View Full Version : Optimization Help for a new player

2018-02-01, 05:02 PM
So i've been invited to a DnD group
I've gotten the books, read them, got the dice and i am ready to play.
I don't have much experience with tabletop and DnD, besides the Baldur's Gate games (icewind dale, Planescape: torment and all that jazz)
We had our session 0, where we rolled stats and talked about the upcoming campaign/s

I rolled

Str: 6
Dex: 18
Con: 15
Int: 18
Wisdom: 16
Charisma: 14

Pretty solid rolls from my understanding. So i figured i would go for a wizard (don't care if it is not recommended to play wizard as a new player, and the lore aspect is ridiculous, i am sticking with it). I understand if i were to really min/max i should probably go for a Rock gnome, for the saving throws and the stats.
But since we as a group, are gonna play as a ragtag bunch of non-humanoid misfits. This could lead to some funny banter, and utilizing of stealth, magic and disguise kits etc.
So i went with goblin as my race, since i figured a 20 dex and 16 con, would probably go okay with a wizard, to net me the extra AC, initiative, HP and saving throws. And the race features don't seem all that bad. And goblins are just hilarious :smallbiggrin:

But i need help with figuring what skills i want, and how my background can supplement that. I was thinking of taking the "Far Traveler" background from "Sword Coast Adventurer Guide" since it would net me the skills Perception and Insight. And then picking Arcana and History as my class skills. Any suggestions and insight on this subject would be helpful.

Also since we are starting at level 1. I would like some help with choosing cantrips and spells. From what i understand i will start with 3 cantrips and 6 prepared 1st level spells, not totally sure.
So i figured i would go something like this.

Ray of Frost
Mage hand

Reasoning: I figured that Firebolt and Ray of Frost would at least give me some versatility in a damage aspect and not make me totally useless in case in ran into some immune or resistant enemies, and mage hand seemed like a solid utility cantrip.

But it is the 1st level spells i am really unsure about so far i have come as far as picking

1st level spells:

Mage armor
Find familiar

What i remember from Baldur's gate was that sleep was a pretty powerful spell at lower levels. But any input and suggestions on this subject, would be very much appreciated.

2018-02-01, 05:11 PM
Keep in mind, the Baldur's Gate games are fairly old, and based on 3.5 (I think. Please don't feed me to a bugbear if I'm wrong). The names of many abilities and spells are consistent across the different versions of D&D, but the actual power of the spells varies considerably.

Investigation is really nice skill for wizards.

For a 1st level wizard spell list, I'd add
* Magic Missile (automatic damage never gets old)
* Detect Magic (because you're the wizard and this is your job)
* Feather Fall (campaign dependent, but it will save you in a pinch)

2018-02-01, 05:36 PM
Keep in mind, the Baldur's Gate games are fairly old, and based on 3.5 (I think. Please don't feed me to a bugbear if I'm wrong)

Begone, heathen! The BG series was AD&D! IWD2 and NWN were 3.0 though.

Anyways, you might want a melee cantrip like Shocking grasp or Acid Splash just in case.
You will have 2 spells for the day so you'll want to make the most of them. Charm Person, Magic Missile, Feather Fall Fog Cloud, Sleep and Thunderwave are all good, as are any rituals you can grab since they don't use slots. After that Absorb Elements, mage Armor, Shield, etc are good once you start getting more slots.

2018-02-01, 05:40 PM
Keep in mind, the Baldur's Gate games are fairly old, and based on 3.5 (I think. Please don't feed me to a bugbear if I'm wrong). The names of many abilities and spells are consistent across the different versions of D&D, but the actual power of the spells varies considerably.

Investigation is really nice skill for wizards.

For a 1st level wizard spell list, I'd add
* Magic Missile (automatic damage never gets old)
* Detect Magic (because you're the wizard and this is your job)
* Feather Fall (campaign dependent, but it will save you in a pinch)

It was actually 2nd Edition AD&D. Get over to the bugbear. It's hungry.

Can't really disagree with the spell choices. Magic missile is solid at level 1 now, unlike older editions. The key to a wizard though is ritual spells. You have very limited spellcasting at low levels, and rituals can really extend your working day.

