prove to be a little obstacle for us to sneak in... if he speaks true." His guttural voice clearly had seen little use in the decade that had past, and his ability to trust had atrophied worse, but the caution in the words he then spoke was obvious: "Careful, Tiana," he said, leaving out the courtesy for his once almost equal with little subtlety, "an empire stands on its generals and people. Abern, monsters, tyrants mean nothing to the soldiers you kill. In my years here, never have I seen Hestil prosper more. Riasom's death will not end the war, and you would be making a grave mistake to dismiss other concerns..."

2018-02-07, 08:24 AM
Magnus shot Ayn a sharp look at being called a traitor, though he let it go, since technically, it could be considered to be the truth. He felt no regret over his departure from Riasom's side, though for a moment he found himself wondering if Riasom would have been facing imminent defeat if he had stayed at his former King's side. He didn't care much as to the answer, though he found himself also wondering how many more or fewer would have died if his decision had been reversed.

Magnus spoke up, repeating all that he knew to Queen Tiana, and indicating on the map the most likely positions for the various things he knew. "I am not sure if it would be advisable for a single one of us to carry the others in a bag of holding. I know the location of the entrance beneath the lake, but I do not know if there are guard creatures down there as well. It would seem at least somewhat likely that Riasom would have some sort of guardian creatures set to protect the rear half of his castle, and with the secret entrance being down there as well, and him knowing that I have changed loyalties, he would have to have at least considered it. And if there is a creature, or more than one, down there, it will be very difficult for any one of us to fight it. EVen all together it will be difficult. Perhaps the psion would be capable of it," he said, gesturing at Tenrin, "But any of us warriors will have a hard time fighting down there."

2018-02-07, 05:41 PM
I imagine it will be guarded. Though one of us invisible may be able to slip by. Tristan thinks. At the very least I can make us all invisible. Weighing options again. I feel the bridge is simply the wrong move. No matter what guards a less well known entrance, anything that could turn the tide of the battle against us easily would be needed on the front.

Looking to Tenrin. Anything you could contribute to a strike under water?

2018-02-08, 10:59 AM
Naliah heard Morta’s report with a mixture of relief and pride. Relief that Filch was, in fact, alive and seemingly having come out of the battle mostly intact, and pride that the drow had taken it on himself to check the rest of the pack, to organize them and make sure those who needed it were sent to the healers. Looking after the pack, whenever it be the pack under Naliah, the pack of your family or the pack of your friends was one of the main lessons that Naliah had drilled into those she taught, and she was always proud when others went ahead with it.

Naliah knew that the pack would not begrudge her for coming in person either. The battle was not yet won after all... and as a member of the Dawn Brigade, Naliah was expected to give her own opinions on how to assault the castle. She wasn’t the most intelligent person, but she wasn’t insightful and experienced... plus she had her own abilities to bring to the fray.

“The secret entrance beneath the lake is definitely the best way forwards. Thanks to Magnus, who isn’t a traitor.” Insert glare at no one in particular. “We know about it. Waters is just as much as an issue to me as the air is.” Meaning not at all. “And I think a few members of my pack might be able to make the journey as well. Filch for sure, and I think Amaranth might be able to give us a hand with water breathing for others.” Naliah wasn’t done, however...

“Still, if that’s the only attack we make, they’ll likely get suspicious as to why we aren’t attacking. So we’ll have to make a least some type of assault with the rest of the army. Not an actual attack mind you, we aren’t asking the soldiers to throw their lives away. But putting pressure on them so they don’t think to check the lake.” There was another pause before Naliah would grudgingly add.

“And I don’t think we’ll wrap this up neatly if we get to the amulet in time. Despite his unnecessary grudge, Mr Break is right in that it's quite likely the other generals will keep fighting. The amulet is the main concern for sure, and crushing the spider will likely be crippling. But it won’t end the war in a single stroke, not by a long shot.”

2018-02-10, 11:24 AM
Tiana leans heavily on the table as the group speaks, the weight of their words seeming to have an effect on her. She seems loathe to admit that killing Riasom won't be the end of it - after all, it is what she set out on this war to do. But she is wise enough to listen to council. "We will make preparations for strikes at his generals," she agrees. "But we will need all the force we can muster here, tonight. Even if the war doesn't end here, the stakes will be much less, provided we take back the Medallion," she says. "Once in Cordelia's control, she will be able to soothe the beast within and stop it from going on a path of destruction. Isn't that right?" she asks, looking to the Maiden, who has thus far been silent.

Cordelia hesitates for only a moment, her gaze turned heavenward in that space of silence, before she nods. "The Goddess is with me," she says. "I will be able to do it."

Tiana gives a firm nod. "Then all we need to do is find a way to get under the lake. It will look suspicious if I do not appear with the army, so I won't be joining you in storming the castle. I will have to lead our troops here, along with Sundance and Daegal. But you will need to take Cordelia with you. As soon as you can, get the Medallion from Riasom. Be it from his dead body if that must be," she says.

"If I may," Sundance speaks up, looking over the group. "I could provide aid in getting you under the lake. I know the Air Bubble spell - I used it in the desert to keep sand from my face, and I use it in battles to keep gore out of my eyes. It works quite effectively... and I could still cast it thrice more, today. It could give three of you the chance to move under the water and still be able to breathe for about ten minutes," she says. "Which... I believe, if the others were to step into a bag of holding, they wouldn't want to be in there longer than that, anyways," she says.

2018-02-12, 01:49 PM
Wonderful suggestions as always Sundance. There is a smile present in Ainadae's voice. If you can assist us in getting to the bottom of the lake then I think we may be able to make this work.

