View Full Version : Player Help Level 10 Dream Druid, should I multiclass next level?

2018-02-01, 12:58 PM
I was wondering if I should MC my Dream Druid character, Silas Gilroy, for my next level. The DM has confirmed that after the next dungeon boss, we'll get to Level 11. While I like the Druid a lot for their casting that comes from the land itself, and Wild Shape may not be my favorite flavor-wise but mechanically it's very useful scouting, I notice that my direct damage could be better outside of T-Rex Polymorphing myself. To this end, I was thinking of going Life Cleric for their healing abilities. My DM has ruled that while Balm of the Summer Court isn't technically a "spell", it is a clearly magical ability that benefits from the Life Cleric's Disciple of Life ability. The total healing was ruled to be 1d6 +3 +1 Temp. Hp for a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 9 per heal plus the small Temp. HP buffer. This is without even mentioning Healing Spirit or Goodberry. Of course, I also get Cleric spells. For Cantrips I was thinking Toll the Dead or Sacred Flame (more diverse at-will damage options), Mending (utility) and Resistance (Guidance but for saves? Why wouldn't you?). Prepared spells might include Guiding Bolt, Command, Detect Magic, Healing Word, and a final pick that's currently TBD.

I also was thinking of going Archfey Warlock either 1 or 2, possibly 3? Assuming my GM waives the Chr requirement then it would be a very flavorful pick and potentially useful. I actually might NOT take Eldritch Blast due to low Chr but instead I could take utility like Mage Hand or Minor Illusion. For L1 Spells, Faerie Fire on a short rest is good even if Sleep is meh at this level. I could go Charm Person and Unseen Servant for my other spells. For Invocations, Armor of Shadows is better than Studded Leather and Beast Speech is very flavorful and could become handy. Devilsight is also a classic and Greenlord's Gift was UA only but if allowed, would allow me to heal myself on short rests very efficiently, thus reducing the odds that I need to spend slots or BotSC dice pools to heal myself should hit dice not be enough. If I do end up going Warlock 3, I might take Chain and refluff/HB a familiar or Tome for obvious reasons.

My character's stats aren't that odd but the build has some peculiarities. Scores are: Str 12/Dex 16/ Con 15/ Int 14/Wis 20/Chr 10. My race is a homebrew anthropomorphic Borzoi that grants +2 Str and +1 Dex and I count as size Large. I also get advantage on Perception checks that rely on scent. He has a Decanter of Endless Water that he uses mostly for utility and drinking. The rest of the party consists of: Homebrew Chronomancer that can fulfil a variety of roles, Battlemaster Fighter with a magic maul, and a Lizardfolk Illusion Wizard. There's also another player that hasn't been showing up that plays as a Warlock and someone that was supposed to show up but never has that's a Rogue.

2018-02-01, 01:25 PM
Wizard to abuse the decanter of endless water.
Gate at the bottom of it then gate at dungeon
Kill everything

2018-02-01, 01:45 PM
Maybe that rogue has been showing up, he’s just really good at stealth :)

More seriously though, take a look at the Druid spell list from fifth level and up. Some of those spells are very, very strong, and that’s what you’ll be giving up by multiclassing, along with more Balm of the Summer Court Healing dice, and the free spells you get access to at level 14. What do you gain for giving this up?

Given your DM’s view, you’ll gain a healing bonus if you put a level in Life Cleric, but you healing as a Circle of Dreams Druid should already be very strong, so does it really need to be even better? True, you would get access to two very strong damaging cantrips, Sacred Flame and Toll the Dead, but you can get both of those plus a level 1 Cleric spell by taking the Magic Initiate feat instead of multiclassing and retain the benefits of progressing further as a Druid. Also, there’s no multiclass option you can get that will give you anything close to the damage output of a Druid spell like Sunbeam, the defensive strength of Antilife Shell, or the utility of Greater Restoration. I’d also say, overall, that as a Circle of Dreams Druid, you shouldn’t expect your single target to be a match for a fighter, barbarian or rogue. They’re designed to maximize single target damage output, and have little or no capability to do what your spells can do. So if you feel your damage output is currently a bit behind those classes, that’s totally normal and nothing to be concerned about.