Edit: I'd consider asking the DM if you can use the bladesinger from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide at level 2. It's supposed to be restricted to elves, but that's fairly easy to ignore, and with your 20 Dex will give you a sky high AC and remove the need to use a spell on mage armour each day.

2018-02-01, 05:46 PM
For a 1st level wizard spell list, I'd add
* Magic Missile (automatic damage never gets old)
* Detect Magic (because you're the wizard and this is your job)
* Feather Fall (campaign dependent, but it will save you in a pinch)

Just a note regarding Tiadoppler's nice recommendation: You can cast Detect Magic as a ritual, it need not be prepared. So having it in your spell book is good, but preparing another spell is also fine when you find/get another spell.
From the PHB/SRD:

Ritual Casting
You can cast a wizard spell as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you have the spell in your spellbook. You don’t need to have the spell prepared.

Certain spells have a special tag: ritual. Such a spell can be cast following the normal rules for spellcasting, or the spell can be cast as a ritual. The ritual version of a spell takes 10 minutes longer to cast than normal. It also doesn’t expend a spell slot, which means the ritual version of a spell can’t be cast at a higher level.
To cast a spell as a ritual, a spellcaster must have a feature that grants the ability to do so. {You have that feature as a Wizard, see above}
This can allow you to save a spell slot for using another spell.

Sleep: in this edition, it is based on who has how many HP left, so it will work better when your enemies have lost some HP ... but be careful not to sleep your allies! It's a different spell from some earlier editions, so read up on the spell's effects again and see if you want to use it.
From SRD Page 180, also PHB

This spell sends creatures into a magical slumber. Roll 5d8; the total is how many hit points of creatures this spell can affect. Creatures within 20 feet of a point you choose within range are affected in ascending order of their current hit points (ignoring unconscious creatures). Starting with the creature that has the lowest current hit points, each creature affected by this spell falls unconscious until the spell ends, the sleeper takes damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap the sleeper awake. Subtract each creature’s hit points from the total before moving on to the creature with the next lowest hit points. A creature’s hit points must be equal to or less than the remaining total for that creature to be affected. Undead and creatures immune to being charmed aren’t affected by this spell. If your allies are low health are in the area where you cast it, a chance for "OOPS!" happening.

2018-02-01, 05:48 PM
Get over to the bugbear. It's hungry.
Sigh, okay. Bugbear goes *nom*

Keep in mind that even at level 1, Wizards have Arcane Recovery, so they can recover 1/2 their wizard level (rounded up!) in spell slots. So a wizard can get 3 spells (total) a day at level 1. If you intend to go into melee combat with your high Dexterity, I'd look at some of the SCAG melee cantrips.

2018-02-01, 06:35 PM
Edit: I'd consider asking the DM if you can use the bladesinger from Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide at level 2. It's supposed to be restricted to elves, but that's fairly easy to ignore, and with your 20 Dex will give you a sky high AC and remove the need to use a spell on mage armour each day.

Bladesinger definitely looks like a solid choice, though i had more envisioned myself going for a more battlefield control kinda role, since our front lines seems covered

2018-02-01, 07:42 PM
Begone, heathen! The BG series was AD&D! IWD2 and NWN were 3.0 though.

Anyways, you might want a melee cantrip like Shocking grasp or Acid Splash just in case.
You will have 2 spells for the day so you'll want to make the most of them. Charm Person, Magic Missile, Feather Fall Fog Cloud, Sleep and Thunderwave are all good, as are any rituals you can grab since they don't use slots. After that Absorb Elements, mage Armor, Shield, etc are good once you start getting more slots.

I'll second the shocking grasp recommendation. You do NOT want to be reliant on a melee weapon, especially once you reach 5th level and cantrip damage doubles. Also, sg stops reactions, so you can retreat safely from enemies that managed to close with you.

2018-02-01, 08:07 PM
Goblin is actually a fantastic choice here; 18 Int is still an enormous amount, and the bonus action Disengage is an amazing defensive bonus. Bumping your Con to an even value is just icing on the cake.

Background is a bit of an open question, since it depends somewhat on what sort of character you're interested in. I might suggest something like Urchin to pick up some good Dex-based skills, but it's really up to you. You should definitely try for Stealth, at the very least-- you've got that bonus action Hide bit from your race, after all.