Stretching his arms and cracking his knuckles. If there are no other objections are we ready to get this show on the road?

2018-02-12, 03:11 PM
Tenrin Sunrider

"Hey!" Tenrin snaps her fingers as the hostility between Magnus and Ayn starts rising. "Keep it icy. I don't wanna end up a corpse before my time because you two were at each others throats. We've all got a common goal here."

The moment a water entrance was mentioned, Tenrin perks up and starts scratching notes and sketches on a small notepad she had pulled out of nowhere. She appears to be drawing a strange shark-like creature with two tentacles and an unnaturally large torso.

Grinning over at Tristan, she nods. "Of course I can. My constructs are incredibly versatile, so they can go anywhere I make them for. Plus, I've got a few tricks of my own to deal with watery situations." She taps the torso of her drawing. "I can bring along a few more people by fitting them inside the torso here. There's no air production though, so we'll have to move fast to get to wherever we're going."

2018-02-12, 03:16 PM
Magnus looked obviously uncomfortable at the idea of their most prized figure, Cordelia, coming into a deadly battle at his instigation. He didn't want her coming to the bottom of the lake with them, to face unknown dangers, followed by the very well known dangers inside the keep, with only the Dawn Brigade to protect her, whereas out here she would be guarded by the whole of the army. But he acquiesced to the needs of the situation, and understood that her place was to be where Riasom fell, to regain and control the Medallion. So he said no word in protest at the idea. Besides which, the Dawn Brigade were a formidable force of themselves, and not really in need of the support of an army to protect Cordelia.

At Sundance's words, he felt a little better about her suggestion. "Your air bubble spell would appear to be the best option. If two warriors and the psion go beneath the lake, with everyone else in the bag of holding, then we will stand the best chance of successfully getting into the area beneath the castle. It was my idea, and I will stand the best chance of finding the gate, so I will volunteer to be one of those who goes underwater. Who wants to come with me?" he asked, looking around the small group. He had to take Cordelia beneath the lake with him, but he didn't want her to face any dangers by going openly. Better for her to remain inside the bag with the others.

2018-02-12, 07:29 PM
Cordelia takes a moment to admire the sketch that Tenrin is now working on, showing the group one of her newest ideas for a construct that could get them under the water. And while the Maiden had no doubt that it would work, she reached out to take hold of Tenrin's wrist. "Would we be able to sneak such a large vessel up to the back of the keep?" she asks, seeming faintly worried. "I think discretion would be the better part of judgement, for a task like this. And we will likely end up in the water, regardless, depending on how big this gate is," she points out. "Magnus, is the gate something we could fit a construct through? Or is it only large enough for creatures around our size?" she asks.

Can't remember if I sent this along or not, but the gate is only big enough to fit no more than a large creature, or two medium creatures at the same time.

2018-02-12, 08:06 PM
One bushy eyebrow raise later, Ayn found himself leaning over the table to look at the sketch in Tenrin's hands, a tinge of familiarity rising from the bowels of a memory long gone during the tiniest silent moment as all did the same. However, as soon as Cordelia spoke, he tilted his head towards her, bringing a singular palm vertical to the curve of his nose and said "Knowing the psion's capabilities, I'm sure size will surely be mutable. The implic- implication..." he paused as the stutter came through his mouth, before continuing "that you will come along is hard. I'm staunchly against taking you down that lake, and I'm willing to fight my way through the front to make sure your path holds no overlap with a body of water. I can't convince you to not accompany us into the castle, that may have already been established, but I raise my convictions once more on this."

2018-02-13, 12:06 AM
As I said before I can make as many invisible as needed, at least long enough to get in the lake. That is not much an issue. Looking at Tenrin's drawing. If I can ride inside a construct will I be able to still cast spells out of it?

The plan was coming together. Any physical obstacle in the entrance I should be able to get beyond, even make the hole larger if I need to. Tapping one of his gauntlets. His Gauntlet of Rust. The arm also hiding a wand of Shatter.

Ayn's contentions rose again. We are all in this together, Cordelia must reach the Amulet. The whole of Riasom's army stand between the two. The lake seems less an obstacle with Sundance's assistance. Tenrin and I can provide some support. Any obstacle put in front of us we will overcome. We are the Dawn Brigade, nothing will stop the sunrise. Tristan thinks that a bit clever, completely missing that it may also be corny.

2018-02-13, 06:09 AM
For a few moments, Naliah wondered whenever or not anyone had actually heard what she had just said in regardless of the whole ‘Water is no difficulty for me’ thing, and when they began discussing who would fill what role, Naliah decided it would be best to repeat herself to make sure they actually heard what she said. “I don’t need the Air Bubble. My shell lets me breathe underwater, and lets me fight with no difficulty. Filch is likely adept enough at the shell to be able to do the same thing, so he should be able to come with us."

Naliah also wasn't entirely happy that they seemed to be set with one particular plan, and soon moved onto to addressing it as well. "I’m not sold on the entire Bag of Holding idea either. I wouldn’t put it past the Spider to have the tunnel guarded, and we’ll need all hands available to give us the best chance of getting down and into the castle without the alarm being raised.”

