View Full Version : How Would You Build: Red from Transistor

2018-02-02, 03:47 AM
Thinking about Transistor, one of my favorite games (would totally buy it again for my PC), and I was wondering: how would you build the protagonist, Red? Standard point buy, feats/multiclassing/UA/AL material allowed, with the goal being to recreate the character's style of combat more than create something optimal - that is, high speed/lots of teleporting, wielding a greatsword, somewhere between no and medium armor, and access to some other interesting abilities (https://transistor.gamepedia.com/Functions) (more abilities = more points :smallsmile:). There are so many ways to approximate this, I'm sure, but I want to see what kinds of approaches y'all take.

2018-02-02, 03:54 AM
Generic Bladelock

I love Transistor too, and I listen to the songs by Ashley Barrett all the time...
(I especially love We All Become)

but Red in DnD is arguably best represented as just a Generic HexBladelock

2018-02-02, 05:44 AM
Yeah, either Bladelock or Bladesinger/Eldritch Knight maybe.

2018-02-02, 10:28 AM
Could you go with aome kind of cool Bard/Horizon Walker mix?

Hexblade/Bard is another....
You definitely need her weapon to have that personality:)

Be sure to partake heavily in eating pizza, humming, and running through groups of pigeons.

2018-02-02, 02:30 PM
Oath of Ancients Paladin could have a place in there too, considering it gets Misty Step as one of its spells.

2018-02-02, 03:19 PM
From an optimization standpoint not many greatsword builds are going to be super happy in medium armor. There's definently some MADness inherent.
Hexblade+bladelock is a pretty obvious build. You can get non-spellslot teleportation from Relentless Hex too!
You could also do any other bladelock if you support it with fighter/paladin/ranger levels.

A strength-based Horizon Walker with a great sword might be a good pick for the ease of teleportation.

The time-slowing power could be represented with Action Surge?

2018-02-02, 03:26 PM
Eldritch Invocations are also a great match for the Functions in that they are a modular set of passive/active abilities. You could even fluff them the same as the game and have them be the absorbed soul/essence/data of other people.