I would actually not look at attack cantrips, particularly. A light crossbow will be a superior damage option until level 11 or so-- compare 1d10 (Firebolt) to 1d8+5 (light crossbow). You'll fight very few things that are resistant to getting shot in the face, at least at low levels.

With spells, one good thing to look for are rituals. You'll have a pretty limited set of spells/day at first, but you can ritual cast all day long. Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Unseen Servant are all great, useful choices. Otherwise... Sleep is quite good at low levels still; Ice Knife is a pretty excellent blasting spell for the level; Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Grease make nice debuffy options; Charm Person, Disguise Self, and Silent Image have utility potential.

2018-02-01, 08:25 PM
Goblin is actually a fantastic choice here; 18 Int is still an enormous amount, and the bonus action Disengage is an amazing defensive bonus.
Nice, with that no need for shocking grasp.

2018-02-01, 10:15 PM
Goblin is actually a fantastic choice here; 18 Int is still an enormous amount, and the bonus action Disengage is an amazing defensive bonus. Bumping your Con to an even value is just icing on the cake.

Background is a bit of an open question, since it depends somewhat on what sort of character you're interested in. I might suggest something like Urchin to pick up some good Dex-based skills, but it's really up to you. You should definitely try for Stealth, at the very least-- you've got that bonus action Hide bit from your race, after all.

I would actually not look at attack cantrips, particularly. A light crossbow will be a superior damage option until level 11 or so-- compare 1d10 (Firebolt) to 1d8+5 (light crossbow). You'll fight very few things that are resistant to getting shot in the face, at least at low levels.

With spells, one good thing to look for are rituals. You'll have a pretty limited set of spells/day at first, but you can ritual cast all day long. Comprehend Languages, Detect Magic, and Unseen Servant are all great, useful choices. Otherwise... Sleep is quite good at low levels still; Ice Knife is a pretty excellent blasting spell for the level; Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Grease make nice debuffy options; Charm Person, Disguise Self, and Silent Image have utility potential.

Yeah the ability to disengage as a bonus action was actually kinda what sold me on Goblin, considering the wizards brittle health pool.
Stealth would be great, but from my understanding Perception is just used for so much that it seems hard to pass up.
Great point on the crossbow.
I also love the idea of Disguise Self, not sure if i could disguise myself as a halfling, dwarf or gnome, but if possible the utility would be amazing, since i could imagine most humanoids won't be very friendly dispositioned towards goblinoids.

2018-02-02, 07:32 AM
Stealth would be great, but from my understanding Perception is just used for so much that it seems hard to pass up.
Perception is... eh. It comes up pretty often, and someone in the party should be good at it, but it doesn't always have to be you. Besides, you've got a great Wisdom score and you'll have a familiar floating around, many of which get Advantage on Perception checks-- you'll be fine without.

2018-02-02, 07:46 AM
I’m actually in the camp that Magic Missile is not a great spell.
You have so few spell slots, and you have plenty of allies that can do damage. You are probably better off focusing on doing the things they cannot.

Tasha’s laughter is great as it not only deprives an enemy of their action, but it also leaves them vulnerable to follow up attacks by your allies.

Sleep is really handy at 1st level and can be swapped out later.

Ritual casting as mentioned earlier is a big deal. It will really help you feel like you are not bound by the limited spell slots.

Detect magic and identify are great aids in exploration. Comprehend Languages can come up a lot. Unseen Servant is like a better Mage Hand.

In fact, if you take Unseen Servant, consider trading Mage Hand for Minor Illusion, as it is a very versatile spell.

2018-02-02, 09:29 AM
For cantrips, Booming Blade is a great fit with 20 Dex and a bonus action disengage. I would also look at mold earth, with creative use it can make traps, fortifications, or cover your retreat in a hurry.

Your stats will let you get away with quite a bit feat wise. You really don't need to bump anything, but int 20 is obviously a great pickup. I would almost be tempted to take my first level in a class with con saves before hitting Wizard. One level of fighter would get you AC 20 (stud leather, shield, and defensive fighting style), a lot more durability with self healing, and access to any ranged or finesse weapon.