2018-02-15, 09:43 AM
Magnus frowned at some of the suggestions being made. He cleared his throat, then said, "From what I have been told, the gateway is only large sized, and will take no more than two normal sized people at once. So the astral construct containing several people would appear to be unsustainable as a plan. A smaller one containing but a single person would seem to be workable,
with three others in the air bubble, then everyone else in the bag of holding. There would seem to be little option other than to send some people inside the bag, as bad as that option seems to be.
I am not too concerned about guardians inside the passageways, since it is unlikely that Riasom will keep servants strong enough to defeat us in an area which is unlikely to see use, especially when there is an entire army on the surface that he is facing. But it is possible that there could be anything as big as a kracken beneath the waves, short of the gateway. So we will need as many people available as possible to fight. An air bubble should enable us warriors to fight unhindered, though there could be some restrictions still. But I would prefer that Cordelia be kept inside the bag at least, so that she can't be snatched by water dwelling creatures that can take her and outswim us, to remove her from our group. They are unlikely to try to kidnap any of the rest of us, since we are less valuable."

He mlooked around after making such an unaccustomed long speech, since he usually said but little. He studied the faces of his companions and wondered what they were thinking. He especially looked over at Cordelia, then said to her, "At the end of the day, this is your mission. What are your thoughts on what we are proposing? It is, after all, you among others who will have to hide inside the bag while others carry out whatever plan we decide upon."

2018-02-15, 03:52 PM
When Magnus addresses her, Cordelia takes a moment of silence to think. "So it will be... three of you with the air bubble, Nailah in her psionic shell, and Tenrin possibly in her construct?" she says, factoring up, then, how many of their group would have to be in a bag of holding. When she came up with only herself, her brow furrowed, and she gave a small shake of her head. "What if you all get injured in some way? It will be especially dangerous to fight underwater for many of you," she says. "I will not hide behind you. Not today. Tenrin, could you make a construct that would fit you and I both?" she asks. "I am not going to hide or abandon you, my brigade. I hope it will assure you enough if I am able to ride in a construct. It will at least provide some form of shield for me."

2018-02-18, 02:50 AM
Magnus considered this, then nodded to Cordelia. "I suppose today is not the day for guarding our assets. Today everyone must fight. I suppose that a construct built for two would still be able to get through the gateway, and it will prevent you from having to stay in the bag of holding. Now, everyone will be able to fight to at least some extent." He clapped his hands together once, as if sealing things. "That seems to be decided, then. Everyone goes beneath the waves, and everyone fights. I do not know of anything special, any secrets, about the area around the gateway. So we will just have to play it by ear. We might as well get started. The sooner, the better, as the saying goes. Does anyone need to gather anything, or should we go now?" he asked. He was personally ready to go now, the sooner to get to grips with his former master, Riasom. That was an encounter he looked forward to, for many reasons.

2018-02-18, 05:23 AM
“Ummmm, Magnus? You're forgetting a rather simple solution: We don’t enter the door all at once.” Naliah pointed out, half amused and half confused that someone as intelligent as Magnus seemed to miss the glaring issue with his worries about not everyone able to fit inside of the gate when they managed to get there... and chucking as many people as possible into a bag of holding, despite the fact that removing them from the battlefield in such a way put everyone at significant risk. “Like seriously, this bag of holding idea is just asking for trouble. Let's just get the air bubble, and swim down to the gate. Either inside the construct or not, and then enter the gate one or two at a time. That way if there's any guards or magical traps, we are all out and ready to address these challenges as the Dawn Brigade, instead of a half of us. No need to make everything so complicated.”

2018-02-18, 11:22 AM
Ayn quietly stared at the others as they spoke, before he spoke up, uncontent with the progression. "The waves hide the darkest and greatest of creatures. If the entire Brigade will demand to go with Cordelia, I am forced to assist, but I would count on there being disturbances. I should know." he said, purposely being deft in his avoidance of specificity. There was little he knew about Hestil's lakes, but he knew somethings about the depths, and he held back none of the concern that this knowledge bred in him from the tone of his voice as he spoke. "I would like to go in first and scout out the lake, for I trust myself to know of the deep better than most."

2018-02-18, 01:38 PM
When Ayn speaks up, Cordelia gives him a long, hard look. She agrees that they should get moving, as Magnus says. But to charge in without scouting ahead would probably be foolish. And it seems that Ayn has volunteered for the job. "We will need to save our spellcasting for when we all push forwards," she says. "Would you be able to successfully scout without the aid of an air bubble, Ayn?" she asks, concern in her tone.

2018-02-18, 06:13 PM
Ayn did not return Cordelia's gaze for longer than a second, as a shudder crawled down his spine the second he met her eyes. Yet again, he was reminded why he struggled to be in her presence for such periods of time, but he made no comment or move to suggest as such. "That name...You may count on it. Spire's waters have given me much worse than I would imagine this lake will. I would not worry about me." he spoke, as he shifted to look back towards the map on the table before him, doing his very best to appear occupied analyzing the lake's boundaries.

2018-02-18, 06:30 PM
Cordelia does not hesitate, then, when Ayn assures her. She looks up to Tiana, and the queen nods. "We will do that, then," she says. "Go ahead, Ayn. Scout forward, and report back within the hour. If you do not return in that time, we will send someone after you. But we need to move," she says. With Ayn dismissed, Tiana turns her attention to Tenrin again. "Tell me more of the details about this construct. Will it be safe?" she asks.

2018-02-18, 09:51 PM
Magnus nodded his agreement to the decision to send a scout beneath the waves. Although he wasn't keen on sending a single person down on their own to face whatever Riasom may have set down there as a guardian, they couldn't afford to send more than one person down or use the air bubbles to explore. So they would have to settle for this plan of a single scout. If they didn't come back, everyone else would have to go down together. He would have preferred to just all go together at once, but he couldn't fault the wariness shown by sending a scout. He turned his attention to Tenrin, worried about Cordelia's safety. He wanted to know more about the astral construct, but didn't understand much about the psionic arts, and didn't want to make a fool of himself by asking what could be stupid questions. So he remained silent and listened.

2018-02-18, 11:55 PM
Tenrin Sunrider

Grinning at Cordelia, Tenrin places a reassuring hand over hers. "The construct is for you personally and will protect you. I can adapt myself to being underwater quite easily, after all."

"As for what it does..." she continues, turning to Tiana with a gleam in her eyes. "While the general concept of the construct is the same as with all of the ones I've created, this particular one is specifically designed for carrying people underwater. It's as fast as a shark and more durable even than my White Knight. The passenger space is quite large and comfortable, and holds enough air for several hours of breathing. Since some level of combat is likely possible, I've designed it with a seat and straps to prevent being thrown about. And not only that, I'll be close at hand the entire trip. I personally guarantee that Cordelia will be safe."

2018-02-19, 11:10 AM
Though eagerness was not the word he was willing to let himself be described with, he exited the command tent swiftly as soon as he found agreement amongst the others. Not that it had mattered, since he had made up his mind the second he had made his 'suggestion', but that scenario might've required him to argue his point further within that tent, and he did not think he would have lasted much longer. He hefted his massive axe, as he sped his movement up to a jog, facing right towards the direction of the lake as he did. The second he reached the closest thing to a shore, he picked up a rock, tossing it to have it skip across the surface of the lake for a few skips, while he scanned the surface of the water to gain any idea of what he would face, or if there'd be any intrusion from the stronghold itself. The Hestilian had said that it would be found deep beneath the lake, and thus he had little thought of being able to spot it from where he was, but he attempted to nonetheless.

Perception checks. [roll0]

I also realized that I'll need your description of the actual lake to actually go further, so, sorry if I left earlier than might've made sense

Also I've made this post like three times and I've made a mistake in the roll at least once so far.

2018-02-19, 12:25 PM
Tiana gives Tenrin a hard, evaluating look, but after a moment, she nods. "Then I entrust the Maiden's safety to you. Not that I have much choice - once she makes up her mind to do something, there isn't much I can do about it," the queen says, looking at Cordelia with a faintly concerned, but fond look, nonetheless. Tiana sits down, then, letting out a deep breath. "So I suppose we must just wait for the Break of Twilight to return to us. What final preparations may I help with?" she asks.


Ayn makes his way to the lake alone, past scores of dead bodies over the battlefield. He is not alone out there - a few soldiers from both sides are picking over the living and the dead. They don't attack one another in this shaky calm before the storm, but wary glances are traded both ways. No one pays particular attention to Ayn, though he is certainly noticed as he walks with purpose towards the castle. He doesn't get close enough for the archers on the parapets to take any real notice of him, but he can't be sure if he's been spotted or not when he finally reaches the lake's edge.

The lake is about a mile across, framed by the mountains on one side and the keep on the other. The dark water indicates it is probably quite deep, certainly deep enough to hold untold horrors, and chunks of ice float here and there on the surface. The rock which Ayn skips on the water hits one of these floes, sending an echoing, hollow noise back to his ears, disturbing the otherwise quiet and calm around the lake.

Nothing moves in the water.

2018-02-19, 05:49 PM
"It sounds like we have a plan at last." Looking to Ayn. "Good luck. Not that you should need it.

Tristan was beginning to shift a bit under the persona of Ainadae and let his shoulders slack. Pulling up his mask and letting the tension fall. "I need to take a rest and plan out my spell use. Air bubble will allow me to speak, so anything following us into the passage should be hard at worst and impossible at best. I should be able to block the passage rather permanently." Shaking out his hands and trying to hide his nervous energy. "And if all goes well we shouldn;t have to leave the keep through the lake, though if a speedy escape becomes necessary I am sure I can manage something for us. Not many walls can stand up to me for long"

"We will all do our best to ensure Cordelia's safety. Nothing is more important to our success than her success." Tristan says bowing deeply to Queen Tiana. "If it comes to it, my life is worth less than hers." Turning to Cordelia. "A trade I would gladly make if necessary."

2018-02-21, 04:30 AM
Magnus watched as Ayn left the tent. He wished he could go along, but knew that there was nothing he could contribute at this stage, since he had no means of breathing beneath the waves, and even if he could breathe he wouldn't be able to fight without the air bubble provided by the spell they had been promised. He figured that the air bubble should allow him to fight, since it shouldn't prevent him from swinging his weapon. He pondered the available options for what they could do during the wait. Only a single idea came to him. "When it comes time for us to go beneath the waves,
we will need a powerful diversion attack, so that Riasom doesn't know we are trying another means of entering. If there is no attack, with him on the ropes, then he will be suspicious. I do not like that we will have to waste lives on a pointless attack, but it is necessary. Besides, there is always a slim chance that the frontal attack could succeed. Perhaps they are not as strong as they appear to be, and a solid attack will succeed."

2018-02-21, 06:57 AM
Naliah wasn’t a tactician.

Sure, experience had taught her the necessity of planning beforehand. The war had drummed into her head the importance of both a short-term tactical arrangement and a long-term strategy in order to win a war. As well as how important it was to not stick to either tactics or strategy rigidly and to take full advantage of opportunities, or to adapt to any sudden difficulties that came up... but when you boil it down. Naliah just wasn’t a tactician. She didn’t like sitting in a tent, planning over the little details and trying to decide what would happen.

Meaning that when the Break of Twilight, when ‘Ayn’ left in order to scout the lake ahead of time. Naliah would leave with him. It was foolish to send just one person to scout ahead. To easy for them to be ambushed and slain. If there were two people, then there was a much better chance of one of them escaping and warning coming back to the main group. That, and as Naliah had said quite a few times, she really had no issue when it came to swimming either. So if they could have two sets of eyes scouting the lake, why not have two sets of eyes scanning the lake? Best way to make sure there weren’t any threats after all.

Once the Break of Twilight was done skipping rocks across the lake, Naliah would step up next to him, her shroud of psionic energy and silver moonlight easily coating her body as she indicated the lake, saying. “Shall we go for a swim then?”

2018-02-21, 09:20 PM
These ramparts he'd been witness to before several times, each time with a purpose different from the last time. Once, he had come to speak with the Old King to negotiate some blathery that he neither could remember nor wanted to remember. Obviously, whatever agreement he'd come to with the ruler of Hestil had been broken upon the armored knee of its soldiers sailing across the sea, but it had been a pleasant visit. The second time was something similar yet different, the agreement of which each word Ayn remembered with an eidetic fury. But it was the third and last time that he had seen the walls of the stronghold that rang most clear to him. He had fought his way to the gates, and threw himself at it for hours as he found himself surrounded by soldiers. By dawn, he had realized that he would not be entering the stronghold any time soon, forcing him to leap across swathes of men to escape once more into the West, running from more than simply the soldiers who would pursue.

If only he'd known of this entrance....

Still, he had another chance to move through. He'd never thought of himself as a man of the waves, but his strength and... odd experience made him most qualified for it. His thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of Naliah, the One From Afar, or so he'd figured. He didn't recognize her at all, becoming cognizant that she was likely to have become relevant during the Decade he'd spent here. We..." he slowly said, his earthly voice brought to a whisper, "...are not ready. I advance alone, and even then, not until I can be sure the archers do not bear witness to my descent."

2018-02-23, 07:33 AM
“Nope, coming with you.” Naliah said bluntly when Ayn tried to dismiss her, Even as he explained just why he hadn’t gone for a swim yet... which wasn’t something she had thought about honesty. Crouching down, Naliah would manipulate the silver shroud around herself. Not simply dimming it, but twisting it so that it would match her surroundings. To make it all the more harder to spot her as she would half walk, half waddle out into the lake.“You can go back if you're that angsty about your past sins or whatever.”

Using Chameleon Shift, giving me +6 Stealth for 1 Hour, do not take a -5 penalty for moving more than half my speed and can hide even when observed.


2018-02-23, 07:24 PM
"You misunderstand in your haste. Scouts do not operate in teams. But if you refuse to understand, then I shall hope you keep up." came the mumbling reply, as he averted his eyes from the disappearing warrior. He possessed little in the way of ability with stealth, and most certainly held no ability to disappear into the void of background like his associate, but he would attempt nonetheless to maintain some level of stealth as he slowly walked up the shore while edging himself into the lake, until he was submerged, at which point he dived deep and made for stronghold's contact points with the lake.

[roll0] Stealth. Can't do that very well

[roll1] Swim. This I can do!
I have scent that works underwater and can detect any blood in the water for "miles" apparently. I also have 30ft swim speed.

2018-02-27, 11:46 AM
As the pair descends into the lake, they are met with the sudden chill of its water. It isn't enough to freeze right down to the bone, but certainly enough to set their teeth on edge and cause a dull pain in the back of their heads. The water is clear, freezing, and fresh, so at the very least there is no salt stinging Ayn or Nailah's eyes. The bottom of the lake is filled with rocks, mostly round, as Nailah walks along the bottom and Ayn swims ahead with all the skill of a fish.

The water is almost eerily still and silent. Nothing, not even fish, seem to be in the frigid lake. Nailah, with her wolfish instincts, however, feels the hair on the back of her neck rise. She can sense that the pair of scouts is being watched by something.

2018-03-04, 11:19 AM
“Funny. I’ve always been told that scouts should always work in teams.” Naliah would quip back as she continued to wade deep into the water. Wanting to get the last word in before she would duck her head underneath the waves. It took a few seconds for her cloak to adapt to the new environment, but soon enough she wouldn’t simply be wading out into the lake. But swimming. Powerful legs and arms propelling her deeper into the lake. Moving with all the speed and agility of a fish, or in her mind, an orca. The wolves of a sea.

Still, as she began to look round for this rear-entrance. Her eyes would begin to narrow. Something... something didn’t feel right, at all. Pausing in her movement, she would tread water in the middle of the lake as she looked around. Searching for whatever it was that put on edge... hoping that the back door wasn’t too tightly guarded...


2018-03-10, 06:27 AM
Magnus shifted uncomfortably as he waited for the scouts to return. He knew they shouldn't be long, but didn't want to wait. Besides which, it was necessary for a diversion to be organised in order to prevent the enemy from wondering what they were up to. "If you will excuse me, Your Majesty? I will go and organise the attack on the gates." He left the tent and headed to where the vanguard were milling, recovering from their last attack. As he approached, he heard the men speaking of the fight with the giants that he had just taken part in. The men obviously were impressed at how easily the mighty foes were taken down.

"Okay, troops. Form into ranks. There is to be an assault on the gates. Your task is to keep the enemy busy, so do not risk your lives needlessly. There is no need for heroes right now.
There will be plenty of time for heroes soon." He watched as the men formed up. He spoke briefly to the officers, ensuring they understood what their task was, and that they would do nothing foolish. He then went to the cavalry camp and spoke to the officers there as well. He instructed that they were to prepare to charge into the keep if the gates were breached, but that they should not really expect it to happen. They should just take advantage if the opportunity arose. He shook hands with a few of the cavalrymen who he knew, having led the force at one stage, then he left and returned to stand in front of the gates, just out of bow range. He made a bellowing challenge to get the attention of the enemy, then once both they and his own side were watching, he made an obscene gesture to the enemy, while offering a selection of insults and threats, in order to intimidate the enemy and inspire his own side.

2018-03-10, 08:57 PM
Apologies for the delay! I know this is really dragging, and I accept the blame. I should have gotten things moving much quicker than this.

Despite the long day, Magnus is able to rally the troops to attention once more. The insinuation that there would soon be glory - implying that the keep would soon fall - did quite a lot to bolster the morale of the men. This became especially true when someone rather unexpected joined Magnus in commanding the troops. Though she has no formal tactical training, Cordelia knows how important morale is to the soldiers. So she hurries out after Magnus when he goes, giving her blessing to the men as she can. It's a lot of flowery words, and not much else, but these are the words of the Goddess. Their impact is powerful on the mindset of those who hear them.

"La's radiance will shine down on us this morning. See how dawn breaks over the horizon - with Her blessing, today will bring victory."

Between these words, and many other phrases, she speaks to Magnus. "Thank you for standing with us today," she says. "I do not know much about you, or what it was like for you, under Riasom. But I expect some of the faces we confront today will be familiar to you. I do not know how to thank you for turning on your own people to help us."


Meanwhile, beneath the waves of the lake, Ayn and Nailah have begun to swim along. Whatever is causing the sensation of being watched does not appear before Nailah immediately, despite her fervent searching of the dark water and the bottom of the lake. However, as they move closer to the Keep, she is able to discern the location of the secret entrance that Magnus spoke about. It is a short but wide opening, only about three feet tall but nearly fifteen feet long. The entirety of the opening is barred, but the iron seems rusty after being submerged underwater for so long.

2018-03-11, 06:36 AM
Magnus bowed slightly to Cordelia, then backed away slightly so that she would be the focus of attention for the troops. Still, he remained close enough that he could speak to her without raising their voices. "The thought has occurred to me, Milady. I do not relish the idea of fighting those I once counted friends. But they chose their side, as have I, ,and we will all fight to the death in order to achieve our goals. They won't hesitate to kill me if they get the chance, so I must not allow them the chance. I will mourn them later, despite the darkness they serve, as I once did. But if they stand across from me, I will kill them without a second thought. The mourning will come after. But I suppose it is an honour to kill them myself, since they will fall to an equal, a former friend. As for Riasom himself. Him I would like to meet. I intend to kill him without mercy. He deserves what he gets, for what he did at the Convent."

2018-03-11, 02:44 PM
Cordelia takes a long moment to ponder Magnus' words, a thoughtful expression on her face even as she continues blessing the soldiers that come up to her. Once coming to a decision, she speaks again. "I want to meet Riasom," she says. "I know you and the others are concerned for my safety, if I face him with the rest of you. But I'm not a weak little girl like I was back then. I want to meet him, and I want to speak with him. I want to understand why he did as he has done," she says. "It is not in my heart to believe that we should kill without cause. But, though to say it grieves me, I understand Riasom has given cause enough to warrant such a sentence. That doesn't mean he doesn't deserve one more chance," she says. "I would like to just... hear what he has to say."

2018-03-12, 08:05 AM
Magnus scowled in disapproval. "I have to disagree, Cordelia. I know you have grown in wisdom and power since you were rescued from the Convent. But facing Riasom is a really bad idea. He is dangerous, and never moreso than when he is cornered. He won't hesitate to attack you if you face him. If he fells you, he will have won this war. He will ignore the rest of us, even if we stand beside you, in order to gain victory by killing you." He paused, then continued, "But if you absolutely insist on speaking with him, it will be from behind a wall of your retainers, and I will be at the forefront. That is non-negotiable. I will not allow you to risk yourself by standing right in front of him." He looked very uncomfortable at having to make an ultimatum to the figurehead of the entire army, but he knew Riasom much better than she did.

2018-03-12, 10:12 AM
"No, I know. And I understand," Cordelia tells Magnus. "I have relied on the strength of the Dawn Brigade to get me this far, and I'm not going to stop doing so," she assures. "Just... before you all attack him, I would appreciate the chance to at least speak. On my terms, and not his," she says.

2018-03-12, 03:38 PM
Though Ayn noticed nothing of the gazing feeling that his compatriot that swam beside him felt, he was at unease as well, nonetheless. Their arrival at the entrance was certainly a point at which he'd be forced to make a decision, or ask Naliah on what to do. One of which was an option he wasn't entertaining easily. Either he continued on through the entrance, scouting further, or he returned with the news of having scouted out the lake.

He approached the bars, kicking his feet off towards the entrance.

[roll0] Perception, if I see something I don't like, I don't do the following action

[roll1] Strength check for breaking the bars, burning a round of rage on it

2018-03-13, 07:57 AM
Magnus hesitated, then finally said, "I suppose that is acceptable. It will still be dangerous, since we don't know what tricks he may have prepared. But I can understand why you you want to talk to him. If the situation were different, and he were helpless, I would like to talk to him myself. I promise, then, that I will at least try to give you a chance to speak with Riasom. I will not attack him until you try to speak to him. But if he strikes at you, all bets are off. I am sure we can always use magic in order to speak to his spirit, if necessary. You will have my words of support when you tell the rest of the Dawn Brigade of this decision, when we meet next."

He looked over at the troops, as they prepared to attack the gates. He felt a stab of deep regret that it was necessary to waste lives, even on the other side, when shortly the leaders of the two sides would face off directly, and therefore to end the battle and, hopefully, the war. But it was necessary. He hoped the spirits of the soon to be fallen would understand that, and not haunt his dreams, as so many spirits did at night.

2018-03-13, 09:40 AM
The bars easily crack and give way under Ayn's strength, providing an opening large enough for himself and Nailah to get through. The way ahead is much the same size, three feet tall by fifteen feet wide, and it's almost more of a crawl than a swim forwards. This path continues for about thirty feet before there is an opening above you, and air. As Magnus said, there is a iron grate in the floor, about five by five feet, which can be easily lifted to provide access to the castle.


Cordelia gives Magnus a solemn nod. "Then, I suppose, we just wait for our friends to get back," she says.

2018-03-13, 01:10 PM

She could see nothing say the dark waters around her, and the entrance that they had sought. Naliah did not know whenever or not she was to be relieved or even more uneasy about this fact. Did it mean that she was feeling nothing at all, and there really was nothing there watching them? Or did it mean that there were arcane, divine or perhaps even psionic methods at work here, making it so whatever was watching them was not something that the mortal eye could see?

Whatever the answer was, Naliah doubted there was much that could be done now. Not when they were so close to success...

Whilst Ayn moved forwards to the nest the bars and see how easy they were to part, Naliah allowed herself to sink to the lake floor several meters away from Ayn. She had no intention of following directly after him, as it would make it far too easy to jump the two of them and capture them. Instead, she would wait, and hope that he didn’t vanish anywhere for several minutes at a time... the sooner they started this infiltration, the better.

2018-03-14, 04:21 PM
Pulling himself forward slowly, as he gripped the ground and propelled himself, Ayn moved warily. He looked back and Naliah, and nodded to her as she sunk to the bottom, agreeing with the way she cautiously settled to make sure they weren't caught together if at all. It was an odd thing for him at this point, moving with the care that he was at that point. Still, he moved deftly, and as fast as he could. Time was of the essence, even if speed could get them caught. He lifted the grate, and head through, providing an awkward thumbs up to Naliah as he moved in, the grate swallowing his body as quickly as he could move.

2018-03-15, 10:05 AM
Ayn doesn't end up getting very far before he hears activity down the hallway. There are footsteps coming in his direction, though thankfully, they do not sound armored. From the conversation that Ayn can hear, these are likely servants, going about their business despite the activity outside. The hallway Ayn stands in has no obvious place to hide, other than back down the grate he just exited. He only has a few seconds to avoid being spotted.

2018-03-16, 07:18 AM
His options had run out, Ayn could realize that quite easily. Part of him called him to drawn his weapon, to rampage through the halls as the way he should've years ago, but his failures then would not be conducting to his failures now. He had to control himself, for even his refractive mind could tell that he would cause troubles for Cordelia further along the line were he to not immediately depart. He looked around for a moment, taking in his surroundings the best he could in that split second, as he left arm reached for the grate, and opened it. With the blink of an eye, he was gone, as he descended back into the lake to motion to Naliah that their time was up, and began to swim towards the camp, staying as deep as possible while he did it.

2018-03-20, 09:22 AM
It was with relief that Ayn returned after a short frame of time and motioned to her that it was time to leave. It seemed that the path was reasonable clear and they would have a straight run down the lake and into the castle... through from there, Naliah had little idea how the situation would go. Would it be a swift and sure route to the Spider himself... or would they run into heavy resistance along the way...? Regardless, it was the best option by far, and Nailah was happy to return back to the lakeside. Carefully moving so she would surface only when she had to, and at the same area where she first walked into the lake. Still keeping herself low to the ground in order to avoid notice...

Not that it would stop her from turning to Ayn and asking. “Any problems we might face?” Through Naliah wouldn't wait for a reply. Already making her way back to the camp, in a swift yet stealthy manner. The sooner the started the strike, the better.


2018-03-20, 12:54 PM
Returning to the main tent, Nailah and Ayn find Ainade and Tiana still bent over the map of the keep, discussing strategy. Magnus and Cordelia return only a short while later, having seen to the movement of the troops. Sundance rubs her hands together, for once looking anxious to get on the move. It seems that the idea that this could soon be over has gotten to her, as well.

"All right," Tiana says, crossing her arms and looking over the group. "What did our scouting party find?"

2018-03-22, 12:36 AM
Tristan stood pondering over the maps of the keep and surrounding lands. Making notes of strong and weak areas to push against, with particular interest in what material the walls were made of and how uniform they were. Knowing which wall bore most of the weight could be useful in a siege. When Ayn and Nailah returned he peeked upwards from the map and after Tiana followed suit.

"No problems I assume? Or at least none the two of you couldn't handle? A smile crossed his face for just a moment. The hour of glory was at hand and Tristan was more than a little nervous but trying not to show it.

Knowledge Geography: [roll0]
Knowledge Engineering: [roll1]
Wanting to know what the most common building materials in the area might be and based on the keep's outer layout where the weakest point of entry other than the main gate might be.

2018-03-25, 11:45 AM
“What we found? Oh, just an unguarded backdoor to the enemies’ castle. Bypassing all of their immense fortifications and encountering no hostiles of any kind upon finding it. Nothing too major really.” Naliah said with a shrug of her shoulders and a small smile on her lips. “So all we gotta do now is go for a little swim in a lake, a little walk in the castle, and chop the head of a spider to call it a day.” There was a slight pause from the ex-werewolf before she would thoughtfully note that. “It just doesn’t have the same ring to it does it? Chopping the head of a snake simply sounds better.”

That being said, however, Naliah would swiftly become serious as she dropped her arms to her side as she said. “Only an idiot wouldn’t keep some sort of watch on the door though, and the itsy bitsy spider is no idiot. We didn’t see any hostiles sure, but that doesn’t mean there wasn’t any, especially when I felt something watching me during our little swim. This is our best option, but I’m fully expecting us to be going into a trap too.”

2018-03-29, 11:29 AM
"Thats a bit of both good and bad news... I'll take it. Can you describe the pathway and do you know what some of the surrounding rooms might be? I can take us through a wall or two I think. A little more quietly than most of us could. Tristan smiles and thinks that if a route to the throne room can be made than their only real hurdle is whatever was watching in the lake and Riasom himself.

2018-04-07, 07:32 AM
Magnus listened to the scouting report, relieved that everything was as he had said it had been in the past. If it had changed, then it could shoot down their plans. He still had the worry that it could be the same, yet be trapped or guarded, which could suggest that he had lured the group into a trap, and he was still not entirely trusted yet by the members of the group. But there was little else they could do, other than to risk the back door and avoid as much bloodshed as possible. "If there is something in the lake, I would have assumed it would attack. I doubt it would realise that you were merely scouts and not the attack group. So we should be okay, and if not, I am sure we can fight our way through. Then we should have no trouble getting into the keep, and from there we can surprise them and fight our way through to Riasom."

2018-04-09, 12:32 AM
Being unwilling to attack is possibly a sign of great intelligence. Or very specific programming in the case of a construct. Tristan smiles. I can deal with a construct.

2018-04-09, 10:46 AM
It is thus decided that it is time to make a move on the castle. Sundance accompanies the group to the water so that she can cast the Air Bubble spell on whoever needs it. And, of course, Cordelia comes, as well, trusting in her Dawn Brigade to keep her safe from harm.

The water seems unsettled when the group arrives. The surface of the lake is undisturbed, but it almost seems too quiet. Cordelia folds her hands in front of her, lacing them and pressing them together in a small betrayal of nerves. But she is certain that whatever might be in the lake, they can handle it. They had to, in order to get to Riasom.

2018-04-09, 02:29 PM
“Reeeeeeeally don’t like this,” Naliah growled when they arrived back at the lake, the ex-werewolf having been rather quiet after she had shared her warning, letting Ayn step in and explain what he had seen of the castle before pulling back. The fact that she was so quiet up until now was simply a reflection of just how damn nervous and tense she was feeling about this entire affair... this entire fight, and standing before the castle where the Spider was waiting!

“Something. Something was watching me under that damn lake, the soldiers over on the walls have likely spotted us ages ago and reporting out movements back to the Spider, and now this damn lake is far too quiet to be natural!” Naliah ranted a bit, letting out some steam in order to try and relax and ease her nerves... and it did, as did the deep breath that followed... but she was still growling much like a wolf through, and turned to the others, saying. “I got magical contracts that let me see through illusions and invisibility, so there’s no chance of any invisible creatures lurking in the lake, but I still ain’t trusting it. Is there any chance of having someone probe it for any magic before we dive in? Or would that just take too damn long?”

The Magical Contracts she's talking about is her Truesight Goggles.

2018-04-11, 07:33 AM
Magnus stared down at the water pensively. He instinctively moved nearer to Cordelia, taking up a protective place near enough to take any blow aimed at her. "I am not sure if any scrying magic I know of would penetrate so deep into the water. Whatever might be down there, it can't be too fearsome, or Riasom would have found a way to bring it into battle at the surface. With his life on the line, he can't afford to leave a powerful weapon unused. So whatever might be down there, I am sure we can manage to deal with it. And we should move quickly. The more time we take getting down there, the more soldiers are dying up here covering for us. I have enough bodies on my conscience without stacking up more unnecessarily. Whatever might be down there, we have to face it at some point. It might as well be now as later," he said.

2018-04-25, 10:52 AM
Sylas emerged from the Command Tent, his expression tired and worn from the planning. He was less than enthused about the prospect of going under the lake, as he was less than comfortable with being in the water in comparison to the skies. Nonetheless, many of his magical precautions would keep him protected and able to function regardless, if only for a short time. He smiled softly to himself, as he thought about one of the any spells he might have that would assist the others. His magic could likely penetrate the depths of the water, even just his sight detecting magic and invisibility as water was barely a hindrance to the mage.

"While I'm not excited about this plan as the skies are more my home than the water, I can breath underwater just fine; unfortunately, I cannot give that same protection to anyone else. My clairvoyance spell is only as good as the visibility would be to an unrefined eye."

"If it's too quiet on the battlefield when it starts, Riasom and the others will know Cordelia and the rest of us are up to something; self preservation is his instinct, and remember it doesn't take long for mages to get around if he needs backup; were it necessary, I could be in Grevin within the minute and back before. My recommendation is let the battle commence in the morning, cause a little bit of a ruckus on the field without expending too many resources and then submerge ourselves and strike. Everyones fought this long, what's another night of waiting if it increases the chance that we will succeed Magnus? Swatting a spider is easiest if done on the first try. Regardless, if Cordelia wishes to do it now, then may the Castle of Hestil be vanquished."

He looks at the others making their preparations for the lake. "I do have a spell that will allow me to maneuver under the water, but it isn't exactly...subtle." He says with a sly smile.

Spells cast earlier in the day (marked on my google sheet, but posted here for reference
Greater False Life [roll0] Temporary HP
Quick Study (1 Arcane Reservoir Point) -Swap Greater False Life for Phantom Chariot after GSF is cast